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Public Officers and Election Law Class – Prof.

Herminio “Third” Bagro III

You’re here because you passed both Consti 1 (Muyot) and 2 (De Vera).

Lifetime Attributes
Highly Ethical
Exceptionally competent
Willing leaders and servants
Thinkers and innovators in law
Committed to the rule of law

“Asian Rule of Law” – what the government says; “sumunod ka nalang”

Actually – Power of government derived from the people; limited by the

Thing about this subject – A lot of laws you have to read; hodgepodge of different
laws across decades
Primary Text – Constitution; then De Leon

Once a week meeting only

Week 2 Public Officers Parts 1 and 2

Week 7 Midterms
Week 8 Election Law
Week 11 Final checkpoint
Week 12 Final Paper

Plan is to divide the class into 4 groups

Groups will be in-charge of ensuring that the Study Notes are complete,
comprehensive but not too long not to be readable, has to contain deep insights
into what was studied, group must be able to marshall that process of
How: Google Docs
When: If we meet on Tuesday, Study Notes is due on Thursday
Start of Class on Tuesday, Group in-charge will present 10-15 minute summary of
coverage for that week
Read cases in the original then summarize, high-quality

Final paper:
- A relevant and publicly consequential legal problem
- Sufficiently review the applicable provisions of the Consti, statutes, cases,
- Presents a clear and compelling way forward, whether in amendatory or
curative law or administrative policy, a change in case law, a mindset pivot
in legal education, or any other, while advancing public interest and the
rule of law

Class participation 40%, Midterms 30%, Final paper 30%

Shortened semester – 12 weeks

I expect you have the discipline and diligence. Parang nagtanim ka lang.

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