Solution Sheet: Four-Way Circuit With LOGO!Learn

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1 Solution sheet: Four-way circuit with LOGO!


9 Four-way circuit

Status LED



Figure 1: Learning card 9 - Four-way circuit

Functional description

A Four-way circuit is used to switch lamp E (Q2) on or off from three different locations
with S1, S2 or S3.

Correlation list
Symbol absolute Comment
S1 I1 Switch
S2 I2 Switch
S3 I3 Switch
E1/P1 Q1 Status LED (Pilot lamp)

Author: Jürgen Kaftan © 2010

2 Solution sheet: Four-way circuit with LOGO!Learn

Exercise 1
Solution field 1 shows a suggested solution.

❏ Enter the function block diagram into the programming unit (PC) and transfer into
the LOGO!.

❏ Test the circuit with the training device LOGO!Learn.

Solution field 1

Figure 2: Logic circuit for Four-way circuit (Function block diagram)

Author: Jürgen Kaftan © 2010

3 Solution sheet: Four-way circuit with LOGO!Learn

Exercise 2

❏ Transfer the solution “function block diagram” as a ladder diagram into solution
field 2.

❏ Enter the ladder diagram into the programming unit (PC) and transfer into the

❏ Test the circuit with the training device LOGO!Learn.

Solution field 2

Figure 3: Logic circuit for Four-way circuit (Ladder diagram)

Author: Jürgen Kaftan © 2010

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