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Manual of Professional Practice jor Crfoil Engineers The Atost Outstanding Aecredtred Professional Organteation tar the Year 2001 acre: PROFESSIONAL REGULATION COMMISION) lard Edition 2nd Printing September 2007 | MANUAL OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE R CIVIL ENGINEERS 2 Edition Penning ‘September 2007 COPYRIGHT 1 Registration No. A-2008-254 Fobruary 18, 2008 By PIcE AIIRIghts Reserved Ths book or ay pot thereof mst nove repre ma orm hot the wren permisan ofthe Publisher ‘THE PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINEERS, INC. rai, ciate A. cee ie PHILIPPINE INSTITUTE OF CIVIL ENGINE! ‘up of cit eniners most longing to he govern se ‘oli engraere nthe Papp te Pigpra Secs ot Ge) By 107, aor ounce engineer ra ange ins Phippine Asscnton of Cl crgcre (PAGE) The gat ganzlen woo smi, oeed on ne ean at ho andra of Tonaurge research an engines trowacne a teeny ott embod rma ited wih ser techeloea na slente pena iy PACE. sorous clei ere aered ts rege to Mietget of PSCE’and PACE wae inland Ito 1903. ICE wae ‘the Phe Secutios a Exchange Conmisazn on Decent 13, 1075 th Protesalnel Regen Conmeion gave oa Ito? toPIGE Sete ny ecegnsed organza osc egies To ove spec ecooton tothe eer of pas oclas ot Pe ana PACE lho very est expan oc angers. he PICE Nona! Gore fancied a toruan resoweh on th respctve Noes ofthe to toe ao bese on wate recads,PICE sored te docomerie ate ot nine of to egos ot vi ernere ants 10 a8 te oa ofthe founding of PADE ted of Ya7 fe year ofthe PSCE-PACE BEC repavaionof ICE. Ai Pact Presrts of PSOE and PACE ar now bs pst presents a ICE ‘Shared Values km, Integy, Leadership, Excelence and Soil Responsiiliy Ua So Fone PCr 12a, cuen etnigpes i etait am aaeaoe ‘a vues PYLE MSTTUTEF CL ENGINEER, WC. ‘eed Haorl Onan Cries. Region Canna a ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS: PILPPINE INSTITUTE OF cIVILENOINEERS "THe MANUAL OF PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS FoREWORDS. PICE OFFICERS AND GOARD OF DIRECTORS 2001,2008,2006, & 2007 ‘cove oF ErHies 2 “SECTION 4, THE PRACTICE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 1 Generel *2Pretesloil cepa SClancchi engines elalosips 135 bigs tte Oi Eine 182 Obligations a 133 Cauity othe Chl Empat andi Gio 1134 ‘SUepensen or Teminaton of Sarees 4138 SotlomentotDepucs 4136. Gwneranpot Gea, Oealgna and Oocumerts 14Civlengnaeing Serco 18Specarzatenin Cul Engng 16Setecton oa Cut Ensen 7 Prme Profession Paces ov i 1 ‘sempoyment ‘8 Danign Compeitan 40 Cartingenty Bar of Empyrean 11 Protetene recice of Foelgn Chl Engines ‘SECTION 2, CLASSIFICATION OF ENGINEERING SERVICES 24 General 22 Consutaies, Resear, vesigalons and Ropar 224 Premera and Feasbiy Iverlgatons and Repate 222 Paming Sues 225. Appratas, Vauaions ana Rie Stes 224 Resstanea in Fnanctal ators 226 Materale Enghnering and Eument Teste 2.26 Dire Persona Somene 227 Resesren and Development 228. Spocal Sowons 23 Dosign Serwocs fr Coneticion Prot 251 Stay an Repon Phase 232. Pralmiary Design Prac 233 Fina Daalgn Phase HE SELECTION OF THE CIVIL ENGINEER a for Beocn Seucon Carros : Heaton Sued Seton (i Pine n body ofthe Manual has five sections, The main elon rede ev ort Conta ec by he Coe his ad eto Glia damenial Canons of Ethics acooted fom eo tion on the Practice of Civil Engineering discusses 5 professional responsibilty, cient ongieer relation ey a tines iii a Bo Na San ros { selecion of a conutng cl engineer Clas fu Btn ering Service in Section 2 discusses in detll the vor Per Dem 98 provided by civil engineers, including feasibility studi igaions, apprasals and valuations, prelminary 4 Fern ol icin Gu uci and operation. "Section 2 provides guidance on fl a Secs nro Soca Fos Setter cory ’ eTION TOTAL PRovcT cost eb. The next section covers the diffrent mathos of charging Bebe! Civ engineering services such as hovtly bling rate OF ho 52 Releasing Cais 0. The th and last section clscusses the tla project sa ian Which includes sich tems ae legal and acrinistatve costs, and Bice gency Aarege ers rena ce pe contingency allowance, th ices portant documents ae appended forthe guidance of the users ef Mma Basic Fos ths Manual. These are eo Re Fe cia On raring pen he No 184 A At Prorat rao Stason Boe ee eet nce ota hs Regulation of he Procurmont Actes of he Governor ther in the Philippines Document 102, Uniorm GanerslConétions of Contact for Pate + Extracts ffom the New Civil Code on Obligations and on (2004 Revised baton, Saat and ts implementing Rules and ded (Note deleted the 2 Edin) Document 102, Uniform General Conditions of Contract for Private Construction ‘Manual contains rules and procedures that have the force of 4nd should be followed by the civil engineer and his client yor other provisions are intended as references only and may be modified for spectic and specialized applications. Commitee on Manual of Professional Practice for CW Efren H. Sison earch and Manuscript Preperation Emesto S. de Castro, PhD. Primitivo G, Cal, Ph.D. Roberto P. Bernardo Mariano E. Rane, it PelerN. Aventalado Eustaqulo T. Coronel, J. Rafael F. Efe Antonio A, Janubas Emilio M. Moralos Rolando G, Roque Primitivo C. Cal, Ph.D. a Shone-RASGMAN Ie ExOlice Brector 102 settng Unfom General Conctons of Contact for Private land PD 1894 viich prescribes polce, guidelines, rcs and for goverment intaciuctur centacis These ‘and ofr cumeris are put ures ene cover rough this Mana scion 2 clea deinaates tre scope of rracics ingrieing. Another issue periarning to the presence of foreign col and fits practeng cid erenecing i the Phiippres aso inthe Marval ofthe Insite, let me express aur gratiude to the 2001 PICE | Boars of rectors and the Commitee. on Manual of Profesional oo for Chil Enpineers forts Nard werk and dodcaton in coming out wih Manual.” Acknowledgment also goes To the vafaus PICE Chapters, kul the Msamis Oneal Cagayan ce Oro Chapter who produced the ManJal fer trer support and inspration. Final cur grate also go0s the PICE Natonal Secretaria for puting together tis Maral 1 & Charan ofthe Ine Specialy Group Rope G Lombos, char, cassbucen Managem a Eogrseing Din Eile Worle, Car, Gabseinl Egesing Sst Prive CC PAD, Chat, TangraonEngnserns Dison meso Cast, Pa. Car Several Engresng Dison Roland 6. Roque Cha is Enewing Osoe FOREWORD for tho 2" Edition ( Institute of Givi Engineers, ne. pubis Manual of Professional of Civil Eng pb pine Insitute of Chal Engineers, Inc, after tne ‘and Regulation of the Procurement uthonly of the Philppines issued the 2" Revised ‘and for the Other Purposss, otherwise krkown as the Documents. 102 otherwise known as the Uniform ‘of Contracs for Private Construction. MOCAMAD M. RAKIN, SR. ICE Natonal Present 2008; MANUEL M. BONOAN PICE National President 002-2003 7005 FIGE National Oficars and Board of Uraviow® seein, agus” gee Be met men ns See Sareea a aoe Sees cere ae Ceratiaee tt Sine iron ‘let ate iensbanmtna ose Ak tons y Pl cana (lye Zar so (of Professional Practice for Civil Engineers is now being some unversites, coleges, schools offering the ci 9 course in the Philppines. JUANITO P. ABERGAS. PICE National President 2007 2007 PICE National Officers and Board of Directors Ee eee tentaee eer jowledge and ski for the enhancement of and the environment est and impartial and serving with fHolily the their empioyersiemployees and clients; i910 Increase the compstence and prestige of the civil ering profession; and porting the professional and technical societies of their plies. nental Canons Engineers shal hold paramount the safety, health and fare of the public and shall stive to comply with the ciples of sustainable development in the performance of Ir duties. Engineers shal perform services only in areas of their potence. ill Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective ind truthful manner. jl Engineers shall act in professional matters for each iployer or client a6 faithful agents oF trustees, and shall avoid iicis of Interest. Engineers shall continue their professional development out their careers, and shall provide opportunities forthe onal development of those clil engineers under thei ison,

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