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Cultural Diversity and its Influence

on Nursing Practice

Jessica De Jesus

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Ohio University

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The purpose of this paper is to identify the eight reasons why transcultural nursing is a necessary

specialty, according to Madeleine Leininger. This paper will also describe the meaning of

cultural diversity and its relationship to the field of nursing. Finally, I will describe in my own

words what cultural diversity means, and explain three ways that I have provided culturally

sensitive care to my patients.

Transcultural Nursing as a Necessary Specialty

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According to Madeleine Leininger there are eight factors that influence transcultural

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nursing. These eight factors should be used as a way to address health care challenges and issues,

which are all relevant in today's times. The first factor is “a marked increase in the migration of
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people within and between countries worldwide.” (Andrews, 2016) Many people come into the

United States and leave the United States. The United States is known for its many different
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cultures, religions beliefs and values. When caring for patients it’s important to remember that
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we are a big melting pot, everyone in the United States is not the same. The second factor is “a

rise in multicultural identities, with people expecting their culture beliefs, values, and ways of
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life to be understood and respected by nurses and other healthcare providers.” (Andrews, 2016)

This is very true as I mentioned before there are many different types of people in the United

States. When one isn't feeling well it is important to care for their cultures beliefs and values as

well. It's important that the nurse is aware that these other cultures exist, so that they can be

mindful not to offend anyone. The third factor is “an increase in healthcare provider’s and

patient’s use of technology that connects people globally and simultaneously may become the

source of conflict with the cultural values, beliefs, and practices of some people receiving care.”

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(Andrews, 2016) What some people practice in other cultures and countries may not always be

the same as what we practice here in the United States. This may be a cause of conflict, so it's

also important to recognize the different types of technologies that exists. The fourth factor is

“global cultural conflicts, clashes, and violence that impact health care as more cultures interact

with one another.” (Andrews, 2016) When people have different views about values, religion,

and beliefs it can cause conflict, which can influence health care. The fifth factor is “an increase

in the number of people traveling and working in different parts of the world.” (Andrews, 2016)

The sixth factor is “an increase in legal actions resulting from cultural conflict, negligence,

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ignorance, and the imposition of health care practices.” (Andrews, 2016) Because many people

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have different cultures and different values it is important to recognize when these values and

cultures not being respected. An increase in legal action resulting from these conflicts are
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partially due to health care providers not taking into consideration the cultural background of the

patients they are providing care for. The seventh factor is “a rise in awareness of gender issues,
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with growing demands on health care systems to meet the gender, and age specific needs of men,
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women, and children. (Andrews, 2016) Finally, the eighth factor is “an increased demand for

community and cultural base health care services in diverse environmental contexts.” (Andrews,
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2016) When providing care for patients it is important to remember that you're caring for not

only their body, but you’re also caring for their overall well being. This is why it is so important

to be culturally diverse, so you know how to properly care for each individual patient you have.

Cultural diversity Consumer Assessment of Healthcare

In order to be culturally diverse one must be able to first be understanding and be open to

the idea that other cultures exists besides their own. Each culture has different norms, beliefs,

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and standard. Things such as eye contact, body language, wardrobes, views on life and death all

mean different things to different people. America has a lot of cultural diversity. However, in my

opinion a lot of people in America still tend to view anyone who isn't like him or herself as being

“wrong” or "weird". Being culturally diverse means accepting these different cultures, and

finding ways to understand them, even if we don’t completely agree with them. The reason why

this is important nursing is because as nurses we deal with many different types of people. It is so

important when providing care to these people that we are aware of things that may offend them,

or be disrespectful to them. It so important to be culturally competent and focus on the different

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ways culture shapes each and every one of us. (Schlüer, 2014) Caring for a person is about more

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than just caring for their body, it's also about caring for their whole physical well being. When

we are sick we use the cultural and religious experiences we learned from our families and
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friends to help us cope. Nurses taking care of sick people need to be able to understand that each

patient they have is going to have different ways of coping with their illness. They are also going
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to have different dietary needs, and need different amouts of personal space, and communication
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needs. Sometimes this is hard to do if the nurse hasn’t been exposed to certain cultures and is

unsure of their needs. I think having things such as the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
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Providers and Systems (CAHPS) questionnaires, is a great way to gain a better understanding of

what people from different cultures and ethnicity’s value and how good they felt the quality of

care was for them while at the hospital. (Bagchi, 2012) Researching on the culture of the person

you are taking care of is also a good way to become more culturally diverse.

Culturally Sensitive Care

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One of the first things I do when I walk into my patient's room and begin to

communicate with them is assess my situation. I look at how the person is dressed. I pay

attention to how they are talking to me, are they looking away? Are they looking at me? Are they

saying yes ma'a, no ma'am? Is the husband in the room doing the majority of the talking for the

patient? I assess these things so I can find a way to be more culturally sensitive to the needs of

the person when I am communicating with them. If I have to put in any dietary orders I make

sure I'm aware of the person's diet. I ask if there are any types of foods that they don't eat such as

pork, or if they follow a vegetarian, or kosher diet. On days that I have a male aid I make sure

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that the patient is aware, and is comfortable with a male changing them, or providing them with

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care. A few months ago I had a Buddhist patient who liked to meditate to reduce his pain. His

room was very close to the front of the floor, so there was a lot of noise in the area. When I
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walked into his room and seen him sitting on the floor meditating I asked if he would like to be

moved down the hall to a quieter room so that he can meditate a little better. As soon as I asked
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him his entire face lit up and he very happily accepted it. Little things like that can make a big
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difference in patient satisfactory. I personally believe we heal better when we feel safe,

comfortable and calm. The only way to be more culturally diverse is to pay attention to other
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people and not judge their actions, but learn from them, even if we don’t plan on practicing their

ways we can still learn and grow from the experience of getting to learn something different.

I personally enjoy learning about different cultures. Madeleine Leininger’s eight factors

on transcultural nursing helps people get a better understanding of with the influences are. Being

culturally diverse helps me to not only understand my patience needs, but it also helps me learn

more about myself. There are so many different cultures in the world many of which are right

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here in America, after all that’s what makes us so great. In America anyone can practice his or

her beliefs freely. Being able to provide a safe comfortable environment where your patient feels

like they are able to express themselves freely, and openly promotes a sense of trust, and mutual

respect all of which promotes a better outcome for the patient.

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Andrews, M.M., & Boyle, J.S. (2015). Transcultural concepts in nursing care. (7th ed).
Philadelphia, PA: Walters Kluwer.

Schlüer, A., Schols, J. A., & Halfens, R. G. (2014). Response to letter to the editor of Murray,
Quigley, and Curley (2014)...Murray, J. S., Quigley, S., & Curley, M. A. Q. (2014).
Letter to the editor. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, in press. Journal
For Specialists In Pediatric Nursing, 19(2), 107-108. doi:10.1111/jspn.12070

Bagchi, A., Ursin, R. and Leonard, A. (2012). Assessing cultural perspectives on healthcare
quality. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health. 14: 175-182. doi 10.1007/s10903-010-

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