Unit 2 Personal Experience A Reading Vocabulary T M I Phiên Âm Nghĩa

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Từ mới Phiên âm Nghĩa
1. dollar note (n) ['dɔlə nout] tiền giấy đô-la
2. embarrass (adj) [im'bærəs] ngượng ngùng
embarrassment (n) sự ngượng ngùng
3. experience (n) [iks'piəriəns] trải nghiệm
4. floppy (adj) ['flɔpi] mềm
5. extremely (adv) cực kỳ
6. glance at (v) [glɑ:ns] liếc nhìn
7. imagine (v) [ɪˈmadʒɪn] tưởng tượng
8. imagination (n) [ɪˌmadʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] sự tưởng tượng
9. sneaky (adj) [ˈsniːki] lén lút
10. wad (n) [wa:d] xấp tiền
11. thief (n) [θiːf] tên trộm
12. make a fuss (v) [fʌs] làm ầm ĩ
13. imitate = copy (v) ['imiteit] bắt chước
14. turn away (v) [tə:n ə'wei] quay đi
15. complain (v) [kəmˈpleɪn] than phiền
16. complaint (n) [kəmˈpleɪnt] lời than phiền
17. affect (v) [ə'fekt] ảnh hưởng
18. appreciate (v) [ə'pri:∫ieit] trân trọng
19. attitude (n) ['ætitju:d] thái độ
My most embarrassing experience happened a few years ago, when I was a grade 9 student.
In those days, my biggest dream was a red hat - a floppy cotton hat like the one my pop star
idol wore in her video clip. I thought I would look great in it.
My father knew this, so on my birthday, he gave me some money so that I could buy the hat
for myself. I was extremely excited and decided to go to the shop at once. I got on the bus
and sat down next to a schoolboy about my age. The boy glanced at me and turned away.
There was a sneaky look on his face, but I didn't think much about it. I was busy imagining
how I would look in the hat. After a while, I turned round and noticed that the boy’s
schoolbag was open. Inside it, I saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones my father had
given me. I quickly looked into my own bag - the notes had gone! I was sure that the boy was
a thief. He had stolen my money. I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I decided just to take my
money back from the schoolboy’s bag, without saying a word about it. So I carefully put my
hand into the boy’s bag, took the notes and put them in my own bag.
Steal => stole => stolen
With the money, I bought the pretty hat of my dreams. When I got home, I showed it to my
“How did you pay for it?” he asked.
“With the money, you gave me for my birthday, of course. Dad,” I replied.
“Oh? What's that then?” he asked, as he pointed to a wad of dollar notes on the table.
Can you imagine how I felt then?
Task 1. The words/ phrases in the box all appear in the passage. Use them to fill in the
blanks in the
making a fuss               sneaky             glanced     
embarrassing               idols

1. The girl was so shy that she didn't look at him in the face. She just ______at him and
looked away.
2. She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is
always ______.
3. She was in a very______situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.
4. Teenagers nowadays often have their own______who they really love and imitate in
different ways.
5. I don't like the look of that man. There is something______about him.
Task 2. Answer the questions.
1. What did she wish to have when she was in grade 9?
2. Why did her father give her some money on her birthday?
3. What did she see in the boy’s bag?
4. Why did she decide to take the money from the boy’s bag without saying anything about
5. What did she do with the money?
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently to the others.
1. A. grade B. great C. sneaky D. imitate
2. A. floppy B. note C. notice D. own
3. A. imagine B. teenager C. embarrass D. understand
4. A. looked B. noticed C. turned D. helped
Choose the one word or phrase -A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentences
1. She glanced briefly ________ his lapel badge.
A. in B. on C. at D. up
2. ________ my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
A. To B. In C. With D. From
3. I don't like that man. There is a sneaky look on his face.
A. furious B. humorous C. dishonest D. guilty
4. She made a big ________ about not having a window seat on the plane.
A. complaint B. fuss C. excitement D. interest
5. Teenagers often have their ________ who they admire very much.
A. ideals B. admirers C. images. D. idols
6. I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet.
A. close look B. quick look C. direct look D. furtive look
7. The girl was so ________ that she didn't look at him in the face.
A. shy B. confident C. impatient D. sneaky
8. There is a growing tendency among singers to _____ some famous singers.
A. imitate B. follow C. reflect D. pursue
9. I felt my face burning with ________.
A. confidence B. enthusiasm C. pleasure D. embarrassment
10. She _______ noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is
always making a fuss.
A. complaints B. complains C. imitates D. fails
1. affect (v) [ə'fekt] ảnh hưởng
2. appreciate (v) [ə'pri:∫ieit] trân trọng
3. attitude (n) ['ætitju:d] thái độ
Task 1. Work in pairs. Match the things you might have done or experienced in box A
with how the experience might have affected you in box B.


 1. speaking English to a native English  a. makes you love your country more.
 b. teaches you a lesson and makes you study harder.
 2. being seriously ill
 c. makes you appreciate your health more.
 3. travelling to other parts of the country
 d. makes you more interested in learning English.
 4. failing an exam
 e. changes your attitude to pop stars.
 5. talking to a famous pop star
Quiz 2
I Choose the word that has the different stress pattern from the others
1. A. experience B. extremely C. excited D. schoolboy
2. A. teenager B. difference C. situation D. attitude
3. A. affect B. complain C. appreciate D. native
4. A. imagine B. serious C. remind D. constant
II Supply the correct form of the verb in brackets
5. I was ________ excited and decided to go to the shop. (EXTREME)
6. She smiled to hide her slight ________ . (EMBARRASS)
7. My most ________ experience happened a few years ago. (EMBARRASS)
8. I have a ________ suspicion that she knows more than she's telling us. (SNEAK)
9. I haven't got this hat so I'll just have to use my ________. (IMAGINE)
10. Being seriously ill makes you ________ your healthy more. (APPRICIATION)

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