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crew Dige CHENNAI Egunoisey INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MLE Applied Electronies Name of the Course that include experiential earning th rough Project S.No | works Internship 1 | Advanced Digital System Design 2 _| Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 | Embedded System Design 4 | Sensors, Actuators and Interface Electronics 5 _| Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility § | Soft Computing and Optimization Techniques 7 | ASIC and FPGA Design 8 | Hardware ~ Software Co-Design 9 | High Performance Networks 10 | RF System Design 11 _ | Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Architectures 12. | Intemet of Things Dr. A. he PRINCIP: a HENNA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLO . a , CHENNAY- 630 082. AP5151 ADVANCED DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: ‘© To introduce methods to analyze and design synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits * To introduce the architectures of programmable devices. «To introduce design and implementation of digital circuits using programming tools. UNITI Sp RRTREEINCUTENGY , 9 Analysis of clocked synchronous sequential circuits and modeling- State diagram, state table, state table assignment and reduction-Design of synchronous sequential circuits design of iterative circuits- ASM chart and realization using ASM UNITI| ASYNCHRONOUS SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN 9 Analysis of asynchronous sequential circuit flow table reduction-races-state assignment-transition table and problems in transition table- design of asynchronous sequential circuit-Static, dynamic and essential hazards — data synchronizers — mixed operating mode asynchronous circuits — designing vending machine controller UNITII|_ FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND TESTABILITY ALGORITHMS 9 t table method-path sensitization method — Boolean difference method-D algorithm - Tolerance techniques — The compact algorithm ~ Fault in PLA - Test generation-DFT schemes ~Builtin selftest ' UNITIV SYNCHRONOUS DESIGN USING PROGRAMMABLE DEVICES 9 Programming logic device families — Designing a synchronous sequential circuit using PLA/PAL - Realization of finite state machine using Xilinx FPGA-Xilinx 4000 UNITV sTEM DESIGN USING VERILOG 9 Hardware Modelling with Verilog HDL — Logic System, Data Types and Operators For Modelling in Verilog HDL - Behavioural Descriptions in Verilog HDL ~ HDL Based Synthesis — Synthesis of Finite State Machines- structural modeling — compilation and simulation of Verilog code —Test bench - Realization of combinational and sequential circuits using Verilog — Registers — counters — sequential machine serial adder — Muttiplier- Divider — Design of simple microprocessor. TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student should be able to: * Analyze and design sequential digital circuits «Identify the requirements and specifications of the system required for a given application + Design and use programming tools for implementing digital circuits of industry standards REFERENCES: 1. Charles H.Roth Jr "Fundamentals of Logic Design” Thomson Learning 2004 2. M.D.Ciletti , Modeling, Synthesis and Rapid Prototyping with the Verilog HDL, Prentice Hall, 1999. M.G.Amold, Verilog Digital - Computer Design, Prentice Hall (PTR), 1999. Nripendra N Biswas “Logic Design Theory" Prentice Hall of India,2001 Parag K Lala “Digital system Design using PLD" B S Publications,2003 Parag K Lala “Fault Tolerant and Fault Testable Hardware Design" B S Publications,2002 S. Palnitkar , Verilog HDL — A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, Pearson , 2003 if Pare ~ il Dr. A. Ri OBJECTIVES: ‘© The student comprehends mathematical description and modelling of diserete time random signals. ‘© The student is conversant with important theorems and algorithms: ‘©The student leams relevant figures of merit such as power, energy, bias and consistency. +The student is familiar with estimation, prediction and filtering concepts and techniques. UNITI DISCRETE RANDOM SIGNAL PROCESSING 946 ‘Wide sense stationary process — Ergodic process — Mean — Variance - Auto-correlation and Auto- correlation matrix = Properties - Weiner Khitchine relation - Power spectral density — filtering random process, Spectral Factorization ‘Theorem-Finite Data records, Simulation of uniformly distributed/Gaussian distributed white noise ~ Simulation of Sine ‘wave mixed with Additive White Gaussian Noise. UNIT SPECTRUM ESTIMATION 96 Bias and Consistency of estimators - Non-Parametric methods - Correlation method - Co-variance estimator - Performance analysis of estimators — Unbiased consistent estimators ~/Petiodogram ‘estimator = Barlett spectrum estimation - Welch estimation. UNIT HI LINEAR ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION 946 Model based approach - AR, MA, ARMA Signal modeling - Parameter estimation using Yule-Walker method - Maximum likelihood criterion - Efficiency of estimator - Least mean squared error criterion — Wiener filter - Discrete ‘Wiener Hof equations ~ Mean square error. UNIT IV ARQRTIVEERTETERS! ¥ +6 Recursive estimators - Kalman filter - Linear prediction — Forward prediction and Backward prediction, Prediction error ~ Whitening filter, Inverse filter - Levinson recursion, Lattice realization, Levinson recursion algorithm for solving Toeplitz system of equations. UNITY | MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 96 FIR Adaptive filters - Newton's steepest descent method - Adaptive filters based on steepest descent method - Widrow Hoff LMS Adaptive algorithm - Adaptive channel equalization - Adaptive echo canceller - Adaptive noise cancellation ~ RLS Adaptive filters - Exponentially weighted RLS ~ Sliding window RLS - Simplified IIR LMS Adaptive filter. TOTAL4S+30; 75 PERIODS OUTCOMES: ‘© Formulate time domain and frequency domain description of Wide Sense Stationary process in terms of matrix + algebra and relate to linear algebra concepts. ‘© State Parsevals theorem, W-K theorem, principle of orthogonality, spectral factorization theorem, Widrow- Hoff LMS algorithm and Shannon's sampling theorem, and define linear prediction, linear estimation, sample auto-correlation, periodogram, bias and consistency. ‘© Explain various noise types, Yule-Walker algorithm, parametric and non-parametric methods, Wiener and Kalman filtering, LMS and RMS algorithms, Levinson Durbin algorithm, adaptive noise cancellation and adaptive echo cancellation, speed verses convergence issues, channel equalization, sampling rate change, subband coding and wavelet transform. ‘© Calculate meen, variance, auto-correlation and PSD for WSS stochastic processes, and derive prediction error criterion, Wiener Hoff equations, Parsevalstheorem,W-K theorem and normal equations, ‘© Design AR, MA, ARMA models, Weiner filter, antialiasing and anti imaging filters, and develop FIR adaptive filter and polyphase filter structures. ‘* Simulate spectral estimation algorithms and basic models on computing platform. REFERENCES: 1. John G. Proakis, Dimitris G. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005. 2. Monson H. Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, John Wiley and 2 ‘Sons Inc., New York, 2006. 3... Vaidyanathan, “Multirate Systems and Filter Banks", Prentice Hall, 1992. 4, S. Kay,” Modem spectrum Estimation theory and application”, Prentice Mall, Engletood, Cliffs, NJI988. 12 AP5191 _ EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN — LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES : The students should be made to: Learn design challenges and design methodologies = * Study general and single purpose processor «Understand bus structures UNIT! EMBEDDED SYSTEM OVERVIEW 9 Embedded System Overview, Design Challenges — Optimizing Design Metrics, Design Methodology, RT-Level Combinational and Sequential Components, Optimizing Custom Single-Purpose Processors. UNIT II GENERAL AND SINGLE PURPOSE PROCESSOR 9 Basic Architecture, Pipelining, Superscalar and VLIW architectures, Programmers view, Development Environment, Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processors (ASIPs) Microcontrollers, Timers, Counters and watchdog Timer, UART, LCD Controllers and Analog-to-Digital Converters, Memory Concepts. UNIT IIL BUS STRUCTURES 9 Basic Protocol Concepts, Microprocessor Interfacing — MO Addressing, Port and Bus-Based 1/O, Arbitration, Serial Protocols, fC, CAN and USB, Parallel Protocols — PCI and ARM Bus, Wireless Protocols — IrDA, Bluetooth, IEEE 80211; UNITIV _ STATE MACHINE AND CONCURRENT PROCESS MODELS 9 Basic State Machine Model, Finite-State Machine with Datapath Model, Capturing State Machine in Sequential Programming Language, Program-State Machine Model, ‘Concurrent Process Model, Communication among Processes, Synchronization among processes, , Real-time Systems, Automation: Synthesis, Verification : Hardware/Software | lation, Reuse: Intellectual Property Cores, Design Process Models. : UNITV EMBEDDED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS AND RTOS 9 Compilation Process ~ Libraries ~ Porting kernels ~ C extensions for embedded systems — emulation and debugging techniques — RTOS = System design using RTOS! TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the students should be able to: «© Explain different protocols Discuss state machine and design process models © Outline embedded software development tools and RTOS REFERENCES: 1. Bruce Powel Douglas, “Real time UML, secondedition: Developing efficient objects for embedded systems’, 3rd Edition 1999, Pearson Education. 2. Daniel W.Lewis, “Fundamentals of embedded software where C and assembly meet", Pearson Education, 2002. 3. Frank Vahid and Tony Gwargie, “Embedded System Design’, John Wiley & sons, 2002. 4. Steve Heath, “Embedded System Design”, Elsevier, Second Edition, 2004.— 14 SENSORS, ACTUATORS AND INTERFACE ELECTRONICS LTPC 3003 ‘© Understand static and dynamic characteristics of measurement systems. ‘© Study various types of sensors. © Study different types of actuators and their usage, © Study State-of-the-art digital and semiconductor sensors. UNIT INTRODUCTION TO MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS 9 Introduction to measurement systems: general concepts and terminology, measurement systems, sensor clasification, general input-output configuration, methods of correction, performance characteristics: static characteristics of ‘measurement systems, accuracy, precision, sensitivity, other characteristics: linearity, resolution, systematic errors, random errors, dynamic characteristics of measurement systems: zero-order, first-order, and second-order measurement systems and |. response. UNIT RESISTIVE AND REACTIVE SENSORS! ° Resistive sensors: potentiometers, strain gages, resistive temperature detectors, magneto resistors, light-dependent resistors, ‘Signal conditioning for resistive sensors: Wheatstone bridge, sensor bridge calibration and compensation, Instrumentation amplifiers, sources of interference and interference reduction, Reactance variation and electromagnetic sensors, capacitive sensors, differential, inductive sensors, linear variable differential transformers (LVDT), magncto clastic sensors, hal effect sensors, Signal conditioning for reactance-based sensors & application to the LYDT. UNITI ——_SELF-GENERATING SENSORS 9 Self-generating sensors: thermoelectric sensors, piezoelectric seneors, SERRE photovclle sensors, electrochemical sensors, Signal conditioning for self-generating sensors: chopper and low-drift amplifiers, offset and drifts amplifiers, electrometer amplifiers, charge amplifiers, noise in amplifiers. UNITIV _ ACTUATORS DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS AND APPLICATIONS 9 Relays, Solenoid drive, Stepper Motors, Voice-Coil actuators, Servo Motors, DC motors and motor contro, 4-t0-20 mA Drive, Hydraulic actuators, variable transformers: synchros, resolvers, Inductosyn, resolver-to-digital and digital-o-resolver converters, UNITY E R 9 Digital sensors: position encoders, variable frequency sensors — quartz digital thermometer, vibrating wire strain gages, vibrating cylinder sensors, saw sensors, digital flow meters, thermometers based ‘on semiconductor junctions, magneto diodes and magneto transistors, photodiodes and phototransistors, sensors based on MOSFET transistors, CCD imaging sensors , (Sener ercsczersory OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course the student will be able to Compare Actuators ‘* Evaluate digital sensors and semiconductor device sensors © Discuss Self-generating sensors REFERENCES: ‘Andrzej M. Pawlak Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics Design and Applications, 2006, D. Johnson, “Process Control Instrumentation Technology”, John Wiley and Sons. DPatranabis, “Sensors and Transducers”, TMH 2003, E.0, Doebiin, “Measurement System : Applications and Design”, McGraw Hill publications Graham Brooker, Introduction to Sensors for ranging and imaging, Yesdee, 2009. Herman K.P. Neubrat, “Instrument Transducers ~ An Introduction to Their Performance and Design”, Oxford University Press. 22. Jan Sinclair, Sensors and Transducers, Elsevier, 3d Edition, 2011. Jon Wilson , “Sensor Technology Handbook”, Newne 2004. Kevin James, PC Interfacing and Data acquisition, Elsevier, 2011 10. Ramon PallésAreny, John G, Webster, “Sensors and Signal Conditioning”, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2000 111. Sensors and Actuators: Control System Instrumentation, Clarence W. de Silva CRC Press , 2007. ©@EN AVAwNS 15 Ch SARATH z KUNDRATHUR, CHEN! THE SSIM BASED IMAGE QUALITY ASSESMENT AND ERROR DETECTION A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by Rajasri I (210417401008) In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING In APPLIED ELECTRONICS CHENNAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHENNAI ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI 600 025 MAY-2019 HAGA re ‘A demoisacking algorithm then interpolates the missing values into an array of pixels (picture elements), An Analog-to-Digital converter quantizes the amount of possible values for each components to a finite number. With today’s di ‘cameras, the convention is 8 bits-per-pixelfor each component, ic. 256 possible values for the RGB components and a total of 24 bitsper- pixel for the set of the three components. This is approximately 16 million different colors. At the end, ‘we obtain three matrices representing the amount of RGB at each location of the image. To simplify the problem, each RGB component of the digital image is transformed into a huminance and two chrominance channels. The value of each image is normalized in the interval [0, 1]. For most of the work in this thesis, we will be interested solely in greyscale images. That is, we will only consider the luminance channel. Thus, we will manipulate matrices with values between 0 and 1 where 0 is black and 1 is white, Note that these values for black and white are not necessarily universal but depend on the dynamic range of a given image. With indoor images for example, the given value for white ‘might be much lower than with outdoor images. Let I= {1,2,...,L1} * {1,2,..., L2} be the set of indices of the pixel values for an image Of L1 * L2 pixels, Let x(1) be a L1 x L2 real-valued matrix representing the intensity values (or greyscale) at cach pixel. For a mega-pixel (one million pixels) image, the dimension of a square image will be Ll = L2 = 1024, This is considered a medium-sized image. Today digital cameras have up to sixteen mega-pixels. That is, LI = L2 = 4096 for every square image. Here, we will = 256 or Ll =12=512. consider small images, ie. L1 = Note that the only practical difference between images of different sizes is the computation and memory cost to process them, For example, if the covariance between neighbouring pixels is needed at each location, then we have to compute and store (L1L2) 2 values, which represent one trillion values for a mega-pixel image. 12 Noise Distortion Models Noise in images has several sources. Given the quantum nature of light, a discrete amount of photons excites the photovoltaic receptor of the CCD camera. A natural variation occurs particularly in the low luminance region of an image and thus creates noise. \ NAGAR, eri a0 Second, the error-sensitivity paradigm is a bottom-up approach, simulating the function of relevant early-stage components in the HVS. The new paradigm is a top-down approach, mimicking the hypothesized functionality of the overall HVS. This, on the one hand, avoids the suprathreshold problem mentioned in the previous section because it docs not rely on threshold psychophysics to quantify the perceived distortions. On the other hand, the cognitive interaction problem is also reduced to a certain extent because probing the structures of the objects being observed is thought of as the purpose of the entire process of visual observation, including high level and interactive processes. Third, the problems of natural image complexity and decorrelation are also avoided to some extent because the new philosophy does not attempt to predict image quality by accumulating the errors associated with psychophysically understood simple patterns. Instead, the new philosophy proposes to evaluate the structural changes between two complex-structured signals directly. ‘2.1.2 Framework Fig. 1 illustrates a generic image quality assessment framework based on error sensitivity. Most perceptual quality assessment models can be described with a similar diagram, although they differ in detail. The stages of the diagram are as follows. + Pre-processing: This stage typically performs a variety of basic operations to eliminate known distortions from the images being compared. First, the distorted and reference signals are properly scaled and aligned. Second, the signal might be transformed into a color space that is more appropriate for the HVS. Third, quality assessment metrics may need to convert the digital pixel values stored in the computer memory into luminance values of pixels on the display device through pointwise nonlinear transformations. Fourth, a low-pass filter simulating the point spread function of the eye optics may be applied. Finally, the reference and the distorted images may be modified using a nonlinear point operation to simulate light adaptation. 10 3.41.1 DEFINITION Digital image processing is concerned with processing of an image. Image processing is a ‘method to perform operations on images like enhancing images, extracting text from image, detecting edge of image and many other operations. In digital image processing we take an image and convert that image in different forms. Like if we take color image we can convert it into grey image. In this both the input and output is an image. Usually Image Processing system includes treating images as two dimensional signals while applying already set signal processing methods to them. Today, its is rapidly growing technology. It forms core research area within engineering and ‘computer science disciplines too. Image processing has its wide applications in robotics, machine learning, neural networking, signal processing, medical field, graphics and animations and in many other fields. 3.2 HISTORY Many techniques of digital image processing were developed in ,1960s at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, University of Maryland. The cost of processing of image was very high. But that changed in 1970s, when digital image processing grow rapidly as cheaper computer and hardware became available. Images then could be processed in real time. With the development of fast computers available in 200s,digital image processing has become one of the most common form of image processing. It is used because it is not only the most versatile method, but also the cheapest. nA, CF SNMAMNSTITUTE OF TEC AYNAGA PA: DR i 3. cuss ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND COMPATIBILITY = LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: ‘The students should be made to be familiar with: ‘The basics of EMI EMI sources. EMI problems. Solution methods in PCB, ‘Measurements techniques for emission. ‘Measurement techniques for immunity. UNITI BASIC THEORY Introduction to EMI and EMC, Intra and inter system EMI, Elements of Interference, Sources and Victims of EMI, Conducted and Radiated EMI emission and susceptibility. Case Histories, Radiation hazards to humans, Various issues of EMC, EMC Testing categories EMC Engincering Application. UNITE {GQUPLING MECHANISM Electromagnetic Feld sources and Coupling paths, Coupling via the supply network, Common mode coupling, Differential mode coupling, Impedance coupling, Inductive and Capacitive coupling, Radioactive coupling, Ground loop coupling, Cable related emissions and coupling, Transient sources, Automotive transients. UNITIIT —_ EMIMITIGATION TECHNIQUES Working principle of Shielding and Murphy's Law, LF Magnetic shielding, Apertures and shielding effectiveness, Choice of Materials for H, E, and free space fields, Gasketting and sealing, PCB Level shielding, Principle of Grounding, Isolated grounds, Grounding stratepies for Large systems, Grounding for mixed signal systems, Filter ‘types and operation, Surge protection devices, Transient Protection. UNITIV STANDARD AND REGULATION ‘Need for Standards, Generie/General Standards for Residential and Industrial environment, Basie Standards, Product Standards, National and Intemational EMMI Standardizing CENELEC, ACEC. Electro Magnetic Emission and susceptibility standar UNIT V EMI TEST METHODS AND INSTRUMENTATION Fundamental considerations, EMI Shielding effectiveness tests, Open field test, TEM cel for immunity tet, Shielded chamber , Shieked anechoic chamber, EMI test receivers, Spearum analyzer, EMI test wave simulators, EMI coupling networks, Line impedance stabilization networks, Feedthrough capacitors, Aalnnas/Current probes, MIL = STD tes methods, Civilian ‘specifications, MILA61 TOTAL: 45 PERIODS ovrcomes: At the end ofthis course, the student should be able to: © Identify Standards © Compare EMI test methods ‘© Discuss EMI mitigation techniques REFERENCES: 1. Bemhard Keiser, “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”, 3" Ea, Artech house, Norwood, 1986. 2. Clayton Paul, “Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility", Wiley Interscience, 2006. 3. Daryl Gerke and William Kimmel, “EDN's Designe’s Guide to Electromagnetic Compatibility", Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2002 4, DrKeoneth I Kaiser, “The Electeomagnetc Compatibility Handbook", CRC Press 2005, 5. Electromagnetic Compatibility by Norman Violete Published by Springer, 2013 6. Electromagnetie Interference and Compatibiliy: Electrical noise and EMI specifications Volume 1 of A Handbook Series on Electromagnetic Inerference and Compatibility, Donald R. J. White Publisher-Don white consultants Original from the University of Michigan Digitized 6 Dee 2007 7. Henry W. Ot, “Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons Ine, Newyork, 2009 8. V Prasad Kodali, “Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibiliy”, IEEE Press, Newyork, 2001. 9. W Scott Bennett, “Control and Measurement of Unintentional Electromagnetic Radiation” Inc, (Wiley Interscience Series) 1997 CHENINAS - 600 0 ‘APS252 ASIC AND FPGA DESIGN LTPC301 ‘OBJECTIVES: yo study the dasign flow of diferent types of ASIC. Temas whe different types of programming technologies and logic devices. 2 Tolearn the architecture of different types of FPGA. & To.gain knowledge about partitioning, floor planning, placement and routing including eal extretion of ASIC UNITI OVERVIEW OF ASICAND PLD. 9 “Types of ASICS - Design flow ~ CAD tools used in ASIC Design Programming Technolo Antifuse PfBic RAM EPROM and EEPROM ecblogy, Poswnnable Loge ‘Devices: ROMSand PROMS” UNITIT _ ASIC PHYSICAL DESIGN ° System partition -parttioning - pattioning methods — interconnect delay models and measurement of aay oor planing - placement Routing obs routing - detailed routing - special routing ~ ccut extraction - DRC UNIT HIT LOGIC SYNTHESIS, SIMULATION AND TESTING 9 Design systems - Logie Synthesis - Half gate ASIC -Schematic entry - Low level design nee SpoleeEDIRSI devin represen, Verilog and logic syesine¥DU ad logic synthesis - types of lation -boundary scan test - fault simulation - automatic test pattern generation. UNIT IV FIELD P) MABLE GATE ARRAYS 2 ‘Technology mapping - Placement & routing - Register ‘Controller/Data path synthesis - Logic minimization. sfer (RT)/Logic Synthesis UNIT V SOC DESIGN 9 (Gipeseonechiy Den SOR rete! and IP based SoC Designs, Basie Concepts of Bus-Based Communicati itectures, High performance algorithms for ASICs! SoCs as case Sudies; Canonical Signed Digit Arithmetic, Knowledge Crunching Machine, Distributed Arithmetic, High performance digital filters for sigma-delta ADC. TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: ‘© Tocanatyze the synthesis, Simulation and testing of systems. ‘© To-apply different high performance algorithms in ASICs, ‘© To discuss the design issues of SOC. REFERENCES: David A.Hodges, Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Cireuits (3/e), MGH 2004 H.Gerez, Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, John Wiley, 1999 Jan. M. Rabaey et al, Digital Integrated Circuit Design Perspective (2/e), PHI 2003 MASS. Smith : Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Pearson, 2003 J, Old Field, R-Dorf, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, John Wiley& Sons, Newyork. PK Chand §. Mourad, Digital Design using Field Programmable Gate Array. Prentice Hall. Sudeep Pasricha and NikilDut, On-Chip Communication Architectures System on Chip Interconnect, Elsevier, 2008 S.Trimberger, Edr, Field Programmable Gate Array Technology, Kluwer Academie Pub. SBrown R Francis, .Rose, Z.Vransic, Field Programmable GateArray, Kluwer Pub. 5. Richard linder , "Engineering Digital Design,” Academie press om NOmaeNs APS251 SOFT COMPUTING AND OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUE - 3003 OBJECTIVES: =e Toleam various Soft computing frameworks. Te familiarizes with the design of various neural networks. 4 Tounderstand the concept of fuzzy logic. ‘sTo gain insight onto Neuro Fuzzy modeling and contol To gain knowledge in conventional optimization techniques. © To-understand the various evolutionary optimization techniques, uNITI NEURAL NETWORKS 9 ernie Learning using Neural Network, Leaming algorithms, Supervised Learning Neural Newwors Feed Forward Machine eet pase Function, Unsupervised Leaming Neural Networks - Self Organizing map » ‘Adaptive ‘Resonance Architectures, Hopfield network UNIT IT QEmsr 9 Furry Ses — Operations on Fuzzy Sts Fosn Relations — Membership Functions-Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning - Fuzzy Inference Systems UNIT IIL NEURO-FUZZY MODELING 9 ive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems — Gein ress Moieing — Classification and Regression Trees ~ ‘Data Clustering Algorithms ~ Rule base St tification — ‘Case Studies. UNITIV CONVENTIONAL OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 taduetion to optimization techniques, Statement of an optimization problem, classicatigy Unconstrained ‘ptimiznton-gradient search method-Gradient of a function, steepest gradient: conjubaie ‘gradient, Newtons Method, Niarmuardt Method, Consrained optimization sequential linear programming, Interior penalty funetion method, external penalty function method. UNITY EVOLUTIONARY OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 Cee algocihm working principle, Basic operators and Terminologies, Building block hypothesis, Travelling Salesman Problem, Particle swam optimization, Ant colony eptimization TOTAL :45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon Completion of the course, the students wil be able to: ‘¢_Irnplement machine learning through Neural networks. # Develop a Fuzzy expert system. © Model Neuro Fuzzy system for clustering and classification. = 6 Able to use the optimization techniques to solve the real world problems ‘REFERENCES: 1. David E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, ‘Addison wesley, 2008. 2. George J. Klirand Bo Yuan, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logie-Theory and Applications,Prentice Hall, 1995, 5, James A. Freeman and David M. Skapura, Neural Networks Algorithms, Applications, and Programming Techniques, Pearson Edn., 2003. Syh-Shing Roger Jang, Chuen-Tsti Sun, Eiji Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Sof Computing, Prentice-Hall of India, 2003. 5, Mitchel! Melanie, An Introduction to Genetic Algorithm, Prentice Hall, 1998. Simon Haykins, Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall Intemational Inc, 1999. 7. Singiresu S. Rao, Engineering optimization Theory and practice, John Wiley & sons, ine Fourth Edition, 2009 & Timothy J.Ross, Fuzzy Logie with Enginesring Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1997. =, Venkata Rao, Vimal J. Savsani, Mechanical Design Optimization Using Adyaneed Optimization Techniques, springer 2012 IE SAY/M.E.Ph.D. UR, CHENNAL 660 NORMALIZATION OF DATA IN IoT BASED METERED WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by Prathiba (210417401005) In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree oF MASTER OF ENGINEERING In APPLIED ELECTRONICS CHENNAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHENNAL ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI 600 025 MAY-2019 ~ ey CHAPTERS 5 SOFTWARE USED 5.1 INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) Sensors and actuators embedded in physical objects are linked through wired and wireless networks, often using the same Internet Protocol (IP) that connects the Internet. An open and comprehensive network of intelligent objects that have the capacity to auto-organize, share information, data and resources, reacting and acting in face of situations and changes in the environment “Internet of Things is maturing and continues to be the latest, the most hyped concept in the world, Over the last decade, the term Internet of Things (IoT) has attracted by projecting the vision of a global infrastructure of networked physical objects, enabling anytime, anyplace connectivity for anything and not only for anyone. The Intemet of Things can also be considered as a global network which allows the communication between human-to-human, human-to- things and things-to-things, which is anything in the world by providing unique lentity to each and every object IoT describes a world where just about anything can be connected and communicates in an intelligent fashion than ever before. Most of us think about being connected” in terms of electronic devices such as servers, computers, tablets, telephones and ; D 30 Magnetic latching relays can have either single or dual coils. On a single coil device, the relay will operate in one direction when power is applied with one polarity, and will reset when the polarity is reversed. On a dual coil device, when polarized voltage is applied to the reset coil the contacts will transition. AC controlled magnetic latch relays have single coils that employ steering diodes to differentiate between operate and reset commands. It was used in long distance telegraph circuits, repeating the signal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitting it to another. 4.2.2 Features © Trigger Voltage (Voltage across coil) : SV DC © Trigger Current (Nominal current) : 70mA © Maximum AC Load Current: 10A @ 250/125V AC © Maximum DC Load Current: 10A @ 30/28V DC Compact 5-pin configuration with plastic molding * Operating Time: 10msec Release time: Smsec ‘© Maximum Switching: 300 operating/minute (mechanically) 4.2.3 Pin Diagram eo Dr. f : A relay switch can be divided into two parts: input-and output. The input section has a coil which generates a magnetic field when a small voltage from an electronic circuit is applied to it. This voltage is called the operating voltage. Commonly used relays are available in the different configuration of operating voltages like 6V, 9V, 12V, 24V etc. The output section consists of contractors which connect or disconnect mechanically. In a basic relay, there are three contractors: Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC) and COMmon (COM). At no input state, the COM is connected to NC. When the 18 6.2 NORMALIZATION PROCESS, ‘The normalization process is done by controlling the solenoid valve after estimating that the specified limit has been achieved by the user. Once the processor confirms the limit and the valve is then triggered and the water flow is blocked. Before blocking the water a waming message is sent via mobile and the user can find their usage in the cloud storage. This helps in minimizing the water theft using pumps and motors. The warning message is sent for every 50% and 90% of consumption. This alerts the user that the water is going to be blocked. 35 APS291 HARDWARE - SOFTWARE CO-DESIGN LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: ve To acquire the knowledge bout system specification and modelling. © Toleam the formulation of partitioning © Tostudy the different technical aspects sbout prototyping and emulation. UNITT ‘SYSTEM SPECIFICATION AND MODELLING 9 TT ed Systems, Hardware’Software Co-Design, Co-Design for System Speccation and Modeling , Co-Design for Heterogeneous Implementation ~ ro swith one A Multi-Processor ee aenres, Comparison of Co- Design Approaches, Models of Computation, Rea 3 Embedded System Specification. UNIT IL HARDWARE / SOFTWARE PARTITIONING 9 ONT aedwarelSoftware Partitioning Problem, Hardware-Software Cost Estimation. Genentiot of the Partitioning Graph, rae reer gt the HW/SW Parttioning Problem, Optimization , HW/SW Partitioning based on Heuristic Scheduling, HW/SW Partitioning based on Genetic Algorithms UNIT HARDWARE / SYNTHESIS 9 ‘The Co-Synthesis Problem, ffinement and Controller Generation, Co- Synthesis Algorithm for Distributed System- Case Studies with any one application. uNITIV PROTOTYPING AND EMULATION ° Iron Pap ad maa TSF on Tecan Future Developments in iio rogping Target Archtecture- ArchiectureSpecializtion Techniques Sys ‘Communication Emulation re roet Architectures and Application System Classes, Architectures for Coniel-Dominsied Syiemss “Architectures for Deta-Dominated Systems ‘Mixed Systems and Less Specialized Systems UNITV DESIGN SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION 9 Concurrency, Coordinating Concurrent Computations, ‘Interfacing Components, Verification ‘anguages for System-Level Spevification and Design System-Level Specification ,Design Representation for System and Multi-Language Co- simulation. iS PERIODS. 12a synthesis, System Level Specification Languages, Heterogeneous Specifica TOTA! OUTCOMES: ‘To assess prototyping and emulation techniques ‘© Tocompare hardware / software co-synthesis. © To formulate the design specification and validate its functionality by simulation REFERENCES: Poaceae snni De Micheli, Rolf Emst Morgoo,” Reading in Hardware/Software Co-Design “Kaufmans Publishers,2001. 2. ormenStauntrp, Wayne Wolf "Hardware Softvare Co-Design:Prneiples and Prac”, Kluwer Academic Pub,1997. 43, teitNismann,“Tardware'Software Co-Design for Dat Flow Dominated Embedded Systems", Kluwer Academie Pub, 1998. APSO04 HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: "s To develop a comprehensive understanding of multimedianetworking. ‘s To study the types of VPN and tunneling protocols forsecurity. © To lear about network security in many layers and networkmanagement. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Review of OSI, TCP/IP; Multiplexing, Modes of Communication) Switching, Rowing ‘SONET~ DWDM — DSL~ ISDN - BISDN,ATM. UNITIT. MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING APPLICATIONS 9 Snuming stored Audio and Video Best effort service — protocols for rea ime interactive applications ~ Beyond best career ating and policing mechanism — integrated services RSVP- differentiated services UNITITT ADVANCED NETWORKS CONCEPTS 9 smote-Access VPN, site-to-s ‘Tunneling to PPP, Security in VPN.MPLS- operation, Routing, Tunneling use of FEC, Traffic Engineering, ‘based VPN, overlay networks- P2P connections. UNITIV TRAFFIC MODELLING 9 Liles theorem, Need for modeling, Poisson modeling and its failure, Non- poisson ‘models, Network performance evaluation. UNITY NETWORK SECURITY AND MANAGEMENT 9 Principles of eryptography ~ Authentication ~ integrity — key distribution and certification = ose conto an: fire ering lctacks and counter measures — security in many layers. Infrastructure for network manaseme internet vandard management framework - SMI, MIB, SNMP, Security and administration ~ ASN.1 ‘TOTAL: 4SPERIODS OUTCOMES: ‘Upon completion ofthis course, the students should be able to: ‘© Discuss advanced networks concepts ‘© Outline traffic modeling © Evaluate network security REFERENCES: Fee scseg Kumar, DM Aajunath, Joy Kur, “Communiation Networking”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1" edition 2004. 2 eect and Lingana Gouda Kullarn, "Computer Notworking and the Inte’ edition, Pearson cefucation 2006 3 meet rte & Plt, “IP Telephony, packet Pored Mulimedia communication Systems", Pearson efveation 2003 2 rose & K.W. Ross, "Computer Networking: Atop down approschfeturng the inte”, Pearson, 2" eiton, 2003 Lamy Peterson & Bruce S.David, “Computer Networks A System Approach”. 1996 LEOM-GaCIA, WIDIAIA, “Communication networks”, TMH seventh reprint 2002. Nader FMir Computer and Comnunication Networks, fst edition 2010 eae. arate, High performance communication network, Morgan Kauffnan~ Harcourt Asin Pvt. Ltd. 24 Edition, 2000 * erIoe 34 i a ost APSO73 RF SYSTEM DESIGN LTPC 3003 OBJECTIVES: eee CMOS RF Front End (RFE) is very crucial building block and in all of Witsles: and many high frequency The CMOS Men The RFE has few important building blocks within i including Ws ow Noise Amplifiers, wise n et Loop Synthesizers, Mixers, Power Amplifiers, and impedance matching circus «©The present course will ntrdce the principles of operation and design principles associated with these important blocks. «The couse will also provide and highlight the appropriate dipital communication related design objectives and ‘constraints associated with the RFES UNIT |JeMOSBIYSICS, TRANSCEIVER SPECIFICATIONS AND {CHITECTURES. 9 Introduction eee, Physics, Noise: Thermal, shot, flicker, popcorn noise, Two port Noise theory, Noise Figure, THD, IP2, IP3, Sensitivity, SFDR, Phase noise - Specification distribution over a ‘communication link, Homodyne THD, Te, Wa. ae Reelvr, image reject, Low IF Receiver Architectures Direct upconversion Transmie, Two Sep upeonverson Transmiter. UNITIL IMPEDANCE MATCHING AND AMPLIFIERS 9 S parameters with Smith char, Pasive IC components, Impedance match networks, Common Gate, Common Source Sefer OC Time constants in bandwidth estimation and enhancement, High Heaney amplifier design, Power match ace ach, Single ended and Differential LNAs, Tenminaied with Resistors and Souree Degenenion LNAS. UNITI FEEDBACK SYSTEMS AND POWER AMPLIFIERS 9 Sobilty of feedback systems: Gain and phase margin, Root-locus techniques, Time and Frequency domain considerations, Compensation, General model ~ Class A, AB, B,C, D, E and F amplifier, Power ‘amplifier Linearisation Techniques, Emiciency boosting techniques, ACPR metric, Design considerations. UNITIV MIXERS AND OSCILLATORS 9 (nicer, Rs ye Chased miners, Quadratic mixers, Multiplier based mixers, Single balanced and Hoobs cere, sudvarpling mixers, Oscillators describing Functions, Colts osllators Resonators “Tuned Oscillators, ‘Negative resistance oscillators, Phase noise, UNITV ND FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZERS 9 Linearised Model, Noise properties, Phase detectors, Loop filters and Charge pumps Integer-N tequeney synthesizers, Direct Digital Frequency synthesizers y ‘TOTAL : 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: rons aden ater completing this course must be able to translate the top level wireless communications system specifications into block level specifications ofthe RFE. eThe student should be also able to carry out transistor level design ofthe entire RFE. REFERENCES: 1B Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, MeGraw Hill, 2001 2. BRazavi,“RF Microelectronics”, Pearson Education, 1997. Fan Crols Michiel Steyaer, “CMOS Wireless Transcelver Design, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997. Recorded lectures and notes available at bp//www.e.itm.ae-in/-eni/ee6240/ 5. T.Lee, “Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits”, Cambridge, 2004. 36 [ApS201 ADVANCED MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROCONTROLLERS ARCHITECTURES OBJECTIVES: ‘¢ To familiarize about the features, ‘¢ To gain knowledge about the archi associated with them. 4s To familiarize about the features, specification and features ‘of modern microcontrollers. ___ 2 Tegaintnowledge about the 32 bitmirocontolers bared on ARM and PIC32 architectures speciffeation and features of madem mieroprocestors sre ue of intel 32 and 64 bit microprocessors and salient features 9 {/— memory interface - multi-core cecution — dynamic execution ~ over UNITI FEATURES OF MODERN MICROPROCESSORS. Revlution of microprocessors - Data and Adiress bases — ritecrures — eache memory hierarchy — operating modes _ SA sealer ex spregated graphics processing - performance benchmarks. uNITI HIGH PERFORMANCE CISC ARCHITECTURES 9 UNTT Tonto TA 32 bit architecture ~ Intel Pentium Processors SITY He Memory Management ~ Branch saat cr teading technology ~ 64 bit extension technology — 11° prediction log areas tecture «Intel Core processor family tree —Turbo boost technology ~ Smart cache ~ features of Nehalem ‘microarchitecture UNITE HIGH PERFORMANCE RISC ARCHITECT: ARM 9 ‘model of ARM Architecture — 3- stage pipeline RISC architecture merits and demerits ~ The programm "ARM organization -3-stage pipeline ARM organization aan set = ARM architecture profiles (A, Rané M profiles) sient features of ARM UNITHT FEATURES OF MODERN MICROPROCESSORS 9 = pA Mtuetion to microcontrollers ~ microcontroller vs mictopraess re microcontroller architecture - Processor Cone Memory interfaces~ Communication interfaces (SPLLEC, USB and CAN) — ADC - PWM i ey UNITIV. _ HIGH PERFORMANCE MICROCONTROLLER ARCHITECTURES 9 UNTT TY onto the CortexM Processor Family - ARM ‘Cortex arlene for microcontrollers ~ Thumb 2 ruuttion technology ~ Internal Registers ~ Nested Vectored InerruPt ‘controller - Memory map - Inierrupts and ‘Exception handling ~ Applications of Cotex-M3 arcitestre TOTAL: 45 PERIODS ‘OUTCOMES: «iter completion of the course, the students should be able roar plin the features and important specifications of modem coprocse © et an the sant features CISC mieroprocssrs based on IAS OE and IA-64 bit architectures 2 Tocuplain the salient features RISC processors based on 'ARM architecture and different application profiles of ARM core Toexplain the features and important specifications of modem ierocontrotlers J Te explain about ARM —MG architecture and is salient features REFERENCES: pr AR a 1. Bay, B. Breg,” The Intel Microprocessors”, PH}-2008. . F Gane Hille ° Micro Computer Enginering” Pearson Euston £2003, 4 43. Intel Inc, “Intel 64 and LA-32 Architectures ‘Developer's Mamuial”, Volume-1:2016. a oe vit, "The Definitive Guide tothe ARM ® Cores-Mo" Newnehy Ab |MR, CHENAL G00 08% 5, Scott Mueller, “Upgrading and Repairing PCs”, 20" edition, Que. § Steve Furber, ) ARM System -On Chip architecture “Addsion ‘Wesley ,2000. CP5292 INTERNET OF THINGS a1 Ff & 3003 OBJECTIVES: + Tounderstand the fundamentals of Internet of Things + To learn about the basics of IOT protocols + To build a small low cost embedded system using Raspberry Pi + To apply the concept of Internet of Things in the real world scenario, UNITI INTRODUCTION TO loT 9 Internet of Things - Physical Design- Logical Design- loT Enabling Technologies - oT Levels & Deployment Templates - Domain Specific loTs - loT and M2M - loT System Management with NETCONF-YANG- loT Platforms Design Methodology UNITIL loT ARCHITECTURE 9 M2M high-level ETSI architecture - IETF architecture for loT - OGC architecture - loT reference model = Domain model - information model - functional model - communication mode! - loT reference architecture UNIT IIL loT PROTOCOLS 9 Protocol Standardization for loT — Efforts - M2M and WSN Protocols - SCADA and RFID Protocols ~ Unified Data Standards - Protocols - IEEE 802.15.4 - BACNet Protocol - Modbus~ Zigbee Architecture — Network layer ~ 6LowPAN - CoAP - Security UNITIV _ BUILDING IoT WITH RASPBERRY PI & ARDUINO 9 Building OT with RASPERRY PI- loT Systems - Logical Design using Python — loT Physical Devices & Endpoints - loT Device -Building blocks -Raspberry Pi -Board - Linux on Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi Interfaces -Programming Raspberry Pi with Python - Other loT Platforms - Arduino. UNITV CASE STUDIES AND REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS 9 Real world design constraints - Applications - Asset management, Industrial automation, smart grid, Commercial building automation, Smart cities - participatory sensing - Data Analytics for oT — Software & Management Tools for loT Cloud Storage Models & Communication APIs - Cloud for loT - ‘Amazon Web Services for loT. TOTAL :45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to: * Analyze various protocols for loT Develop web services to access/control loT devices. Design a portable loT using Rasperry Pi Deploy an loT application and connect to the cloud. Analyze applications of loT in real time scenario REFERENCES: 1. Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisett, Internet of Things — A hands-on approach’, Universities Press, 2015 2. Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, Michahelles, Florian (Eds), “Architecting the Internet of Things”, Springer, 2011. 3. Honbo Zhou, “The Internet of Things in the Cloud: A Middleware Perspective’, CRC Press, 2012. 4. Jan Ho’ ller, Viasios Tsiatsis , Catherine Mulligan, Stamatis , Karnouskos, Stefan ‘Avesand. David Boyle, "From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things - Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence", Elsevier, 2014. 6. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi,, "The Internet of Things - Key applications and Protocols", Wiley, 2012 Ps 42 2 Sap ies Nosy Kia DETECTION OF GAS LEAKAGE FOR SMART ALERTING AND PREDICTION USING IOT A PROJECT REPORT Submitted by Selvasundari R (210417401009) In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING In APPLIED ELECTRONICS CHENNAI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, CHENNAI. ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI 600 025 MAY-2019 oy Dr. CHAPTER 3 3.1. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 3.1.1 INTRODUCTION Embedded system is a combination of software and hardware such that it can fulfill the user requirement of a specific task. ‘An embedded system is not a computer system that is used primarily for processing, not a software system on PC or UNIX, not a traditional business or scientific application, High-end embedded & lower end ‘embedded systems. High-end embedded system - Generally 32, 64 Bit Controllers used with OS. Examples are Personal Digital Assistant and Mobile phones etc. The main purpose of it is to control the devices that can be mechanical, electrical or other, which is a microcontroller based, software driven, reliable, real-time control system, autonomous, or human or network interactive, operating on diverse physical variables and in diverse environments and sold into a competitive and cost-conscious market. One of its most important characteristics of these systems is, it gives the output within the time limits. Embedded systems support to make the work more perfect and convenient. Examples: Small controllers and devices in our everyday life like Washing oy Machine, Microwave Ovens. Dr.A cl 5.3 THINGSPEAK EXPLORER ‘Thingspeak is an Internet of Things (IoT) Development Platform that empowers engineers and System Integrators to build IoT applications that tum sensor data into actionable insights. Our technology stack puts together backend and frontend ingredients to accelerate IoT innovation, Equipped with device friendly APIs (accessed over HTTP, MQTT, TCP or UDP protocols), Thingspeak provides a simple and secure connection for sending and retrieving data to and from our cloud service in real-time. Thingspeak Explorer is an Android app for monitoring sensors or controls electrical devices via Bluetooth, local Wi-Fi or Intemet 5.3.1 Control Node MCU over BLUETOOTH 5.3.2 Control Node MCU over the INTERNET (ESP8266) 5.3.3. Control Node MCU over WIFI (ESP8266) Control at the same time more than one Node MCU board. No 2 3.4 Figure 3.1 shows the “V Diagram” that is often used to describe the development cycle, The goal of rapid development is to make this cycle as efficient as possible by minimizing the iterations required for a design. 3.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF EMBEDDED SYSTEM ‘An embedded system is any computer system hidden inside a product other than a computer. Memory is limited to embedded systems, and you must make the software and the data fit into whatever memory exists Program installation Embedded systems have a microprocessor/ microcontroller and a memory. Some have a serial port or a network connection. They usually do not have keyboards, screens or disk drives. There will encounter a number of difficulties when writing embedded system software in addition to those we encounter when we write applications. Throughput . Without a screen or a keyboard, finding out what the software is doing wrong (other than not working) is a troublesome problem Reliability.embedded systems must be able to handle any situation without human intervention Memory space Embedded systems have a microprocessor/ microcontroller and a memory. Some have a serial port or a network connection. They usually do not have keyboards, screens or disk drives. APPLICATIONS Embedded systems find numerous applications in various fields such as, 3.4.1 Military and aerospace embedded software applications 3.4.2 Telecommunications and Satellite Systems 3.4.3 Industrial Measurement and Process control Software _ 3.4.4 Digital Electronics and Computing Networks 2 ) nen nage gy

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