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import java.awt.

*; // Using AWT container and component classes

import java.awt.event.*; // Using AWT event classes and listener interfaces

// An AWT GUI program inherits (customized) from the top-level container

// java.awt.Frame
public class AWTAccumulator extends Frame {
//private Label lblInput; // Declare input Label (to use anonymous)
//private Label lblOutput; // Declare output Label (to use anonymous)
private TextField tfInput; // Declare input TextField
private TextField tfOutput; // Declare output TextField
private int sum = 0; // Accumulated sum, init to 0

// Constructor to setup the GUI components and event handlers

public AWTAccumulator() {
setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2));
// "super" Frame (Container) sets layout to GridLayout of 2 rows 2

add(new Label("Enter an Integer: ")); // "super" Frame adds an anonymous


tfInput = new TextField(10); // Construct TextField

add(tfInput); // "super" Frame adds TextField

tfInput.addActionListener(new TFInputListener());
// "tfInput" is the source object that fires an ActionEvent upon entered.
// The source add an anonymous instance of TFInputListener as an
// listener, which provides an ActionEvent handler called
// Hitting "enter" on tfInput invokes actionPerformed().

add(new Label("The Accumulated Sum is: ")); // "super" Frame adds an

anonymous Label

tfOutput = new TextField(10); // allocate TextField

tfOutput.setEditable(false); // read-only
add(tfOutput); // "super" Frame adds TextField

setTitle("AWT Accumulator"); // "super" Frame sets title

setSize(350, 120); // "super" Frame sets initial window size
setVisible(true); // "super" Frame shows

// The entry main() method

public static void main(String[] args) {
// Invoke the constructor to setup the GUI, by allocating an anonymous
new AWTAccumulator();

// Define an inner class to handle the input TextField.

// An ActionEvent listener must implement ActionListener interface.
private class TFInputListener implements ActionListener {
// ActionEvent handler - Called back upon hitting "enter" key on TextField
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
// Get the String entered into the TextField tfInput, convert to int
int numberIn = Integer.parseInt(tfInput.getText());
sum += numberIn; // Accumulate numbers entered into sum
tfInput.setText(""); // Clear input TextField
tfOutput.setText(sum + ""); // Display sum on the output TextField
// convert int to String

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