U Zaw Lin Aung (Chemistry) Grade 10 Time Allowed: 1:30hours

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U Zaw Lin Aung (Chemistry)

Grade 10 Time allowed: 1:30hours

1. Write TRUE or FALSE for the following statements.

(a) There are two categories that classified chemistry on the time line.
(b) Organic chemistry is an area of study on hydrocarbons and their derivatives.
(c) In 1803, Amedeo Avogadro postulated Atomic Theory.
(d) Burning gasoline gives energy to propel automobiles.
(e) Matter is made up of tiny particles .
2. Fill in the blanks with the suitable word or words.
(a) Chemical ............. occur when you breathe, eat, sit or read .
(b) A synthetic polymer,............. is used for clothing.
(c) Modern chemistry starts from the middle of ............. century to the present time.
(d) Chemicals provide us with............. and improve our leisure time.
(e) Chemistry is considered as an ............. science.
3. Select the correct word or words given in the brackets.
(a) Chemistry is a study of (mass, matter, volume)and their changes.
(b) Fermenting wine is (physical, chemical, no) change.
(c) The air you breathe is a mixture (hydrogen, oxygen, carbon) nitrogen etc.
(d) A study of matter and processes of living organisms is known as (physical, analytical, bio)
(e) An area of study on matter not deal with hydrocarbon is (organic, inorganic, bio) chemistry.
4. Match each of the items given in List A with the appropiate item given in List B.
List A List B
(a) Paper (i) must an occupies space
(b) Biochemistry (ii) explained the law of conservation of matter
(c) Matter (iii) cellulose
(d) Antoine Lavoisier (iv) discovered the gas, oxygen
(e) Joseph Priestley (v) metabolism
(e) An area of study on matter not deal with hydrocarbon is (organic, inorganic, bio) chemistry.
5. Classify the following changes into physical change and chemical change.
(a) Freezing of water to ice (b) Green mangoes ripening
(c) Sugar being dissolved in water (d) Cooking of rice from rice grains
6. Is squeezing juice from lime a physical change or chemical change?
Give reason for your answer.
7. In what ways does chemistry effect your life?
8. How does the study of chemistry relate to other areas of study in science?
9. Describe the general properties of metals and non-metals.

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