University of Somalia Academic Year 2020-2021: Assignment

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Academic Year 2020-2021

Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Department of Civil Engineering
Transportation Engineering

1. A particular TAZ contains 400 houses, with an average 6 persons and 3 autos for each
household, determine the average number of trips per day in that zone Using Multiple
2. A person travels to work in the morning and returns home in the evening. How many
productions and attractions are generated in the work and residence zones?
3. A travel survey produced the data shown in Table below shows 1338 households were
interviewed. The table shows the number of trips produced per day for each of the
households. Determine the number of trips per day generated in this zone for each trip
purpose using Cross-Classification Analysis?

a. Number of trips per household size by auto-ownership obtained from regional study.

Household Auto ownership

(HH) size 0 1 2+
# of HH's # of # of # of # of # of
Trips HH's Trips HH's Trips
1 person 960 2115 2230 5976 63 180
2 person 600 1888 3166 8875 4835 16158
3 + person 350 900 2384 7646 6583 30235

b. Forecasted number of households in study zone by Auto-ownership and size

Household (HH) size Auto ownership

0 1 2+
1 person 34 143 6

2 person 40 190 260

3 + person 80 96 489

4. A small town has been divided into three traffic zones. An origin-destination survey was
conducted earlier this year and yielded the number of trips between each zone as shown
in the table below. Travel times between zones were also determined. Provide a trip
distribution calculation using the gravity model for two iterations. AssumeKij_1.
a. The following table shows the number of productions and attractions in each

5. For the travel pattern in Figure 12.18, develop the Fratar method of trip distribution for
two iterations using the average growth factor method.


Determine the number of transit trips per day in a zone which has 20000 people living on 100
acres. The auto ownership is 60% of zero autos per household and 40% of one auto per
7. To illustrate the application of the QRS method, assume that the data shown in Table
8. Travel Data between two zones K and F
9. 10. Auto 11. Transit
12. Distance 13. 12 mi 14. 10 mi
15. Cost per mile 16. $0.2 17. $0.15
18. Excess time 19. 6 min 20. 10 min
21. Parking Cost 22. $ 2 (or 1/trip) 23. -
24. Speed 25. 35 mi/h 26. 18 mi/h

9. It has been observed that interstate truck traffic has been growing at an average rate of
4% annually for the past 20 years. Currently, truck ADT volumes are 12000 veh/day. a.
Provide an estimate of truck traffic 4 years hence if the past 20 years of growth is
expected to continue.
10. Determine your average walking speed. Compare your results with that of the suggested
walking speed in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Is there a difference?
Which value is more conservative and why?
11. Calculate the perception-reaction distance for a driver with a perception-reaction time of
2.5 who has a 65 mph speed.
12. Determine the horsepower developed by a passenger car traveling at a speed of 60 mph
on an upgrade of 4% with a smooth pavement. The weight of the car is 4500 lb and the
cross-sectional area of the car is 45 ft2.
13. Repeat Problem 6 for a 24,000-lb truck with a cross-sectional area of 100 ft 2 and
coefficient of drag of 0.5 traveling at 50 mi/h.
14. The design speed of a multilane highway is 70 mi/h. What is the minimum stopping sight
distance that should be provided on the road if (a) the road is level and (b) the road has a
maximum grade of 3.5%?, Assume the perception-reaction time = 2.5 sec.
15. What is the distance required to stop an average passenger car when brakes are applied
on a 2% downgrade if that vehicle was originally traveling at 40 mi/h?
16. A driver on a level two-lane highway observes a truck completely blocking the highway.
The driver was able to stop her vehicle only 20 ft from the truck. If the driver was driving
at 40 mi/h, how far was she from the truck when she first observed it?
17. Define the following terms and cite examples of how they are used.
a. Average annual daily traffic (AADT)
b. Average daily traffic (ADT)
c. Vehicle-miles of travel (VMT)
d. Peak hour volume (PHV).

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