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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in

Technology and Livelihood Education

(Food and Beverage Services)

At the end of the lesson, Grade 12 students are expected to:
Fold properly and laid cloth napkins on the table appropriately according to napkins folding


B. References:
1. MELCS with Curriculum Guide Codes TVL_HEFBS9-12AS-Ie-f-3
2. K-12 Food and Beverage Services Book in Grade 12 page 69-75.
3. http://academia.educ.

C. Materials: Table Napkin, Power point Presentation, Laptop, TV Flat Screen, Pictures, and Visual

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
The teacher together with the students will start the class with a prayer.
2. Greetings
The teacher will greet her students.
3. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will check the attendance who are absent and present in the class.
4. Review:
The class will be divided into three groups, each group will do varied activities. Each
group will given three (3) minutes to do the activity.

Group 1. Answer the following question given;

1. What is table setting?
2. Differentiate what is formal table setting, casual table setting and buffet table
3. What is the purpose of table setting?

Group 2. The group will be given different pictures of types of table setting and they will
have to classify it according to where it belongs or what type of table setting.

Group 3. Explain the importance of table setting.

5. Motivation:
 Class have you attended a special occasion such as birthday party and wedding
party? Have you ever been into a fancy restaurant? Have you experienced dating
someone in a fine dining café?
 What have you observed in a table set-up?
 They’re going to do a puzzle solving of different styles of table napkin folding.

 Showing different styles of napkin folding and followed by asking question:

1. Do you have any idea what is our topic for today?
2. Where do you usually seen table napkin folding?
3. Who among you here already know how to make napkin folding?

B. Presentation of the Lesson:


The class will be group into five (5). They’re going to pick up one (1) envelope that
contains the task for the group with instructions, rubrics and materials. Each group will choose one or two
representative/s to present the output. They will be rated according to the specific rubric given. They’re
given only five minutes to do it. Performance is guided with the following criteria.

In group 1, Make one basic napkin folding design using paper. Each fold of the paper you will write the

Standing Fan Napkin Folding


Neatness 10 points

Delivery of the ideas 15 points

Content 15 points

Cooperation 15 points

Total 50 points

In group 2, you will make a collaborative explanation about the Table Napkin Folding and its uses. Make
a comprehensive explanation about the importance of Table Napkin Folding in Food and Beverage

Explanation/Content 10 points

Collaboration 20 points

Delivery 10 points

Grammar 10 points

Total 50 points

In group 3, you will demonstrate one of the napkin folding with step by step procedures using table linen.

Pyramid Napkin Folding Design.


Content 10 points

Creativity 20 points

Delivery 10 points

orderliness 10 points

Total 50 points

In group 4, you will solve a puzzle solving which shows graphic organizer and you have to fill or
supplement what are the five (5) different styles of napkin folding we discussed. Explain the uses of a
proper table etiquettee of a table napkin.


Explanation/Content 15 points

Delivery of ideas 10 points

Cooperation 10 points

Grammar 15 points

Total 50 points

In group 5, you will explain where the table napkin we usually placed during the set up on the table and
how will you put and place table napkin when leave the table temporarily and when return to the table?
And also where do we place the table napkin when we are finish the meal?

Explanation/Content 10 points

Delivery of ideas 20 points

Cooperation 10 points

Grammar 10 points

Total 50 points

Guided Questions:

1.1. How can those five different styles of napkin folding help to enhance table
setting arrangement?
1.2. Why is table napkin folding important? Why there is a need to learn different
styles of napkin folding?

Guided Questions:

2.1. What is table napkin folding?

2.2. Showing a graphic organizer to fill or supplement what are the five (5) different
styles of napkin folding that we discussed.
2.3. What are the five different style of table napkin folding that we had
2.4. Can you distinguish now the proper utilization of each style of napkin folding?

3.1. The teacher will group the class into five. Every group will form a line and
every member will go alternately in front to perform styles of napkin folding as fast as
they can and the one who finish first accurately within two (2) minutes will get a highest
score. Performance is guided with the following criteria:


Demonstrated 100% of the procedures in napkin folding. (5/5) 50

Demonstrated 80% of the procedures in napkin folding. (4/5) 45

Demonstrated 60% of the procedures in napkin folding. (3/5) 40

Demonstrated 40% of the procedures in napkin folding. (2/5) 35

Demonstrated 20% of the procedures in napkin folding. (1/5) 30

The teacher call the student individually in front to fold the five different styles of napkin
folding within given range of time of three (3) minutes and present. They will be evaluated
according to the criteria:
1-Needs Improvement 3-Good 5-Best
2-Fairly Good 4-Very Good

5 4 3 2 1 Score

Number of Napkin Folds

Speed and Accuracy


Total Score

Search or surf the internet of atleast one another different styles of napkin folding that we haven’t
discussed yet in the class. You will make a video demonstrating one of other different styles of
Napkin Folding. You will be demonstrating it step by step. You will be sending it to my gmail
File name: Specific Name of Table Napkin Folding:
Time duration of the video: 2-3 minutes only. Deadline: Should pass before our next meeting.

Prepared by:
TVL-FBS Teacher

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