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Eitan ibn Gabirol

Age: 16

Alignment: Chaotic

Aliases: World’s Worst Warrior

Weapons: Golems, Acinaces

Strengths: Golemancy, Transmutation,


Weaknesses: No Combat Capability,

Needs to understand material to Transmute

Trivias or Other Unnamed Abilities:

-Eitan once attempted to learn to fight… it
ended poorly

-Eitan’s family looked down at him for

stepping outside of his means. They believe
he should ride the laurels of his ancestors
as they do. But Eitan refuses to live off
another's Legacy. As he will build his own.

-Eitan though being a creator of Machines

and Artifice, dreams of one day creating
consciousness. And as such views himself
as a leader to those he creates and has
studied after great leaders of the past.

-Eitan enjoys art. It’s always been a passion

of his. Sculpture, Paint, Charcoal or
Graphite… he’s always loved it

Mystic Code and Mystic Crest Personal skills

Crest of Avicebron: Mana Boost Golemancy: Rock and Mud Golems

Contacts of the Viewer: Can scan and learn the chemical Alchemy: Transmutation
make-up of any material
Backstory Personality
Eitan ibn Gabirol was born to a high class family. And in a
way that suited him well. It gave him resources he could
have never dreamed of otherwise… but his family were Servants: Leonidas Heracleidae, Solomon ibn Gabirol
content with their place. But he never was. He always Saint Jeanne d’Arc
dreamt of going further. Making his name one in the
history books thousands of years down the road. His To be Summoned: Atlanta (Archer of the Forest)
ancestor was persecuted for having played god. But that
wasn’t Eitan’s goal. He wished to advance Magecraft in
the modern day once more. Prove that it was possible to
achieve feats that were only seen in the Age of Gods now
in the modern day. He viewed himself as a leader of those
he built up and desired to learn everything he could in
accordance. Studying tactics, public speaking and many
other subjects. His largest failing always followed him
through… his inability to fight for himself. He tried and tried
but never had managed.. Now he was called to Chaldea to
help stop a mysterious threat... but he would never stop
trying to advance in his goals

Strength: E (-2)
Endurance: B (+1)
Agility: C (+0)
Quality: A (+2)
Quantity: A (+2)
Luck: B (+1)

Atlanta’s Apple (To Summon her)

1 Minor Chalice (+1 to a Stat, Mystic Code, New Spell or New Servant)

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