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Cell are the basic building blocks of all living things.

In the modern world, they are the smallest

known world that performs all of life’s functions. All living organisms are either single cells, or
are multicellular organisms composed of many cells working together. Students of biology learn
about the components of a cell and how they function, but it can be hard to imagine how a cell
actually functions. Comparing it with common objects and locations in daily life is a great way
to gain a better understanding of what goes on inside a cell. A cell is like an aquarium, the tank
glass or the container are the cell wall that gives strength and support to the cell, while the tanks
glass gives the strength and support to the aquarium. A cell membrane is like a tank lid because
it let things out of the cell, while the tank lid open and closes to let things out. The mitochondria
and power head or the oxygen both supply power and are required for energy. In an aquarium, a
power head pump or aquarium bubbler circulates the water, giving more energy to the fish. The
cytoplasm suspends the cell organelles and is the site of many bio chemical reactions. It is
comparable to the water in the tank that supports the habit and allows for interaction between
species to occur. Ribosomes are like the fish foods because it makes the proteins for the cell, just
like the fish food in the aquarium when it consumed. The vacuole stores food, water, and
sometimes wastes materials. The storage is a good representation of this because most of the
waste and excess food collects here. Lysosomes are like a filter in an aquarium it breaks down
waste to clean the cell, while the filter cleans the dirty water in the aquarium. Marine plants are
like the chloroplasts of the aquarium. Besides the obvious photosynthesis, they marine life eat
either the plants, or other marine life that has eaten plants, supplying food. The golgi apparatus
helps process and package proteins and lipid molecules just like the fish parent it consumed the
proteins destined to be exported in the aquarium. The cytoskeleton is like bricks in the castle in
the aquarium because it gives its shape and it is strong and maintains the structure of the cell.

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