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Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

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Green production of bioactive components from herbal origins

through one-pot oxidation/polymerization reactions and application as
a corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in HCl solution
Motahhare Keramatinia, Bahram Ramezanzadeh∗, Mohammad Mahdavian
Department of Surface Coatings and Corrosion, Institute for Color Science and Technology, P.O. Box 16765-654, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Biopolymers such as polydopamine and polyserotonin are effective corrosion inhibitors for the acidic-
Received 20 June 2019 induced corrosion of steel. Despite the excellent corrosion inhibition activity of these compounds,
Revised 25 September 2019
they are not cost-effective and readily available in a large scale. In this study, for the first time, a
Accepted 9 October 2019
cheap and easy methodology was followed for obtaining the modified Nettle extract including the oxi-
Available online 24 October 2019
dized/dimerized bio-active products such as serotonin and histamine. The Nettle extract (NTE) and oxi-
Keywords: dized Nettle extract components (ONTE) were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Bio-active products (FT-IR), scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV-visible spectroscopy, and thermal gravimetric analysis
Oxidized Nettle extract (ONTE) (TGA). The NTE was oxidized under the alkaline condition at an ambient temperature. Finally, 600 ppm
Corrosion inhibitor NTE and ONTE were separately added to 1 mol L−1 HCl solution to reduce the steel corrosion rate. The
EIS corrosion inhibition activity of the utilized inhibitors was assessed by electrochemical impedance spec-
troscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) techniques. The surface features were examined by
SEM, atomic force microscope (AFM), and water contact angle test. The obtained results displayed that
the ONTE inhibitor resulted in the higher inhibition efficiency than the NTE. The maximum inhibition ef-
ficiency, i.e. 93.40%, was obtained in the case of the acidic solution inhibited by 600 ppm ONTE after 1.5 h.
Results of the polarization test and surface analyses proved the ONTE inhibitor components adsorption
on the active metal sites, especially on the anodic areas. In studying of effects of temperature on the cor-
rosion rate of mild steel the positive effect of ONTE on the mild steel corrosion mitigation was noticed.
It was shown that the adsorption of the inhibitor on the metal surface obeyed the Langmuir isotherm in
both physisorption and chemisorption forms.
© 2019 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction activity most of the conventional corrosion inhibitors are not eco-
friendly materials. So, this matter forced the researchers to find
Diluted HCl and H2 SO4 solutions (i.e. 0.5 and 1 mol L−1 ) have non-toxic inhibitive compounds [9,11].
been extensively used in the acid pickling/descaling processes to In this regard, eco-friendly materials such as surfactants [12,13]
eliminate the oxides, scales, oils and other organic/inorganic con- and ionic liquids (ILs) [14,15] are introduced. Kowsari et al. stud-
taminations from the metal/alloy surface [1,2]. However, even di- ied the imidazolium-based ionic liquid inhibition impact toward
luted acidic solutions are strong enough to cause undesirable met- the steel corrosion in 1 mol L−1 HCl media. The polarization re-
als and alloys corrosion. The acidic solutions corrosiveness degree sults revealed that in the presence of 100 mg/L imidazolium-based
can be reduced by adding small quantities of the corrosion in- ILs, the steel corrosion in HCl solution was noticeably mitigated
hibitors, which is a practical and cost-effective approach compared by a mixed inhibition mechanism [16]. The synthesis of an am-
to other protection methods [3–8]. Several parameters, including photeric surfactant and a di-cationic surfactant based on pyridine
the degree of effectiveness, cost, easy availability, and being eco- was studied by Hegazy et al. After that, the inhibition effects of
friendly should be taken into consideration when choosing an in- the obtained inhibitors were studied on a series of metals in acidic
hibitor [9,10]. Unfortunately, despite the high corrosion inhibition solutions. Since the structures of these components include many
double bonds and heteroatoms, they can chemically interact with
the steel surface and retard the corrosive ions access to the sur-

Corresponding author. face [17]. Recently, biopolymers have been noticed as a novel class
E-mail addresses:, (B. of fortified eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors. These polymers are
1876-1070/© 2019 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 135

Fig. 1. Chemical structure of some important biomolecules ingredients existed in the Nettle extract.

naturally present in all vivid organisms. Therefore, they are called for effective metal corrosion mitigation in the acidic solution due
advance renewable and biodegradable materials with few adverse to the presence of lots of heteroatoms in their structures [36,37].
effects on the environment and human health compared to other The chemical structures of a few of these bioactive components are
materials [18–20]. presented in Fig. 1.
Charitha et al. reported 90% inhibition efficiency for the cor- Like dopamine, serotonin is a neurotransmitter existed in the
rosion control of 6061 Al-alloy in the presence of a carbohydrate nervous system. Nako et al. reported that the serotonin can be
biopolymer [21]. Sodium alginate was applied as an inhibitor for polymerized in the presence of an alkaline buffer solution simi-
corrosion control of various metals. Jmiai et al. showed 83% inhi- lar to the polydopamine synthesis methodology [38,39]. Serotonin
bition at a concentration of 0.1 mg/L on copper in 1 mol L−1 hy- is also existed in the human body and plays different roles [40].
drochloric acid medium [22]. In another research, the Arabino- Quercetin is a flavonoid that has anti-cancer properties. Also, his-
galactan (AG) biopolymer inhibition effect on the carbon steel cor- tamine is a biogenic amine that can be found in the fermented
rosion in 1 mol L−1 HCl was analyzed by polarization, EIS, and pieces of stuff and beverages [41,42]. The presence of even low
gravimetric measurements. The inhibition efficiency was promoted amounts of these components in the Nettle leaves makes it a good
by increasing AG concentration [23]. Solomon et al. utilized sev- corrosion inhibitor. Various approaches are employed to promote
eral dextran biopolymers with different molecular weights as ef- the effectiveness of the inhibitors derived from the plant biomass.
fective corrosion inhibitors. They found that the dextran biopoly- Ramezanzadeh et al. amended the inhibition efficiency of the Net-
mer with a weight of 10 0,0 0 0–20 0,0 0 0 daltons led to the inhibi- tle leaves extract to 95% in neutral chloride-containing solution in
tion efficiency equal to 51.38% for steel in the H2 SO4 solution [24]. the presence of cerium cations [43]. In another research, the ele-
Despite the good inhibition activity of most of the biopoly- phant grass extract was mixed with several halides such as am-
mers against acidic-induced corrosion of metals, they are almost monium chloride and potassium iodide to improve its inhibition
expensive. So the researchers have decided to provide biopolymers performance [44].
from natural sources. In this regard, a group of biopolymers has In this study, for the first time, the bio-active corrosion in-
been obtained from the biomass feedstock. The biomass feedstock hibitors were obtained through oxidation modification of the Net-
can be derived from the animal and herbal origins [25,26]. There tle leaves extract components (like serotonin and histamine). FT-IR,
are too many herbal biomass materials which have been utilized TGA, and UV–Vis analyses were applied to verify the ONTE chem-
as green corrosion inhibitors [27,28]. For instance, the extract of ical structure. Finally, the electrochemical analyses, including EIS
khillah seeds [29] and 5-hydroxytryptophan were used as effective and polarization, were conducted to verify the corrosion inhibition
inhibitors for steel corrosion in the acidic environment. At the prior effect of ONTE for the mild steel samples submerged in 1 mol L−1
research, the effects of inhibitor concentration and in the later the hydrochloric acid solution.
effects of temperature and concentration were studied [30]. The
extract of the Nettle leaves in HCl, NaCl, H2 SO4 solutions was used 2. Experimental
as a green inhibitor in several studies [31,32]. According to litera-
ture, it is noticed that the Nettle leaves extract is a green source of 2.1. Raw materials
different bioactive components like histamine, serotonin, quercetin,
rutin, tannins, kaempferol, formic acid, and salicylic acid [33–35]. St-12 mild steel coupons with a dimension of 3 cm × 5 cm ×
The mentioned organic compounds are active inhibitive reagents 0.2 cm were used as a working electrode. HCl 37% and tris
136 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane were procured from Merck Co. and with inhibitors (600 ppm) were recorded by ProsKit MT-1860
and Sigma-Aldrich Co., respectively. The Nettle leaves were pre- manual voltmeter during 420 min.
pared from the Northern regions of Iran.
2.3.4. Weight loss measurements
2.2. Sample preparation In this method, the steel panels were submerged in the 1 HCl
solutions without and with inhibitors. At first, the panels were
2.2.1. Nettle extract preparation procedure polished with emery papers (grade 40 0–10 0 0) and subsequently
At first, the Nettle leaves were dried in the ambient tempera- cleaned with acetone. Then, they were weighed and then sub-
ture. Then, the powdered leaves were added to the deionized wa- merged in the acidic solutions (1 M HCl solution). The panels were
ter (DI) and heated at 70 °C for 4 h. Finally, the solution was filtered removed from the solution after 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h and dried. Af-
and the obtained pasty material was heated at 60 °C for 24 h. The ter that, the weights of the plates were recorded again. Finally,
obtained residue was used as a primary source of biopolymer com- the corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency values were calculated
pounds. through Eqs. (1) and 2.

m0 − m
2.2.2. Synthesis of ONTE η= × 100 (1)
The Nettle extract powder was first dissolved in DI water m0
(7 mg/mL) for one day. Then, the tris buffer was added to the
solution until reaching a pH of 9.14 [38]. The reaction continued Corrosion rate = (2)
for five days at room temperature. At this condition, the oxidized
forms of the bioactive components like serotonin and histamine Where m0 is the weight loss of the blank sample that was im-
can be obtained. However, the other parts of the Nettle leave ei- mersed in the acid solution without inhibitor and m is the weight
ther remained unchanged in soluble form or destroyed in the al- loss of the samples dipped in the acidic solution with inhibitor. A is
kaline media. The ONTE collected by the centrifugation (20 0 0 rpm) the surface area in m2 and t is the immersion time.
was washed by DI water for several times to remove the unreacted
components. Finally, the ONTE powder was obtained by drying at 3. Results and discussion
55 °C in a vacuum.
3.1. Characterization of NTE and ONTE samples
2.3. Characterization
The FT-IR spectra of the NTE and ONTE samples are shown in
2.3.1. Sample characterization Fig. 2. The Nettle extract components contain aromatic rings and
The NTE and ONTE chemical structures were assessed by FT-IR several functional groups like C–O, O–H, C–N, and C–H [45]. In the
analysis. Measurements were performed on a Perkin Elmer (Fron FT-IR spectrum of the Nettle extract, the O–H stretching vibration
pier model) spectrophotometer. The wavenumber range for the ob- is observed at 3417 cm−1 . Also, the observable shoulder in the ab-
tained spectra was 40 0–40 0 0 cm−1 . The UV-visible test was carried sorption region of over 30 0 0 cm−1 can be attributed to the N–H
out by Optizen 3220 instrument on the highly diluted solutions in- bond stretching. The peaks appeared in 1650 cm−1 and 1450 cm−1
cluding NTE and ONTE. The morphologies of NTE and ONTE pow- wavenumbers suggest the C=C bond in the aromatic ring. The ab-
ders were inspected using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). sorption band observed at 1130 cm−1 is referred to the C–O or C–N
Gravimetric measurements were executed on a Perkin Elmer TGA stretching vibration. The peaks detected in the FT-IR spectrum of
analyzer (model Pyris 6) under a nitrogen atmosphere and at the NTE confirm the presence of some important functional groups of
heating rate of 10 °C min−1 from 25 to 600 °C. the Nettle leaves components such as histamine, serotonin, rutin,
and quercetin [46].
2.3.2. Surface characterization In the presence of basic buffer (tris) the serotonin and quercetin
In order to inspect the surface topography of the steel plates can be oxidized according to the following reactions: (1) dimeriza-
dipped in the acidic solutions without and with inhibitors an AFM tion/trimerization of the serotonin and histamine molecules, and
instrument of Dualscope DS 95–200, DME was employed. Also, a (2) oxidation of the serotonin and quercetin molecules [37,42–45].
comparison of the surface chemistry of the samples was done by The oxidation mechanism is complicated; however, some possible
determining the water contact angle values on the uninhibited and structures are presented in Fig. 3. Observation of the absorption
inhibited steel samples by an OCA 15 plus test instrument at 25 °C. bands related to C=O at 1667 cm−1 and 1790 cm−1 reveals that the
DI was used as the test liquid. The morphology of the plate surface Nettle extract components were successfully oxidized. The other
was analyzed by Phillips XL 30 model SEM instrument. Also, the absorption peaks appeared at 873.52 cm−1 , 1076 cm−1 , 1425 cm−1 ,
structure of the film deposited on the metal surface in the best- 2924 cm−1 , 3147 cm−1 , and 3418 cm−1 are attributed to the C–H
inhibited sample was investigated by FT-IR and grazing incidence bending vibration in the aromatic ring, C–N or C–O stretching, C=C
X-ray diffraction (GIXRD). GIXRD pattern was obtained by PHILIPS aromatic, alkyl C–H stretching, aromatic C–H stretching and O–H,
XRD PW1730 model (Cu/kα radiation, λ = 1.54A). respectively.
The UV–vis absorption spectra of the NTE and ONTE samples in
2.3.3. Electrochemical experiments l mol L−1 HCl are shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen, the bright brown
The inhibition behavior of 600 ppm NTE and ONTE on the steel color of NTE changed to bright gray after the oxidation process.
corrosion mitigation in 1 mol L−1 HCl solution was evaluated by EIS The UV absorption peaks observed at 202 nm and 300 nm are re-
and polarization tests. Polarization measurements were conducted lated to the π -π ∗ and n-π ∗ electronic transitions, respectively. The
in the potential range of ± 250 mV around the open circuit poten- π -π ∗ transition is represented by C=C double bonds in the aro-
tial (OCP) at a scan rate of 1 mV/s. EIS measurements were car- matic rings existed in the Nettle extract. It seems that the peaks
ried out in an electrochemical cell consisting of saturated Calomel shifted to lower wavelengths in the ONTE structure which is at-
(SC), mild steel, and platinum as a reference, working and counter tributed to the oxidation of the organic structures in the oxidized
electrodes, respectively. The frequency range of 10−2 –104 Hz with Nettle extract. The presence of several C=O functional groups in
10 mV step potential was selected for EIS measurements. The OCP the ONTE components has made a hypsochromic shift in the n-
values of the steel samples immersed in the HCl solutions without π ∗ transition. Additionally, the peak related to the n-π ∗ transition
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 137

Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra (a) NTE and (b) ONTE.


Dimerized serotonin

NH 2

HO 5 days, O
OH ambient temperature, Oxidized serotonin
and basic pH H
NH 2

N N Dimerized histamine



O Oxidized quercetin

Nettle extract Oxidized Nettle extract

Fig. 3. Possible structures of ONTE in effect of oxidation on the alkaline PH.

in the NTE sample is broader than the ONTE sample. Whereas a gated form. The ONTE sample shows regular morphology probably
partly sharp peak observed in 252.2 nm is related to C=O in the due to the polymerization or dimerization of the NTE components
ONTE sample. It corroborates that the absorbance took place in the like serotonin [47].
higher wavelengths in the NTE sample. TGA measurements were performed to study the thermal sta-
The morphology of the NTE and ONTE samples is shown in bility and the amount of the residual components in the NTE and
Fig. 5 (a and b). It is evident from the SEM images that the NTE ONTE samples, as shown in Fig. 6. Results show that the thermal
particles have an irregular morphology and are almost in aggre- decomposition behavior of the NTE sample is different from ONTE.
138 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

Fig. 4. UV–Visible spectra corresponded to NTE and ONTE extract.

Fig. 5. SEM images in two magnification of (a1 ,a2 ) NTE and (b1 ,b2 ) ONTE powders.

There are four decomposition steps in the TGA plot of the NTE group decomposition [48]. Results reveal that the degradation of
sample, while three mass loss steps were seen in the plot of the the functional groups of the ONTE sample occurred at higher tem-
oxidized sample. The first decomposition stage fell out in the range peratures compared with NTE one. According to the DTG plots, it
of 35–120 °C, referring to the loss of the physically captured water. is obvious that the thermal degradation rate in the NTE sample is
The second mass loss step occurred in the range of 120–200 °C for higher than the ONTE sample. This observation reveals the greater
the NTE sample, indicating structural water removal. This weight thermal stability of the ONTE sample than NTE one. According to
loss step cannot be seen in the TGA plot of the ONTE sample. The the literature, the pyrolysis of the OH functional groups occurs at
most mass loss magnitude (about 33%) occurred within the tem- lower temperatures compared to the C=O groups, whereas the de-
perature range of 20 0–40 0 °C is attributed to the OH functional composition of amines, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups took place
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 139

Fig. 6. TGA plots corresponded to the NTE and ONTE powders.

Table 1
Results obtained from TGA plots of the NTE and ONTE samples.

Sample Weight loss% Total remained

mass (%) at 600 °C
35–120 °C 120–200 °C 20 0–40 0 °C >400 °C

NTE 6.5% 8.5% 31.7% 9.5% 45.23%

ONTE 6.5% 1% 27% 11.7% 54.86%

at the higher temperatures. Therefore, the greater thermal stability is the total resistance and Rs is the solution resistance

1 1 
of the ONTE sample than NTE can be attributed to the presence of
more thermally stable C=O functional groups in the ONTE sample 1 (n−1)/n
Cdl = Y0 /n + (3)
than NTE one. The weight loss occurred in the temperature range Rs Rt
of 40 0–60 0 °C is attributed to the aromatic rings decomposition. In Results show that as the immersion time elapsed the Cdl de-
addition, the residual weight percentage in the ONTE sample is 9% creased, indicating the double layer thickness increment due to the
higher than the NTE one, confirming the greater thermal stability water molecules replacement with the inhibitor molecules at the
of the former. Table 1 presents the TGA data briefly. steel/electrolyte interface [50].
The Nyquist semicircular shape remained unchanged after the
addition of 600 ppm NTE and ONTE to 1 mol L−1 HCl olution. In
other words, the corrosion mechanism did not change after the ad-
3.2. Electrochemical measurements
dition of the inhibitors [51]. By comparing the diameters of the
semicircles in the blank sample, NTE, and ONTE plots, one can
The NTE and ONTE corrosion inhibition activities against the
be clearly seen is that the ONTE could efficiently retard the iron
steel corrosion in the acidic media were studied by EIS and polar-
dissolution rate. Results reveal that the charge transfer resistance
ization tests. The OCP values changes for the panels exposed to the
has significantly increased in the presence of green inhibitors. The
1 mol L−1 HCl dilutions without and with 600 ppm NTE and ONTE
most increase in impedance was observed for the ONTE sample.
at different immersion times are presented in Fig. 7. Fig. 7 shows
This result confirms that the Nettle leaves extract corrosion in-
that as the immersion time elapsed the OCP of the blank sam-
hibition activity was improved through an oxidation modification
ple went in a negative direction. On the other hand, the OCP of
the samples subjected to the NTE and ONTE containing solutions
According to Table 2 and Fig. 8 results, the addition of NTE and
shifted to less negative values compared to the blank sample. The
ONTE to the HCl solution resulted in the remarkable increase of
increase of OCP in the presence of NTE and ONTE inhibitors can be
Rt . The maximum Rt value is obtained for the ONTE sample af-
attributed to the adsorption of the inhibitors on the anodic sites of
ter 1.5 h immersion time. This observation reveals that the ONTE
molecules adsorption on the metal surface could effectively retard
Fig. 8 shows the Nyquist and Bode diagrams of the mild steel
the iron dissolution rate in the HCl solution. Another important
panels exposed to 1 mol L−1 HCl solutions in the absence and pres-
parameter is “n” which means the phase shift coefficient. The in-
ence of NTE and ONTE. Since the acid pickling process duration
crease of “n” with the immersion time progress was observed for
is almost too short, the measurement was done in a short time.
the samples containing the green inhibitor, evidencing the surface
An only one-time constant is observed in the curves of all sam-
heterogeneity reduction due to the inhibitor molecules adsorption
ples. This observation indicates that the corrosion reaction is un-
on the metal surface [52,53]. The inhibition efficiency (ηEIS ,%) was
der charge transfer control. Therefore, the impedance plots were
estimated by Eq. (4) [53]. The highest inhibition efficiency was ob-
fitted by a simple equivalent circuit. The obtained electrochemical
tained for the ONTE sample at 90 min. Obtaining an inhibition ef-
parameters including total resistance (Rt ), which is the summation
ficiency of 93.4% indicates that ONTE molecules could effectively
of charge transfer resistance (Rct ) and inhibitor film resistance (Rf ),
retard the corrosion of steel in HCl solution
non-ideal double-layer capacitance (Y0 ), phase shift coefficient (n),
and the computed capacitance values are shown in Table 2. The Rt (inhibited ) − Rt (uninhibited )
capacitance was computed according to the Eq. (3) [49], where Rt (ηEIS , % ) = × 100 (4)
Rt (inhibited )
140 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

Fig. 7. OCP curves for mild steel in 1 mol L−1 HCl solutions (for 5 h) without, and with 600 ppm of NTE and ONTE.

Table 2
Electrochemical impedance parameters related to mild steel in 1 mol L−1 HCl, without and with 600 ppm NTE and ONTE as a new inhibitor.

Sample Immersion time (min) Rt (Ω.cm2 ) CPE Cdl (μF·cm−2 ) log |Z 10 mHz | (Ω.cm2 ) Phase angle (°) Chi squared

Y0 (μΩ−1 .cm−2 .sn ) n

Blank 30 37.46 183.6 0.83 567.84 1.59 18.59 0.0033618

60 45.24 133.9 0.87 296.23 1.67 15.13 0.0036788
90 48.82 123.63 0.89 237.92 1.70 14.02 0.0051107
120 44.45 321.9 0.83 665.21 1.67 3.009 0.0033618
NTE 30 515.4 85.78 0.77 334.31 2.71 48.21 0.0071275
60 571.5 72.85 0.79 231.22 2.76 49.94 0.0062427
90 597.5 65.63 0.81 175.87 2.77 49.95 0.0058467
120 579.5 63.19 0.81 168.97 2.76 49.34 0.0057745
ONTE 30 405.7 133.50 0.80 486.01 2.61 34.17 0.0020712
60 661.3 98.60 0.83 278.58 2.82 31.70 0.0019607
90 739.2 91.83 0.84 240.74 2.87 31.43 0.0022734
120 718.4 86.53 0.84 225.76 2.86 31.44 0.0023682

Fig. 9 illustrates the Tafel plots for the samples submerged in blank sample. Lower anodic/cathodic branches current densities of
the acidic media without and with inhibitor after 5 h. The main the ONTE sample than NTE means that the oxidized/polymerized
parameters that can be obtained from the polarization plots are molecules of NTE could form a more effective barrier film over the
Ecorr (potential of corrosion), and icorr (corrosion current density). metal surface in subjection to the HCl solution.
With looking at Fig. 9, it can be understood that the Ecorr and
icorr values are affected in the presence of the inhibitors compared 3.3. Effects of temperature
to the blank sample. Results display that the Ecorr slightly shifted to
a more positive value in the presence of NTE. Since the Ecorr shift The effects of temperature on the action of the inhibitor in mild
in the inhibited solution compared to the blank sample is lower steel corrosion mitigation at various temperatures were studied by
than 85 mV, it can be concluded that the NTE and ONTE can be the weight-loss method. Table 3 shows the data obtained from the
considered as mixed-type inhibitors [54]. It is obvious that the Ecorr weight loss measurement at different temperatures (25, 35 and
was moved to a more negative value in the presence of the ONTE 55 °C) during 2 h immersion. Subsequently, other parameters like
inhibitor. On the other hand, the change in the anodic branch corrosion rate and inhibition efficiency were estimated. It can be
shape and the slope is more pronounced than the cathodic one. seen that the corrosion rate increased with increasing the temper-
This evidences that the ONTE acted as a mixed-type inhibitor with ature from 25 to 55 °C. This is due to the increase in the inhibitor
preponderantly anodic reaction preventative action. The change in molecules’ displacement capability at higher temperatures [57,58].
the anodic branch shape after the addition of ONTE suggests that Although the corrosion rate increased by increasing the temper-
the anodic reaction mechanism has been changed due to the ONTE ature, the presence of NTE and ONTE inhibitors is beneficial for
molecules interaction with the iron surface. The ONTE molecules the mitigation of the acid-induced corrosion of metal. For exam-
include C=O and N–H groups with the capability of electron shar- ple, the corrosion rate decreased from 33.33 m2 h−1 for the blank
ing and bonding with the iron cations [55,56]. Another observation sample to 16 g m2 h−1 for the acidic solution including the ONTE.
from Fig. 9 is that the anodic and cathodic branches of the inhib- The plot of the corrosion rate of the mild steel versus temperature
ited samples shifted to the lower current densities compared to at the same time (after 1.5 h) for three samples (Blank, NTE, and
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 141

Fig. 8. Nyquist and Bode plots for mild steel specimens immersed in 1 mol L−1 HCl solutions (a1 ,a2 ) without, (b1 ,b2 ) with 600 ppm NTE, and (c1 ,c2 ) with 600 ppm ONTE; the
symptoms and solid lines are related to the experimental and fitting and data, respectively.

ONTE) is shown in Fig. 10. It is obvious that a decreasing trend is 3.4. Adsorption isotherms
seen with adding the inhibitors. Meanwhile, the change of the plot
slope decreased in the presence of the inhibitors in the 1 mol L−1 Adsorption mechanism in terms of the thermodynamic point of
HCl solution. Therefore, the obtained results are in good agreement view was studied. To this end, the best agreement of the experi-
with the previous researches. mental data with different isotherms such as Langmuir, Frumkin,
142 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

Fig. 9. Potentiodynamic polarization curves after 5 h immersion of mild steel in 1 mol L−1 HCl without and with 600 ppm inhibitor.

Table 3
Values obtained from weight loss method for the mild steel sample immersed in 1 mol L−1 HCl solution without and with
600 ppm NTE and ONTE inhibitors in the different temperature during 1.5 h immersion.

Sample Temperature (°C) W (g) Corrosion rate (g m−2 h−1 ) Inhibition efficiency

Blank 25 0.0012 8 –
35 0.0013 8.6 –
55 0.0050 33.3 –
NTE 25 0.0008 5.3 33.33
35 0.0009 6 30.77
55 0.0011 7.3 78
ONTE 25 0.0007 4.6 41.66
35 0.0011 6.8 15.38
55 0.0024 16 52

and Temkin was checked. The adsorption isotherm explains the Table 4
Thermodynamic parameters for adsorption of NTE and ONTE inhibitors onto the
correlation between the concentration of the inhibitors in solution
steel surface in 1 mol L−1 HCl solution at ambient temperature.
and the surface coverage of the inhibitors on the metal surface
[59,60]. The best fitting of the experimental data obtained from EIS Sample R2 kads (L g−1 ) Gads (Kj mol−1 )
analysis was acquired with Langmuir isotherm as shown in Fig. 11. NTE 0.9866 25 −25.09
Langmuir adsorption isotherm is expressed with Eq. (5) [5]. ONTE 0.9967 22.22 −24.79

Cinh 1
= + Cinh (5)
θ Kads
the values lower than −40 kJ mol−1 validate the chemisorption
Where Cinh is the concentration of the inhibitor in solution and θ
mechanism [58,61]. The calculated values of Gads in this study
is the surface coverage. The calculated adsorption constants (Kads )
are between −20 and −40 kJ mol−1 , confirming that the adsorption
for NTE and ONTE were 25 L g−1 and 22.22 L g−1 , respectively. The
of inhibitor molecules on the metal surface occurred in both ph-
correlation coefficients of 0.9866 and 0.9967, as well as a slop near
ysisorption and chemisorption forms.
1, were obtained for NTE and ONTE samples, respectively. These re-
sults reveal that the experimental data were well fitted by a Lang-
muir isotherm. This means that the adsorption of inhibitors on the 3.5. Surface analysis
metal surface is in monolayer form and there is no connection be-
tween the adsorbed inhibitor molecules on the surface. The ther- The surface morphology analysis of the steel panels after 5 h ex-
modynamic parameter of the standard free energy (Gads ) was cal- posure to the uninhibited and inhibited HCl solutions was done by
culated by Eq. (6). an SEM analysis and the images related to these samples are illus-
trated in Fig. 12. Meanwhile, the smooth surface of the as-received
Gads = −R T ln (55.5 kads ) (6)
mild steel sample is obvious in Fig. 12. Results reveal that the sur-
Where 55.5 is the molar concentration of water, R, T, and kads face of the plate exposed to the acidic solution without inhibitor is
are the gas constant, temperature in kelvin and adsorption con- strongly damaged and many holes/defects were produced, indicat-
stant, respectively. The obtained values for Gads are reported in ing the severe steel surface corrosion. However, the surface of the
Table 4. According to literature, the values of Gads more than plate immersed in the acidic solution with NTE is almost smoother
−20 kJ mol−1 explain a physisorption mechanism of adsorption and than the blank sample, indicating the lower degree of damage due
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 143

Fig. 10. Corrosion rate of mild steel without (Blank) and with inhibitor (NTE and ONTE) at the different in the acidic solution.

Fig. 11. Langmuir adsorption isotherm of NTE and ONTE inhibitors in 1 mol L−1 HCl at 298 K.

to the effective role of NTE molecules in iron dissolution rate con- Table 5
Roughness parameters extracted from AFM micrographs.
trol. In the presence of ONTE, all cracks and holes were approxi-
mately diminished and the lowest steel surface damages occurred. Sample Sy (nm) Sz (nm) Sa (nm) Sq (nm)
These observations prove that the ONTE could form a more protec- as received 65 13.9
tive film than NTE on the steel surface [55,62]. It seems that the Blank 1930 1868 270 336
oxidation/polymerization of Nettle molecules resulted in the gen- NTE 954 861 101 129
eration of larger inhibitive molecules with higher corrosion inhibi- ONTE 742 616 71.1 87.2

tion activity.
Additionally, the investigation of the surface morphology was
performed by AFM analysis (Fig. 13.). The roughness parameters
magnitudes including Sy (maximum height), SZ (ten-point height), The results obtained from the water contact angle examination
and Sa (arithmetical mean height) are given in Table 5. As it is evi- on the surface of the samples exposed to the acidic solution with-
dent from the presented results, the blank sample surface is almost out and with two different inhibitors are given in Fig. 14.
rough. A reason for this phenomenon is the severe surface damage Water contact angle magnitudes for the blank, NTE and ONTE
due to acidic solution attacks [63]. However, the surface rough- samples were 45˚, 67˚ and 90˚, respectively. The surface free energy
ness drastically decreased in the case of the solution inhibited by (γ sv ) was estimated by the Neumann’s [64] and Young’s equations
NTE. In the HCl solution containing the oxidized Nettle (ONTE), the [65].
surface roughness (Sa ) reached 71.1 nm. This result proves that the The ascending trend of contact angle value is attributed to
ONTE adsorption on the steel surface could significantly reduce the the decrease of the surface hydrophilicity due to the inhibitor
surface damage due to corrosion. molecules absorption [66]. All of these observations prove that the
144 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

Fig. 12. SEM images for mild steel after 5 h immersion in 1 mol L−1 HCl (a) as received sample, in absence of inhibitor (b) Blank and presence of inhibitors (c) 600 ppm NTE
and (d) 600 ppm ONTE.

inhibitor molecules could adsorb on the metal surface and de- FT-IR spectrum of the blank sample consists of different types
crease its hydrophilic nature. of corrosion products such as γ -FeO(OH), β -FeO(OH), and Fe2 O3 .
X-ray diffraction patterns were provided from the surface of The most appeared absorption peaks at 1051 cm−1 , 1162 cm−1 ,
the steel samples immersed in the acidic solutions without and and 1632 cm−1 belong to the destructive lepidocrocite phase (β -
with ONTE. According to Fig. 15, the XRD pattern of the blank FeO(OH)) [69]. These consequences confirm that the mild steel was
sample shows different peaks related to the corrosion products corroded under the acidic condition. The spectrum “b” is related to
such as FeOOH at 2θ = 64.92°, Fe2 O3 at 2θ = 33.5°, and Fe metal the synthesized ONTE powder. The main peaks of ONTE were ex-
in 2θ = 44.87° [67,68]. In the ONTE sample, the metal submerged plained in Section 3.2. The spectrum “c” is related to the plate ex-
in the HCl solution containing 600 ppm of ONTE, the intensity of posed to the HCl solution containing 600 ppm ONTE. It can be seen
the peak related to the iron oxides significantly decreased and the that the shift of vibrational frequencies took place. For example in
peak related to Fe increased. These results prove that the corrosion the spectrum “c”, it was realized that the FeO–OH at 1051 cm−1
reactions were controlled by a competitive layer formation on the has shifted to 1038 cm−1 , and the O–H bending at 1448 cm−1 has
metal surface. shifted to1457 cm−1 . Also, new vibrations are observed in the spec-
A deeper understanding of the chemical nature of the protec- trum of the mild steel sample exposed to ONTE containing solu-
tive layer formed on the metal surface was carried out by FT-IR tion. The vibrations of C–N bending in 1258 cm−1 and C≡N in
analysis (Fig. 16). The spectrum “a” is related to the mild steel 2337 cm−1 are absent in the spectrum of the sample exposed to
plate exposed to HCl solution after 5 h. It can be seen that the blank solution. The obtained results confirmed that the inhibitor
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 145

Fig. 13. The 2D and 3D AFM micrographs of steel samples immersed in 1 mol L−1 HCl solutions (a1 , a2 ) as received sample, (b1 , b2 ) after 5 h immersion in 1 mol L−1 HCl
solutions without inhibitor, (c1 ,c2 ) with 600 ppm NTE, and (d1 ,d2 ) with 600 ppm ONTE.
146 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

Fig. 14. Contact angle of the mild steel samples dipped in 1 mol L−1 HCl solutions without and with NTE and ONTE inhibitors.

Fig. 15. GIXRD patterns of the steel sample immersed in the acidic solutions (for 5 h) (A) without and (B) with ONTE inhibitor.

molecules could successfully interact with the mild steel surface the steel coupons subjected to 1 mol L−1 HCl solutions. NTE and
[24,70,71]. ONTE molecules include π -electrons and heteroatoms (like O and
N) in their structures that can bond with the metal surface and re-
3.6. The mechanism of NTE/ONTE corrosion inhibition duce the corrosion rate. Since the iron cations can be generated on
the anodic sites of the metal surface, the chloride ions can electro-
Fig. 17 schematically presents the adsorption mechanism of the statically adsorb on the metal surface. As a result, the positively
inhibitive compounds of NTE and ONTE on the corrosion sites of changed NTE and ONTE molecules adsorb on the metal surface
M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149 147

Fig. 16. (a) FT-IR spectrum of the mild steel sample subjected to 1 mol L−1 HCl solution without inhibitor for 5 h, (b) FT-IR spectrum of the ONTE synthesized inhibitor,
(c) FT-IR spectrum of the metal surface undergone by 1 mol L−1 HCl solution including 600 ppm ONTE inhibitor.

Cl -
Cl -
Cl -
mild steel

Physisorption Chemisorption

Fig. 17. The proposed mechanisms for the NTE and ONTE inhibitors against steel corrosion in acidic solution.

through a physisorption mechanism. In addition to the physisorp- and lower –OH groups than NTE form a more barrier film with
tion mechanism, the inhibitors molecules could adsorb on the an- lower hydrophilicity and higher protection properties.
odic sites through the chemisorption mechanism. Accordingly, the
heteroatoms existed in the NTE and ONTE compounds can share
the electron pairs with the vacant orbital of Fe. O–H, N–H, and NH2 3.7. Economic comparison of the biopolymer-based corrosion
are the most important functional groups present in the NTE com- inhibitors
ponents. Whereas in the ONTE sample, the С=O functional groups
are the most important functional groups. Since the Fe-carbonyl Nowadays, using eco-friendly inhibitors has become a hot topic
complex is stronger than the Fe–hydroxyl complex, the better inhi- of recent researches. Bio-compatible based corrosion inhibitors
bition behavior of the ONTE sample compared to NTE is expected. such as chitosan, dextran, polydopamine, and etc. are used for this
The C=O ligand has more ability than O–H to produce Fe d-orbital purpose. These materials are expensive and their availability is not
splitting according to spectrochemical ligand series but the O–H easy. Table 6 reveals a concise comparison between the commer-
dominantly participates in hydrogen bonding. Moreover, the dimer- cial corrosion inhibitors consumed for the corrosion mitigation of
ized/polymerized serotonin molecules present in the ONTE show the steel samples in the acidic solution from both the efficiencies
the higher capability of film formation on the steel surface than and costs points of views [24,73,74]. The green bio-active inhibitor
NTE [63,72]. The ONTE molecules with greater molecular weight considered in this study is not as pure as the common biopoly-
148 M. Keramatinia, B. Ramezanzadeh and M. Mahdavian / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 105 (2019) 134–149

Table 6
The comprehensive comparison between some biopolymer corrosion inhibitors used in acidic so-
lution for the mild steel protection.

Biopolymer Cost ($/50 gr) Type of solution Concentration (ppm) Efficiency (%)

Chitosan 60–70 1 M HCl 600 59.36

Polydopamine 220–240 1 M HCl 40 75
Dextran 120–130 15% H2 SO4 1000 41.91
ONTE 27–30 1 M HCl 600 93.40

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