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Education is the best key to ensure economic growth and national development in

countries. Physical environment of learning facilities can help in teaching, learning, and

academic performance, while inadequate learning facilities can cause stress and agitated

behavior of students. Physical environments of classrooms have a vital role in student’s

satisfaction, and a higher level of satisfaction can increase the level of skills, mentality,

and knowledge of students.School is the workplace of many students around the world,

and chairs have become an important physical element of the classroom and learning

environment (Ansari et al., 2018). An ergonomic chair used in theclassroom environment

should contribute towards the students’ attention and motivation during the lecturing

period. Too comfortable of the chair, may lead the students to sleep and unfocused (Al-

Hinai et al., 2018).

According to statistics, over 4 400 000 students are studying in Iran; therefore,

lack of standard desks and chairs can influence health of this stratum. Studies have shown

that anthropometric parameters are important factors in designing desks and chairs for

students. Using appropriately designed furniture may reduce fatigue and discomfort in

sitting posture and allows students to sit comfortably for longer periods of time,

consequently increases concentration and learning. Efficient furniture is expected to help

learning by providing a stress-free and comfortable workstation. Proper arm chair can
help students in taking down notes but through extended arm chair, students can use

laptop comfortably (Ansari et al., 2018).

Chairs with personal locker can save space and even time in getting or depositing

things, and the single most important thing that lockers provide for students is security.

With an increasing number of students carrying a multiple books and even laptop, lockers

for schools are more important than ever when it comes to keeping cases of theft and

damage to a minimum. The added security of school lockers isn’t only beneficial to

students, either, as the presence of a personal locker gives parents peace of mind that

their children’s costly belongings are secure throughout the day. Ultimately, investing in

student’s chair with locker helps to prevent the unfortunate and often stressful situations

that occur when expensive items go missing, so it’s well worth making the upfront

investment in return for happier students and parents (Mitchell, 2017).

Designing comfortable furniture leads to safety, productivity, well-being, and

motivation to study. Thus, proper designing of chairs based on ergonomics and

anthropometric characteristic increases efficiency and promotes quality of education,

leads to correct posture in students, and reduces musculoskeletal disorders (Ansari et al.,

2018). Heavy backpacks can cause back pain and related issues, chairs with locker play

an important role in ensuring the health and wellbeing of students. For students carrying

particularly heavy loads including textbooks and electronic devices, on top of their

everyday possessions, the strain of this collective weight can contribute to back pain and

discomfort. In an environment where students should be able to focus on their studies

without distraction, physical discomfort or pain is a serious issue that can,

understandably, affect attention spans (Mitchell, 2017).

General Objectives

We aim to develop a multi-purpose chair with a locker that is beneficially to

students who struggle to carry a loaded bag every day and to develop a chair with

extended arm chair for convenient in terms of taking down notes and using laptop.

Specific Objectives

This study generally sought to know if students will accept multi-purpose chair in

educational setting in delivering their lessons. Specifically, this aims to answer the

following questions:

1.)To improve the conventional Chair into multi-purpose chair

2.)To add a personal locker to a conventional chair to lessen the struggles of students in

carrying heavy bags

3.)To extend the arm chair of a conventional for the students’ convenience

4.)To ensure the security of important things of the students in school

Hypotheses of the Study

These are the following assumptions:

Ho1: There is no significant difference between multi-purpose chair and

conventional chair in terms of educational setting.

Ho2: There is no significant difference between multi-purpose chair and

conventional chair in terms of comfortability of the students.

Ho3: There is no significant difference between multi-purpose chair and

conventional chair in terms of stability.

Significance of the Study

The outcomes of the study may benefit the following:

Students. To lessen their struggles on carrying loaded backpacks and to ensure

the security of their important things in school. It can help them focus on their lesson due

to stress free in carrying heavy books and laptop.

Parents. It can help them to have a peace in mind knowing that their children’s

costly belongings are secured.

School. Having a multi-purpose chair with locker can help the school to save

some space and lessen their expenses compared to buying a locker for all students.

Teacher. It can help teachers to reduce the stress due to complaints of their

students about the loss of their important belongings.

Future Researchers. It can help them lessen their burden in finding related study

that will serve as their basis in undergoing research.

Scope and Limitations

This study will be conducted in Southern Christian College preferably to students who

are not in shifting of classes. The respondents of this study will be the Junior High School

students specifically in star section and it is only limited to the top 3 students in the class.


This chapter presents some major concepts, ideas, and findings relevant to the

research problems pursued. Pertinent topics are discussed in the literature, while

chronological and topical arrangements are used for the related studies, includes studies

about importance of locker, burden on students carrying heavy school bags, and

ergonomic chairs. The chapter also contains the conceptual framework and theoretical


Importance of Lockers

Nowadays, a lot of schools are installing storage lockers made of metal, steel or

plastic depending on their location: indoor or outdoor. There are a lot of advantages of

having lockers when it comes to storing, you can put your clothing, stationary, books, and

other possessions in the school lockers and focus on your core task without tiring and

worrying (Chester, 2015).

Lockers provide students with a space of their own. They’re held accountable for

its contents and it’s their job to care for and maintain that space. Memorizing locker

combinations help students gain a sense of responsibility; if they want to get what they

need, they’re required to know the combination and be able to open it. This serves as

practice for other things they’ll have to preserve and be able to access later in life (i.e.,

safety deposit boxes, pin numbers and alarm codes (Spinello, 2017).
According to Murray (2014), lockers are utilized as an extra storage and safe

keeper of personal belongings. Besides locker’s functions, have other important roles on

the aforementioned facilities. Students bring a lot of things to school to use for different

classes. The supplies normally placed in a school locker are books, papers, personal

hygiene items and jackets to name a few.

She also stated that it brings a lot of convenience to students as it allows the

students to carry only the things needed for a certain class. The students can always just

access the locker in between classes. Lockers also serve as the only personal space of

students in schools so they have their storage decorated with pictures or anything that

inspires them. Spinal problems and back pain caused by carrying large backpacks can be

avoided by having students use lockers. Providing a place to store things promotes

cleanliness in school grounds.

According to Kokemuller (2017), lockers provide students with a key life skill--

time management. Students have a designated time period in between classes when they

can retrieve their supplies. They need to think ahead and plan how to manage their time

so they won’t be late. It’s their responsibility to create a system that works for them. The

ability to constructively manage time is relevant in all areas of life, including careers,

relationships, homework and studying.

Students bring a lot of things to school to be used in different classes. Assuming

that a student has an average of seven classes to attend, that means that the student will

have to carry around at least seven textbooks during the academic year. And it’s not just

textbooks he’s carrying; the student also has notebooks, handouts, training gear, and/or

other miscellaneous items. The things that the student brings everyday cannot be guarded
or attended by the student all the time. There will always be instances where the student

will leave his bag unattended. And if it is not secure, it opens up an opportunity for the

things inside to be stolen by another person (Gabolagman, 2016).

If there are no proper storage facilities for the students, it can be extremely

difficult for them to manage their belongings in the best possible way. They may

frequently need to carry all of their belongings from one classroom to another, making

things very tedious and tiresome for them. However, having well designed locker

components makes it a lot easier for the students to manage their belongings and focus on

their task at hand (Richard, 2015).

It goes without saying that having a personal storage solution makes things easier

on your students. Not only will they enjoy the convenience of managing their school

supplies from a secure locker, but they’ll also save themselves from backaches. Studies

have shown that children who carry heavy books around on their backs all day have a

better chance of developing scoliosis and back issues (Nickerson, 2016).

Burden on Students Carrying Heavy School Bags

In recent years, the weight of students' school bag has become an increasing

concern to people with an interest or involvement in education at primary and secondary

level. Parents, in particular, have given voice to this concern both as individuals and

through their representative organizations. In addition, school authorities and teachers,

health professionals and, indeed students themselves have increasingly voiced their

unease regarding the heavy loads, which must be carried to and from school on a daily

basis. Heavy school bags can be a burden, which tire students unnecessarily. There are
also many researches, which have revealed strong correlation between school bag weight

and physical problems among all students that can result in serious consequences in the

future. (Ojha, 2015).

School bag has become an inevitable burden for the child. I am now

pleading for abolition of the school bag an ordinance, if necessary. I have investigated

and found that the average child carries strapped to his back like a pack-mule, not less

than 6-8 kg of books, notebooks and other paraphernalia of modern education in addition

to lunch box and water bottle. More children on account of this daily burden develop a

stoop and hang their arms forward like a chimpanzee while walking and there are some

cases of serious spinal injuries in children too (Sabha, 2012).

According to Government of Telangana (2017). Heavy School Bags are a serious

threat to the health and wellbeing of the students. It has a severe, adverse physical effect

on the growing children which can cause damage to their vertebral column and knees. It

also causes anxiety in them. Moreover, in the schools which are functioning in

multistoried buildings, the children have to climb the steps with heavy School Bags,

which further aggravate the problem and health consequences.

It is a common sight to see students carrying school bags that are unnecessarily

heavy and often larger in size than their backs. Scientific studies offer a range of adverse

implications on students, as they grow into adulthood, from carrying heavy school bags.

It is time that parents and policy makers also understand both the short- and long-term

impacts as reported in these studies because our students carry their school bags from

home to school and back, six days a week, nine months a year, for thirteen years of their

developmental period (Tshering, 2017).

In the age of information technology children have the beast of burden because of

heavy school bags. And due to this some students are facing problems such as backache

or body posture problem. Doctors are also worried about their problem and even some

doctor says that the weight of bags should be minimized and school should follow

modern method of education such as education should be given by some such idea that

the student can't feel burden (Vishnu, 2019).

Textbooks, boxes containing lunch or pencils or geometry sets, water bottles and

whatnot are exerting huge stress on our kids’ delicate vertebral columns. There is no

denying that this is hazardous to their health. As of yet, only two states in India,

Maharashtra and Telangana have a policy in place which stipulates that the weight of a

school bag should not exceed ten percent of the body weight of the student. (Bhalerao,


According to Narayan (2019), this burden did not improve their minds: it only

made them hunch backs. Heavy back packs are one of the most distressing and

unpleasant aspects of school life for many children. The heavy weights of books make

school going drudgery and some risk. This goes contrary to the current trend, which

insists that the learning process should be fun. Children who do not have to carry heavy

loads, such as the resident borders, are more relaxed and at ease than those who have to

carry heavy backpacks to school.

Pertinently, as per the Children’s School Bag Act 2006, a schoolbag should not

weight more than 10 per cent of the child’s total body weight. Ironically, there are no
regulations in Kashmir in this regard which has given a freehand to the schools

authorities to burden the students with the heavy bags (Geelani, 2018).

According to Aziz (2018), one of the first few initiatives by the new Education

Minister Dr Maszlee Malik was the setting up of an official online form for public

feedback and suggestions on Malaysia’s education system. Among the main issues that

various parties have raised is the heavy school bag and health risks arising from carrying

one. It also forms the most number of complaints received where parents voiced out their

concern that their children’s school bags, especially those from primary schools, are

getting heavier.

In addition, the students burdened with heavy school bags are not a recent

problem, but, a long-standing complaint. Many parents blamed the textbooks and

workbooks that the pupils have to carry as the main reason. Teachers, however, said

school bags will not be heavy if one packs them as per the timetable.

Ergonomic Chair

A properly set up workstation can reduce pain and discomfort, while also

decreasing your risk of developing a cumulative trauma disorder. Overall, your safety and

comfort will be positively impacted if your workstation is tailored to your individual

needs (Cournoyer, 2018).

Prolonged sitting at sub-optimal workstations is associated with musculoskeletal

dysfunction. The musculoskeletal dysfunction presents as pain or muscle tension of the

cervical, shoulder, and lumbar regions. A range of modifiable and non-modifiable risk

factors are associated with the musculoskeletal symptoms. Non-modifiable risk factors

are genetic predisposition, structural spinal deformities or disorders and female gender

(Niekerk, Louw, & Hillier, 2012).

According to Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (2014), in

industrialized countries, many people sit for most of the time that they are awake. They

sit while having breakfast, while going to work in cars or buses, in school classrooms, in

meetings, in offices, during dinner, and at home while watching television. Many people

also sit at work operating machines which new technology has developed to replace

manual work. Although sitting requires less physical effort than standing or walking it

puts a lot of stress on lumbar area. Combined effects of a sedentary lifestyle and a job

that requires sitting can lead to many health problems.

There is a common problem in the classroom environment not to have

ergonomically designed chair, which results in abnormal postures. This causes increased

physical strain, generates muscular back, neck and head pains, loss of concentration and

restlessness in an attempt to find a better position (Al-Hinai et al., 2018).

Ergonomic furniture is specifically designed for efficiency and comfort in the

working environment. Differing from traditional office furniture, ergonomic chairs

ensure the user’s body is kept in a safe and upright position to reduce stress on the spine,

neck and hips (Guillem, 2018).

Moreover, to support posture, you can adjust the height of an ergonomic chair to

ensure you are sitting with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90-degree angle,
parallel to your hips. Even just sitting on an ergonomic chair avoids exerting pressure on

your hips, with a seat depth of two to four inches from the back of your knees. The

adjustability of an ergonomic chair is its fundamental function. Most traditional office

chairs can’t be adapted, which can increase the risk of workplace injuries.

In the world of industrial evaluation, the choice and taste of people for product are

changing rapidly. As a result, hundreds of newer product are being introduced or being

modified daily in order to achieve customer satisfaction. Now days, along with the

structural revolution, the human factor and ergonomics are the important consideration in

product design. Human factor refers to the nature of physical and physiological behavior

of human under a particular working condition, product or service (Kibria, 2018).

During their lives, children spend approximately a quarter of the day at school,

and 80% of that time sitting down doing their school work. Considering the amount of

time spent at school and specifically while sitting, it is fundamental that school furniture

suit the children’s requirements. However, many studies have shown that school children

frequently use furniture that is not suitable to their anthropometric measures. Recent

studies have reported the increasing prevalence of musculoskeletal problems in school

children and adolescents. Design of school furniture is one of the contributing factors to

the development of such symptoms among school children. In addition, it is common

observation of many experts in the field that, proper design of classroom furniture

reduces fatigue and greatly helps to increase student’s concentration during their

lectures or study (Kallurkar, 2017).

Related Studies

Astonkar and Kherde (2015) conducted a study entitled “Design & Development

of Multipurpose, Space Saving Seating Arrangements Using Ergonomics.” Seating

arrangements, Chairs & Furniture’s were earliest inventions of man. A space saving

seating arrangements is mobility or space saved device designed especially for Middle

class persons as well as living in small flats and homes this is mostly because of their

economy scale and lack of space availability for living. The word „anthropometry‟

means measurement of the human body. It is derived from the Greek words „Anthropos‟

(man) and „matron‟ (measure). Anthropometric data are used in ergonomics to specify

the physical dimensions of workspaces, equipment, furniture and clothing to ensure that

physical mismatches between the dimensions of equipment and products and the

corresponding user dimensions are avoided. Furniture is built to make people live easier

and more comfortable. The furniture industry divides them into various board groups.

One way of grouping furniture is according to where and how it used. Furniture that is

used at home makes up another large group and can be classified by its style.

Xie (2016) also conducted a study entitled “Chinese Bench: A Research On Multi-

Function Furniture Design.” Furniture and product design has been my research focus for a

long time, because I want to learn how they can be widely used as daily tools to support

human’s basic living and provide people a more delightful lifestyle. I found that today’s

designers of furniture and industrial product aim to create a better artistic living

environment together with the well-considered function, so they would directly influence

people’s lifestyle and living quality. However, the more design I searched, the more

problems I discovered- a large number of furniture and products in market are not
sustainable at all, they would occupy a lot of living space without the actual function, and

their ostentatious ornaments make the product expensive without substance. With the

rapid changes of the time, the concern about society and environment issue is urgent to be

considered in the design process. The first problem we have is high cost of living in

limited space. I am an international student from China, and my motherland has a

population larger than 1.3 billion people. Despite the implement of policies such as Birth

Control, overcrowding has become the most serious social problem due to the large

population since 70’s. A large number of high buildings with the units of apartments with

limited space have been built for accommodate people. Real estate process has been

soaring. As a result of limited residential area and resources, high cost of living in small

spaces is a pretty common problem in today’s society. As an example, my family

purchased an apartment in rural area in 2000 in Wuhan, Hubei, and the price was

approximately $23 per square feet with the currency at that time. And nowadays, the

price per square feet is approximately $126 within the currency at this moment. It

becomes unaffordable for people to buy large apartments. Most of the families can only

choose to live in the apartment that is about 2 2 100 square feet. Life in these small

apartments is neither comfortable nor convenient. Worse still, China is not the only

country facing this problem, and a lot of big cities in Japan and India, and even New

York City in the United States are faced with this issue. It is unimaginable if people

continuously congest those types of impractical product and furniture into that narrow


Another related study is buy Nasser (2013) entitled “Multifunctional Furniture for

Underprivileged Communities: A Milestone in Sustainable Development.” The major

initiator for this research was the author’s involvement with the Global Engineering

Program (GEP) at Purdue University. GEP’s mission is to bring together students from

different disciplines to work in collaboration with Non-Governmental Organizations

(NGO) worldwide in order to help make a difference in less fortunate communities. In

fall of 2011 a representative from Ruwwad, an NGO in Jabal Al Natheef, Jordan, visited

Purdue University to propose a project idea and recruit someone from GEP for the study.

The specific purpose of this research was to answer the question, “can sustainably

developed multifunctional furniture benefit underprivileged communities?” This project

surveyed the needs of people with very few resources and living in overcrowded spaces.

Since this was an issue that affected many people around the world, obtaining an

understanding of the necessities that they lacked, while keeping the concept of

sustainable development in mind, was imperative.

Astonkar (2017) studied the “Prototype, CAD Modeling of Multipurpose

Furniture by Using Space Saving with Tires & Tubes.” Furniture can be defined as a

class of designed objects which provides utility functions such as sleeping, supporting,

service and sanitation. In the present scenario the furniture has become a style

substance in each and every home. The family members take care for the selection of

their furniture and now it is a product considered to be a form of decorative art. In olden

days the furniture are made up of wood and related items but now a lot of developments

are made including different material. Space saving seating arrangements and tables

occupy some area so, foldable as well as movable are easily transported from one place to

another and used in variety of outdoor conditions. It is also convenient to provide seating

arrangements and tables that may be reduced to small sizes for ease of carrying and
storage. The concepts of more modular and flexible design of seating arrangements

should be folded and can be easily stored. Multipurpose furniture is great for dining or

used as a serving table. Both types of furniture have some advantage and disadvantage.

The customers buy the furniture according to their requirements like study table, dining

table, office table etc. The choice of furniture material affects the surrounding and load


Another related study is buy Panchal (2015) “Entitled A Study of Multifunctional

Space.” Multifunctional space/multifunctional furniture forming space ,the chosen topic

defines in this case is multipurpose usage of a particular area with different forms of

multifunctional furniture used ,to justify or help the given area to achieve the purpose of

ease and satisfy the demands required to be fulfilled. Large spaces have become a thing

of the past as more and more people opt for the city-dwelling lifestyle. With the rise of

small-space living, compact furnishings are sitting on the forefront of home decor. The

economic recession and ensuing credit crunch caused consumers to increasingly look for

products that offer more for less. Designers of space-saving furniture found success

within this environment, as these innovations appealed to homeowners and apartment-

dwellers alike. Companies can take advantage of this opportunity by strategically

designing multifunctional consumer products with a small form factor. This type of

multifunctional use is probably been introduced in India but has not been in consideration

to use in our day to day life. In place like Mumbai, ` where u get the job easily than a

place to stay”. This statement has been used many times and it’s somewhat true. Mumbai

has been overpopulated for quite a time now the reason is being the financial capital of

India many people immigrates from other states towards Mumbai for their career or
education and to get a good job, & now the state is that people have small spaces even if

they find space to live in and the rates are at boom. In such a situation they can’t have

bigger space in their budget according to their needs. So there we need a solution for all

of these problems.

Theoretical Framework

The 9 To 5 Seating Theory Chair

The 9 to 5 SEATING THEORY CHAIR is the smart choice when it comes to

selecting your ergonomic task or conference seating. This line of chairs includes mid-

back, high-back, guest, and stool options to fit various applications within your office.

THEORY boasts a premium breathable mesh for the chair’s seat and back, and is

available in multiple vibrant colors. T-arms are perfectly designed for task-based support

as well as conferencing comfort and come in adjustable six-way or eight-way settings.

The guest chair models also offer height adjustable arms, but can be ordered as armless or

with fixed cantilever arms. An adjustable height ratchet back and height adjustment

lumbar pad come standard for optimum support, along with optional black, silver or

polished aluminum cast aluminum bases. Other ergonomic features include Dynamic

Body Alignment, Pneumatic Seat Height Adjustment and more, making the 9 to 5

SEATING THEORY CHAIR your perfect choice for your office.

The Posture Theory

The Posture Theory is forward curvature of the upper spine places the head and

shoulders forwards, where the individual would fall in that direction if it was not for the

strain being taken by the spine and back muscles to prevent that, which, in the longer

term, disposes to various backaches. Such a posture in infancy can also put downward

pressure on the chest disposing to chest wall deformities, such as flat or backward chest

shape. The forward posture places the weight of the head and shoulders over and above

the chest, and puts downward pressure on the chest and ribs to cause a variety of

musculoskeletal and other chest pains. They include what is now called. The forward

posture also places downward pressure on the lungs and respiratory muscles which

disposes to various types’ breathlessness, and can affect their structure and breathing

pattern to add to the aspect of breathlessness. Those types of breathing problem have

been called shallow breathing, and air hunger. That posture also places pressure on the air

in the chest to impair the flow of blood from the feet to the brain, and dispose to

faintness. Over a period of years it can also affect the strength of the blood vessels below

the chest, and possibly the pattern and regulation of blood flow, causing weak circulation

to the brain which disposes to faintness and abnormal tiredness, and more generally, to an

impaired capacity for physical exertion, where faintness, and other symptoms occur at

higher levels of exercise. Those symptoms are now called orthostatic intolerance and

chronic fatigue.
Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study will be use to determine the effectiveness

of the multi-purpose chair will be assess by junior high school students in terms of

educational setting.

Dependent Variable (DV) Independent Variables (IV)

Locker In Chair and

Multi-purpose Chair Extended Armchair

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the conceptual framework showing how multi-

purpose chair lead to locker in chair and extended armchair.

Definition of Terms

Some terms used in the study are defined as follows:

Multipurpose Chair. A chair that has a locker and extended arm chair for the

security of the student’s belongings and comfortable seat.

Posture. The way in which the body is in proper position when sitting to avoid


Ergonomic. Qualities of a chair’s design that makes it comfortable and useful.

Locker. A cabinet that has a door which can be locked and that is used to store

books and other belongings of the students.

Extended Armchair. An extra board on the armchair that helps the students in

taking down notes or writing and use laptop comfortably.



This chapter presents the research design, locale of the study, respondents of the

study and sampling design, research instrument, data collection procedure, product

procedure, and data analysis used.

Research Design

This study employs quasi-experimental research design. Certain questions are

design to draw out responses on specific information regarding to the effectiveness of a

multipurpose chair in terms of educational setting.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Southern Christian College, Poblacion 5,

Midsayap, Cotabato. The said study will focus on the Junior High School department

because their classes are none-shifting and they are pressured when it comes to academic.

Respondents of the Study and Sampling Design

The respondents of the study will be the Junior High School students specifically

the top students of each level. There will be 20 respondents in all. The researchers are

confident that it can supply the needed data for the said study.
Research Instrument

The instrument that administered to the respondents in this study was made by the

researchers. It contained the survey questionnaire that help to determine the effectiveness

of multi-purpose chair in educational setting.

Data Collection Procedure

Asking permission for the conduct of the study

Asking consent from the respondents

Administering survey

Retrieving and tallying of data

Subjecting data for statistical treatment and analysis

Drawing of conclusion and recommendations

Figure 2. Flow chart of research collection procedure.

Step 1. Asking permission for the conduct of the study.
The researchers sent a letter to the principal of the Senior High School department

and asked the permission to use senior high school teachers as respondents of the study.

Step 2. Asking consent from the respondents.

When the permission was given, the researchers then sought for the approval of

the students asking for their permissions to be the respondents.

Step 3. Administering the survey, if the permission will be approved by the

The researchers distributed the questionnaires.

Step 4. Retrieving and tallying the data, after gathering the questionnaires.
The researchers tallied the result of the respondents.

Step 5. Subjecting data for statistical treatment and analysis.

The researchers computed the data that had been gathered from the respondents

and used statistical tools to measure the level acceptability of group chat.

Step 6: Interpretation of the result followed by the conclusion and discussion.

After the researchers interpreted the data that had been gathered by the

researchers, conclusions was drawn. When the conclusions were already derived,

researchers gave recommendations about the study such as the research gaps that other

researchers was able to supply in their future studies.

Product Procedure

Make a sketch of a multi-purpose chair

Address a letter to the principal to ask for five repairable chairs

Look for a carpenter to make the desire product

Look for additional materials needed for the desire multi-purpose chair

Assemble or make a multi-purpose chair that is ready to use

Figure 3. Flow chart of research product procedure.

Step 1. Make a sketch of a multi-purpose chair.

The researchers will make a sketch of a multipurpose chair in order to make the

plan clear.

Step 2. Address a letter to the principal to ask for five repairable chairs.

The researchers sent a letter to the principal of the Senior High School department

and asked a permission to use the 5 repairable or non-repairable chairs as s

Step 3. Look for a carpenter to make the desire product.

The researchers will look for a credible carpenter for the multipurpose chair to

have a quality.

Step 4. Look for additional materials needed for the desire multi-purpose chair.

The researchers will seek for additional available materials to help lessen the

work of a carpenter and to lessen the cost of a product.

Step 5. Assemble or make a multi-purpose chair that is ready to use.

The researchers will ask guidance and assistance from the carpenter to make a

desired product and in order to use the product by the students as planned.

Data Analysis

In tallying the data, frequencies and means we will use ANNOVA in analyzing

the data of the study in order to look for the differences between level of effectiveness of

a multipurpose chair and conventional chair in terms of educational setting.

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