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February 2018


* Scope: Neptune Energy Management, except GTG Project

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
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Improvement as usual

Special attention

DASHBOARD FEBRUARY 2018 Immediate corrective action required

Minimal harm to people and environment

Strategic Action KPI Target Jan 2018 Feb 2018 Trend

Lost Time Injury Frequency

People (12 month rolling)
≤ 1.2 2.06 1.70

Number of Lost Time

- 0 0
Injury events

Total Recordable Injury Rate

≤ 4.5 5.25 4,72
(12 month rolling)

Number of Recordable Injury Events - 1 0

High Risk Frequency

Major risks (12 month rolling)
- 1.9 1.5

Number of High Risk Events - 1 0

Number of Significant Hydrocarbon Releases

≤2 1 1
(>1bbl past 12 month)

Safety Critical Elements Failures

≤ 0.8% 0.3 0.4
(12 month rolling)

GHG emissions per unit of production

Environment (t1000 t) (12 month rolling)
≤ 60 47 48

Oil Content in discharged produced water

≤ 20 10.5 10.6
(mg/l) (12 month rolling)

Safety Training
Competency (12 month rolling)
≥ 90% 91 96

Management Safety Visits

Leadership (12 month rolling)
≥ 90% 137 142

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HSE EPI Asset Dashboard Netherlands Germany UK Norway

KPI Target Jan Feb Jan Feb Jan Feb Jan Feb

Lost Time Injury Frequency (12 month rolling) ≤ 1.2 3.29 2.86 1.49 0,75 0.92 0.91 1.57 1.57

Number of Lost Time Injury events - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Recordable Injury Rate (12 month rolling) ≤ 4.5 8.00 7.63 3.72 2.99 3.67 2.72 3.14 3.14

Numer of Recordable Injury Events - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

High Risk Frequency (12 month rolling) - 1.9 1.4 2.2 1.5 0.9 0.9 3.14 3.14

Number of High Risk Events - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Number of Significant Hydrocarbon Releases

≤2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Safety Critical Elements Failures (12 month rolling) ≤ 0.8% 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.7

GHG emissions per unit of production (t1000 t)

≤ 60 51 51 57 57 13 13 20 20
(12 month rolling)

Oil Content in discharged produced water (mg/l)

≤ 20 7.4 7.6 - - 66 79.1 10.8 10.8
(12 month rolling)

Safety Training (12 month rolling) ≥ 90% 99 99 88 94 119 119 100 100

Management Safety Visits (12 month rolling) ≥ 90% 154 150 142 149 100 100 100 100

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(Potential) High Risk Cases

Date Asset Location Description

March 2017 NL-1 L10-A Gas Detection activated after uncontrolled gas release

April 2017 Germany Dexpro Theft in the Toolhouse

April 2017 Germany Dexpro Gate valve of pressure relief line was blown off

June 2017 Norway Gjoa Condensate leak

June 2017 NL-2 Q13a-A Dropped object hits back of Load Handler

August 2017 UK Cygnus Failure of component parts within UPS-05B resulting in a short circuit

September 2017 NL-2 K12G IP fall from maindeck to mezzdeck

January 2018 Norway Gjoa dropped object; ice fell from flare tower

Lost Time Injuries

Date Asset Location Description

April 2017 NL-3 G17d-A Fingers pinched between cargo box and grating

April 2017 UK Cygnus (LWDC) Injury on Lundy Sentinel ERRV requiring SAR Medevac

June 2017 NL-1 L10-A Back injuries during transport of paint cans.

June 2017 NL-2 Q13a-A Hand injury while installing bushing in HWO-Unit

June 2017 NL-2 ENSCO 72 IP tripped during manual transporting of a frame. resulting in a foot fracture

August 2017 Germany Dexpro Cut on the right hand

August 2017 NL-3 L5a-A IP burned his hand and arm with cooking oil

October 2017 Norway Gjoa IP got electrical current through body (230V 21mAmp)

December 2017 NL-Offices Yard Security officer fell during inspection round (Yard)

On 12th October, a fatal incident occurred on the Touat project (Algeria): Piping dropped down during hoisting activity.
This event is not part of the statistic of this monthly report.

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Significant environmental cases

Date Asset Location Description

March 2017 NL-1 L10-A Gas Detection activated after uncrontrolled gasflow 22 kg

April 2017 Germany Distrikt Ost Release of 50m3 Gas due to leackage of pipeline 50 m3

May 2017 Germany Distrikt Ost Defective weld of the oil cooler register of a steam turbine 15 L

Env (PON 1): Small leak of Transaqua HT2 from Soak Wash Water valve 001-
June 2017 UK Cygnus 1L
SDV048 Wellhead 001

July 2017 UK Cygnus Env (PON 1) - Meg Spill During Break In Containment Incident 43 kg

July 2017 Germany Distrikt Ost Public road contaminated with crude oil (approx. 100 l.) 100 L

July 2017 UK Minke Minke wellhead annulus master valve leak (PON1) 100 kg

July 2017 Norway Gjoa Foam leakage in deluge cabin 71SU003 and 71SU001 1430 L

September 2017 Germany Pipeline Leakage on Location Holthausen 2 m3

September 2017 Norway Gjoa Emissions of Flexoil and Butylglycol to the sea 200 L

A release of hydraulic fluid to deck and to sea from leaking tell-tale on B5

November 2017 UK Cygnus 1 kg
Production Wing Valve

November 2017 Norway Gjoa AFFF leakage 2L

* Spill below a kilo or liter are excluded

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NEPTUNE ENERGY not be stored, reproduced or disclosed without authorisation
Improvement as usual

Special attention

DASHBOARD FEBRUARY 2018 Immediate corrective action required

Strategic Action KPI Target 2017 Jan 2018 Feb 2018 Trend
(12 month rolling avg) (12 month rolling avg)

People Lost Time Injury Frequency ≤ 1.2 1.13 1.14

Number of Lost Time Injury Events - 2 2

Total Recordable Injury Rate ≤ 4.5 4.71 4.89

Number of Recordable Injury Events - 6 6

(Potential) High Risk Cases

Date Asset Location Description

security watchtower located in RHI Camp toppled due to excessive wind gust (>
50 km/h) on the 3rd of February 2018 at 10:45 without consequences neither to
Near Miss 3-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz
personnel nor to asset. Nevertheless, at the time of the incident, the related RHI
Security guard was standing ~2m a way from the landing point (Near Miss).

When reloading batteries stored in a warehouse, due to a connection error, a

FAC 4-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz short circuit occured and start of fire. electrical origin, the victim suffers superfi-
cial burns on the left hand.(FAC)
While driving to the Hassi-Latou area to intervene on a rock breaker machine,
GCB (Equipment Maintenance Team) pick-up vehicle rolled over with two
persons (1 driver +1 mechanic) on board. Driver reportedly lost the control of the
vehicle due to a tire burst. Passenger (mechanic) did not sustained any injury
MTC 14-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz whereas driver appeared suffering trauma although still conscious. An off-plots
GTP security agent gave alert at 13:00. A GPT 4x4 ambulance evacuated both
of them to GCB ODZ clinic. @14:15 GCB ambulance transferred the driver to
Adrar Hospital for further medical checks. Medical checks (Xray,Echo...etc.) did
not reveal any noticeable hurt but IP was kept under observation.(MTC)
During hydrostatic testing of firewater network around the buildings in CPF area,
some section/fittings (elbows, T-junctions) of the pipework failed under pressure
Near Miss 25-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz
and projected out of the trenches. One of these projectiles hit the Supervisor
office (booth/cabin) which resulted in a wall deformation! Nobody get hurt.

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Recordable Injuries

Date Asset Location Description

A GTP team was intending to install a flange on a 8" line connected to amine
tank (Unit 103A area). To do so, the team slightly lifted-up the line using a crane
and a hoist, which caused the tipping of a temporary support (~30kg weight
LTI 11-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz not fixed to the ground), located near the flange, on the right foot (above the
steel-toe protected part of the safety shoe) of a fitter. The IP was evacuated by
ambulance to GTP Camp for first medical care then transferred to Adrar Hospital
for further medical checks.
An EPICS agent (TR's Subcontractor personnel) had his right hand crushed by
the waste compactor. IP has been urgently evacuated to Adrar Hospital where
LTI 20-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz deep wound on the dorsal part of his hand, with a substantial loss of the second
metacarpal (2cm width / 8 cm in length) was diagnosed necessitating orthopedic

After leaving TR Camp and while on his way to reach working place, IP (TR's
Subcontractor) fell on same-level at the TR camp parking. As a result IP sustai-
MTC 7-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz ned 2 face lacerations (around left eyebrow and below right eye) and was direc-
ted to ISOS clinic of TR Camp where he get medical treatment i.e. 9 stitches +

A KLIMAX worker (TR's Subcontractor personnel) sustained a finger injury

MTC 17-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz
(necessitating 3 stiches) on his right hand while using a grinder.

"An AMEDCO plumber (CCC's Subcontractor personnel) who was tasked to

perform a piping work connecting between manholes used a drill in an attempt
to secure-blot the base plate of a scaffolded platform/bridge on a concrete block.
MTC 21-2-2018 Algeria Touatgaz The drill bit get blocked/stuck inside the hole of the base plate causing the
reverse rotation (lever/torque effect) of the drilling machine and the torsion of the
IP arm. Time of the incident 9:10. IP received first aid at the CCC Camp clinic
then get transferred to Adrar Hospital for X-ray examinations.

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Safety Alerts

Further details can be found on Connect: Safety Alerts

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KPI Definition Slides

BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective People

The objective of this KPI is to assess the evolution of the number of incidents having a severe physical impact
Objective to people working for EPI.

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) is defined as the number of lost time injuries (fatalities + lost work day
Definition cases) per 1,000,000 hours worked.

(Number of fatalities+number of LWDC) *1,000,000

Calculation Method Number of Hours Worked

Unit Number/million hours

Data Source Impact

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Lagging

Threshold ≤ 1.2 > 1.2 and ≤ 3.0 >3.0

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 1
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

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BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective People

The objective of this KPI is to assess the evolution of the number of incidents having a physical impact to
Objective people working for EPI.

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

Total Recordable Injury Rate (TRIR) is defined as the number of recordable injuries (fatalities + lost work day
Definition cases + restricted work day cases + medical treatment cases) per 1,000,000 hours worked.

( Number of fatalities+number of LWDC+number of MTC) *1,000,000

Calculation Method Number of Hours Worked

Unit Number/million hours

Data Source Impact

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Lagging

Threshold < 4.5 ≥ 4.5 and ≤ 6.5 >6.5

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 1
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
NEPTUNE ENERGY not be stored, reproduced or disclosed without authorisation

BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective People

The purpose of this KPI is to assess exposure of (potential) High risk events people encounter
Objective working for EPI.

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

The High Risk Frequency is defined as the number of High Risks in a given period as a result of incidents/
Definition near misses that occurred during or before this given period per 1,000,000 hours worked.

This KPI is normally calculated as following:

Calculation Method (Number of High Risk Events) *1,000,000
Number of Hours Worked

Unit Number/1000K hours

Data Source Impact

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Lagging

Threshold Not defined Not defined Not defined

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID

KPI Fractional 1
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
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BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective Environment

The purpose of this indicator is to keep track of the numbers of events potentially leading to
Objective a major incident.

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

A hydrocarbon (HC) release is an unplanned or uncontrolled release of reservoir hydrocarbons (oil, gas or
gas condensate as a result of a loss of primary containment.
Definition The indicator reports the number of hydrocarbons releases greater than 1 bbl of oil or 167 m3 of gas (based
on generic values).

The release volume reported should reflect the volume of material that has been released
from the primary containment (Loss Of Primary Containment (LOPC)) even if retained within
Calculation Method secondary containment or other confinement.
The indicator concerns all spills of liquid hydrocarbons (crude oil and gas condensate)
and gas releases – even those that caused no harm.

Unit Number

Data Source Impact

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Lagging

Threshold ≤2 >2

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 2
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

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BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective Major Risk

The purpose is to measure the percentage of SCE that failed to meet their operating requirements
(performance standard) and that could have led to a major incident. These failures represent default
Objective in design or default in maintenance on the elements that are the most critical for the integrity
of the installation in operation.

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

This KPI has been defined as the percentage of Safety Critical Element (SCE) failures found during tests,
Definition inspection or during operations versus the number of tests performed on SCE.

Percentage of safety critical elements that do not meet their performance criteria
Calculation Method (SCE test failures) *100
(SCE inspected)

Unit %

Data Source Maximo

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Lagging

Threshold ≤0.8% >0.8% and ≤5% >5%

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 2
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
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BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective Environment

For E&P activities, CO2 and CH4 are the main contributors to GHG emissions with N2O playing a minor role.
EPI has decided to report CO2 and CH4 emissions under this indicator.
Objective GHG emissions from production activity only shall be reported. Exploration, drilling and construction/
decommissioning activities shall not be included.

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

Definition CO2 and CH4 emissions per unit of production

The GHG indicator in Impact is the sum of CO2 and CH4 emissions converted in CO2 equivalent and expressed
Calculation Method in tonnes per unit of production in thousand tonnes. CH4 is converted in CO2 eq. units by multiplying the
mass of CH4 by 21.

Unit Tons of CO2 equivalent / thousand tons hydrocarbons produced

Data Source Impact

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period Per year

Leading / Lagging Leading

Threshold ≤60 >60 and ≤80 >80

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 3
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
NEPTUNE ENERGY not be stored, reproduced or disclosed without authorisation

BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective Environment

Objective To evaluate the impact on the environment during operations

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

Definition Oil content in produced water discharged to the environment

Oil content in discharged produced water is reported in mg per litre as a flow weighted average per calendar
month. It applies to offshore and onshore operations for the water discharged to the open environment.
Water discharged is the water discharged to the environment (sea, river, land).
Calculation Method There are several analytical methodologies in use for measuring oil in water. The methodology required to
meet the regulatory requirements that apply to the asset should be used to measure / determine the oil in
water concentration.

Unit Mg / liter

Data Source Impact

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Lagging

Threshold ≤20 >20 and ≤30 >30

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 3
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
NEPTUNE ENERGY not be stored, reproduced or disclosed without authorisation

BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective

Objective To evaluate the competency of personnel with respect to HSE

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

In the HSEQ training and competence plan implemented each year by each asset, the program of courses is
detailed for each employee according to the specific training requirements related to his/her job description
(training matrix).
Definition Safety trainings are counted in units. One unit is one training for one person whatever the duration and
the type of the training are. A one-week training or a two-hours training are both counted as one unit. A
e-learning training taken at the workplace or a training course taken in a specific training Centre outside the
company are both counted as one unit.

The metric is the percentage of training units successfully completed versus the total number of training
units scheduled.
Calculation Method All safety trainings including trainings being mandatory by local regulation and the ones decided by the
company (ENGIE Group, EPI or EPI Asset level) shall be taken into account.

Unit %

Data Source Maximo

Reporting Frequency Monthly

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Leading

Threshold ≤90% ≥80% and <90% <80%

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 4
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
NEPTUNE ENERGY not be stored, reproduced or disclosed without authorisation

BSC Segment HSE

Strategic objective Leadership

Objective To measure the involvement of management in HSE

KPI Owner HSEQ Manager

Reporting Responsible HSE Advisor

Number of site safety visits performed by management versus the total number of safety visits planned in
percentage. A MSV is a visit to a work-site specifically dedicated to HSE topics. The objectives of the visit are:
To demonstrate visible HSE commitment and leadership
To verify consistency between the HSE policy and actual practices in the work-place,
To acknowledge efforts made by the work-force and to identify difficulties of implementation.
Definition The safety visit can be part of a business trip but shall be planned in advance. A short report with comments
is written after the visit.
EPI management and local site management are engaged in the program of MSV. MSV are done among the
operational sites of the manager’s entity, to other entities of EPI, on offshore or onshore installations, on
sites where work is performed by ENGIE staff or by contractor personnel.

The metric is the percentage of the MSV actually performed by the EPI management versus the total number
Calculation Method of MSV planned within this entity.

Unit %

Data Source Manual

Reporting Frequency Annual

Measurement Period 12-month rolling average

Leading / Lagging Leading

Threshold ≥90% ≥80% and <90% <80%

Reference Document Title ENGIE E&P HSE Impact data reporting for Key Performance Indicators calculation

Reference Document ID EM-ORG-2017/005

KPI Fractional 1
(significant number)

Application Field Name

KPI Update Resolution

EXPLORATION & PRODUCTION This document is the property of NEPTUNE ENERGY. It must
NEPTUNE ENERGY not be stored, reproduced or disclosed without authorisation

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