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Tutorial Problems/Questions - Week 02

The solutions will be presented during tutorial sections.
Discussion about Bonus Problems will only occur if time per-

Problem 1
(1a) Write the mathematical formula of any function that has a graph
made of a straight line.
(1b) Sketch the corresponding graph.

Problem 2
(2a) Find two real numbers such that their sum is 50 and their di¤erence
is 51.
(2b) Find two real numbers such that their sum is 50 and their di¤erence
is 100.

Problem 3
Provide an example of formula linking two variables x and y that does
not represent any function.

Problem 4
(4a) What is the de…nition of a function?
(4b) Provide an example of a formula that does not represent any function
f : R ! R.

Problem 5
Find the largest subsets of real numbers x such that:
(5a) jxj < 7
(5b) jxj > 8
(5c) jx 3j < 2
(5d) jx + 2j < 7

Bonus Problems (only if time permits)

Problem 6
True or False? Hint: Sketch Venn Diagrams for the left-hand side and
compare it to the Venn Diagram of the right-hand side.
(6a) For every sets A and B:

(A [ B)C = AC \ B C

(6b) For every sets A and B:

(A \ B)C = AC [ B C

Problem 7
Find all the real numbers x such that the following quantities will also be
real numbers:
(7a) 1=x
(7b) 7= x 6
(7c) x + 16
(7d) (x 6)(x + 1)
(7e) x + 6=x

Problem 8
True or False?
(8a) For every sets A and B:
(A \ B)C = AC [ B C
(8b) For every sets A, B and D:
(A \ B \ D)C = AC [ B C [ DC
(8c) For every sets A and B:
A B = A \ BC
(8d) For every sets A and B:
AC B = (A [ B C )C

Problem 9
Consider the functions f : R ! R, g : R ! R and h : R ! R de…ned at
every x 2 R by the formulas:
f (x) = jxj
g(x) = f (x)
h(x) = f (x) g(x)
(9a) Can you plot these functions (sketch their graph)?
(9b) Compute the values of f (7), (g(8))2 , and jf (5) + 3h( 7)j.

Problem 10
Find the largest subsets of real numbers x such that:
(10a) j3 xj < 7
(10b) j2x + 7j < 22
(10c) 1 + j3x 7j =2 < 12
(10d) 3 j2x + 7j < 66

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