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The conclusion or final paragraph in the letter should be fairly standard in

structure. It should be based on the task question and may contain one or two
of the following points:

• a summary of your diagnosis

• a polite request of action required
• an offer of future assistance if required (this can be useful if you choose
to omit some details from the case notes)

It is useful to be familiar with some standard patterns so that you are able to
conclude your letter confidently, quickly and most importantly, accurately.
However, some degree of originality will impress the assessors. Therefore,
where possible try to ensure that your conclusion is related to your task and
not simply a memorised ending. Also, avoid very long conclusions, as the body
of the letter is where you should put most information.

Important Grammar Rules

Modal Verbs : Some modal verbs are used to convey politeness and
commonly used for polite requests in the conclusion of formal letters. Compare
the patterns below.
Informal Polite More polite

• Can you examine • Please examine and • Could you please

and treat the treat the patient as examine and treat
patient as you feel you feel the patient as you
appropriate appropriate. feel appropriate
• I will be pleased if • Please examine, • I would be grateful
you can examine, diagnose and treat if you could
diagnose and treat the patient as you examine, diagnose
the patient as you feel appropriate. and treat the
feel appropriate. patient as you feel
• I would appreciate
it if you could
examine, diagnose
and treat the
Explanation: These patient as you feel
Explanation: These sentences are acceptable appropriate.
sentences are fine in in written English, but can (active)
spoken English, but not sound quite direct. 8/10/2011
Dentist SSO: Conclusions Page 2 of 6

suitable for formal • It would be greatly

writing. Can and will are appreciated if you
considered less polite could examine,
than could and would. diagnose and treat
the patient as you
feel appropriate.
(passive and most

Explanation: These
sentences are the most
suitable for concluding
requests in formal letters.

Conditional Sentences: These sentences are also frequently used in the

conclusion of a referral letter and the rules are as follows:
Use a comma when the if clause is Don’t use a comma when the if
at the beginning of the sentence. clause is at the end of the

• If you could take over her on • It would be greatly appreciated if

going dental care,it would be you could take over her ongoing
greatly appreciated. dental care.
• If you have any further questions • Please don’t hesitate to call me if
regarding this patient, please you have any further questions
don’t hesitate to call me. regarding this patient.

• Should you have any further • Please don't hesitate to contact

queries, please don't hesitate to me should you have any further
contact me. queries.

Note: Sometimes if is omitted from a

conditional sentence. In full the
sentence means:
If you should have any further
questions regarding this patient, please
don’t hesitate to call me.

Closer and signature

Leave a space between the last line of the conclusion and the closer. The closer
should be followed by a comma. Then write your signature below the closer,
and if you have time, print your name below your signature.

Sample Conclusions
Conclusion Analysis
Could you please examine and treat
the fractured tooth as you feel • Contains a polite request
appropriate. I would like to remind that • Maintains polite tone through the
he might be uncooperative on a dental use of modal verbs could, would
chair. and might
• Contains a reminder of an
Yours sincerely, important aspect of the task.
• Contains information specific to
Dr. Dentist the task

I would be grateful if you could

examine and treat Mr Smith as you • Contains a polite request using
think appropriate. I have enclosed the conditional "if" 8/10/2011
Dentist SSO: Conclusions Page 3 of 6

radiograph taken today for your • Polite tone through the use of
reference. Please do not hesitate modal verbs could & would
contact me with any queries regarding • Contains information specific to
my findings. the task
• Offers future assistance
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Dentist
I would appreciate it if you could
examine, plan and extract the • Contains a polite request using
impacted wisdom teeth as you think conditional "if"
appropriate. I have enclosed the • Maintains polite tone through the
radiograph for your convenience. use of modal verbs would, could
and may
May I further remind you about this • Contains information specific to
patient’s cardiac status. the task
• Contains a reminder of an
Yours sincerely, important aspect of the task

Dr. Dentist
I would be very grateful if you could
examine, diagnose and treat either • Contains a polite request using
with crown or veneers in order to close conditional "if"
the gaps between the upper front • Polite tone through the use of
teeth. modal verbs would & could
• Informs of a specific request
Please note, the patient requests from the patient
urgent treatment due to her work in
the media industry.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Dentist

I would be grateful if you could

examine and treat this patient as you • Contains a polite request using
feel appropriate. Please feel free to conditional "if"
contact me regarding my findings. • Polite tone through the use of
modal verbs would & could
Yours sincerely, • Offers future assistance

Dr Dentist.
It would be greatly appreciated if you
could assess the patient's condition • Contains a very polite request
and treat as you feel appropriate. using conditional "if" plus passive
Yours sincerely, • Polite tone through the use of
modal verbs would & could
Dr. Dentist • Note, sometimes a brief
conclusion is all that is required,
or all that you will have time for!
Although it is a memorised
phrase, it is grammatically
correct, concise and direct.

Common Errors 8/10/2011
Dentist SSO: Conclusions Page 4 of 6

Incorrect Correct
Please examine, diagnose and treat Could you please examine, diagnose
the patient as you feel appropriate. and treat the patient as you feel
Please do not hesitate to contact me appropriate. If you require further
for further information about my information about my findings, please
findings. do not hesitate to contact me.
I will be thankful to you and looking
forward for your response. Yours sincerely ,

Yours sincerely , Dr. Dentist

Dr Dentist
Explanation: The first two sentences
are a bit too similar and the last
sentence is unnecessary. Note: when
making a request, Could you please
examine is more polite than Please
examine which can sound like an
I will be grateful to you if you could I would be grateful if you could
examine, diagnose and treat the examine, diagnose and treat the
patient as you feel appropriate. I have patient as you feel appropriate. I have
enclosed the orthopantomogram enclosed the orthopantomogram
radiograph with the letter. Please do radiograph with the letter.
not hesitate to contact me for further
information regarding my examination Yours sincerely,
and findings. I will be looking forward
for your feedback. Dr. Dentist

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Dentist
Explanation: Apart from a few errors,
the main problem is that this
conclusion is too long. At 51 words it is
more than quarter of the whole letter!!
So the basic rule is be brief and direct.
Could you please examine, investigate Could you please examine, investigate
and identify her problem and advice on and identify her problem and advise on
further treatment as you feel further treatment as you feel
appropriate. appropriate.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Dentist. Yours sincerely,
Explanation: 4 errors: 1. advice is a
noun, and the verb form advise is Dr. Dentist
required. 2. Comma required after
sincerely 3.No full stop after your
name. 4. Leave a space between the
conclusion and the closer and Yours
sincerely and your name.
I would appreciate it if you could Please note that Ms.Jabore is suffering
examine and treat this patient as you from high blood pressure and she is
feel appropriate.Please note that also type 2 diabetic and taking anti-
Ms.Jabore is suffering from high blood depressant medicine.
pressure and she is also type 2
diabetic and taking anti-depressant I would appreciate it if you could
medicine.She is a social-smoker and examine and treat this patient as you
lives alone. feel appropriate. 8/10/2011
Dentist SSO: Conclusions Page 5 of 6

Yours sincerely, Yours sincerely,

Dr Dentist Dr Dentist
Explanation: Basically too much
information which should have gone in
the body of the letter, especially
information such a smoker/lives alone.
I would be greatful if you could I would be grateful if you could
examine , diagnose and treat examine , diagnose and treat Mrs.
appropriately. Your suggestions in this Smith appropriately. Please do not
regard are highly appreciated. Please hesitate to contact me if you have
do not hesitate to contact me if you queries regarding my findings.
have queries regarding my findings.
Thank you for seeing Mr Smith for me. Yours sincerely ,

Yours sincerely , Dr. Dentist

Dr. Dentist
Explanation: 1. Incorrect spelling of
grateful. 2. Basically this conclusion
says thank you 3 times, when only
once is required. Note: I would be
grateful, It would be appreciated and
thank you have the same meaning.
I would be appreciated if you could
take over the care of this patient. • It would be appreciated if you
Explanation: Incorrect grammar could take over the care of this
patient. (passive verb)
• I would be appreciative if you
could take over the care of this
patient.(be + adjective)
• I would appreciate it if you could
take over the care of this
patient. (active verb)

Handy Tip
As with introductions, when writing conclusions, find a style which you like and
use it for all tasks. However, take care to understand the basic grammar rules
and always remember to respond to the task question. Practice writing
conclusions using the sample case notes provided in your course.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 August 2010, 03:21 PM


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