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DIABETES bring glucose into the cells.

causes the body to rely on
alternative energy sources in the
- According to the International
tissues, muscles, and organs.
Diabetes Federation, Diabetes
- Lastly, Gestational diabetes is a
mellitus, commonly known as
type of diabetes that consists of
diabetes, is a chronic disease
high blood glucose during
that occurs when the pancreas
pregnancy and is associated with
of the body can no longer be
complications to both mother
able to make insulin, or when the
and child. It can happen at any
body cannot make good use of
stage of pregnancy but is more
the insulin it produces.
common in the second or third
- So, what is insulin? Insulin is a
hormone made by the pancreas
that acts like a key to let glucose
from the food we eat pass from
A) Causes of Type 1 diabetes
the bloodstream into the cells in
the body to produce energy. - Type 1 diabetes is caused by

genes and environmental

factors, such as viruses, that
- There are three main types of
diabetes - Type 1, Type 2, and might trigger the disease.
Gestational Diabetes. In Type 1 - This is an immune system disease.
diabetes, the body’s pancreas
The human body attacks and
produces little or no insulin, which
means that person having this destroys insulin-producing cells in

chronic disease needs daily the pancreas. Without insulin to

insulin injections to maintain
allow glucose to enter the cells,
blood glucose levels under
glucose builds up in the
- Another type of diabetes is Type bloodstream.
2 diabetes. This type of diabetes B) Type 2 diabetes
is more common in adults and
- Type 2 diabetes stems from a
accounts for around 90% of all
diabetes cases. The body isn’t combination of genetics and
able to effectively use insulin to lifestyle factors. Being overweight
or obese increases the risk of diabetes, symptoms tend to

having Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. come on quickly and be more

Being overweight allows the
- Here are some of the signs and
bodily cells to be more resistant symptoms of the different types
to the effects of insulin on blood of diabetes:
- Increased thirst
- Frequent urination
- Type 2 Diabetes runs in families - Extreme hunger
(Genetics). Family members that - Unexplained weight loss
- Presence of ketones in the
share genes will make them more
likely to get type 2 diabetes and - Fatigue
to be overweight. - Irritability
- Blurred Vision
C) Gestational diabetes
- Slow-healing sores
- Gestational diabetes is the result
- Frequent infections, such
of hormonal changes during as gums or skin infections

pregnancy. The placenta and vaginal infections

- When to see a doctor:
produces hormones that make a
- If you suspect you or your
pregnant woman’s cells less child may have diabetes
sensitive to the effects of insulin. - If you’ve already been
diagnosed with diabetes
This can cause high blood sugar

during pregnancy. Treatment

- What happens in a diabetic
Signs and Symptoms emergency?
- Symptoms of diabetes may vary In most cases, a diabetic
depending on how much emergency happens when the
elevated your blood sugar is. person’s blood sugar levels
Some people, especially those become too low. This is also
with prediabetes or type 2 known as hypoglycaemia. It can
diabetes, may sometimes not happen when the person has
experience symptoms. For type 1 missed a meal or exercised too
much. If left untreated, a diet drink, as it won’t have any
diabetic emergency can sugar in it and will not help them.
become very serious. Some people do have high
- What to do during a diabetic blood sugar levels, but giving
emergency? them sugary drinks or food is
1. Give them something unlikely to do any harm.
sweet to eat or a non-diet - What if the patient is
drink. unresponsive?
2. Reassure them to avoid 1. Check their breathing.
panic. 2. Reposition them onto their
3. If no improvement is seen, side and tilt their head
call the ambulance. back, making sure their
- What should I give them to eat or tongue falls forward.
drink? 3. Call the ambulance.
You can give them sugary drinks
such as cola, lemonade, fruit
juice and isotonic sports drinks,
and high sugar containing food
such as jelly beans, chocolate
and sugar cubes. The person
may also be carrying glucose gel ‌
or tablets. Avoid giving them a

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