MND Prism Module

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St. Joseph’s Institute, Inc.

City of Candon, Ilocos Sur


School Year 2021-2022

2 Weeks


Providing Alternative and Uninterrupted Learning Instruction in the New normal



Learner’s Name:




Life LPO1: Mindful, Self-directed LEARNERS and ROLE MODELS
Outcome (LPO): I am a mindful, self-directed learner and role model, consciously expressing my Faith.

Program Outcome PO2: Accurately apply advanced analytical mathematical concepts, skills,
(PO): processes, and tools to address and formulate plausible solutions to problems
commonly encountered in specialized professional fields.
Essential Describe how their Catholic principles and actions mirror the qualities of a Paulinian.
Performance (LPO1, PO3)
Outcome (EPO):
Content: Describe the qualities of a Paulinian based on the following:
1. Life and Mission of Fr. Louis Chauvet, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters
of St. Paul of Chartres
2. Life and Mission of the First SPC Sisters
3. Qualities and Trademarks of a True Paulinian
The Paulinian Roots, Identity, Spirituality, and Mission (PRISM) Program
Performance Each Paulinian describes how the life and mission of Fr. Louis Chauvet and the first
Standards: SPC Sisters mirror the qualities of a Paulinian.

Learning Make Meaning

Outcomes/MELC: 1.1 Identify qualities of Fr. Louis Chauvet that a Paulinian must have in
consideration of his life records and of Isaiah 58:5-7,11-12
1.2 Identify events in the life of the first SPC Sisters where Paulinian qualities and
trademarks are based.
1.3 Explain the Spirituality of the Sisters of St. Paul and how it operates in the
school culture
1.4 Describe a Paulinian who bears the marks of the life and mission of Fr. Louis
Chauvet and the SPC Sisters and who live as a lay people doing his/her
prophetic mission

The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres is a religious institute of pontifical right dedicated
to the apostolate in the Church. The members consecrate themselves to God by the profession of the
evangelical counsels. Dedicated by foundation to education, the care of the sick and the underprivileged,
they are available for all forms of activity under these fields. (Book of Life, articles 1,6)

SPC is a missionary Congregation, founded in 1696, by Fr. Louis Chauvet, parish priest of Levesville-la-
Chenard, a little village in the region of Beauce, some 80 kilometers southeast of Paris. Originally as the
Daughters of the School, It was founded by the help of Madermoiselle Anne de Tilly who trained the first
members: Mere Marie Micheau and Mere Barbe Foucoult, to teach children and care for the sick in their
homes. The growing institution was entrusted in1708 to Bishop Paul Godet des Marais of Chatres, who gave
it the name of his patron Saint Paul.
Our first house in the center of the village belonged to him.
Our first chapel was the parish church, our first field of apostolate, the surrounding hamlets.
Our first mission consisted in working to improve the human and spiritual level of the villagers by educating
the girls and visiting the poor and the sick. (Excerpts from the Draft of a Rule, Chapter I)
The love of Christ continues to impel us to manifest his tenderness and goodness to all, since the early start
of its foundation up to today's realities of its mission can clearly detect the presence of the Holy Spirit. 
It was the first foundation of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres (SPC) in the Philippines.
The first foundation of the Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres in the Philippines was established on October 29,
1904 in Dumaguete Oriental Negros. The seven pioneers were Mother Marthe de St. Paul Legendre, Sr.
Anna de la Croix Anne, Sr. Marie Louise du Sacre Coeur Nivou, Sr. Ange Marie Bannier (French); Sr. Marie
Josephine Rappeport (American); Sr. Catherine de Genes Gutteres (Portuguese from Macau); and Sr.
Charles Aho, Chinese.

1.At what exact date did the Seven Sisters of the Congregation of the Sisters of St Paul of Chartres
established its first foundation in the Philippines in Dumaguete Negros Oriental?
2. What are the first mission to improve the human and spiritual level of the villagers?
3. Who are the seven pioneers Sisters landed in Dumaguete?

Isaiah 58:5-7
Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for people to
humble themselves?
Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed
and for lying in sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a
fast, a day acceptable to the LORD?
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to lose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to
set the oppressed free and break every yoke?
Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe them,  and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?

Questions to Ponder:

1. What is the reading telling us?

2. Do you have any experiences that you show humility to others?
3. Are you willing to share what you have to the most people in need?


The Founder was a humble parish priest, Fr. Louis Chauvet

Father Chauvet as Pastor Father Chauvet was ordained

on March 13,1688 in Avignon, and was assigned to the
parish of St. Martin in Levesville-la-Chenard in June
1694. He was accompanied by his young sister, Genevieve
who took charge of the presbytery household until Fr.
Chauvet died. 

Fr Louis Chauvet, the Pastor, the theologian and teacher felt the need
to look for a way of improving the situation of his parishioners. His heart was moved with compassion…
For him, it was necessary to raise their human and spiritual level.

Father Chauvet’s parents, Noè Chauvet and Marguerite de la Forest lived in the town of Pertuis in Provence.
His Father, Noé Chauvet, was a merchant. His mother’s name was Marguerite de la Forest. The Chauvet
family included three sons: Louis, Joseph and Antoine and two daughters: Jeanne and Genevieve. The
Chauvet family was of modest means, but sufficiently well off to give good education to the children. Jeanne
and Genevieve. The Chauvet family was of modest means, but sufficiently well off to give good education to
the children. 

Qualities and Tasks of Fr. Louis Chauvet

1. Great concern for their spiritual welfare

2. Counselor-spiriotual healing and direction

3. Shepherd -He gave special attention to the needy, the aged. He attended to the abandoned,
lookingto their total well-being
4. Scholar-exemplifying the quest for the finer things in life
5. Musician
6. He struggled against ignorance and the false teaching of Quietism and Jansenism
7. Teacher- He shared his vision of uplifting the level of life of the villagers

Father Chauvet’s Creative Response to the needs of the people in Levesville.

• He offered to rent the idle land once donated to the parish to pay for a school mistress.
• He used his own resources to build a house as school for the children and home for the school mistress.
• He recruited young pious girls with whom he shared his vision.
• Finally, aided by a Royal decree in 1698 that schools be set up to educate the people in the villages, Fr.
Chauvet and his daughters were able to establish a school in Levesville. 
*He wanted the children to know how to read and write to enable them to know more about Christian
doctrine and to practice their religion as they should.
* He saw the people were baptized but not catechized and ninety-nine percent did not know how to read and
write which he wanted them to learn.
*Charged with the transmission of the Christian Faith, Fr. Louis Chauvet and Marie Anne de Tilly put their
efforts together to bring evangelization to the highest point.

The READING at his funeral Isaiah 58:7-12 expresses the esteem and admiration of his
colleagues for his quality as Pastor. “… if you give of your bread to the hungry… your light will
shine like the dawn”

In different situations, how are you going to model the value or principles that Fr. Louis
Chauvet lived by?


The first 3:
 Marie Micheau (17)
 Barbe Foucauld (19)
 Marie Anne de Tilly (31) who assisted in
their formation became co-foundress
The early demise of the Founders (Marie Anne de became
Tilly in 1703the
andfirst “Daughters
Fr. Louis Chauvet in of thehowever,
1710), School of
was the foundation’s way of bearing the cross. But it was this same cross that gave life to the
congregation. Levesville


Marie Anne de Tilly

A shared life of poverty, austerity, hardwork and
simple fraternal relationships

The first school opened in1700; and second

school opened in Chateauneuf-en Thymerais in
led her companions : Fraternal
to teach children life and
and to visit the impoverished hard
and the workfirst known
In 1696, Marie Anne de Tilly, a young girl of the nobility, prepared by Fr. Louis Chauvet for a holy service and
sick, in a community
as Daughters of the School. Their charism is lived by the Sisters to the present day.
In 1701 Marie Anne was driven out of the house by her stepmother. She was advised by Fr. Chauvet to stay
with Catherine de Bellouys.
Last Will and Testament of Mother Marie Anne de Tilly
 The only regret I have in leaving this world is to abandon my mission of forming four girls to become
good teachers…
 All the insults I had to endure for having given myself to God, for the good of the church and the
service of neighbor.

What is the reason why Fr

Louis Chauvet guided mother
Mother Marie Micheau Marie Ann de Tilly?
Marie Anne de Tilly from
being the dutiful, silently
suffering elder daughter ofClass
a in the
landed, penniless country cellar with
nobility to become the
Mother Marie
teacher-formator of his first
recruits. Fr. Chauvet Micheau in
guided her to brave the Easter of 1700
threats of her stepmother, to
live in community with
peasant girls and become the
second superior.

The Death Certificate, registered for the Catholic parish of Levesville-la-Chenard testifies:

Sister Marie Micheau was the first superior in the congregation and the teacher of little children in
Leville La Chenard.
"On 15 November this same year (1702) died Sister Marie Micheau daugther of Pierre Micheau and the
late Marie Poirier, aged nineteen years.  This same day she was buried in the church by me, priest and
Pastor, as signed below, after living with great piety in the Community of the Daughters of the school
where she was Superior...."

Barbe Foucault , formerly a domestic employee in
a rich Farmhouse, transformed her shyness into
tranquil daring, to become successively a hospital
nurse, a Superior and in 1717, as the First Elected
Superior General of the SPC Congregation.
Father: Nicholas Foucault 1626-1708
Nicole Mourot 1631-1706
Barbe Foucault was strong and used to hard work.
She came from poor family.

The Sisters worked too hard and patiently bear the hardship and difficulties in in pounding the apostolate.
Having neither dowry nor income but earning their living so as to be
able to perform their apostolic work as gratuitously as possible, they We are the Spiritual
combined austere mortification with the hardest work. daughters of Marie Anne de
Tilly and Marie Micheau, who
in this damp cellar, with the
bare earth as floor, fulfilled
their mission of formator and

The state of consecrated life is thus one way of experiencing a “more intimate” consecration, rooted
in Baptism and dedicated totally to God. In the consecrated life, Christ's faithful, moved by the Holy
Spirit, propose to follow Christ more nearly, to give themselves to God who is loved above all and
pursuing the perfection of charity in the service of the kingdom, to signify and proclaim in the
Church the glory of the world to come. CCC 916.

CFC 1415

The apostolate of the laity is a sharing in the mission of the Church. Through Baptism and confirmation
all are appointed to this apostolate by the Lord Himself… The laity have this special vocation: to make
the Church present and fruitful in those places and circumstances where it is only through them that
she can become the salt of the earth

St. Paul is the patron of the Congregation. The spirituality of the Sisters of St. Paul is
based on his epistles.

The essential values of the Gospel of Christ as preached by St. Paul with
such intensity are reflected through the heritage, the charism, and the
apostolic spirituality
7 of the Congregation. Because of their fidelity to Paul's
teaching, Sisters are imbued with a spirituality centered on Christ and they
continually seek to respond better to the Lord's call and to be living
witnesses of the Gospel in today's world. (Excerpt on Council of Cong. - A
Journey of Faith and Hope towards the Future, 1998)
They will also have a special devotion to the Apostle Paul. They consider him their patron for not only did he
imitate our Lord perfectly in his poverty, humility, and sufferings but he also set them an example which they
wish to follow so that they may zealously engage in teaching and earn a living from the work of their own
hands. Paul of Chartres marked by a Christocentric-paschal spirituality, commitment to mission,
service to community through its defined charism, urged on by Charity for God and to men.
What are the qualities of a Paulinian?
The mission gives the Paulinian a sense of responsibility and a fidelity to duty even in
and WITNESS. Specific Values: Peace, leadership, courage, tranquil daring,
creativity, entrepreneurship, sense of responsibility, accountability.

What is Paulinian
As a Christ- Centered
Paulinian, I am a
conscientious, adept
performer and
achiever, competently What made Paul a good Our Lady of Chartres
pursuing my mission in leader?
With Mary the Virgin Mary as their model
life. Compassionate
Effective leaders will be
characterized by patience
a Christ- Centered
Paulinian, I am caring, “Life
and gentleness as to
guideis Christ.” (Ph 1:21)
committed advocate for As Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres, our Christocentric
peace and universal spirituality is lived out in the fullness of the paschal
well-being, impelled by mystery, after the example of our Patron St. Paul.
compassion and charity
for all.
“I live now not with my own life but with
the life of Christ who lives in me” (Ga 2:20)
Christ is the center; the Source of our life;


Our Lady of Chartres, my queen, and my mother, with what joy I kneel before you. No one can count the
numberless favors you give each day to all who invoke you. What confidence, what love animates all your

Miraculous Virgin, as you have been so addressed by those before us, cure those who suffer, console those
who weep, preserve the families, protect the children. The tender solicitude of a mother’s heart watches over
the just to support them, over sinner to convert them, over the priest to strengthen them, over the faithful to
save them. Form that venerated crypt, O Lady, be always a source of grace! From your sacred throne, Our
Lady of the Pillar whom we venerate time again, be always the dispenser of heavenly treasures. In spite of
my indignity, I dare ask you my share of your numberless graces.

Listen to my prayer, Our Lady of Chartres, and may be the glory of your name shine brightly for ages and
ages. Amen

O Immaculate Virgin, who begets God’s elect to grace and glory, deign to receive me into your maternal
bosom and fashion me into the likeness of Jesus. Amen.


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