X.DM-PPT Notes

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Orv(Ow one Sh version of Why Delta/Modulation? os PEP © If we oversample ( typically more than 4 times of Nyquist rate) a signal, the correlation [pcm between the adjacent samples increases and a . result, the predictor error decreases. Rous * If the predictor error is small enough, it can be = —= Bm encoded by only one bit DM provides stair case approximation. * Delta Modulation (DM) is basically one-bit ) version of DPCM. ——————§—| + +&f ( 3 3 & 1 = ¥ ee Bag “As, a> SoG ¥ “Tao {evel ee Voi svat en 43 os, Dag Dm § 8 “tikm en 3:| Om Bib DR -S® sas Ne a ° henge in Ke damples Le %3naast Nan Orig ao cess a —_= Applications * Delta Modulation was used by Satellite Business Systems or SBS for its voice ports to provide long “distance phone service to large domestic corporations with a. significant inter-corporation communications need (such as IBM). ‘raved Delta Modulator achieved full voice quality with wr aucckabla. degradation ax compared tara High eualy phoiie line OF the standard 64kbit/s aw Companded PCM. + With the increasing availability of FPGAs and game- related ASICs, — led so as to avoid Delta Modulation eee ay e Delta Modulation transmit only one bit ss per sample. eG) ° The present sample value is compared with the previous sample value. ¢ The difference between x(t) and staircase approximated signal confined to two levels ie +5 and - 6. — 4Ne@ Ava Delta Modulation ¢ Signaling rate and channel bandwidth are large in PCM, to overcome this problem DM is used. e ONE BIT Quantizer or TWO level Quantizer(+ d or - 8). g md a ae + Present sample value is compared with the previous sample value and the indication whether the amplitude is increased or decreased is sent. - sampled 2 Spank sed Delta Modulation Gn SOL noise | iu. m Nin i Say feta DS se sa a Vs = 22kb 224 ky « Difference between the input signal and staircase approximated signal confined to two levels. » +Ve d signal is increased by one step----‘I’ » -Ve d --signal is reduced by one step- ¢ e(n Ts)= x(n Ts)- x’(n Ts) + (n'Ts)- Present sample +e (aT) Last ample e(nTs) = x(nTs)-x’(nTs) = x(nTs)-u(nTs-Ts) u(nTs) = u(nTs-Ts)+b(nTs) b(nTs) = 6 sgn[e(nTs)] + 4ve 6 ifx(nTs)> x(nTs)- ‘Symbol ‘I’ transmitted + ve 5 if x(nTs) < x'(nTs)----------Symbol 0" transmitted DM Receiver (et) = DM -Features |. One bit code word for the output, which eliminates the need for word framing. 2. Simplicity of design for both the transmitter and receiver. —— Nojg-s, DM- Types of quantization error Slope overload Noise L— ¢ Granular Noise | —> T1700 CEI Dita Communication 3.12 Delta Modulation 221 Granular ose DM Signal to noise rato Dervason andi mee Sone Siteah poser aN 5 . >> aval, wm ee Bo NO hop. alls Sihorbien Ath sp0aua7} ae Boe. & Ces S— _— eaihe ® SsbB n@D . s ve edd fase s ach = Site 3 Sale z —. an wee L Swett LOAD in sev San 8? RT wee ae ne aE Delta Modulation = Adv © Transmit only one bit per sample. © Signaling rate and channel BW is small. + Disady © Granular Noise + Step size is too large when compared to small variations in the input signal. ~ Slope overload distortion © Error between original signal and staircase approximated signal . To reduce this error , stop size should be increased when slope of input signal is high. T1700 CEI Dita Communication

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