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3 114 C.

Heller Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 3114-3127

Christoph Heller Finding a universal low viscosity polymer for DNA

separation (11)
Abteilung Lehrach,
Max-Planck-Institut fur When investigating the use of different polymers for capillary electrophoresis we
Molekulare Genetik, found that poly-N,N-dimethylacrylamide (pDMA) has a very low viscosity
Berlin-Dahlem, Germany compared to other polymers of comparable molecular mass and resolving power.
This makes it a potentially useful matrix for DNA separation in multi-capillary
electrophoresis, where short cycle times or low pressure for matrix replacement are
preferred. We have characterized this matrix by systematic studies on concen-
tration, chain length and field strength dependence. It is shown that pDMA
performs well for the separation of oligonucleotides and double-stranded DNA
fragments. Together with the application of DNA sequencing,pDMA is a universal
polymer for the separation of biological macromolecules.

1 Introduction solutions gave superior separations over dilute solutions

[ 151. Therefore, for many high resolution applications (e.g.,
During the last ten years, capillary electrophoresis (CE) has DNA sequencing), the properties of an entangled network
developed into a powerful analytical method and has also will most probably be needed. To date, a number of
shown great potential in the separation of biopolymers different polymers have been described for the separation of
currently being separated by slab-gel electrophoresis. CE, DNA in CE. Most of the polymers used are modified
however, has numerous advantages over slab-gel electro- polysaccharides: agarose [4, 161 and various cellulose
phoresis, which have already been described in detail [l]. derivatives such as methylcellulose (MC), hydroxyethyl-
CEs performance is comparable to HPLC, but has the cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) and
advantage that multiple capillaries can be run at the same hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) [ 13-15, 17, 181.
time (see e.g. [2, 31). In the case of DNA separation, CE Synthetic polymers such as linear polyacrylamide and
offers full compatibility to existing biochemistry, which is alkyl-substituted derivatives [ 12, 19-23] as well as poly-
not always the case in alternative techniques, such as .ethyleneglycol (PEG) or polyethylene oxide (PEO) [2426]
MALDI-MS. Early attempts to apply CE to the size- have been used. This list shows that a great number of
separation of biomolecules were based on gel-filled polymers exists which could potentially be used as a
capillaries (e.g. agarose or cross-linked polyacrylamide) separation matrix for biological molecules, but not all of
[4, 51. However, gel-filled capillaries have several dis- them are suitable for standard CE devices. Especially in the
advantages: First, the filling of the capillary has to be done new multicapillary devices, a low viscosity to keep the
with great caution in order to avoid the introduction of air technical sophistication low is needed. Therefore, the ideal
bubbles. The shrinkage of the gel during polymerization can polymer should have at least the same separation properties
also be a source of bubbles [6]. Gels, and in particular as classical gels, combined with a low viscosity that would
polyacrylamide, can be degraded by hydrolysis, especially allow easy replacement.
at the alkaline pH normally used to separate biopolymers. It
has also been observed that during repeated use, bubbles
can form at the sample injection end of the capillary [7, 81. Recently, matrices have been described which can change
Gels can also dry out at the ends. their properties (notably the viscosity) if the temperature is
changed. Two mechanisms can be identified here: Either
the collapse of molecules at high temperature [27] or the
A solution to these problems is to use a polymer solution, formation of micelles with increasing temperature [28, 291.
which can be replaced after each run. Shortly after the first These ideas seem very promising, yet need to be better
DNA separations in gel-filled capillaries were performed [9, exploited. Also, they require a precise temperature control,
101, it was soon found that DNA can be separated in so- which puts higher demands on the instrumentation. Third,
called “semidilute” (i. e. “entangled”) polymer solutions the temperature requirements of the matrix have to be
(e.g. [ll-131). Later, it was proven that separation is adjusted to the temperature requirements of the analyte: For
possible even at concentrations below the overlap threshold example in DNA sequencing, a temperature of 50-60”C is
(dilute solutions) [14]. However, in a systematic study it needed to keep the molecules denatured. The rather low
was shown that for small dsDNA, the entangled polymer velocity in such matrices [28] might also be a concern.
Therefore, our approach is to develop a separation matrix
Correspondence: Dr. Christoph Heller, Max Planck-Institut fiir Mole- based on “classical” polymer entanglement. Recently, we
kulare Genetik, JhnestraBe 73, D-14195 Berlin, Germany, (Tel: +49- have described how such a polymer can be found and be
30-841 3-1710; Fax: 49-30-84 13-1380; E-mail: heller@mpimg-berlin- successfully used for the case of DNA separation [l]. The
present paper is a continuation of the earlier work and
Abbreviations: BRF, biased reptation with fluctuations; HPC, hydroxy- identifies a second polymer, poly-N,N-dimethylacrylamide
propylcellulose; PAA, polyacrylamide; pDMA, poly-N,N-dimethyl- (pDMA), as a good candidate for biomolecule separation.
acrylamide; TOPRO-1, quinolinium,4-[(3-methyl-2(3H)-benzothiazolyli- pDMA has been proposed before as a separation matrix for
dene)methyl]-l-[3-(trimethylammonio)propyl]-, diiodide CE [22, 301, but extensive, fundamental studies on this
Keywords. Separation matrix / Polymer solution I D N A separation I polymer have not been undertaken.

0 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmhH, 69451 Weinheim, 1998 0173-0835/98/1818-3114 $17.50+.50/0

Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31 14-3127 A low viscosity polymer for DNA separation 3 115

2 Theory concentration. A second method to determine [q], is to

extrapolate the inherent viscosity qi,,h to zero:
2.1 Polymer solutions
The basics of polymer solutions have been described in [TI = In qrel/Cc -t 0 = qinh c + 0 (5)
earlier publications (e.g. [31, 321). Therefore, we shall only
recall very briefly the major equations used in this study: The intrinsic viscosity has been measured for a number of
Polymer entanglement takes place above the overlap polymers and it was found that for many of them it fits the
threshold, or entanglement threshold, c*. Equation (1) is following empirical expression (Mark-Houwink-Sakurada
the geometrical definition of the entanglement threshold, equation) [36]:
i.e. c* is the concentration at which the polymer chains
(modeled as coils) touch each other [33, 341: [q] E K Mva (6)

3 h!fJ4 3t N A R: where a and K are characteristic constants (“Mark-Houwink

C* “N (1)
constants”) for a given polymer-solvent system. For flexible
molecules, the value of a varies between 0.5 (polymer in an
with R, and M, being the radius of gyration and the
ideal solvent) and 0.8 for so-called “swollen” chains. Mv is
molecular mass of the polymer, respectively, and NA being
the “viscosity average molecular mass”, which is different,
the Avogadro number. For a given polymer, this threshold
but often close to the weight average molecular mass, M,
can be experimentally determined by measuring the
viscosity of the polymer solution at different concentrations WI.
and finding the point of departure from linearity on the
If we neglect the difference between Mr and M , and
specific viscosity vs. concentration plot [18]. However, as
combine Eqs. (1), (2) and (6) we get a simple expression for
previously pointed out [34], this method depends essentially
the overlap threshold:
on the accuracy of the experimental data and deviations
from linearity are difficult to estimate precisely.
c* z 1.5 [q]-l E (1.5/K) M,-“ (7)
Therefore, in order to determine the overlap threshold more For electrophoretic separations, we might want to know the
accurately, we need to know the radius of gyration of a “pore size” of such a network. A chain segment between
particular polymer. There are several ways to measure the two entanglement points can be regarded as an independent
radius of gyration experimentally, but if M, is known, a subunit, and can itself undergo a random walk. The volume,
simple way to determine it, is to measure the intrinsic which this chain segment can take, is called a “blob” and is
viscosity in the dilute regime [35]: described by the “blob size”, c b (analogous to the radius of
gyration). Viovy and Duke [34] argued that this “blob size”
[q] Z 6.2 R: N A / M ~ (2) should be used as a “pore size”, which can be calculated as
The value [q] (also called limiting viscosity number) is a
measure of the capacity of an isolated polymer to enhance kb = 1.43 R, (C/C*)-~’~ (c>c*) (8a)
the viscosity of a solution and it increases with the
molecular mass. The viscosity q of a polymer solution
increases strongly with the concentration. However for very
dilute solutions, we can usually find the following relation:

(with c b in cm and concentration in g/mL). This means that

the “pore size” of an entangled polymer solution does not
with qs being the solvent viscosity and c being the polymer depend on the degree of polymerization but only on its
concentration. Equation (3) describes the tangent to the concentration.
viscosity vs. concentration curve for c + 0. Usually, we
prefer to express the viscosity of a polymer solution relative
to the viscosity of the solvent: qrel = q/qs. For low
2.2 Electrophoresis theories
viscosities, this value approaches one. It is more useful to The mechanism of DNA movement in a porous matrix (gels
take the difference between the viscosity and the solvent and entangled polymer solutions) under the influence of an
viscosity and normalize it again to the viscosity of the pure electric field has been the subject of intensive research and
solvent. This is called the specific viscosity and approaches reviewed in many articles (e.g., [31, 38, 391). Briefly, two
zero for low viscosities: qspec= (q-qs)/qs= qrel- 1. In order major regimes have been identified: The Ogston model [40]
to estimate the influence of isolated polymers, we have to - which assumes that the mobility of a particle is
divide this value by the concentration of the solution, which proportional to the available volume fraction - describes
gives us the reduced viscosity. Rearranging Eq. (3), we now the mobility p of this particle as:
p = PO exp [-KRCl (9)
where is the mobility in pure solvent (free solution
mobility , KR is the retardation cuefficient (proportional to
which means that we can then determine the intrinsic
viscosity by extrapolating the reduced viscosity to zero 1
(RD+ r) with r being the radius of the gel fibers and RD the
3 116 C. Heller Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 3114-3127

radius of gyration of the DNA molecule) and C is the gel In fact, the second regime (Eq. 14b) was observed by
concentration. Recently, the Ogston model has come under Mitnik et al. [15] for DNA in entangled HPC solutions.
radical reconsideration [41], and an improved model is
under development. The Ogston model does not correctly Polymer solutions differ from gels in that the physical
account for the mobility of large DNA molecules in gels, so entanglements between the chains have a finite lifetime and
that a second type of model, the biased reptation model, was the dynamics of the matrix itself has to be taken into
proposed. In the original biased reptation model (BRM), the account. Viovy and Duke [34] have adopted the physical
DNA chain (which is much larger than a pore of the concept of “constraint release” (CR) to describe this
separation matrix) is assumed to thread its way - without phenomenon. The net DNA mobility is then given by the
changing its length - through a “tube” defined by the fibers sum of the BRF and the CR mobility: ptot= hp +~CR.
(for a rigid mesh) or the “blobs” (for a flexible network) Note, that the constraint release mobility is independent of
surrounding it. The BRM predicts (for low electric fields) both, DNA size and applied electric field, but dependent on
that the electrophoretic mobility in DNA gel electrophoresis the polymer concentration and the chainlength. Besides the
can be described by the following equations [39, 421: two major mechanisms, Ogston sieving and reptation, more
regimes like “entropic trapping”, “reptation self trapping”
cI/b= 1 / 3 N ~+ ~ ~ 1 9 1 < ND < ND” (10) and “geometration” have been identified (see [38, 391 for
for small DNA (below a “critical length’, ND*) and:
The abovementioned mechanisms are true for matrices with
plh sz ~ ~ -1113ND
9 ND > ND” (1 1) existing “pores” only. However, it was found, that DNA can
even be separated in very dilute polymer solutions, where
for large DNA, with ND = MDIM, being the scaled the concept of pores fails. For this case an “entanglement
molecular size of DNA, i.e. the molecular size of DNA, coupling” mechanism was proposed [44, 451, where the
MD,related to the portion Ma of a DNA molecule that would DNA molecules hook on to polymer molecules, dragging
fit into one pore. E is the so-called “scaled electric field”, them along during electrophoresis.
proportional to the applied electric field strength. For small
molecular sizes, the BRM predicts that the mobility scales
as llsize; for large sizes it predicts a plateau mobility. 2.3 Resolution
To compare different separation techniques or protocols, we
This theory was later improved by Duke et al. [43] to need a measurement for the quality of the separation. In the
include the fluctuations in the length of the DNA molecule. CE literature, different expressions, like “efficiency”,
This new model, called “Biased Reptation with Fluctua- “selectivity” and “plate height” have been used, resulting
tions’’ (BRF), considers two different cases: first, when the in some confusion. Therefore we want to recall briefly the
pore size a of the matrix is larger than the pore size bD of main aspects: To measure the quality of a separation, the
DNA (a = albD > 1) and second, when the pore size is resolution can be used, which is defined by the ratio of the
smaller (so-called “tight gels”, a < 1). In both cases, we distance between two bands or peaks (distance between the
have to again distinguish between two regimes, i.e. small centers of gravity) and the average peak width. The peak
DNA (below a critical length ND*) and large DNA (above a width can be measured at the baseline or at half height, wh:
critical length). In the first case, the BRF predicts for the
mobility of small DNA:

Both, AX and wh are given in units of length, but may also

be regarded as the corresponding quantities in time units.
and for large DNA: According to this definition the resolution depends on two
factors: The interband spacing - which is often called the
“selectivity” of a system - is given by the length of the
migration path, and the relative velocity difference between
As in the BRM, for small molecules, the mobility is the two species (which in turn is determined by the
inversely proportional to the DNA size (“reptation without migration mechanism):
orientation”), but for large DNA andlor high electric fields,
Eq. (13) reduces to: plpo M E, which means that the AX = L Avlv.
mobility is independent of size (plateau mobility) and
separation fails (“reptation with orientation”). The second factor is the band width, which can be
influenced by the migration mechanism [46, 471, but in
In tight gels (a < l), reptation still occurs below a critical practice is a result of the independent dispersion effects. It
size (Eq. 12), but for large DNA (ND > ND”), the existence is equivalent to the so-called “efficiency”, the
of three different regimes are predicted [43]: number of “theoretical plates”. However the efficiency
alone is not enough to describe the performance of a
plpo x E E < a7’2 (14a) separation. In other words, a capillary column with a higher
number of theoretical plates does not help if peak separation
wo M 4 21s
) a > E > a7/2 (14b) fails due to the migration mechanism. On the other hand, if
two species differ greatly in their relative velocities, a low
and: plh M E~ &>a (14c) plate number is acceptable. Landers [48] stated that ... it is

Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31143121 A low viscosity polymer for DNA separation 3 117

important to note that it is, in fact, misleading to discuss used, equipped with a 47 cm long (36 cm to the detection
theoretical plates in electrophoresis. The concept is a carry- window) 375/100 pm OD/ID fused-silica capillary (Poly-
over from chromatographic theory, where a true partition micro Technologies, Phoenix, AZ, USA). As DNA samples,
equilibrium between two phases is the physical basis of we used @X174/HueIII, 10 bp ladder, 50 bp ladder, 1 kbp
separation. In electrophoresis, separation of the components ladder (all from Gibco BRL, Life Technologies, Eggenstein,
of a mixture is determined by their relative mobilities in the Germany), Marker V (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany), 20
applied electrophoretic field, which is a function of their bp ladder, pBR322/MspI and pUC19/Suu3AI (all from
mass, charge and shape...”. Also, as the number of Advanced Biotechnologies, Epson, UK). They were diluted
theoretical plates is usually given in plates per meter, this 1000-fold in water to give final concentrations of 0.2-1 ng/
can lead to a wrong assumption that the resolution would pL. As oligonucleotide standards, po1ydT25-30,
scale linearly with the capillary length. For CE separations, and polydA40-60 (all from Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden)
this is clearly not the case and we therefore recommend, were dissolved in 1 mL TE (10 m~ EDTA, pH 8.0) and
that resolution be used to describe the performance of a diluted 1000-fold in water. For dsDNA and oligonucleotide
system. separations, 0.5 X TBE buffer (44.5 m~ Tris, 44.5 mM boric
acid, 1.25 m~ EDTA, pH 8.3; conductivity 625 pS) was
For the special case of DNA separation, it might be even used as background electrolyte for the polymer (which was
more convenient to take the reciprocal value of R,, and only in the capillary) and as electrode buffer, supplemented
normalize it to the DNA size [49, 501: with TOPRO-I or Oligreen-I (Molecular Probes, Eugene,
OR, USA) added to a final concentration of 0.1 p ~All .
separations took place at 25OC. For the free mobility
measurements, the capillary was dynamically coated by
with Whl and Wh2 being the peak widths at half height and flushing a 1% pDMA solution (short chain) through the
AM the difference in size (in b or bp). This “separation capillary followed by rinsing with buffer (0.5 X TBE). This
factor” S, which is equivalent to the “resolution per bp” coating proved to be stable for at least ten injections. The
defined in [26] has the advantage of directly giving the mobility measurement was performed in 0.5 X TBE with
smallest difference in bp (or bases) that can be resolved. 0.1 p~ TOPRO-1 at 25°C. For the experiments with
labelled DNA, Sizer 50-500 (Pharmacia) was used. For
denaturing conditions, 2 pL DNA were added to 8 pL
3 Material and methods template suppression reagent (ABI), heated to 90°C for
2 min and chilled on ice before injection. As background
3.1 Preparation of pDMA electrolyte, 0.5 X TBE with 7 M urea was used and 0.5 X
pDMA was prepared according to a protocol by Chiari TBE as electrode buffer. Electrophoresis took place at
et ul. [22]: N,N-dimethylacrylamide (DMA; Polysciences, 50°C. For nondenaturing conditions, the DNA was just
Warrington, PA, USA or Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland) was dissolved in water, urea was omitted and separation took
dissolved in water to a final concentration of 10% w/w and place at 25OC.
isopropanol was added in various amounts (0-5%). After
degassing (with a vacuum and ultrasound), 1 pL TEMED
per mL solution and 1 pL/mL of a 40% ammonium 4 Results
persulfate solution was added. After careful mixture, the
solution was allowed to react for 1 h at 25°C or 50”C, 4.1 Choice of polymer
followed by incubation at 25°C overnight. The reaction The result of Eq. (8) means, in other words, that two
product was extensively dialyzed against water using solutions of the same type of polymer and with the same
25 000 MWCO dialysis membranes (Roth, Karlsruhe, concentration but different molecular mass, will have the
Germany or Spectrum, Los Angeles, CA, USA) and same “pore size” as long as they are entangled. However,
lyophilized. The recovery was 7 g of white solid per their viscosity is dependent on the molecular mass, which
100 mL of DMA solution. has important consequences for the choice of the appro-
priate polymer for CE. In an earlier work, by plotting the
intrinsic viscosity vs. mol. mass we could identify dextran
3.2 Polymers and viscosity measurements as a polymer with a potentially low viscosity [l]. Figure 1
shows the corresponding plot (calculated by Eq. 6) for
Dextran (average molecular mass 500 000 g/mol) was from pDMA in comparison to dextran and linear polyacrylamide
Sigma (Deisenhofen, Germany) and polyacrylamide (mo- (PAA) which is frequently used as a separation matrix. In
lecular mass 700 000 to 1 000000 g/mol) was from the literature, we find two rather different sets of Mark-
Polysciences. No further information about the size Houwink parameter values for pDMA, depending on the
distribution (polydispersity) of these polymers was given temperature; at 25°C a = 0.81 and K = 0.0232 mL/g,
by the supplier. Kinematic viscosities were measured whereas at 4OoC, a = 0.65 and K = 0.020 mL/g [36]. From
manually with standard Ubbelohde viscometers (Schott, Fig. 1 and Eq. (6) it is clear that the exponent a is the
Mainz, Germany) placed in a waterbath thermostated at predominant factor determining the intrinsic viscosity. The
25°C or 40°C. difference in u at these two temperatures is rather
astonishing, as it would mean a roughly ten times lower
3.3 CE intrinsic viscosity at 40°C compared to 25°C. This indicates
a considerable change or collapse in polymer conformation.
For DNA separation the ABI 310 capillary electrophoresis From Fig. 1 we can see that pDMA (measured at 40°C) has
device (Perkin Elmer-ABI, Foster City, CA, USA) was as low an intrinsic viscosity as dextran for all molecular
3 1 18 C. Heller
Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31143127

1 1
0, __ -pDMA 05% kop
> - pDMA 1% ISOP
- 1

c 1


1 1
1 o3 1 o4 1 o5 1 o6 1 o7 1o - ~ I o - ~I o - ~ I o-’ lo-’ I oo

Mol. Mass ( g h o l ) Concentration (g/mI)

Figure 1. Intrinsic viscosity (in d / g ) dependent on the molecular mass

for pDMA, dextran and PAA, calculated using Eq. ( 6 ) and data in [36].
1 o3
- - pDMA 0 5% lsop
sizes. This makes it a potentially good candidate for a low-
viscosity separation matrix. For efficient separation of DNA cn - pDMA 2% lsop
molecules, the “mesh size” of the polymer network is 1 - pDMA 3% lsop
important. Figure 2 (calculated using Eq. 8b) tells us that “E 1 o2
pDMA (at 4OOC) gives similar mesh sizes as dextran, which E - pOMA 5% lsop
is not surprising, as the Mark-Houwink values for dextran
and pDMA (4OOC) are close together [36]. +>r
4.2 Viscosity measurements ;10’
pDMA is synthesized from the monomer, dimethylacryla- >
mide, by radical polymerization. The chain length can be

1 oo
10-5 1 0 - 4 1 0-3 1 o-2 l o - ’ 1 oo
Concentration (g/m I )
n Figure 3. Kinematic viscosity (in mm2/s or centiStokes) of different
E polymer solutions measured at 25OC dependent on the concentration.
W (A) pDMA solutions, prepared at 25°C in presence of 0%. 0.5, 1%,2% and
3% isopropanol; (B) pDMA solutions prepared at 5OoC in presence of 0%,
0.5%, I%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% isopropanol. For comparison, the
viscosities of a commercial PAA (M,700000-1 000 000) and a
commercial dextran preparation (M,500 OOO) are shown.

influenced in the following way; increasing the amount of

initiator (in this case ammonium persulphate ( A P S ) , in
combination with TEMED) or increasing the temperature
leading to a higher rate of nucleation and decrease in
polymer length. A more precise method to control the
polymer length is to stop the chain growth by using radical
1 o - ~ 1o - ~ 1 o - ~ 1 0-’ 1 o0 traps (“chain transfer reagents”), such as isopropanol.
Concentration (g/mI) Following the protocol described by Chiari et al. [22], we
produced pDMA solutions under different conditions and
Figure 2. “Mesh size” (in nm) for different polymer solutions dependent
determined their viscosities and used this as a measure the
on the concentration (only for c > c*), calculated using data from [36] and chain length. Note, that with the viscometers used here, we
Eq. (8b). determined the kinematic viscosity (measured in mm2/s or
Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 3114-3127 A low viscosity polymer for DNA separation 3 1 19

475 t 1
1 600
E t /


x 500
.-v) 3-F
> t / /

0 0,Ol 0,02 0,03 0,04

Concentration (g/ml)
Figure 4. Example for the estimation of the intrinsic viscosity by
extrapolating the reduced viscosity and the inherent viscosity of a polymer 0 1 2 3 4 5
solution (measured at 25°C) to zero polymer concentration. The plot shows
the values for a pDMA solution prepared at 25°C in presence of 2% lsopropanol Concentration (O/.)
isopropanol. The fitted lines (least square fits) intercept the y-axis at the
common value of 184 mUg.

centistokes), which differs from the dynamic viscosity

(measured in mPas or centiPoise) by the density of the
medium. However, for the dilute solutions, we can assume
that the density is close to one. Figure 3 shows the
viscosities (measured at 25°C) of 12 different pDMA
preparations synthesized at 25OC and 50°C respectively,
together with the viscosity of a dextran solution (mol. mass
500 kDa) and of linear PAA (700 000-1 000 000 Da), for

During the last years, several groups have claimed to have

developed a “low viscosity polymer” (e.g., [25, 26,51,52]).
As this term can be misleading, we would like to give the
following arbitrary definition: Solutions in the viscosity
range from 1-10 centistokes should be called “very low
viscous”, whereas those from 10-100 centistokes should be
classified as having a “low viscosity”. Those matrices
having a viscosity of 100-1000 centistokes will be named 0 1 2 3 4 5
“medium viscous” and those above “highly viscous” (1000-
10 000 centistokes). Polymer solutions with a viscosity
beyond that limit can hardly be injected into capillaries with lsopropanol Concentration (%)
commercially available equipment. From Fig. 3 we see that
pDMA solutions prepared in the presence of 1% isopropa- Figure 5. Plot of the inverse of the molecular mass vs. the isopropanol
no1 and more (at both temperatures) can be classified as concentration during synthesis (0) at 25°C and (x) at 50°C. The molecular
mass data are based on the viscosity measurements (A) at 25°C and
“low to medium viscous” in the useful concentration range (B) 40°C (see Table 1). The data can be fitted to the following relations
of 2-8%, whereas the viscosities of the preparations in (straight lines): (A) 25°C: y = 0.72 + 0.53 X (3= 0.941) and 5OOC: y = 0.89
absence or at very low concentrations (0.5%) of isopropanol + 0.64 X (2= 0.974); (B) 25°C: y = 0.56 + 0.55 X (3= 0.972) and 50°C: y
extend into the “high viscous” range. All pDMA prepara- = 0.65 i0.75 X (3= 0.978).
tions are more viscous (at 25‘C) than M, 500 000 dextran
but have a lower viscosity than a commercially available
PAA preparation, which has a molecular mass in the same As the Mark-Houwink parameters are published for differ-
range as the pDMA preparations made in presence of 0-1 % ent temperatures ( i e . 25°C and 40°C [36]),the viscosities of
isopropanol at 25°C and 50°C (see Table 1). From these the same solutions were measured again at 40°C (not
data, the intrinsic viscosity was determined by extrapolating shown) and the corresponding intrinsic viscosity was
both the inherent viscosity and the reduced viscosity to zero determined. Table 1 shows the intrinsic viscosity values
polymer concentration (see Eqs. 4 and 5). Both lines should for the different pDMA preparations at both temperatures,
intercept the y-axis at the same point, as shown for example together with the molecular mass and the overlaD threshold.

in Fig. 4. c*, calculated by Eq. (6) and (7). However, we <ant to point
3 120 C. Heller Electrophoresis 1998, 29, 3114-3127

Table 1. Intrinsic viscosities, calculated molecular masses, and overlap thresholds for different pDMA solutions, prepared at 25°C and 50°C in the
presence of various amounts of isopropanol
Polymerization Isopropanol Intrinsic Viscosity Molecular mass (Da) c* (%) at 25OC Intrinsic Viscosity Molecular mass (Da) c* (%) at 40°C
temperature conc. (%) ( W g ) at 25°C (a = 0.81, K = 0.023) (mL/g) at 40°C (a = 0.65, K = 0.02)

25OC 0 345 141 OOO 0.43 210 1536OOO 0.7

25'C 0.5 239 90 000 0.65 n.d. n.d. n.d.
25°C 1 .o 214 78 000 0.7 152 934 OOO 0.95
25°C 2.0 184 65 OOO 0.8 120 649 000 0.125
25°C 3.0 125 40 OOO 1.2 91 424 OOO 0.165
50°C 0 332 135 OOO 0.45 187 1 285 OOO 0.8
50°C 0.5 217 79 OOO 0.69 n.d. n.d. n.d.
50°C 1 .O 168.5 58 OOO 0.89 135 778 OOO 1.1
50°C 2.0 148.5 50 000 1 .o 100 490 OOO 1.5
5OoC 3.0 110 34 OOO 1.4 77 328 OM)* 1.95
50°C 4.0 97.5 29 OOO 1.5 n.d. n.d. n.d.
50°C 5.0 83.5 24 OOO 1.8 n.d. n.d. n.d.
* The molecular mass of pDMA prepared under similar conditions was determined as 225 000 Da [22].
n.d., not determined

out here, that this estimation is strictly valid for mono- The most striking result from Table 1 is that the molecular
disperse polymers (when Mr = M,). Therefore, the mass, obtained from the intrinsic viscosities of the same
molecular mass values and the c* values should only be solutions but measured at different temperatures, differ
used with caution when working with poorly fractionated quite considerably (up to tenfold or more). We have no
polymers. independent estimation of the molecular mass, but Chiari et
al. [22] measured the size of pDMA prepared with 3%
The degree of polymerization in reactions with chain isopropanol at 5OoC. Their value of 225 kDa is relatively
transfer can be described by the so-called Mayo-equation close to the value of 328 kDa estimated for our preparation
[37]: at 40°C (Table 1). Given the fact, that the preparations have
been done in different labs and with monomer from
IlX, = (l/Xn)o + k [S]/[M] (17) different suppliers and probably different degrees of
degassing, they are still in good agreement. However, it
with X, being the degree of polymerization, and [S] and [MI indicates that the published Mark-Houwink values for 25°C
being the concentration of the chain transfer reagent and the [36], are not applicable here. Therefore, in the following,
monomer, respectively. As in our case, the monomer we will use the molecular mass values obtained with
concentration was the same in all reactions, a plot of the viscosity measurements at 40°C. Taking these values, we
inverse molecular mass vs. isopropanol concentration can claim from Fig. 3 that a solution of pDMA with a
should yield a straight line. Figure 5 shows that, within molecular mass of up to 1.5 million has a lower viscosity (at
experimental error, our data can be fitted to a straight line the same concentration) than a solution of PAA with a
and satisfy in fact Eq. (17). molecular mass of about 700 000-1 000 000 Da.

Time (sec)

500 600 700 800 900 1000


Figure 6. Electrophoretic separation of @X174/HueIII DNA (0.5 Fg/mL) in a pDMA matrix prepared at 50°C in presence
of 2% isopropanol (490 kDa preparation). Conditions: electrokinetic injection at 1 kV for 5 s; separation in 0.5 X TBE
containing 2.5% w/w pDMA and 100 n~ TOPRO-1 at 10 kV (210 V/cm) in a 47 crn long (36 cm to the detector) fused-silica
capillary (100 pm ID).Peaks: 1,72 bp; 2,118 bp; 3, 195 bp; 4,234 bp; 5,271 bp; 6,281 bp; 7,310 bp; 8,603 bp; 9,872 bp;
10, 1078 bp and 11, 1353 bp.
Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31 14-3127 A low viscosity polymer for DNA separation 3 121

I I I Ill IV IV Ill II

E 3


10 100 1000 10000 0 0,002 0,004 0,006 0,008

Size (bp) 1/ s i z e


E 0

X Figure 7. (A) Dependence of the electrophoretic mobility of linear dsDNA

fragments on the size, separated in pDMA (490 kDa) at different
0 concentrations and at 210 Wcm. 0.5 X TBE containing 100 nM TOPRO-
1 was used as electrode buffer and background electrolyte. (B) Semi-
I I 00
1 9 1 1 I l l I l l I logarithmic plot of the electrophoretic mobility vs. size for 7.5% and 10%
I I I pDMA (490 kDa) at 210 V/cm (conditions as in A) and for 1% HPC (1
mio) at 270 Vkm. ( C ) Plot of mobility vs. the inverse of DNA size for
0 200 400 600 800 10001200 separation in 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%pDMA at 210 v/cm (conditions as
in A). The zones I-IV correspond to the different regimes explained in the
Size (bp) text .

4.3 Separations mobility vs. size plot: medium-sized molecules (250-700

bp) are well resolved (regime 111), whereas larger ones (>
4.3.1 Influence of polymer concentration 700 bp, regime IV) and smaller ones (70-250 bp, regime 11)
The use of pDMA for DNA separation in CE has been show less difference in mobility. This behavior is identical
described before [22, 27, 301, but for a detailed character- to that observed in other polymer solutions such as HPC,as
ization of this new matrix, we need to undertake more described before [15]. Looking closer at the large molecules
systematic studies. To study the influence of the polymer we observe, however, that the mobility does not fully level-
concentration, we have picked the 490 kDa preparation off as it does in gels (see, e.g. [53]), but that some
(polymerized in the presence of 2% isopropanol at 50°C), separation is still possible. Again, this effect has been
which showed a very good performance at low viscosity in observed before and we attribute it to the flexible nature of
pilot experiments (see Fig. 6 as an example). Figure 7a the network (see below) [15].
shows the dependence of the electrophoretic mobility of
DNA on polymer concentration at an electric field strength However, we focused our attention on the small DNA
of 210 Vlcm. Above a size of about 70 bp, we can observe range, as in earlier works, we found some indication for
the usual sigmoidal curve on the double logarithmic a new separation regime [I]. Separation of such small
3122 C. Heller Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31 14-3127

gyration of DNA. In this case, Eq. (9) predicts that the

Ogston-type separation should lead to a straight line with
negative slope on a semilogarithmic mobility vs. size plot.
However, as we observe two regimes with strong negative
slopes (Fig. 7b), it is not obvious, which one corresponds to

0 0
the Ogston regime.
2 - 0
However, Eq. (9) also tells us that a semilogarithmic
0 mobility vs. concentration plot should yield a straight line as
well. We picked one representative DNA fragment, from
each of the four regimes, and drew a plot (so-called
Ferguson plot [59], Fig. 8). The only fragment showing a
straight line in the Ferguson plot is the shortest one (20 bp).
0 From this, we can conclude, that only the smallest
fragments (regime I) are in fact separated by an Ogston-
like separation mechanism. The straight line intercepts the
y-axis at a value of 4.45 x cm2Ns (free solution
mobility), which is slightly higher than previously evaluated
0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 [15, 54, 551, but in full agreement to the recently measured
free mobility in TBE of 4.4 f 0.1 X lo4 cm2/Vs [60]. In
pDMA Concentration (%) an independent experiment, we obtained a value of 4.37 X
lo4 cm2Ns, when directly measuring the mobility in free
Figure 8. Semilogarithmic plot of the electrophoretic mobility vs. pDMA solution (0% pDMA) confirming these data.
concentration (“Ferguson plot”) for four different DNa fragments, each
selected from one of the four regimes of Fig. 7a. Conditions as in Fig. 7. Having identified regime I as the Ogston regime, we now
The straight line represents a fit of the data for 20 bp to the following can attribute the regime I11 to the reptation regime, whereas
relation: Y = 4.45 exp[-0.10], (3 = 0.975).
the border to regime IV indicates the onset of the reptation
with orientation mechanism, in analogy to earlier results
molecules has hardly been studied in detail to date, as in [15]. In regime I11 we do in fact obtain the steepest slope,
usual agarose gels, they are not separated and also only but we do not reach a slope of -1 as required by the
recently, intercalators with strong fluorescence and reptation model. However, considering the dynamic
strong binding became commercially available, making nature of the network and the rather strong electric field
it possible to visualize those short molecules without the (210 V/cm) used here, we cannot expect to observe “true”,
need to overload the gel or the capillary. Figure 7a also i.e. unbiased reptation. In order to check for a possible
shows that for the small molecules (8-70 bp, regime I) underlying reptation, we replotted a subset of the data of
the mobility does not continue to level-off as it is Fig. 7a as a linear mobility vs. inverse of size plot (Fig. 7c).
described in numerous publications (e.g., [38, 53-58] for If constraint release (or other processes) added to the overall
separation in gels and [15, 281 for separation in polymer mobility, we would not find a slope of -1 in the double
solutions), but that it increases with decreasing DNA logarithmic mobility vs. size plot. However, the linear
size. This effect, which has been verified with different mobility vs. l/size plot still yields a straight line. Indeed, in
DNA standards (to exclude effects of repeating sequen- Fig. 7c, we found a linear relationship within the domain of
ces) is most pronounced in 10% pDMA. In more dilute regime 111, indicating a mobility inversely proportional to
solutions, the intermediate plateau, named regime 11, is the size in agreement to Eqs. (10) and (12), respectively.
barely visible and there is a direct crossover from
regime I (with the shallower slope) to regime I11 (steep
slope). 4.3.2 Influence of electric field
Besides the polymer concentration, the electric field
In order to check for Ogston type separation, the data from strength is one of the major factors influencing the mobility
the 5 % and 10 % pDMA experiments have been replotted of DNA in a porous matrix. As the abovementioned
in a semilogarithmic plot, together with the data obtained in electrophoresis models are strictly valid for zero or low
1 % HPC (Fig. 7b), which was published previously [l]. electric field only it is important to measure the field
Again, we can identify the different regimes (from left to dependence of a separation method in order to test the
right): a steep slope (regime I), followed by a plateau (only applicability of these theories. Figure 9a shows again a
for 10 % pDMA, regime 11) which then leads to another double logarithmic plot of mobility vs. size, obtained in the
regime (regime 111) with a steep slope, but different from same matrix (5% pDMA 490 kDa), but at different electric
regime I. With increasing size, the curve turns into a regime fields. Again, the result is similar to those obtained in other
with a very shallow slope again (regime IV), indicating the matrices [15]. In the example shown here, a slope of -1
onset of the reptation with orientation mechanism. As the could again not be reached, not even at a higher con-
Ogston model is in principle applicable to rigid fibre-like centration (Fig. 9b). This and the fact that the mobility does
obstacles, it is not obvious what role the “fiber radius” r not fully level-off for long DNA indicates that the
(Eq. 9) in a polymer solution plays here. However, if we entanglement between the chains is not strong enough for
take the molecular radius of a polymer in the order of 1- the chain length here to demonstrate an “ideal” reptation
1.5 nm, it becomes negligible compared to the radius of regime. A subset of the data from Fig. 9a was replotted in
Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31 143127 A low viscosity polymer for DNA separation 3123


Fi 0
506 bp
1018 bp
+ 300 Vlcm 2036 bp
12219 bp
X X x u x

n n n
- -


10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000

Size (bp) El. Field (V/cm)

€ 2

Figure 9. (A) Dependence of the electrophoretic mobility on the size of

linear dsDNA fragments separated in 5% pDMA (490 kDa) at different
electric fields. Other conditions as in Fig. 7a. The straight line is for
illustration purposes only and has a slope of -1. (B) Dependence of the
electrophoretic mobility on the size of linear dsDNA fragments separated
in 10%pDMA (490 kDa) at different electric fields. Other conditions as in
Fig. 7a. The straight line illustrates a slope of -1. (C) Dependence of the
10 100 1000 10000 electrophoretic mobility of linear dsDNA fragments on the electric field in
5% pDMA (490 m a ) . Data are from Fig. 9A. The lines are for illustration
Size (bp) purposes only with the nonhorizontal line having a slope of 0.4.

order to demonstrate the dependence of the mobility on the move themselves away from the entanglement points
electric field (Fig. 9c). Again, the results are in agreement to (“constraint release”). From microscopic observations
those obtained in HPC [15]. At low electric field and/or (see, e.g. [61] for review), we also know that individual
small size, the mobility remains constant (but depending on DNA molecules can hook around a polymer chain and drag
the size), whereas larger molecules show an electric field it along before disengaging from it [ 151. This dragging of
dependence. The slope of 0.4 for long DNA and high polymers is similar to the “entanglement coupling mech-
electric field indicates that the BRF in the regime of “tight anism’’ in dilute solutions [14]. This dynamic nature of the
gels” (Eq. 14b) is applicable here. network can not only change the mobility of the DNA (e.g.
the recovery of separation in the oriented regime), it can
also influence the peak width and therefore the resolution.
4.3.3 Influence of chain length This effect can be very important for DNA sequencing,
where single base pair resolution is required. This means
From theoretical considerations and from earlier works, it is that highly entangled polymer solutions are needed which
known that the chain length of the polymer also has an can only be achieved by rather long polymer chains (if
influence on the separation. This is not only true for cross-linked polymers are to be avoided). On the other
nonentangled solutions [14], but also above the entangle- hand, we would like to keep the viscosity low. Therefore we
ment threshold: If the purely topological entanglement is need to find a compromise between these two contrary
not strong enough ( i e . if there are not enough entanglement requirements. Another compromise has to be found between
points between the chains), then the polymer chains can speed (high electric field) and resolution (low electric field).
C. Heller Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31143127

Time ( s )

200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400

A 2



B 2




Figure 10. Separation of a single-stranded linear DNA standard labelled with fluorescein in (A) short chain pDMA
(490 kDa) and (B) long chain pDMA (1536 m a ) . Common conditions: electrokinetic injection at 5 kV for 10 s; separation
at 5OoCin 0.5 X TBE containing 5% w/w pDMA and 8 M urea at 10 kV (210 V/cm) in a 47 cm long (36 cm to the detector)
fused-silica capillary (100 pn ID). Electrode buffer was 0.5 X TBE. Peaks: 1, 50 b; 2, 100 b; 3, 150 b; 4, 200 b; 5,250 b;
6, 300 b; 7, 350 b; 8,400 b; 9, 450 b and 10, 500 b. The peaks to the left of the 50 b fragments represent unknown shorter
products which are present in the sample, according to the supplier.

Table 2. Resolution of ssDNA and dsDNA fragments in pDMA of different chain lengthsa)
Peak pair S (ssDNA) S (ssDNA) S (dsDNA) S (dsDNA)
(b or bp) (short chain pDMA) (long chain pDMA) (short chain pDMA) (long chain pDMA)
100/150 1.06 0.644 3.81 4.01
400/450 5.89 2.623 5.37 5.41
a) The separation factor S is calculated according to Eq. (16).

To avoid any effects from the intercalator and to simulate

the conditions of a sequencing run, fluorescein-labelled
DNA was used. Figure 10 shows the separation of a ssDNA
standard under the same conditions (210 Vkm, 5% pDMA),
however a polymer of different chain length was used. As a
result, the larger DNA fragments travel faster in pDMA of
490 kDa molecular mass than in pDMA of 1536 kDa
molecular mass, which can be explained by the less rigid
network in the first case. Also, in 490 kDa pDNA the peaks
appear to be broader. The same experiment was performed
with the same DNA standard, but under nondenaturing
conditions (not shown). In this case, the difference in
mobility and band broadening between the separations in
low molecular mass polymer and high molecular mass
polymer were rather small.
900 950 1000 1050 1100
Using the definition in Eq. (16) for the resolution, we obtain
Time (sec) lower separation factors with increasing polymer size for
ssDNA, but hardly any effect for dsDNA (Table 2). For the
Figure 11. Electrophoreticseparation of poly dT25-30in a pDMA solution.
Conditions:electrokineticinjection at 3 kV for 5 s; separation in 0.5 X TBE short DNA fragments, the separation factor of 1 and 0.644
containing 10%w/w pDMA (490 kDa) and 0.1 m Oligreen I at 10 kV in a respectively, is certainly sufficient for DNA sequencing in
47 cm long (36 cm to the detector) fused-silica capillary (100 pm ID). both cases. However for longer fragments, the observed
Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 31 14-3 127 A low viscosity polymer for DNA separation 3 125

separation factor of > 5 (for the separation in short chain otherwise same conditions. However, one major advantage
pDMA) is hardly adequate for sequencing. A separation is its self-coating ability: Due to its hydrophobic nature,
factor of 2.6 (400 bp fragment separated in long chain pDMA has a high segmental adsorption energy and coats
pDMA) should still be sufficient for correct base-calling in the inner capillary wall, providing an effective suppression
DNA sequencing using four different colors for the four of osmotic flow [30]. Both properties, low to medium
different bases and in fact, successful sequencing up to 600 viscosity and self-coating, make this polymer valuable
bases with a pDMA matrix was demonstrated [30]. The for the use in multi-CE (Heller et al., in preparation):
peak width in the ssDNA separations and dsDNA The possibility of using low pressure (up to 5 bar) and
separations did not differ substantially. The reason for the noncoated capillaries makes such an instrument much
difference in separation factor under denaturing and non- cheaper and easier to maintain. Noncoated capillaries can
denaturing conditions (i.e. 0.644 vs. 4.61 for the 100/150 be washed under harsh conditions, making it possible to
pair in long chain pDMA) was mainly due to the difference recover them in case of clogging and prolonging their
in L?Ix: The dsDNA peaks eluted closer together than the lifetime considerably.
corresponding ssDNA peaks.
pDMA has a higher hydrolytic stability than PAA [70]. This
A similar effect was observed by Chu’s group (Figs. 6 and 7 again makes it a useful matrix for biopolymer separation,
in [62]): 8% linear PAA (M, 350000) separates small where basic conditions are used. Further investigations to
DNAs as well as 8% linear PAA ( M,1 000 Om),but fails to test the use of this matrix for separation of other polymers
separate the larger fragments. This leads to the conclusion such as PNA and proteins are underway. Double-logarith-
that although two entangled polymer solutions of the same mic mobility vs. size plots of dsDNA in pDMA and in other
type but different size give the same mesh size at the same polymer solutions show that separation is recovered for
concentration, for some applications, like sequencing, we small DNA molecules. More detailed studies in high
still need rather long polymers (i.e., strong entanglement) in concentration pDMA reveal that in fact four different
order to avoid network rupture. If this is not possible, regimes can be distinguished. The new regime (called
stronger interactions between the chains (i.e., micelles or “regime I” in Fig. 7) has - to our knowledge - not been
cross-links) will be necessary for long reads. This, in turn, described before, presumably, because most separations
will be at the cost of a higher viscosity. where done with samples larger than about 100 bp.

In an earlier publication [l], it was speculated that the

4.3.4 Oligonucleotides influence of the sequence on the mobility in free solution
might play a role: The four different bases have different
For oligonucleotide separation, we again chose the pDMA mobilities in free solution, but in long DNA molecules this
preparation of size 490 kDa and a concentration of 10 % w/ effect is leveled out. Here, we used different DNA standards
w (viscosity: about 300 mm2/s).Figure 11 shows a capillary having rather different sequences. Therefore we can rule out
electrophoretic separation of a poly-T standard. As can be that a possible sequence dependence of DNA mobility may
seen, we obtained very high resolution of oligonucleotides override the effective mobility due to sieving. Separation by
in the size range of 25 to 30 bases. Baseline resolution was an “entropic trapping” mechanism is rather unlikely. As in
achieved up to a size of 60 bases (not shown). This is entangled polymer solutions, we expect more uniform pores
comparable in separation performance and migration time than in gels and we also expect a much steeper slope in the
to previously reported separations with gel-filled capillaries double logarithmic mobility vs. size plot [41, 531.
[63-651, and high viscosity linear polymer matrices [21,
66-68]. In this new, more detailed study, we proved that it is this
new regime (regime I) which can in fact be attributed to
5 Discussion Ogston-type sieving, even at the strong electric fields used
here. This means that in a series of earlier publications,
We used theoretical considerations as a tool to find a low or where only three regimes (i.e. regimes 11-IV, in our
medium viscosity matrix for capillary electrophoretic notation) were distinguished, the plateau regime on the left
separations. As in the case of dextran [l], this method hand side of a double logarithmic mobility vs. size plot
was also successful for identifying pDMA as a second (here: regime II) was wrongly attributed to the Ogston-
candidate. However, the discrepancies between the Mark- regime. In fact, it is doubtful, that a real Ogston-type
Houwink values at different temperatures make it clear that separation was truly observed before for DNA separation in
this method relies greatly on the accuracy of the published polymer solutions. Even in agarose gels, Ogston-type
data. The use of linear pDMA as a matrix for DNA sieving could only be proven when the mobilities were
separations in CE has been described before [22, 301, and it extrapolated down to zero electric field [54, 551. The fact
has also been used in its cross-linked form in slab-gel that in earlier studies, small molecules (< 100 bp) were not
electrophoresis [69]. We have extended these previous considered, might have lead to a wrong assignment of
studies to prove its use for routine applications such as regimes.
oligonucleotide separations and dsDNA separations. Along
with dextran [l], pDMA shows a lower viscosity than Viovy and Heller [31] estsimated the radius of gyration of
previously used polymers, which makes it an ideal DNA by the so-called Kratky-Porod formula. Short dsDNA
separation matrix in combination with a number of molecules (< 70 bp) had a radius of gyration of less than
commercially available electrophoresis devices. Compared 8 nm. From Fig. 2 we see that a 10% pDMA solution has a
to dextran, it gives faster separation and sharper peaks (for “pore size” of about 7 nm. It is therefore clear, that only
comparison, see Fig. 6 here and Fig. 7 in [l]) under the short molecules can actually be sieved in an Ogston-like
3 126 C. Heller Electrophoresis 1998, 19, 3114-3127

manner, in agreement to the observations made above. These molecules can hardly hook onto polymer fibers,
Molecules larger than about 70 bp are larger than the dragging them along.
average pore size and can no longer be sieved. However,
they are still smaller than the persistence length of dsDNA We therefore conclude that pDMA with its low to medium
(about half the Kuhn length), which is about 450 A, viscosity, high stability and self-coating ability is an ideal
corresponding to about 150 bp [71]. Therefore, the shorter polymer for CE separation of DNA and most probably for
molecules cannot be regarded as globular structures, or even other biomolecules as well. Its separation properties are
as an “equivalent sphere”, but as rods. Such rods will move very similar to those of other polymers such as HPC and
in a different manner than globular particles, for which the dextran. We obtained even sharper peaks and therefore
Ogston model was originally developed. The lack of better resolution than with other matrices.
flexibility also hinders them from moving in a reptation-
like manner. This might explain the existence of regime II DNA separation in entangled pDMA (and other polymer)
in high concentration solutions: The molecules are too big solutions can be explained by the same mechanisms as
to be sieved, but too small to effectively reptate. separation in gels. However, the situation is slightly more
complex due to the dynamic nature of the network: On one
Under our conditions, reptation-like movement only takes hand, the polymer chains themselves can move, leading to a
place above a size of about 250 bp (regime 111), i.e. larger renewal of the obstacles. The constraint release mobility
than the persistence length. However, the electric field should be independent of DNA size and electric field.
strengths used here are still too high to observe the true However, the polymer chains can also be actively dragged
reptation mode. Also, the reptative motion seems to be by the moving DNA (“network rupture”), a process which
overridden by the movement of the obstacles themselves. should in fact be dependent on the DNA size and the
The same is true for regime IV, where reptation with electric field. Important consequences of such processes -
orientation occurs. Whereas in rigid gels, this orientation which are difficult to distinguish - are: (i) The separation in
effect hinders the separation of large molecules, we still get the reptation regime is not as good (a steep slope is not
some separation when using polymer solutions. Again, we obtained), (ii) separation is recovered in the orientation
can attribute that to the flexible nature of the matrix. regime (regime IV) and (iii) peak width increases with
However, the fact, that this recovery of separation does not increasing DNA size (for single stranded DNA). Longer
considerably change with increasing polymer concentration polymer chains can help to reduce these effects, however at
nor with decreasing electric field, makes it difficult to judge the cost of higher viscosity.
which process (constraint release or network rupture by
dragging) is the dominant one. Note added in proof: After preparation of the manuscript,
the molecular mass of some pDMA preparations was
From the theory of polymer physics, it can be assumed that determined by gel permeation chromatography. These
the “pore size” of a network does not change with the chain experiments gave a weight average molecular mass of
length of the polymers as long as they are entangled (Eq. 8). 216 kDa (polydispersity:4.4) for the short chain preparation
With this knowledge, we can design a matrix, which has and 1150 kDa (polydispersity: 5.3) for the long chain
long enough chains to be entangled (for high resolutive preparation. We thank M. Millequant (Lab0 PCM ESPCI,
separation), but at the same time has a low enough Paris, France) for performing these measurements.
molecular mass to give a low viscosity. This approach is
very successful for the separation of dsDNA and short I woud like to thank R. Reinhard for providing the capillary
oligonucleotides, but fails for longer ssDNA fragments, electrophoresis instrument and I. Reese, R. Steinkamp and
such as sequencing products. Probably due to the flexible V. Egelhofer f o r their help with the characterization of the
nature of the network, the peak width increases and the polymer solutions and some DNA separations. M. Chiari
resolution decreases with DNA size. To counterbalance this was kind enough to provide the polymerization protocol
effect, we have to increase the chain length again, however prior to publication. I also thank J.-L. Viovy for introducing
at the cost of increased viscosity. We have shown that me to the subject of polymer solutions and for helpful
indeed for ssDNA, this approach is successful in narrowing discussions and very helpful comments. This work was
the band width. In a more empirical manner, this route was supported by a grant from the German Ministry of Research
also chosen by Karger’s group [72]: By developing matrices (BMBF}, FKZ 0311040 and by grants from the Commission
with very long PAA chains, the read length could be of the European Union, CT 96-1158 and CT 97-2627.
increased, however at the cost of an extremely high
viscosity (around 30000 cP) and the danger of shearing. Received May 13, 1998
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further (otherwise the pore size would become too large),
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