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Name: Isnihaya B.

Gato Section: 121CR1

After observing the brief disscussion one of my classmate topic about “Cavite Uprising
& Execution of Gomburza”, I enlisted how exceedingly brutal the spanish colonists are
for their treatment towards filipinos. The story of Gomburza was one of the numerous
episodes which had propelled Rizal to stand up for our nation, in which without whom
we may not have achieved freedom and hence recognize. The GOMBURZA are a trio
of priests known as Mariano Gomez, Jacinto Zamora, and José Burgos who were
considered presently as saints to the cause of philippine independence. These priests
were executed on 17th of February 1872 at Bagumbayan, the same put where Rizal got
executed a long time after. The specific reason for Studying history is important since it
allows us to get it our past, which in turn allows us to get it our show. In case we need to
know how and why our world is the way it is nowadays, we got to see to history for
answers. This reflection paper will talk about around the two major events happened in
1872. To begin with was the 1872 Cavite Revolt, and the other was the suffering of the
three saint priest within the people of Fathers Mariano Gomes, Jose Burgos and Jacinto
Zamora (GOMBURZA). Be that as it may, not everybody knew that there were different
accounts in reference to the said occasion. All Filipinos must know the diverse sides of
the story since this occasion driven to another tragic yet meaningful part of our history
,the execution of GOMBURZA which in impact a major factor within the awakening of
patriotism among the Filipinos. The status of Governor Common Carlos Maria de la
Torre was replaced by Senator Common Rafael de Izquierdo with the immediately
denied generous steps of Torre and his solid run the show was implemented. And he is
also the secondary source that Philippines has within the Spanish Revolution with a
history for the Cavite Revolt against. Izquierdo, be that as it may, was contradicted
within the Philippines to any proposal of reformist or nationalistic movements. In any
case of his remain in office for less that two a long time, his violent treatment to Filipinos
and death suspections of grieving of the three saint priests with known as GOMBURZA
to be specific Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos and Jacinto Zamora will not be
forgotten.Nevertheless, as a common rebellion against their community, some people
on the Cavite have a few fear of their modern governor and also the issue of charge and
forced labor exception. Some way or another, Sgt. Fernando La Madrid was heading
the rebels the fortification was captured and the Spanish officers were killed. the
spanish government in Manila at that point sent a regiment under General Felipe
Ginoves to take the post. The attacked swarm was defeated and, including Sgt. La
Madrid, a few mutineers were murdered. Afterward on, others were sentenced to death
or difficult work. Governor Izquierdo at that point used the Uprising issue to blame the
Gomburza for the at first effective case within the fortification and the death of the
Spanish officers. On unstable and trumped-up charges, influential Filipinos, such as
priests, professionals, and businessmen, have been captured and sentenced to jail,
death, or exile.
In conclusion, within the primary sources where the most reason caused trouble for the
Cavite mutiny is within the Spain or Spanish government and the secondary sources
are assumed to have the Governor General Izquierdo raised him guilty for the purpose
of his control against the mutiny and fault on the three Martyrs.

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