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The Prince and Inyiak the

Wulan Mulya Pratiwi
Evi Shelvia
”I want a bigger bayur ball!” the prince yells.
”Look at this number! We need thousands ...
millions ... we need a lot lot more!”

”All these leaves are old, Your Highness. They

are too fragile. We cannot make them into a
ball,” one of the guards says.

”Go search into the forest!” the prince asks


”Inyiak the king of the jungle lives there ...,”
the guards say while staring at one another.
They are too afraid.

”Fine, I will go look by myself. I am not afraid.”
the prince is annoyed.

He looks around for the perfect leaves. Maybe

he can find some bayur trees over there.

Or maybe some over there, but suddenly ...


Oh, no!

”There’s Inyiak the king of the jungle!” all the

guards shout.

They all run as fast as they can to get away.

He isn’t able to keep up and the prince is
separated from his guards. Without realizing
it, the prince runs deeper and deeper into the

What should he do?

Wherever he runs to, he bumps into the tiger!

Finally, the tiger is gone.

It’s good for him. This is his chance to escape.

However, he still doesn’t know which way to


Oh, no!

There’s the tiger again!

Oh, wait. Something is different this time.

The tiger seems to block one direction only.

Is he trying to show the prince the right way?

”Roarr ...!”

This tiger is sure acting weird.

Maybe he really is trying to help the prince.

Hhmm ... the durian peels. They are lined up.
Is this a clue for him?

Now the prince is scared but he still follows

the trail of fruit peels. Slowly, very slowly.

Wait! The tiger really is trying to help the

Every time the prince gets lost, the tiger gives

him clues.

He made it! The prince finally reached the

Then ... ”Roarr!” the tiger yells again.

This time it sounds like a painful roar.

It turns out the tiger is trapped!

The tiger has helped the prince.

So, now it’s the prince’s turn to return the


The king and all of the guards come rushing
to save The prince from the king of the jungle.

”Don’t hurt him, Dad. This tiger helped me.”

The king then says, ”Humans and tigers have
to respect one another. The tiger saved my
son. From now on we will not hurt tigers and
they will not hurt us.”

©2019, The Asia Foundation.

This book was created through a workshop

for creating books in the local language that
conducted in collaboration between Litara
Foundation and The Asia Foundation and
ISI Padang Panjang, West Sumatra. The
workshop and professional development,
along with the editing and design of this
book, was conducted by Litara Foundation.

Brought to you by

Let’s Read is an initiative of The Asia Foundation’s Books for Asia

program that fosters young readers in Asia and the Pacific.
To read more books like this and get further information about
this book, visit

Original Story
Pangeran jo Inyiak (The Prince and Inyiak the Tiger), Author: Wulan
Mulya Pratiwi. Illustrator: Evi Shelvia. Published by The Asia
Foundation - Let’s Read, © The Asia Foundation - Let’s Read.
Released under CC BY-NC 4.0.

This work is a modified version of the original story. © The Asia

Foundation, 2020. Some rights reserved. Released under CC
BY-NC 4.0.

For full terms of use and attribution,

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