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She is the Angel of the Everlasting Void, the Oublivae Level 30 Solo Controller
Demon Monarch of the Barrens, and the Queen of Huge elemental humanoid (demon) XP 95,000
HP 1,096; Bloodied 548 Initiative +26
Desolation. Oublivae stalks the empty wastelands,
AC 44, Fortitude 40, Reflex 45, Will 45 Perception +30
lurks within abandoned shrines and toppled ruins, Speed 8, climb 8 (spider climb), swim 8 Darkvision
and haunts the trackless seas and the starry void Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
between planes and worlds. Traits
O Perish Alone F Aura 10
Lore Any creature that starts its turn within the aura and is not adja-
cent to an ally takes 10 damage. This damage increases to 15 if
History DC 33: It is said that the monster Oubli- Oublivae is bloodied.
vae crawled up to the Barrens in an unknown age, Demonic Rampage
making her way into the wasteland from the bot- While Oublivae is bloodied, she uses claw of dread against each
tomless ruins of that blasted realm. Her head is that enemy adjacent to her at the start of her turn. This attack deals
maximum damage against targets that are stunned or helpless.
of a resplendent fey queen, mounted atop a lustrous
Standard Actions
insectoid exoskeleton. When the demon lord Ugoreth m Claw of Dread (fear) F At-Will
espied her, he surrounded the creature with his ser- Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +35 vs. AC. This attack scores a
vants and demanded servitude. In response, Oublivae critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
told Ugoreth that she was a herald come from the Hit: 4d8 + 12 damage, and Oublivae slides the target 1 square.
heart of the Abyss with a message only for him. If Oublivae scores a critical hit, the target is also stunned until
Blinded by his own vanity, the demon lord granted the end of its next turn. T
M Dreadful Rake F At-Will
her private audience. As soon as they were alone,
Effect: Oublivae uses claw of dread twice, making each attack
Oublivae attacked the hapless Ugoreth, consuming against a different target.
his soul and hurling his body into the bottomless C Abandon All Hope (fear, psychic) F Recharge when first
ruin from which she had risen. She laid waste to his bloodied
demesne, made a throne of his castle, and became Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in burst); +33 vs. Will
undisputed Queen of the Barrens. Hit: 5d10 + 10 psychic damage, and the target is stunned (save

Encounters First Failed Saving Throw: The target is helpless (save ends).
This effect also ends if the target takes damage from an
Whatever the truth of her origins, Oublivae’s eternal enemy attack.
work is to divide what is united, isolate those divided Minor Actions
R Isolation F Recharge 4 5 6
pieces, and leave only barren, lifeless desolation in
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +33 vs. Will
her destructive wake. She allies with select demon Hit: Oublivae slides the target 4 squares. In addition, the target
lords to limit the expansion of others’ realms, helping cannot be targeted by any ally’s power and cannot target an
to perpetuate the endless cycle of violence and chaos ally with its powers (save ends).
that drives the Abyss. Triggered Actions
Oublivae’s followers in the Abyss live by her exam- M Tail Spike F At-Will
ple of hopelessness, stalking desolate areas, driving Requirement: Oublivae must not have a creature restrained.
Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to Oublivae.
lost travelers to madness or cannibalism, then con-
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 3 (triggering enemy);
suming them. Demons and undead not sworn to the +35 vs. AC
service of Orcus attend the Demon Monarch of the Hit: 4d10 + 16 damage, and the target is restrained (save ends).
Barrens, dedicating themselves to the ruin that is her Oublivae can release a creature she has restrained as a free
legacy. action.
Variable Resistance F 3/Encounter
Trigger: Oublivae takes acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder
Effect (Free Action): Oublivae gains resist 20 to the triggering
damage type until the end of the encounter or until she uses
variable resistance again.
Skills Acrobatics +31, Athletics +31, History +29, Insight +30,
Nature +30, Stealth +31
Str 32 (+26) Dex 32 (+26) Wis 30 (+25)
Con 26 (+23) Int 29 (+24) Cha 31 (+25)
Alignment chaotic evil Languages Abyssal, Common,
telepathy 20

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Oublivae in Combat In the cities, the most desolate slums and demol-

ished quarters are Oublivae’s haunts. In such places,
It is said that Oublivae has the mind of an ageless anarchists, barbarians, and city corruptor demons
archfey and the heart of a rabid beast. When the (page 108) plot to topple the towers and walls of civi-
demon is provoked, her royal demeanor vanishes lization, making new barrens of glorious cityscapes.
quicker than thought, and she attacks on all fours like
an animal. Driving her foes apart and imposing isola-
tion, she hunts them down one by one. Oublivae out of Combat
The Queen of Desolation reveals the future to If Oublivae has a weakness, it is her fascination for
would-be heroes, allowing them to experience the history. Her knowledge is rivaled only by that of
ruin of their civilization and all they hold dear while Iggwilv, Vecna, and Graz’zt, although her own inter-
she savors their abandoned hopes. She particularly ests extend only to accounts of downfall and ruin.
relishes the grief of those enemies who die alone. Nonetheless, heroes brave enough to treat with the
Oublivae likewise delights in the horror of creatures Queen of Desolation can discover long-forgotten
forced to watch their allies slain and consumed, their secrets by asking the right questions.
blood lapped up by her long, ghoulish tongue.

Oublivae Secrets
Ancient legends tell of a legendary astral domain
called the Coruscating Utopia—a glittering realm
where the ultimate potential of every city in
the cosmos was reflected in perfection. Its
ruler was named the Lord of the Diamond
Crown, and he proclaimed it the pinnacle
of the universe’s grandest dream. The
legend states that an angel appeared from
a void in the Astral Sea, warning the lord
of the evils of his vanity.
When the lord asked whose authority
she spoke with, the angel drew forth her
sword and slew him where he stood. His
vast shimmering realm collapsed and fell into
the lightless void from whence the angel had
come. It became the Barrens, the distorted
realm of the 100th layer of the Abyss, where
every city past and future lies ruined among
its desolate wilds and vast oceans.
Iggwilv suspects that the despoiler
of the Coruscating Utopia and Oubli-
vae might both be personifications of
the seed of absolute evil that lies at the
heart of the Abyss—its incalculable chaos
manifesting as a semblance of life and

Oublivae’s Cult
In the world, Oublivae’s subjects are
the peoples of the barren places—savage
humanoids, pirates and outlaws, headhunt-
ers and cannibals. They paint and tattoo
their skin in imitation of the graven spirals
on the demon queen’s body. For her glory, they
consume the blood and flesh of other humanoids
to gain strength and power.
r alph beisner

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