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be manufacuyed since Me Mineval used In them ; mus) be @xhtaled and Wy energ Intense Pprotesses. J on ( ooh e) /exravion me Operation | ies of Yaw $ : J \ Materials s Me 4 Se \ | 4 au , ‘ as. _/ Wansport of | a.) } “Yaw matevials to Manu factuyey - ‘OF Cavbon emissiONS in ela\ion \o buildings. | Caxton and operational carbon The a Coron AOxIde emitbed buy material 1 one place may have at hgh megy nad In another due to |ocal availabiity and the ype of Jranspoyt \nvolwed « A Slandavdvaed =melnod of quanvifying the envivonm- Jental impact oF louldings , Syom he = @xhyachon of matevials fond Whe -mnonufactive producls yo The end of Shen useful» ‘We ana disposal, is Ihe life cycle, Assessment USING % | Auantilahive methadoiogy 1 Numerical results ane oblaine d |Mral yelled Jo the wmpad —Cohegovies and Provide — rnpant son helween Similar produds 12) clooty the building malenals under wre and wine down | the loest possible atlernatwes of Whe Convenonal building “inaterials - Concede 15 a (omposite material made Yom epyxiqg Cement | j aggregates such as Sand and qushed stone and unter-— ithe proparkles of (onnere depend ON jhe Yatws Wed in the mx design: The “eloe Its a slandand piace Foy Conciete supplies \o provide material piopertes and lest INesuis [ov each concrete Pakds tee ee Steel is one of Ihe snongest building materials Available with excellent Shyength Capacity in both tension and Compression» Because vf 115 high Shyengib to weight Yat) 0» MINAS @& \deal for styucuia) Srame of tall building s and \ayge \ndusWial facilities. Syuctuval Stee 15 available \n Slandayd shapes guth as analysis’ beams and C channels. These Shapes Can be welded together taing high sheng bos He utd — gHudural @pable of Aewtting lange Yorces and deformations . Wood - Wood ha been wed as a orn Gor Prowands oF yews and IF DS “Igor usd of Yeas

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