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Time: 3 H011rs Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:
l. This paper is divided into Jwo parts: A and B. All queslions are compulsory.
2. Separale instructions are given wilh each seclion and question, wherever necessary. Read
Jhese instructions very carefully and follow Jhem.
3. Do nol exceed the prescribed word limit while answering Jhe queslions.

PART-A - Multiple Choice Questions (40 Marks)

READING (20 Marks)
Ql. Read the passage given below. (10 Marks)
I. Sacred trees form an important part of the ecological heritage of India. Most temples, towns,
villages-and sometimes even Muslim dargahs-are associated with trees. Some plants
are sacred to the individual deity; others are sacred to the place. Several plants have been
worshipped in India from time immemorial. Wherever the tulsi grows-from the lndo-
Gangetic plains to the shores of the Indian Ocean at K.anyakumari- it occupies a position of
pride in the central courtyard of the house, tended ro, carefully, by the housewife.
2. Apart from the elaborate myths connecti4&'ttM Krishna, the tulsi plant has several medicinal
3. To protect and revere this plant with so many medicinal properties, it was designated as sacred,
a fitting tribute to its role in providing invaluable healthcare. The worship of plants is an
ancient phenomenon in India. It is probably the oldest form of worship. The association of a
single tree with a sacred sthala or sthana is reflected in the chaitya vriksha and sthala vriksha
or literature and society.
4. When people turned to food production, the Mother Goddess or the Earth Mother became the
chief deity. Fertility, creation, and the world of plants and animals became her blessings to
her devotees. The worship of the tree was the adoration of her creative abilities, symbolising
fertility so essential or the survival of the early people. Spirits-good or bad-were believed
to reside in trees. If the trees were worshipped, then the resident spirits were pleased. As
sacred forests were replaced by agriculture, a single tree was left and was designated as
'sacred' tree.
5. The earliest temples were little more than images placed under trees. Later, the tree and the
image were enclosed by a fence made of wood, followed even by stone. Numerous references
are made in literature to trees as abodes of gods.
On the basis of you.r understanding of the passage, answer any ten questions from the
twelve that follow. (10 x l = 10)
(i) Which of these form an important part of the ecological heritage of India?
(a) Indo-gangetic plains (b) Mother Goddess
(c) Sacred trees (d) Kanyakumari

(ii) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.
To me, nature is sacred; Trees are poems the All the trees are Time spent amongst
trees are my temples earth writes upon losing their leaves, trees is never wasted
and forests are my the sky. and not one of them time.
cathedrals. - Kahlil Gibran is worried. -Katrina Mayer
- Mikhael Gorbachev -Donald Miller
(I ) (2) (3) (4)
(a) Option ( I) (b) Option (2) (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(iii) People worship trees as an admiration of their:
(a) fertility ability (b) creative ability (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(iv) Which of the features are apt about the ' tree' in the following context: "It was designated
as sacred, a fitting tribute to its role."?
(a) Medicinal (b) Nature's finest (c) Organic (d) All of these
(v) ................... .is associated with several medicinal propertjes.
(a) Chaitya vriksha (b) SthaJa variksha (c) Tutsi plant (d) Sacred tree
(vi) The author of the passage attempts to ..................... the readers through this write-up.
(a) enlighten (b) battle (c) warn (d) confuse
(vii) The most important things given by mother Earth to us are:
(a) air and fire (b) creative abilities
(c) plants and animals (d) spirits
(viii) All trees except one were felled down by early people for:
(a) their shelter (b) agriculture (e) earning money (d) fuel
(ix) What were the sacred forests I'eplacejV'f A
(a) Temples (b) Shelter (t-) Agriculture (d) None of these
(x) What is the message conveyed in the last paragraph of the passage?
(a) Mother Goddess is the protector of mankind
(b) Spirits reside in trees (c) Trees are regarded as abodes of gods
(d) Tulsi plant has several medicinal benefits
(xi) Select the option that makes the correct use of ' elborate' , as used in the passage, to fill in
the blank space.
(a) Together they .................... a clever scheme.
(b) We sat beside an ................... lake in the evening.
(c) They always give such ..................... dinner parties.
(d) The architect ................ ..... a brilliant design.
(xii) Choose the option that correctly states the antonym of ' barren', as used in the passage.
(a) Production (b) Fertility (c) Adoration (d) Creation
Q2. Read the passage given below. (10 Marks)
India is one of the fastest growing economies in 2020. Poverty is on the decline with close
to 44 Indians escaping extreme poverty every minute, according to the World Poverty Clock.
According to the Brookings report, today India. has 73 million people living in extreme poverty
wruch makes up 5.5% of its total population.
Two-thirds of people in India live in poverty. 68.8% of the Indian population live on less
than $2 a day. Over 30% even have less than $1 .25 per day and such people are considered
extremely poor.
More than 800 million people in India are considered poor. Most of them live in the countryside
and keep afloat with odd jobs. The lack of employment which provides a liveable wage in


rural areas is driving many Indians into rapidly growing
metropolitan cities, such as Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and
In 2019, the Indian government stated that 6. 7% of its
population is below its official poverty limit. According
to Oxfam, India's top I% of the population now holds
73% of the wealth while 670 million citizens, comprising
the country's poorest half, saw their wealth rise by just
1%. As per the Tendulkar Poverty Line, poverty reduced
from 14.9 per cent in 2011 to 7.0 per cent in 2017-
the fastest pace the country has seen yet. So, 2020 is
extremely challenging year not only for government and
business, but also for those who are on the borderline
of poverty. Fiscal, monetary and administrative policies
have to be designed in a way that provides a safety for those living at the brink of poverty.
Lifting people out of poverty ought to be on top of the government's priority.
25 5.98/24.2
23 • Number of people below poverty line ( in crore)
0 Total population (in crore)
11 3.58/9.9
8 1.07/6.86 2.3417.33
7 I .04/2.55
2 • 50.84 (ln crore)
0I -1---...L--'---..L-..___ _,__....___ _,__..,___ __,__,___ 0 14.01 (Incrore)
"""..C C CO..C ..C a
~~ .2 £~ :a .c
=>] Ri -ge l iii
Q. l ~c.. ~

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer any ten questions from the
twelve that follow. (JO x J = 10)
(i) As per the graph, which of these is/are the cause(s) of poverty in India?
(a) Colonial past (b) Lack of education
(c) Population explosion (d) All of these
(ii) According to the graph, which state has the highest number of people living below poverty
(a) Rajasthan (b) Bihar (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh

(iii) Today, how many people in India live in extreme poverty?
(a) About 5 crore (b) About 6 crore (c) About 7 crore (d) About 8 crore
(;v) What percentage of the Indian population live on less than~ 100 per day?
(a) 68.8% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 60%
(v) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the reason for
people migrating to metropolitan cities.
l. Poverty I
2. More employment opportunities in metropolitan cities I
3. Government schemes I
4. Lackofemploymcnt I I
5. Better crops I
(a)l,2and5 (b) l, 2and4 (c)2,4and5 (d)2,3and4
(vi) How many people in our country are considered poor?
(a) 10 crore (b) 20 crore (c) 50 crore (d) 80 crore
(vii) One of the policies that is required to be designed in a way to provide safety for those living
at the brink of poverty is:
(a) fiscal (b) monetary (c) administrative (d) All of these
(viii) According to the Indian government, what percentage of the Indian population were
below poverty line in 2019?
(a) 4% (b) 5.5% (c) 6.7% (d) 73%
(ix) In the line " ................ employment which provides a liveable wage", the word ' liveable'
DOES NOT refer to: MA
(a) good enough (b) acccptnble (c) frugal (d) comfortable
(x) Poverty in India reduced at rhe fastest pace in:
(a) 20 10 (b) 2012 (c) 201 5 (d) 2017
(xi) Choose the option that lists statement that is NOT TRUE.
(a) One-third of people in India live in poverty.
(b) Corruption contributes to poverty.
(c) Chandigarh has the lowest number of people living below poverty line.
(d) Poverty may develop due to limited resources.
(xii) The year 2020 is an extremely challenging year for:
(a) the government (b) the businessmen
(c) the people living on the border line of poverty
(d) All of these
Q3. Read the extracts given below and attempt any "ne by answering the questions that
follow. (5 x 1 = 5)
A. Bishamber Nath was a well-to-do grocer. He came with a big party of friends and
relations with him for the wedding. A brass-band playing a popular tune from an Indian
film headed the procession, with the bridegroom riding a decorated horse. Ramlal was
overjoyed to see such pomp and splendour. He had never dreamt that his fourth daughter
would have such a grand wedding. Bholi's elder sisters who had come for the occasion
were envious of her luck.


(i) Which of these items were not supposed to be sold by Bishamber Nath?
(a) Rice (b) Flour (c) Jewellery (d) Pulse
(ii) Choose the option that lists the set of statements that are NOT TRUE according to the
given extract.
I. Ramlal had a good business.
2. Ramlal did not invite any of bis friends to his marriage function .
3. According to Bholi 's elder sisters, Bholi had a good luck.
4. Ramlal was dead against Hindi songs.
5. Bholi's elder sister felt jealous ofBholi's good luck.
(a) I and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) 2 and 4
(iii) Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (0) of the students below.
I think Bishamber But he was a r feel , he was not a Oh no! You can' t
Nath went to very rich person. good person as he had assume anyone to
Bholi 's home on an demanded dowry from be bad just because
extraordinary horse. Bhol i's father. he demands dowry.
() ) (3) (4)

(a) F- l,2 and0- 3,4 (b) F- 2, 3and0- 1, 4

(c) F- 3, 4and0- 1, 2 (d) F - 2, 4and0 - 1, 3
(iv) Whicb word does 'well-to-do' NOT correspond to?
(a) Wealthy (b) Disciplined (c) Affluent (d) Well off
( v) RamJal was very happy to see the bridegroom on a decorated horse as:
(a) it had happened according to his expectation
(b) he had never dreamt of such a grand wedding for Bholi
(c) he saw Bholi to be very happy
(d) he did not have to spend too much money
B. Then be completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly, and commended
himself to dive and soar and curve, shrieking shrilly. He was near the sea now, flying
straight over it, facing straight out over the ocean. He saw a vast green sea beneath him,
with little ridges moving over it and be turned bis beak sideways and cawed amusedly.
(i) The young seagull completely forgot that he had not always been:
(a) able to fly (b) not able to fly
(c) unable to fly (d) disabled to fly
(ii) He was near the sea now and flying:
(a) straight over it (b) parallel to it (c) below it (d) at it
(iii) From which story has the above extract been taken?
(a) The Black Aeroplane (b) His First Flight
(c) Coorg (d) The Proposal

(iv) What helped the young seagull to overcome his fear?
(a) His parents (b) His efforts (c) His courage (d) His self decision
(v) The extract uses the phrase, 'grand wedding'. Which of these expressions is incorrect with
respect to the word 'wedding' ?

4.Dance WEDDING 1

3. Watching movies I
(a) Option (I) (b) Option (2)
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
Q4. Read the extracts given below and attempt any one by answering the questions that
follow. (S x 1 = S)
A. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless.
Now he senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions.
People will take
Balls, balls will be lost always. little boy.
And no one buys a ball back. Money is exteroa~/s
(i) The poet is reluctant to: _____ Af l\
(a) give a ball to the bo~ lh) console the boy
(c) bring the boy's lost ball (d) None of these
(ii) The poet personifies the ball as:
(a) the worldly things (b) the relationships
(c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(iii) Everyone must learn in his/her life the harsh truth of standing up:
(a) against the wrongs (b) with his/her relatives
(c) against the odd miseries of life (d) All of these
(iv) Now the boy has come to know that:
(a) people are always at risk to lose something
(b) people have nothing to do with other' s problems
(c) people are always running after wealth
(d) people are selfish
(v) The word 'rigid' DOES NOT have a meaning similar to:
(a) fixed (b) firm
(c) hard and fast (d) right
B. No use to say '0 there are other balls';
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy'
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went.
(i) The poet says that there is no benefit of consoling the boy by saying that he will get another
ball because:
(a) the boy's parents wiU buy him another ball
(b) the ball that got lost was too costly for him
(c) the ball that got lost was very beautiful
(d) he has other balls too
(ii) The boy is completely surrounded by:
(a) joy (b) sorrow
(c) zeal (d) difficulties
(iii) The lost ball reminds the boy of his:
(a) sweet memories (b) childhood days
(c) friends (d) relatives
(iv) The new ball will not bring to the boy the sense of:
(a) losing something (b) carefulness
(c) belongingness (d) All of these
(v) The time has come for the boy to learn :
(a) the responsibilities of taking care of his things
(b) losing things (c) playing with balls carefully
(d) bearing the lost rr--::-------
GRAMMAR (10 Marks) ARl/15
QS. Choose the correct options to mt in tli~ la~ s to complete the note about Tree
transplantation. (3 x 1 = 3)
Tree transplantation (i) ................. difficult. Ex.perts say only a few species survive the process,
which involves special machines to carefully remove trees along with some sai l and the roofs
before they (ii) ................... their alternate destination. The government (iii) ................. a list
of empanelled technical agencies that will ensure the moved trees survive.
(i) (a) known to be (b) are known to be (c) is known to be (d) was known to be
(ii) (a) is moved to (b) are moved to (c) shall move to (d) were move to
(iii) (a) will come out with (b) will come out
(c) shall come out (d) bas come out with
Q6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the principal's narration.
(3 X ) = 3)

I saw a boy waiting at the door of my office. I took no time and (i) ...................... . Immediately

he replied that his name was Anil. Then I {ii) .................... come for admission. Anil pleased
me by saying with respect (iii ) ......... ... ......... ... .
(i) (a) asked what his name was (b) told him what his name was
(c) asked him what his name was (d) ask what bis name is
(ii) (a) explained if he bas (b) questioned if he will
(c) said that he had (d) enquired if he had
(iii) (a) that he were (b) that he is
(c) that he has (d) that he had
Q7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for anyfour of the six sentences given
below. (4 x 1 = 4)
(i) Schools that have only ...................... teachers who know the language well ....................
seek the help of other schools.
(a) a few, may (b) a few, can
(c) a few, should (d) less, some
(ii) The university has received the highest number of applications ................. year in
comparison to ................ .. previous year.
(a) that, this (b) this, the
(c) the, the (d) a, the
(iii) What is your idea about happiness? "To make even one unfortunate happy if 1.................
(a) may (b) will
(c) should (d) can

(a) can
(c) may
(iv) Our government ........................ to.improve the lot of the poor in our country.
( v) In the hour of need, eveman, woman and chi Id ............ to be ready for sacrifice.
(a) has (b) have
(c) wiJI (d) shaJJ
(vi) By the death ofSubhas Chandra Bose, a great leader and patriot .................. lost to India.
(a) have been (b) has
(c) was (d) have

PART-B- Subjective Questions (40 Marks)

WRITING (10 Marks)
Q8. Attempt any one of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. You are Dikhsa/Gopesh, the student prefect and in charge of the school library. You have
been asked to place an order for Mathematics textbooks. Write a letter to Mis ABC (P)
Ltd, 4238A/l, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi placing an order for the books. Invent
the necessary details.
B. You have seen an advertisement of a new model sports bike launched by Honda. You
are a passionate racer and are keen to buy the new model of racing bikes being offered.
Next month a zonal level Bike Marathon is taking place and you are keen to enrol your
name as a contestant. Write a letter to Mis Honda Bikes and Scooters, Kashmere Gate,
New Delhi enquiring about the price, specifications and availability of accessories that
long distance racers would require. You are Jai Singh living in Green Park, New Delhi.


Q9. Attempt any ,me of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. The bar chart given below shows the amount of money spent on two types of electronic
items in India. Write an analytical paragraph based on it in 100-120 words.
80 •I-
D Television
70' . I- - ,_
D Smartphooes
60 •I- -
~ 50 --
,, -
• I-
.5 30 _,_ -
l 20 • I-
10 • I-

n 2011
7 2012 20 13 2014
8, The following bar chart shOll'Sthe number of men and women who wanted to settle down
abroad over the years. Write an analytical paragraph in 100-120 words and compare
where relevant.
60 D Men
D Women
5 50
!= 40

5 30
j 20
i. 10

20 11 20 12 2013 20 14 2015


QI0. Answer any two questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (4 x 2 = 8)
A. (any two) (2 x 2 = 4)
(i) Why did Lencho write a letter to God?
(ii) Describe the scene of faJJing of the dust snow. What impact does it have on the poet?
(iii) Why did Maddie have a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach?

B. (any two) (2 x 2 = 4)
(i) Why was Dr Herriot really worried about Tricki?
(ii) Why did Hari Singh think that Anil 's job was queer?
(iii) How was Richard Ebright's mother a source ofinspiration and encouragement in his quest
for learning?
Qt 1. Answer any tw(} questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (4 x 3 = 12)
A. (any two) (2 x 3 =6)
(i) Why did Wanda gift aU her paintings ofdresses to the girls? What does it show about her?
(ii ) Why did the pilot call the Paris Control Room to inform the first time? Why could he not
contact it the second time?
(iii) Why is the baker called the childhood friend, companion and guide by the author?
B. (any two) (2 x 3 = 6)
(i) What things tortured and angere-d Matilda?
(ii) Why was Bholi frightened to go to school?
(iii) Why did Griffin decide to leave London and come to the village of Iping?
Ql2. Answer any one of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. Why did Kisa Gotami understand the message given by Buddha only the second time? In what
way did Buddha change her understanding?
B. Give a brief pen-portrait highlighting Lomov's strength and weakness. Why can' t he express
himself like a calm and composed man?
Ql3. Answer any one of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. Write a character sketch of the hack driver.
B. How did Richard Ebright's not winning anything at his first County Science Fair motivate
him to become a great scient\st? \\/hat-lessons dicihc learn from his failure there?

l. (i) (c) (ii) (a) (iii) (c) (iv) (d) (v) (c) (vi) (a)
(vii) (c) (viii) (b) (ix) (c) (x) (c) (xi) (c) (xii) (b)
2. (i) (d) (ii) (d) (iii) (c) (iv) (b) (v) (b) (vi) (d)
(vii) (d) (viii) (c) (l:t) (c) (x) (d) (xi) (a) (xii) (d)
3. A. (i) (c) (ii) (d) (iii) (b) (iv) (b) (v) (b)
B. (i) (a) (ii) (a) (iii) (b) (iv) (c) (v) (c)
4. A. (i) (d) (ii) (c) (iii) (c) (iv) (c) (v) (d)
8. (i) (d) (ii) (b) (iii) (a) (iv) (c) (v) (a}
5. (i) (c) (ii) (b) (iii)(a)
6. (i) (c) (ii) (d) (iii)(d)
7. (i) (a} (ii) (b) (Ui) (d) (iv} (b) (v) (a) (vi) (c)


Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions: Same as Sample Paper- I

PART-A-Multiple Choice Questions (40 Marks)

READING (20 Marks)
QI. Read the passage given below. (10 Marks)
I. Much to their annoyance, pen-pushers are routinely reminded that a picture is worth a thousand
words-except that sometimes they can be wrong 'words' as happened last week when Reuters
was forced to withdraw more than 900 pictures taken by a freelance photographer after it was
suspected that he had "doctored" two recent photographs of the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.
2. In one picture, the smoke billowing from an apartment block after an Israeli air strike
was allegedly thickened by the photographer, Adnan Hajj , to dramatise the impact of the
bombardment - and in another two flares were suspected to have been added to an image of
an Israeli jet in action over Lebanon.
3. The allegation of doctoring, first made by several bloggers, was confirmed by Reuters after
an in-house investigation. Mr H~ii. who had sold pictures to Reuters for more than 10 years,
denied manipulating the two photographs and.attri buted the thick smoke in the first picture to
'bad lighting' and the fact th, t he was " tryfog1,to remove dust marks." As for the second, he
said, 'There was no problem wi.rh it - not at ~ ll."
4. But Reuters was not convinced and saia it was removing all of bis pictures from its database
and would not be using his service any more. "This represents a serious breach of Reuters'
standards and we shall not be accepting or using pictures taken by him," the news agency said.
5. The idea that the camera never lies is as misleading as the notion that all statistics arc meant
to mislead. What the 'eye' secs is not always what it looks like, thanks to the many ways in
which first the camera and then the photograph can be - and is often - manipulated. Indeed,
a photograph can be manipulated in more ways - and more effecti vely - to convey a false
reality than it is possible to do through the written word. Ask any clever photographer and he
will tell you the tricks camera be made to play.
6. At a seminar recently, one journalist recalled how there was a time when British photographers,
covering stories about famine or floods in Third World countries, would carry teddy bears
with them in order to use them as prop for pictures supposedly showing that all that was left
in household, stricken by death and destruction, were children's toys. (Source: The Hindu )
On the basis of your understanding of the passag~ answer any ten questions from the
twelve that follow. (10 x 1 = 10)
(i) While covering stories, British photographers used teddy bears as:
(a) manipulations (b) props (c) conflicts (d) statistics
(ii) The picture of the smoke rising from an apartment block in Lebanon:
(a) was actual picture
(b) was manipulated by a photographer deliberately
(c) appeared thick in picture due to bad lighting
(d) All of these

(iii) As per the passage, a camera:
(a) always gives fake pictures (b) never gives fake pictures
(c) sometimes may give fake pictures (d) None of these
(iv) British photographers left teddy bears in household, stricken by death and destruction in
floods in Third World countries with a view to:
(a) show that all that was left in household were teddy bears
(b) show that most of the flood victims were children
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(v) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.
What the photograph There are no bad Photography deals The two most
reproduces to infinity pictures ; that's exquisitely with engagmg powers
bas occurred only once. just how your face appearances, but of a photograph
- Roland Barthes looks sometimes. nothing is what it are to make new
-Abraham appears to be. things familiar and
Lincoln - Duane Michals familiar things new.
( I) (2) (3) (4)
(a) Option (I) (b) Option (2) (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(vi) Which of the words is a prfor photographer, according to this passage?
(a) Creator (b) Dramatist (o) Manipulator (d) Developer
(vii) Select the option that makes the correct Lise of 'attributed', as used in the passage, to fill in
the blank space.
(a) She ............... her success to constant hardwork and dedication.
(b) The entire manufacturing process has been ........................ .
(c) The Health Minister held ................. with his counterpart.
(d) Guests should ........ ........ their rooms.
(viii) The author attempts to ..... ....... ........ ... the readers about manipulated photography.
(a) warn (b) educate (c) scare (d) lure
(ix) Choose the options that correctly states the two meaning of ' dramatise' .
l. To present a book, an event etc. as a movie.
2. To make something seem more exciting.
3. A situation in a play.
4. A play for the theatre, television or radio.
(a) l and 3 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 3 and 4 (d) J and 2
(x) Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?
(a) The photography is merely imitation (b) Photographers are imitators
(c) The camera can lie-sometimes (d) Manipulation in photography
(xi) The allegation of doctoring means:
(a) photograph was beautiful (b) photograph was being manipulated
(c) photograph could imitate reality (d) photography are good copies of reality
(xii) The word 'supposedly' is synonymous with:
(a) supply (b) allegedly (c) reluctantly (d) potentially


Q2. Read the passage given below. (10 Marks)
Tourism is a thriving business for earning valuable foreign exchange as well as providing an
opportunity for cultural exchange and generating employment. India has a rich heritage of
art, sculpture, music, dance and drama. Many European countries have promoted tourism as
a trade. In some countries it is run like an industry.
We, in India, are running it in a non-professtional or
amateurish manner as is evident from the p:ie chart
of domestic as well as foreign tourists. 30lalcb
Tourism in India is important for the country ' s Touriststhm
economy and is growing rapidly. The World Travel cwim=s
and Tourism Council (WTIC) calculated that ·tourism countries
generated t 16.91 la.kb crorc or 9.2% of India' s
GDP in 2018 and supported 42 .673 million jobs. 32 lakb
Tourists from
Over one crore foreign tourists arrived in India in Eastern
2019. Domestic tourists visited all states and union countril'S
territories numbered about 155 crorc in 20 19.
It is high time we must regard travel and tourism as
an industry and launched action plans to accelerate
the growth of tourism. A nodal financial institution Foreign Tourists arrived in India in 2019
catering to the specific needs of tourism industry should be established.
The main stumbling blocks in the development of tourism at present are lack of infrastructure,
inadequate ways of reaching hotels, tourist sites, gateways, etc., paucity in the number of
coaches and cars (specially air-conoitioned ones), ill- rnaintained roads. Conferences, cultural
exchanges, tourism exchanges, leisure trips, educ,ation trips, holiday trips or business trips
should be segregated and facjlitics available be publicisfd as an attractive package.
The need and aspiration of the various categories oftourists should be carefully analysed and
adhered to in the sphere of accommodation, food, entertainment and guided tours. Last but
not least the hotel industry should adopt a business like attitude in greeting and sending off
the visitors with a smile. Give them a pleasant experience and prepare them to undertake a
repeat visit soon.
On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer any ten questions from the
twelve that follow. (10 x 1 = 10)
(i) According to WTTC, in 2018, tourism generated:
(a) 5.5 % of India's GDP (b) 9.2 % of India's GDP
(c) I0.6%oflndia'sGDP (d) 12.8 % oflndia'sGDP
(ii) In 2018, tourism was responsible for creating what number of jobs?
(a) About 427 lakh (b) About 40 lakh (c) About 50 lakh (d) About 60 lakh
(iii) In the line, " ...... ...... a thriving business for earning", the word ' thriving' DOES NOT
refer to:
(a) flourishing (b) dying (c) progressing (d) expanding
(iv) Based on your understanding of the passage, choose the option that lists the benefits of
a booming tourism industry.
1. Helps to earn valuable foreign exchange I
2. lncreases credits I 3. IProvides opportunity for cultural exchange I
4. 1Contributestotheriseinpopulation I I
5. Generatesemployment I
(a) l , 2and5 (b)2, 3and4 (c) l,4and5 (d) l , 3and5

(v) The number of tourists that arrived in India from Eastern countries in 20 I9 was:
(a) one crore (b) 30 lakh (c) 15 lakh (cf) 32 lakh
(vi) What is the main stumbling block in the development of tourism at present?
(a) Lack of infrastructure
(b) Inadequate ways of reaching hotels, 'tourist sites, etc.
(c) Insufficient coaches and cars (d) All of these
(vii) How many domestic tourists visited all states and union territories in 2019?
(a) About one crore (b) About 110 crore
(c) About 130 crore (d) About 155 crore
(viii) Choose the option that lists statement that is NOT TRUE.
(a) Publicity of the available facilities should be discouraged.
(b) Special attention to the needs of the tourists should be given.
(c) Tourism is important for a country's economy.
(cf) WTIC stands for World Travel and Tourism Council.
(ix) Which of these countries have promoted tourism as a trade?
(a) African countries (b) South American countries
(c) European countries (d) AU of these
(x) Choose the option that lists the correct answer for the following:
City 'A' has many tourist sites, however it suffers from poor accommodation facilities
in its hotels. What is the city likely to experience in tourism?
(a) Increase in the number of tourists visiting the city
(b) Increase in the number of newly constructed hotels
(c) A strong fall in the number of tourists v~tiagthe city
(d) A pleasant and memorable expelji9!g,__~ t'
(xi) According to the data, how many to urists from \Vestem countries visited India in 2019?
(a) 20 lakh (b) 30 lakh (c) 32 lakh (cf) 18 lakh
(xii) According to the data, the number of tourists from Northern countries who visited India
in 2019 was:
(a) one crore (b) two crore (c) three crore (cf) 20 lakb
Q3. Read the extracts given below and attempt any one by answering the questions that
follow. (5 x 1 = 5)
A. Poor Kisa Gotami now went from house to house, and the people pitied her and said,
"Here is mustard-seed; take it!" But when she asked, "Did a son or daughter, a father or
mother, die in your family?" they answered her, "Alas! the living are few, but the dead
are many. "Do not remind us of our deepest grief." And there was no house but some
beloved one had died in it.
Kisa Gotami became weary and hopeless, and sat down at the wayside watching the lights
of the city, as they flickered up and were extinguished again. At last the darkness of the
night reigned everywhere. And she considered the fate of men, that their lives Oicker up
and are extinguished again. And she thought to herself, "How selfish am I in my grief!
(i) Why did no one offer mustard seeds to Kisa Gotarni?
(a) No one bad mustard seeds at that point of time
(b) No one could fulfil Lord Buddha's condition
(c) No one could fulfil Gotami's condition
(d) They did not want to offer mustard seeds to her for free


(ii) Choose the option that lists the set of statements that arc NOT TRUE according to the
given extract.
1. All neighbours ofKisa Gotami were unkind to Gotami's grief.
2. Kisa Gotami lost her consciousness due to the death of her son.
3. Kisa could not find a suitable house to get mustard seeds for her son.
4. There was no house in which no member had died.
5. Kisa Gotarni followed Lord Buddha's advice.
6. If Kisa Gotami had found mustard seeds, her son would have got alive.
(a)l,3and5 (b)2, 4and6 (c) l ,2and6 (c/)3,5and6
(iii) Pick the option that correctly classifies fact/s (F) and opinion/s (0) of the students below.
I think, any of No, in my opinion, But, if she got them How could it b e
Gotami's neighbours even if she got from a house in possible that in any
could have saved mustard seeds, her which no one had house no one had
her son's life by son would not have died, her son would ever died?
offering mustard got alive. have got alive.

(a)F- l , 3and0- 2, 4 (b) F - 2,4and0 - l,3

(c) F - 1, 2 and 0 - 3, 4 (cl) F - 3, 4 and 0- 1, 2
(iv) Which word does 'weary' NOT correspond to?
(a) Tired (b) Worn out (c) ill (cl) Exhausted
(v) According to the given extract, man's fate is like:
(a) mustard seeds (b) darkness (c) flickering lights (cl) road
B. The arrival of a stranger at an inn in winter was in any case an unusual event. A stranger
of such uncommon appearance set all tongues wagging. Mrs Hall, the landlord's wife,
made every effort to be friendly. But Griffin had no desire to talk, and told her, "My
reason for coming to (ping is a desire for solitude. I do not wish to be disturbed in my
work. Besides, an accident bas affected my face.,,
(i) The arrival of a stranger at an inn was unusual in:
(a) summer (b) winter (c) autumn (cl) spring
(ii) A stranger of such uncommon appearance made:
(a) all run for their lives (b) aU take shelter in their homes
(c) all tongues wag (cl) aU come to look at the stranger
(iii) Where was the inn located?
(a) London (b) Iping (c) Drury Lane (cl) None of these
(iv) Why did Mrs Hall want to be friendly with Griffin?
(a) She wanted to know about his reality (b) She was sociable
(c) He was a good guest (d) His behaviour was nice

(v) The extract uses the phrase, 'desire for solitude'. Which of these expressions is incorrect
with respect to the word 'solitude '?

(a) Option (1)

1. Sad
(b) Option (2)
4. Privacy SOLITUDE 2. Solution
(c) Option (3)
(d) Option (4)
Q4. Read the extracts given below and attempt any one by answering the questions that
follow. (S x 1 = 5)
A. Don't eat that chocolate, Amanda!
Remember your acne, Amanda!
Will you please look at me when I'm speaking to you, Amanda!
(I am Rapunzel, I have not a care;
life in a tower is tranquil and rare;
I'll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
(i) Amanda's mother scolds Amanda for:
(a) not doing her homework (b) not paying attention to what she says
(c) not taking her breakfast (d) All of these
(ii) What is the rhyme scheme of the given stanza?
w~;~ w~~ w~~ oo~; &
(iii) Amanda wants to be Rapunzel because she thinks that living a life like Rapunzel
would be: MA
(a) peaceful (b) unusual (c:) Both (a) & (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(iv) According to the given stanza, chocolate can cause:
(a) wound (b) pimples (c) rashes (d) All of these
( v) Amanda detennines that when she would live in a tower:
(a) she would always keep her hair down the tower
(b) she would never go down the tower (c) shewouldneverletherhairdownthetower
(d) she would not see down the tower
B. But if it bad to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great.
And would suffice.
(i) According to the poet, what would be as competent as fire in ending the world?
(a) Hatred (b) Cold (c) Heat (d) lee
(ii) The poet brings about a contrast between 'ice' and:
(a) love (b) heat (c) cold (d) hatred
(iii) The human capability of what has the potential for inner destruction?
(a) Insensitivity (b) Hatred (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) Neither (a) nor (b)
(iv) The stanza has been taken from the poem:
(a) Fog by Carl Sandburg (b) The Trees by Adrienne Rich
(c) Fire and Ice by Robert Frost (d) Dust of Snow by Robert Frost
(v) The 'hatred' has the same adverse impact on us as:
(a) love (b) jealous (c) desire (d) None of these


GRAMMAR (10 Marks)
QS. Choose the correct options to 611 in the blanks to complete the note about climate change
in the himalayas. (3 x 1 = 3)
In the Himalayas, the desert (i) ..... ......... . . Climate change in the Indian region of Ladakh
(ii) ....... ... ............ . and has made rainfall and. temperature unpredictable. Water is needed to
irrigate the field s. The government (iii) ..................... financial support for agriculture.
(i) (a) doesn't turn green (b) will tum green
(c) has green (d) is turning green
(ii) (a) bas shrunk glaciers (b) have shrink glaciers
(c) wiU has shrunk glaciers (d) shrunk glaciers
(iii) (a) docs provided the farmers (b) will provide the farmers
(c) have provide the farmers (d) provided the farmers
Q6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete John's narration. (3 x I = 3)
\\'hut -11\'.' dM: U)>(",. ol mucW> lu
11, ;.r,· :u·tua~ o ur 1w-..w.1M,1l li(L·i• \ Ve ,; an
· ~ . hul 11tt1d1 110 wul,0111111,.bl,

~ ~
" '\

I found Joseph reading something. When [ U) ..................... reading, he replied that modals
are actually weak verbs but quite interes ting. f further (Ii) ..................... in our practical life.
l also made him aware that we can do withoutmodals. On hearing this, he surprised me by
saying that he knew modals help people express some specific situations. At last he (iii) ........ .
(i) (a) said 10 him which book he was (b) replied him which book he was
(c) asked him which book he was (d) told him which book he was
(ii) (a) enquired what the uses of modals are (b) told what the uses of modais are
(c) asked what the uses of modaJs are (d) explained what the uses of modals are
(iii) (a) advised me go and read (b) said to me go and read
(c) told me go and read (d) advised me to go and read
Q7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for any four of the six sentences given
below. (4 x 1 = 4)
(i) Buses go from here to all the places. But you can 't enjoy the visit. You ............... better
take a taxi.
(a) will (b) can (c) may (d) used to
(ii) Thousands of people came to the theatre, but only ....... .............. of them got tickets.
(a) less (b) few (c) a few (d) many
(iii) Twenty-five hundred rupees ............. ... too much for the tailoring of a coat.
(a) is (b) are (c) will (d) has
(iv) I don' t think there is ................... hope that Sarla is going to pass this year.
(a) less (b) few (c) any (d) all
( v) Ravi as well as Roh it ............. ... ..... .... joined engineering.
(a) have (b) has (c) are (d) were

(vi) Mr Azad has got twenty-years of typing experience. He ....................... type this letter
within ten minutes.
(a) do (b) must (c) shall (d) will

PART-8- Subjective Questions (40 Marks)

WRITING (10 Marks)
Q8. Attempt any one of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. You are AR Dalmia, In charge of the Physical Education Department of your school. You
need various items of sports for the department. Write a letter to Mis Jagbir Singh &
Sons, a well known supplier of sports goods, Jalandhar enquiring him about the rates
of each item and the maximum discount that they can offer to you.
B. You are Subhash Pandit, a resident of Rainawari in Srinagar. The stone-pelting youths,
students and regular incidents of arson, sabotage and violence in the Valley, have once
again brought the issue of national integration in the forefront of national politics. Write
a letter to the Home Minister, Jammu & Kashmir suggesting ways and means to bring
peace and tranquility in the Valley.
Q9. Attempt any one of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, massive unemployment occurred in India in various sectors.
Summarise the information in 100-J 20 words.
--"' --
; 5
=e 4
.SI 3
a:: 2

0 0 Cl) V, C ....
·;; o.9-
C E .9 ;:; -.c
f "'
<au ::, ~ <5
.g s ::s -;;
-0 u
::, "'
"' u.l 0
Source: ET
B. Some top global companies announced investments in India for the year 2021. Interpret
the given table in 100-120 words.
Investments by foreign companies in FY21 in dollars
Comoanies Investments (in dollars)
Google 10 b
Facebook 5.7 b
Silver Lake 1.36 b
Walmart 1.2 b
General Atlantic SinuaiJOre 880m
Foxconn (Apple suoolier) Ib
Source: ET


Ql0. Answer any two questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respedively. (4 x 2 = 8)
A. (any two) (2 x 2 = 4)
(i) What was the address written and how was the letter sent to God?
(ii) How did the poet witness the whole scene of the boy losing his ball?
(iii) Where did the inauguration ceremony of the new republic in South Africa take place?
What had it been for decades?
B. (any two) (2 x 2 = 4)
(i) How did Hari Singh forget about his education in the excitement of his theft? What did
he think about it in the end?
(ii) What preparations were made to send Bholi to school? When did she begin to think that
school was a better place than her home?
(iii) What was the greatest mistake of Mrs Loisel that became the cause of their miseries?
Could she have averted it?
Qll. Answer any two questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively. (4 x 3 = 12)
A. (any two) (2 x 3 = 6)
(i) What encouraged the policy of apartheid in South Africa?
(ii) Justify the title of the story "The Hundred Dresses".
(iii) How do you assess Griffin as a scientist?
B. (any two) (2 x 3 = 6)
(i) Who was Dr Frederick A Urquhart? Why did Richard Ebright look to him for fresh ideas?

move out immediately bY, Bill? PK

(ii) Describe the narrator's encounter-with Lutkins' terrible mother. Why was he asked to
lA n,
(iii) Why was Bholi frightene0 to g_o to scifobl?
Q12. Answer any one of the foUowingin 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. Baking was considered an essential and a profitable profession in a traditional Goan village.
What reasons does the writer give to support lhis point?
B. Overcoming fear is the first step to success. How does this saying stand true in context of the
story ' His First Flight'?
Ql3. Answer any one of the following in 100-120 words. (5 Marks)
A. Why did Mrs Pumphrey, the mistress of Tricki, make a frantic call to the noted veterinary
surgeon, Dr James Herriot? How did Dr James Herriot succeed in curing Tricki?
8. Was MatiJda's dream fuJfilled at the ball? Why did all men want them to be presented to her?
1. (i) (b) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (iv) (a) (v) (c) (vi) (c)
(vii) (a) (viii) (b) (ix) (d) (x) (c) (xi) (b) (xii) (b)
2. (i) (b) (ii) (a) (iii) (b) (iv) (d) (v) (d) (vi) (d)
(vii) (d) (viii) (a) (ix) (c) (x) (c) (xi) (b) (xii) (d)
3. A. (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (d) (iv) (c) (v) (c)
B. (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (b) (iv) (a) (v) (b)
4. A. (i) (c) (ii) (b) (iii) (c) (iv) (b) (v) (c)
B. (i) (d) (ii) (d) (iii) (c) (iv) (c) (v) (c)
5, (i) (d) (ii) (a) (iii) (b) 6. (i) (c) (ii) (a) (iii) (d)
7. (i) (b) (ii) (c) (iii) (a) (iv) (c) (v) (b) (vi) (d)

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