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University of Economics and Technology

Foreign Languages Department


Approach III: Causes and/or Effects

Choose ONE of the topics below and write a well-developed CAUSES AND/OR EFFECTS ESSAY within 225-
275 words.

• The number of shopping centers is increasing in big cities day by day. What are some causes/effects of this

• Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives. What are
some possible causes/effects of this situation?

• Some argue that a more relaxed dress code has created more relaxed and less productive workers. Others argue
the more relaxed dress code creates a more casual, friendly, and creative workplace. Discuss your position with
reference to causes and/or effects of it.

What effects of increasing shopping centers in big cities?

Cities are growing and developing day by day. The number of shopping centers is also increasing for

this reason. Shopping centers have a lot of options in the same place. Therefore, people generally

prefer go to the shopping malls. There are some positive and negative effects of the number of

shopping centers is increasing in big cities.

First of all, since the shopping centers has been increasing people usually prefer them because they

can get everything they want to do in one place. For example, a family wants to eat and shop at the

same time, and if their time is limited, they want to solve everything in one place, which makes the

shopping malls stand out in preferences. Also, some shopping malls have a lot of options such as

concert places, game stations and cinemas. The fact that these places are in the same place and in the

center of big cities is beneficial for people.

University of Economics and Technology
Foreign Languages Department

On the other hand, there are some negative effects of the number of shopping centers is increasing in

big cities. The increase in the number of shopping malls is a big problem for small traders because

they may not find customers in their environment. Another effect is that although there is already a

traffic problem in big cities, shopping malls can compress the traffic more because they are in the

center. For example, anyone who wants to exit the parking lot of the mall has to wait to get into the

traffic on the road.

As a result, there are negative and positive effects of increasing shopping centers in big cities. This

shopping centers helps people get things done in their limited time. However, because of this

increase, small traders may lose their customers.

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