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Life Application

Palado, Chari Mari C.

The proportional representation of each nation's cultural
growth is its development. Common features are the
similarities and contrasts between two or more cultures
when comparing them. As a result, each culture has its
own similarities and differences when it comes to
intercultural relationships.
Participants in Brazil

▪ Participants were 189 mostly postgraduate

students from João Pessoa, a coastal city from
north-east in Brazil. Participants were not
compensated. The average socioeconomic status
(SES; Sharma et al., 2012) of 18.50 indicates that
the average participant was part of the Brazilian
upper-middle class (see Table 3 for details).
▪ Participants were 214 undergraduate and
graduate students from Dharwad, south-
west India. Participants were not
compensated. The mean SES was 20.78,
Participants in indicating that the average participant
India was part of the Indian upper-middle class
(see Table 3 for details).
▪ Participants in the United Kingdom
▪ Of the 227 participants in the United Kingdom, 122 were
psychology undergraduate students, and 105 were other
members of Cardiff University (students or staff). The
Participants students received course credits in exchange for their
in the United participation, and other university members could add
Kingdom their name to a raffle of three cash prizes of $30, $20, and
$10. The participants’ SES was similar to the SES of
participants in the two other countries (Table 1).

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