Bexs Agreement en

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1 - Parties:
- BEXS Banco de Câmbio S/A, an institution authorized by the Brazilian Central Bank,
enrolled with the National Register of Corporate Taxpayers (CNPJ) under No.
13.059.145/0001-00, headquartered in the City of São Paulo – SP, at Av. das Nações
Unidas, 11.633 – 11º andar – Brooklin – CEP: 04578-901, hereinafter BEXS Banco; and
- Customer, as duly identified in the proposal Form, hereinafter referred to as the
2 - Purpose:
The purpose of this agreement is to regulate the opening, maintenance and closure of a
deposit account intended for the conduction of transactions or the contracting of
services before BEXS Banco, as provided in CMN Resolution 3,426/06.
3 - Opening of the Deposit Account:
BEXS Banco will maintain in its systems deposits account in the name of the Customer,
using both the registration data in the Proposal Form and the provided documents.
4 – Authorization for automatic operation of a deposit account through credit or debit
The Customer hereby irrevocably and irreversibly authorizes the operation of the
Customer’s deposit account with BEXS Banco for credit and debit entries from foreign
exchange transactions, as follows:
1 – Foreign Currency Sale Transaction (remittance of funds abroad):
A - BEXS Banco will debit the Customer's account for the amount in Brazilian Reais
sufficient to settle the foreign exchange transaction.
2 – Foreign Currency Purchase Transaction (receive of funds from abroad):
A - BEXS Banco will credit the Customer's account for the amount in Brazilian Reais
corresponding to the settlement of the foreign exchange transaction.
B – Subsequently to the credit provided in item A above, BEXS Banco will debit the
Customer's account for the amount in Brazilian Reais and credit the deposit account of
AVENUE MEIOS DE PAGAMENTOS LTDA., CNPJ 28.444.640/0001-00, with BEXS Banco,
Branch 0001, Account: 44326767-7.
5 - Operation of the Deposit Account:
The Customer agrees that all orders for the operation of the Customer’s deposit account
must be controlled through the electronic platform (website and application for mobile
devices) made available by AVENUE MEIOS DE PAGAMENTOS LTDA.
BEXS Banco will operate the deposit account under the terms of this contract, by making
credit and debit entries, which must be related to transactions or to the contracting of
services related to BEXS Banco, including, but not limited to, settlement of foreign
exchange transactions.
The amounts deposited in the deposit account will not be subject to any kind of
The Customer hereby authorizes BEXS Banco to make the required reversing entries to
correct improper entries resulting from operational errors of any kind.
BEXS Banco may stipulate value limits for the conduction of transactions in accordance
with the documents presented for evaluation of the financial capacity of the Customer.
The Customer shall have a limit available to effect the transactions, as established by
BEXS Banco.
6 – Closure of the account:
This agreement will be effective for an indefinite term and may be terminated at any
time by either party upon thirty (30) days’ notice to the other party.
BEXS Banco will consider this agreement as terminated, regardless of prior notice at any
time: (i) upon order of the Central Bank of Brazil or the Brazilian Courts; (ii) when the
Customer closes the payment account with AVENUE MEIOS DE PAGAMENTOS LTDA; or
(iii) when verified by BEXS (a) the movement of funds arising from activities considered
to be irregular under the legislation that provides for crimes of money laundering or
concealment of assets, rights and values; b) movement incompatible with the financial
capacity or the activity performed; or (c) irregularities in the information provided,
considered to be of a serious nature, in accordance with the applicable legislation and
guidelines of the Central Bank of Brazil.
7 – General Provisions:
The Customer declares that the registration data and documents presented are true and
consistent with the reality of the facts, remaining solely liable for any civil and criminal
sanctions that may be imposed.
The Customer is aware that the Customer’s personal information will be shared with the
competent administrative and judicial authorities, whenever required by law or court
The Customer is aware of the obligation to give a duly formalized notice of any change
in the registration data and documents provided.
The Customer is aware that BEXS Banco may report to the competent authorities any
transactions or operations of the account: (I) that are carried out in disagreement with
the registration data provided; (II) whose origin in respect of the parties involved,
amounts, types of performance and instruments used, is not adequately demonstrated
and proven; and (iii) when there is a formal or implied refusal to update the register.
8 - Jurisdiction:
The parties chose the courts of the Judicial District of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, to
settle any disputes arising from this Contract.

Agreement Signed Electronically, as provided in paragraphs 1st and 2nd of article 2 of

Resolution of the Brazilian Monetary Council n. 4.480, dated as of April 25th, 2016, as

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