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Differentiate Written and Unwritten Constitution

A written constitution is a set of laws that cannot be changed by legislation alone, while
the unwritten constitution is a collection of temporary laws that can be changed or substituted
at any time to fit a changing situation.
2. Complete the table below to compare and contrast the seven constitutions framed in the
Philippine Ratifying /
Form of Length of
Constitution Promulgating Distinctive Feature/s
Government Effectivity
s body
Biak-na Bato Republic Promulgated Two years • The president and four
Constitution by the department secretaries
Philippine such as the interior,
Revolutionary foreign affairs, treasury,
Government and war, made up the
on November supreme council, which
1, 1897 was vested with
republican authority.
• The Consejo Supremo de
Garcia y Justicia was
authorized to make
decisions, to confirm or
overturn the sentences of
other courts, and to
establish rules for the
justice system.
• It identified many
fundamental human
rights, such as religious
freedom, press freedom,
and the right to
Malolos Republic Promulgated January 21, • The president was
Constitution Constitution; by President 1899 – granted executive power.
Democratic Emilio March 1901 The president will be
Government Aguinaldo. elected for a four-year
term and will not be re-
elected. There was no
vice president, and the
constituent assembly
would choose a president
in the event of a
• Government secretaries
were granted non-
legislative powers such
as the right to choose its
own officials, the right
of censure and
interpolation, and the
authority to impeach the
president, cabinet
members, the chief
justice of the Supreme
Court, and the solicitor
1935 Transional Ratified by 1935 - 1946 • The constitution was
Constitution Government plebiscite on written to ensure that the
May 14, 1935. United States will live up
to its promise to grant
independence to the
• 1937 Philippine women's
suffrage plebiscite, the
right of women to vote
in elections.
• Filipino, a Tagalog-
based dialect, was
designated as the
national language
• Established Philippine
armed forces for national
defense Act.
Second Transitory in Ratified by October 14, • Composed of a preamble
Philippine Nature the 1943 – and twelve articles,
Republic KALIBAPI August 17, creates a Republican
Constitution (Kapisanan sa 1945 state with a powerful
Paglilingkod executive branch and
ng Bagong subordinate legislative
Pilipinas) on and judicial branches.
September 7, • Only in Japanese-
1943. controlled areas of the
Philippines was it
acknowledged as
legitimate and binding,
but it was ignored by the
US government and the
government in exile.
• The citizen's obligations
and rights are
enumerated in the
• Requires the government
to promote Tagalog as
the National language of
the Philippines.
1973 Parliamentary Ratified by January 17, • The constitution was
Constitution of Citizens’ 1973 – intended to establish a
Government Assemblies, February parliamentary-style
proclaimed in 1986 government, with a
force by unicameral national
Proclamation assembly and members
by President elected for six-year
Marcos. terms.
• The president was to be
chosen as the state's
symbolic and ceremonial
• The prime minister, who
was both the head of
government and
commander-in-chief of
the armed forces and was
to be elected from the
national assembly, was
granted executive
• The Batasang Pambansa
was granted legislative
• The president's executive
powers were reinstated,
and he was once again to
be directly elected. The
prime minister and 14
other members of the
president's cabinet were
supposed to form an
executive committee.
Electoral reforms were
also implemented.
• The executive committee
was abolished in 1984,
and the vice president
was restored.
Freedom Temporary Promulgated March 24, • Certain provisions from
Constitution Revolutionary by President 1986 until a the 1973 Constitution
Government Corazon new were retained, while
Aquino. constitution others were repealed.
formed • Aquino was granted
executive as well as
legislative powers.
• It gave the president
broad powers to
reorganize government
and remove officials, as
well as appointing a
commission to draft a
new, more formal

1987 Presidential Ratified on by February 2, • A preamble and sixteen

Constitution System of a plebiscite. 1987 - self-contained articles
Government Present begin the constitution. It
created the Philippines
as a democratic
republican state in which
the people have
sovereignty and all
government power is
delegated to them.
• It divides the
government's powers
between the executive,
legislative, and judicial
branches. The executive
branch is headed by the
president and his cabinet
whom he appoints. The
legislative power resides
in a congress divided
into two houses which is
the senate and the house
of representative.
• The constitution
introduced a party-list
system to allow under-
represented community
sectors to participate.
• Every Filipino citizen's
rights are outlined in an
amended Bill of Rights.
• The establishment of the
Commission on Human
• Recognition of Muslim
Mindanao and the
Cordilleras as an
autonomous region.

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