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Viral Causes of

Diseases in Equine

Dr. Muhammad Awais

Viral Causes of Reproductive Diseases

• Two important viral diseases of breeding horses

1. Equine herpes virus infection

2. Equine viral arteritis
Equine herpes virus infection

• Equine herpes virus 1, 3 and 4 causes reproductive problems

1. Equine herpes virus 1 & 4 (EHV1 & EHV4) causes Viral Abortion

2. Equine herpes virus (EHV3) causes Coital Exanthema

Viral Abortion

• Also called rhino-pneumonitis

• Caused by EHV1 & 4.
• EHV-1, causes abortion, respiratory signs, neurological signs
• EHV-4, usually causes respiratory disease only but can
occasionally cause abortion.
• Abortion – last trimester
• Infect multiple types of cells

• Lytic and latent cycle

• Latency – trigeminal ganglia and CD8+ cells


• Horse - to – horse
• Ingestion and inhalation
• Aborted material, semen, aerosol droplet
• Reservoir – latently infected horses
• Stress, transport can reactivate latency
• Less persistent in environment
• Infection acquired in first weak of birth

Brain – vasculitis,
encephalopathy Replicate in upper
resp. tract mucosa

In uterus – vasculitis Enter to lamina

– abortion propria, endothelial
Disseminated in all organs cells, CD8+ cells
including trigeminal ganglion,
CNS, uterus during viremia
Tiwari S.C, et al.,
Clinical signs

• Nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, lymphadenopathy, no cough

• Abortion – last trimester

• Neonatal infection – fatal

• Stallion – poor semen quality

• CNS – ataxia, paralysis, bladder dysfunction


• There is no test to detect latent carriers

• Virus isolation
• Serology
Aborted fetus, Multiple necrotic foci in liver
enclosed in amnion

Multifocal hemorrhages,
rubbery lung Hemorrhage and
necrosis of brain

Eosinophilic inclusions in
hepatocyte Necrotic foci in liver

EHV-1 particles nucleus. Organelles of the cytoplasm

degeneration hydropic dilation of sER,mitochondria,
detached ribosomes of rER
Nuclear debris in splenic Vasculitis in CNS
follicle lymphocytolysis
Control and prevention

• Keep weaned foals and yearling away from pregnant mares

• Aborted material and contaminated bedding should be burned
• Aborted mare should be isolated for at least 1 week with strict control admission to
box and routine hygienic measures
• Outside mares should not allowed onto infected premises until at least 1 month after
the last obrtion
• Vaccination two vaccines against EHV1 are available dead and attenuated
• Ideally all horses on premises should be vaccinated.
Coital Exanthema

• Caused by herpes virus (EHV3)

• Spread by coitus
• Vesicular Lesions on vulva , vestibule,and penis.
• These vesicles rupture and produce infected ulcers.
• Usually are healed with local antibiotic treatment.
• Coitus Cannot be performed by infected mare or stallion.
• Condition is resolved in 14 days.
Viral arteritis

• Caused by Equine arteritis virus belong to genus Arterivirus, family Togaviridae

• The virus which causes EVA was first isolated from horses in Ohio in 1953
• About 80% abortion during clinical disease
• Characterized by depression, edema of limbs, intense pink or red conjunctiva,
palpebral edema, enteritis, pneumonic complications and abortions

• Via respiratory route or by ingestion

• Venereal transmission by stallions

• Tissues and fluids of aborted fetus contained large mass of virus

• Virus shed in the urine

Holyoak G.R., et al.,

Nasopharynx Lungs/
lymph nodes

Abortion in

Body tissue/ Blood

Shed in fluids (viremia)

• Congestion, petchiae in conjunctiva, resp tract and guttural pouches,

• Hydrothorex, petichae in pleura, heart, pericardium and lungs,

• Ascites

• Enlargement of LN

• Petichae on endocardium, epicardium, mesentery

• Small intestine, caecum and colon oedematous and congested


• Small arteries and necrosis and deposition of

eosinophilic mass in tunica media with cellular

infiltration in adventitia

• Platelet thrombi in lumen

• Abortion -necrotizing myometritis

Control and prevention

• Administration of a modified live and formalin-inactivated vaccine use in

non pregnant mares and in stallions.

• Vaccinated horses or any other horses with titers to EAV may not be
eligible for export to certain countries.

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