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7 Ambitions page 66 7.1 Good prospects p66 used to and would p67
Talk about working conditions 7.2 Ask an expert p68 Question forms p69
Talk about finished habits and situations
7.3 Vocabulary and skills developm ent p70
Use question forms
7.4 Speaking and writing p72
Use collocations

Ask for and give clarification 7.5 O video Moving abroad to work p74 Review p75

8 Choices page 76 8.1 World happiness report p76 Real conditionals p77
Talk about happiness factors
Use real conditionals 8.2 What makes a hero? p78 Unreal conditionals p79
iaiK aDOUt personality ana Denaviour
Talk about unreal situations in the present and future 8.3 Vocabulary and skills developm ent p80
Recognize changing sounds in linked words 8.4 Speaking and writing p82
Use prefixes
Take notes while listening
Prepare and give a short talk from notes 8.5 C Video Happiness in Mexico p84 Review p85

9 Appearances page 86 9.1 Real beauty? p86 Comparison p87

Make comparisons 9.2 Paintings p88 Deduction and speculation p89

Describe paintings
Speculate and make deductions
Question a text 9.3 Vocabulary and skills developm ent p90
Use phrasal verbs 9.4 Speaking and w riting p92
Make effective complaints
9.5 © Video The seifie p94 Review p95

10 Compete and cooperate page 96 10.1 Crowd-funding p96 Passives p97

Talk about business 10.2 Competitive sport p98 Using articles: a/an, the, - (no article) p99
Talk about how things are done
Talk about competition 10.3 Vocabulary and skills developm ent pioo
Use articles
Hear unstressed words 10.4 Speaking and writing pi02
Phrases with take and have
Write about changes and differences
Make recommendations 10.5 © Video Borussia Dortmund pi04 Review pios

11 Consequences page 106 11.1 Outlaws pi06 Unreal past conditional pi07
Talk about crime 11.2 I should never have click e d 'sen d '! pios should/shouldn't have pl09
Talk about unreal situations in the past
iaiK auout people s ueriaviour on social rneuia
Criticize past actions 11.3 Vocabulary and skills developm ent pno

Understand words with multiple meanings 11.4 Speaking and writing pH2
Come to a decision
11.5 © Video Cyber crime pH4 Review pus

12 Influence page 116 12.1 Advertising pH6 Reported speech pH7

Talk about advertising 12.2 How to persuade and influence Reported questions pH9
Understand and use reported speech people pi
Talk about persuading people
Understand and use reported questions 12.3 Vocabulary and skills developm ent pi20
Recognize complex noun phrases (2)
Use dependent prepositions 12.4 Speaking and w riting pi22
Agree and disagree
Write an advantages and disadvantages essay 12.5 C Video Starbucks pi24 Review pi25

Communication page 126 Grammar Reference page 136

Working conditions p66 0 Video Vox pops 7 p67
High achievers p68
Collocations p7i Reading understanding
paraphrasing p70
Sounding polite p73 W riting an application letter or email p72
Speaking clarification p73

Happiness factors p76 Intonation in if Video Vox pops 8 p77

sentences p77
Personality and behaviour p78
Prefixes p8i Listening sound changes p80
W riting taking notes p82
Speaking giving a talk p83

Describing physical Changing stress p87 © video Vox pops 9 p87

appearance p86
Describing paintings p88 Sentence stress -
speculating p89
Phrasal verbs p9i Reading questioning a text p90
W riting taking part in online discussions p92
Speaking making complaints p93

Business p96 Passives p97

Competitive sport p98 video Vox pops 10 p99
Phrases with take and Listening unstressed words pioo
have pio i
W riting changes and differences pl02
Speaking making recommendations pl03

Crime pi06 © video Vox pops 11 pi07

Behaviour on social media pios should/shouldn't
have pi09
Words with multiple Listening hearing modal verbs pno
meanings p m
Speaking decisions pH2
W riting apologizing p113

Advertising pH6 Linking pH7 Video Vox pops 12 pH7

Persuading people pus

Dependent prepositions pi2i Reading complex noun phrases (2) pl20

Speaking agreeing and disagreeing pi22
W riting advantages and disadvantages essay pl23

Audioscripts page 1 60 Irregular verbs page 174 Phonemic symbols page 175

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