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Sept. 1 Rent Expense 530 P32,000
Cash 110 P32,000
Sept. 3 Cash 110 P66,000
Service Revenue 410 P66,000
Sept. 5 Supplies 130 P11,500
Accounts Payable 220 P11,500
Sept. 6 Utilities Expense 550 P4,000
Cash 110 P4,000
Sept. 8 Equipment 175 P100,000
Accounts Payable 220 P100,000
Sept. 9 Accounts Payable 220 P17,000
Cash 110 P17,000
Sept. 11 Cash 110 P120,700
Accounts Receivable 120 P120,700
Sept.12 Accounts Receivable 120 P70,000
Service Revenue 410 P70,000
Sept. 15 Accounts Payable 220 P11,500
Cash 110 P11,500
Sept. 18 Equipment 175 P100,000
Cash 110 P100,000
Sept. 19 Equipment 175 P29,000
Accounts Payable 220 P29,000
Sept. 21 Utilities expense 550 P14,500
Cash 110 P14,500
Sept. 22 Cash 110 P55,000
Accounts Receivable 120 P55,000
Sept. 25 Salaries Expense 510 P48,000
Cash 110 P48,000
Sept. 28 Utilities Expense 175 P32,500
Utilities Payable 240 P32,500
Sept. 29 Zeinab, Capital 310 P11,000
Cash 110 P11,000
During the month of September, the company completed the following transactions:
 Sep. 1     Paid this month’s rent, P32,000.
         3     Received fees for this month’s services, P66,000.
         5     Purchased supplies on account , P11,500.
         6     Paid for oil change on a service vehicle, P4,000.
         8     Ordered playground equipment, P100,000.
         9     Made payments on account, P17,200.
         11     Collected from customers on account , P120,700.
         12   Billed customers who had not yet paid for this month’s services, P70,000.
         15   Paid for the supplies purchased on September 5.
         18   Received and paid for the playground equipment ordered on September 8,
         19   Purchased equipment on account, P29,000.
         21   Paid this month’s utility bill, P14,500.
         22   Received cash for one month’s services from customers previously billed,
         25   Paid salaries of staff, P48,000.
         28   Received statement of account for gas and oil used by the service vehicles
during the month, P32,500.
         29   Made cash withdrawal of P11,000.

1. Zeinab operates the Zeinab Nursery School. It provides day-care, school bus service
and learning programs to pre-school children. On August 31, 2020, the company’s trial
balance is as follows:

Zeinab Nursery School

Trial Balance
Aug. 31, 2020
                                                Cash (110)                              P187,000                 

                                                Accounts Receivable (120)      170,000

                                                Equipment (140)                       104,000
                                                Service Vehicles (150)           1,740,000
                                                Notes Payable (210)                                      
                                                Accounts Payable (220)                                     
                                                Zeinab, Capital (310)              __________        
                                                                                             P2,201,000     P2,201,000 

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