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Promises are not always meant to be broken


There was a girl named Abby who believed very much in true love and decided to take his time to wait
for his right boy to appear. She believed that there would definitely be someone special out there for
her to love her no matter what she is.

While Abby is in her way to school, there was a boy name Carlo, who is running and he bump Abby that
cause her to fall in the floor and that day is the start of their story for being together as a couple. Days,
weeks, months, and years passed away been a strong couple and make a happy memories.

Ever since , Abby's family member disagree about her relationship with Carlo, because of Carlo's family
background, if she insist of being together with Carlo, she'll suffer for her whole life.

Because of the pressured applied by the family members, she frequently have fight with Carlo. Abby
does love Carlo, she used to ask him, "how much do you love me?" because Carlo is not good with
words, he used to make her angry with additional comment from her parents, her mood get even
worse. Carlo has become her "anger releasing target". And he just silently allowed her to continuously
release her anger on him.

Later, Carlo graduated from University. He plan to further study overseas before he left. He proposed to
Abby... "I, don't know how to say nice words but I do know that, I love you. If you agree, I am willing to
take care of you, the whole life. About your your family members, I will work hard to convince them and
give their blessing to us

"Marry me will you?", Abby agreed

And her parents, looking at the effort shown by Carlo agreed with them. Finally, before he go oversea,
they are engaged. She stay back in the hometown, step into the working society where Carlo continuing
his study oversea. They maintained their relationships through with, but both of them never give up.

One morning while Carlo is having his coffee, he is thinking Abby then the phone ring that cause him to
be shock then suddenly his coffee fell down at the floor.

Abby left home for work as usual on her way to the bus stop, a car lose control and knocks her down. At
the hospital, as she awake from in consciousness all that she see is darkness. She hear her parents and
realize how seriously she got hurt and fortunate her not to get killed. Touching her parents with their
face got all wet by their tears, she tried to comfort them, but then she found out that she is blind, she
tried her best to close and open her eyes to hope that she might have seen again. According to the
doctor, the injury affected her eyes and that cause her to be blind for the rest of her life.
Later, Abby discharged from hospital. Returning to her home, everything is not like before. Except that
the phone ring, has turned into the worst night mare of hers. Ring after ring, continuously stimulate her,
stimulating her pain but she can't tell to Carlo. She don't want to be a burden to him, and wrote him a
letter telling him that she no longer want to wait, the relationship between them ended, and even
returned him the engagement ring. Her father decided to move, after seeing the pain she is suffering.
Hoping that she could forget everything and be happier into a new environment, the girl started to
learn, remember some foot steps that will be her guide and start over again. Also telling herself to forget

Her best friend Kaye tell her that Carlo is back. He's searching all around for her, he asked Kaye not to
tell him about her and ask her to tell him to forget her. After that for more than a year there was no
news of Carlo. One day Kaye tells Abby that Carlo is getting married soon. Kaye read the card and she
found out that Abby's name is in the card.

The moment she want to ask Kaye, Carlo appear in front of them. And hugged Abby tightly, but she
pushed Carlo away.

"Why are you pushing me away? Do younstill love me?" "NO" Abby reply.

"Why, have I done wrong?"

"Yes Carlo because why did you let it happen to me that you promised to take care of me the whole life
but you let it happen that my world turned into darkness." Abby said

"I'm so sorry if I let it happen to you but I promise you that your world will come back to the light you
have before. Goodbye"

Day pass, the mother of Abby received a good new.

*The phone ring*

"Hello!" Abby's mother said

"Good day Mrs. I am the doctor of Abby, I have a good news your daughter have a donor for her eyes"

"Thank you very much Doc and I also want to relay thank you for the donor of Abby's eyes."

A few months later, Abby's live happily because the operation for her eyes have been successful.

One day while Abby's alone at home, she decided to go to the kitchen to get some water, but suddenly
she saw a lot of letters on the top of the table. Because of curiosity she grabed the letters and one letter
fell at the floor and on the top of the letter written to my love Abby. Then she open and started to read
Dear Abby,

Take care of my eyes, I promise ou that your world will come back to the light you have before.

I Love You



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