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Minimum requirements for observation of Delta Module Two fully online lessons

(For the requirements concerning remote observation of face-to-face lessons, please refer to Minimum
Requirements for running fully online assessed lessons)

This document outlines the minimum conditions required by Cambridge Assessment English for running
assessed teaching with temporary arrangements. Centres may impose more stringent conditions.
This is a temporary adjustment for candidates in areas where there are restrictions in place due to COVID-
19. These requirements will be reviewed regularly as the temporary adjustments are rolled out and may
be amended in the light of experience.
Fully online teaching refers to the context in which an assessed lesson is delivered online by the candidate
via Zoom or MS Teams to learners who are attending the lesson synchronously but from a range of
venues (e.g. home). The observer will also attend the lesson synchronously online. ‘Observer’ refers to
either tutors or assessors who are carrying out a formal assessment (internal or external).
Requirements for fully online assessed lessons
1. The candidate and the observer must have a sufficiently stable and rapid broadband connection
to make it likely for the lesson to proceed without interruption. They can check they meet the
platform’s technical requirements by referring to the platform’s webpage. The candidate is
advised to ensure that learners who will be present on the day of assessment also have a fast and
stable enough broadband connection that learner connections do not cause issues for the
progression of the lesson or the awarding of a grade (please see Guidelines for temporary
adjustments to DELTA Module Two assessments)
2. The observer must be able to hear and see all plenary interactions and be able to visit all
groups/breakout rooms independently of the candidate. The management of any
groups/breakout rooms will be an integral part of the assessed lesson.
3. Both the candidate and the observer must be familiar with the platform and software being used.
Platforms should be limited to Microsoft Teams and Zoom and the external assessor should be
informed as to which platform will be used before they agree to the assessment.
4. Before the external assessment, a short technical test-run with the assessor, without the
candidate, should be conducted to ensure that connections and breakout room set-ups are
sufficient. This test-run should be done sufficiently in advance of the assessed lesson so that any
problems identified can be fixed and, if necessary, another technical test-run can be organised.
There should also be a quick technical re-test before the assessed lesson starts to make sure
connections are good on the day. The assessor has the right to reschedule if conditions are not
good enough to assess. The assessor should bear in mind the overarching assessment principle
(see Guidelines for temporary adjustments to DELTA Module Two assessments). Candidates are
advised not to take risks with intermittent connections which may mean abandoning their
assessed lesson and Background Essay.
5. During the external assessment, the observer needs to be able to contact someone in case they
lose connection with the lesson. This must not be the candidate. This contact person can then
inform the candidate, who can make the decision on how to proceed. (Please see FAQs for
further details).

v1.0 October 2020

6. Candidates should be prepared in case of a technical interruption to the online lesson by having
the relevant permission forms signed by all participants to allow recording (please follow local
data protection laws). If the assessor loses connection, they should immediately alert the contact
person who will inform the candidate. The record facility on the platform should then be used.
Once a recording has started, the assessor should not re-join the online lesson even if the
internet connection is restored. Immediately after the lesson has finished, the centre should send
the recording to the assessor and on acknowledgement of receipt, the recording must be deleted
by the centre and candidate. The candidate must not have access to this recording as they need
to provide a Reflection and Evaluation without the advantage of watching a recording. The
assessor will receive the recording immediately after the lesson has finished, should download
and open it to ensure it works and then acknowledge receipt to the centre so that the original
recording can be deleted. The assessor will watch the recording immediately and once only and
will assess in the same way as for a live lesson. The recording must be deleted from all storage
within 24 hours of the end of the lesson.
7. Candidates, with the support of the centre, must ensure that they are meeting any local and
international data protection laws.
8. The candidate and their learners must ensure that they are working in a quiet, private space, free
from interruptions or distractions.
9. The observer must be able to observe the lesson from a quiet, private space on a laptop or
PC/Mac with a full-sized laptop or computer screen to enable clear viewing. Lessons cannot be
assessed on a phone or tablet.
10. The external assessor must still check the candidate’s ID (see section of the DELTA Module
Two Manual) before the start of the lesson. This can be done in live-stream.

v1.0 October 2020

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