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Submitted by:- Bindia (6809)

Ans 1

(a) The project was not well conceived because only the amount of budget and the
target date was set and instead of these two things nothing was well planned.
Personnel was doing their work without any planning and without taking each
other’s view. The production people were entirely left out of the discussion, and
that oversight later led to many costly delays, adding to the final cost of the

(b) The main objective was defining the parameters and scope of the
expansion and the completion of the work within the seventeen
million dollars allotted in Woody’s budget. The target date for
completion should have been realistically set and contingencies for
delays should be considered to expand the business in the possible
mini boom of construction market.
The primary objective of this proposal should be to perform a detailed
needs assessment for the requirements necessary to meet an increase
in sales revenues generated and to determine what type of expansion
or upgrade to the facility would be needed to meet said growth.

© Strategies used were:-

(i) Determining the budget
(ii) Set the target date for the project
(iii) Developed a monthly cash flow chart and the set aside of funds for

Recommendation :-
(i) Weekly meetings would have served to keep key personnel
informed and coordinated in their efforts.
(ii) They should fully evaluate their options.

(d) No, they did not consider other options. As they are well known in
their business, they may get better options at reasonable rates from
other sources. As they were not sharing one ultimate vision, the
progress of project was fragmented.
(e) As the plant was operational, but Woody’s mistakes were evident
with the over-supply of commercial space, the under-utilization of
equipment, the unmet delivery dates, the depleted inventories, and the
low employee morale. The ultimate success of a project can only be
measured at its completion.

Ans (2)

(a) Woody’s probably thought that having the on-hand contractors would
allow for simultaneous completion of the expansion and renovation projects
with less cost. That was not a good idea because it would have done better
if it had taken only one project at a time.

(b) Simple Project Scope Statement:

The project name: Woody 2010
The project charter: To supply well-designed, custom furniture, millwork,
and hardwood imports
The project owner: Chotu Carpenter
The project goals and objectives: To expand and modernize Woody’s
manufacturing business with growth based on computer controlled
The project non-goals (what is out of scope): To renovate the President’s
and Executive Vice President’s offices
The cost estimate: Seventeen million dollars
The timeframe: Eighteen months

Ans (3)

(a) The project should include:-

(i) a reliable cash flow charts of expenditures
(ii) A timetable and task responsibility chart.
(iii) Develop a complete needs assessment based on input from each
department including administrative, production, finance and
human resources.
(iv) Control policies
These inclusions in Project Woody 2010 would have helped in ensuring
its success.

The project was poorly planned as they didn’t consider each and every
aspect related to the project. They might have done this to reduce time
and cost but the result was totally opposite. Contractors should have been
researched and valued on their abilities and resources to meet Woody’s

No, the project didn’t explain anything in this regard and it should be a
part of the project so that each element can be combined in reasonale and
reliable manner.

Ans (4)
Quality is the best possible inputs to get the best possible outputs. It
means how quickly and efficiently the project can be completed within a
proposed budget.

He didn’t evoke the specifications because he didn’t have the approval.
Also since lambodar was on vacation and it caused delay of two weeks
leading to construction schedule conflict at later stage.

Quality control would have allowed for a more reasonable estimate of the
cost and deadlines.
Ans (5)

(a) A set of project schedule milestones:-

Fix project budget and schedule

Sign contractor

Install correct machinery

Connect utilities and tie-in power

Inspect and approve new building

Begin production in new building

(b)This is a simple representation of the project schedule at initial and later stages.

With the help of good baseline plan, woody had reviewd as what task it
has done and which task is still uncomplete. With the help of it, woody
would become able to see the reasons behind the pitfalls and delays.
(d) The free float of an activity is the extra time available to complete
the activity. Woody’s could have used float time to research other
potential contractors and meet up for group discussions.

Ans (6)

Guesstimation is a high level guess and estimations of various costs and
processes involved. This project was guessed and estimated to be
completed in 18 months but it took more time and also level of cost
escalated. Twenty-five million dollars would be an appropriate high-level

A high level guesstimate should be presented through the projected
balance sheet and using networking techniques like gantt chart , CPM
and PERT. This estimate should have been presented at the time of the
proposal to management for budget approval.

Keeping such information hidden is never prudent, as doing so can cast
suspicion on one’s motives or question one’s competence. Likewise, it
robs the company of any clear idea of true expenditure

Ans 7
(a) As many aspects and concepts of Woody’s plans were incomplete, ill-
conceived, and not clearly ascertained. EID may have also suspected
that they were Woody’s first and only choice as contractor, as the
project was not open to bids. Woody could have gone for research of
more contractors.
Ans 8

He had no prior experience in people management, quality control and
communication coordination. Yes a proper training would have helped him a

© and (d)
They should have discussed all aspects of the project including objectives,
schedules, designs, mechanical improvements, renovations, and budget
restraints, and clear, concise goals should have been set. Woody’s Project
Manager should have assigned tasks with everyone reporting progress and
openly presenting any problems incurred at scheduled meetings.
Ans 9

(a) A good baseline plan would have helped to make the best utilisation of
the time allotted to the project. The value of a good baseline plan is
paramount if a project is to stay within the necessary time and budget

© The project would have been seen from the base i.e from the starting and
all the activities which are lagging behind would be rescheduled. Any
employees causing delays through poor decisions or work practices would
have been reinstructed as to the changes that were to be incorporated

(d) Complete files and computer records should have been kept of all things
concerning Project Woody 2010. Files should have contained formal notes,
dated memos, financial records, contractor correspondence, copies of
contracts, and any other relevant information.

Ans 10

(a) EID’s primary goal, while creating this estimate, should have been to
determine the cost of construction while adhering to Woody’s schedule.EID
was certainly unreasonable with the creation of their estimate from a
financial stand point and, especially, from a scheduling standpoint.

Two years after the project was started it was found that the expenditures
had crossed the budgeted mark with the project 85% complete at its best.
It was an expensive prospect with Woody’s throwing money at every
problem, trying to get the plant operational and after this also woody
faced a fall in the demand.

Larger percentage of contigencies should be taken into account.the best
solution is careful planning of budget with careful spending
(d) flow chart for changes:-


Planning for construction &


Call for to your
Quotations Stop

Construct the
building and

Is the Take
progress corrective
ok actions

Go on with
the processes

Is it Take
complete corrective
d on Time actions

Do the test
Run and
of plant Stop
Ans 11
(b) List of surprises:-
i. excessive estimate
ii. The procurement of production train
iii. the two weeks’ delay resulting from several incidents
iv Lack of documentation and communication.

v Meeting Environmental approvals and standards.

vi Construction schedule conflicts.

Ans 12

(b) the project was not well run because:-

i. lack of communication between EID, S&P, and Woody’s was constant and

ii. fundamental errors in the initial planning

iii. lack of documentations

© Key success factors:-

1. Completion of construction on time

2. Completion of construction within the budget
3. Meeting all construction milestones on time
4. Beginning construction on time
5. Finalization of budget and schedule
Ans 2

( c)

Ans 9
Woody 2010
Sonu kanjus Mun Mun Mrs.
Paisawas Paisaw Lambod nu Konta Bunn nu Bhaira
Tasks ool ala ar Tej ct u Tej Babu vi
Manage X
woody 2010
monthly cash
flow chart X
Meet with
people X
Keep record
of actual costs X
Research and
meet with
contractors X
assistant X
Work with
suppliers &
consultants X X
specification X
program X
Contact utility
companies X
Meet with
suppliers X X
Schedule &
deliveries X X
specifcations X X X
Meet with the
authority X X
Plan X X
deliveries X
deliveries X
depletions X
budgets X
morale X
records X
employers X X

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