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Common Name English Name Scientific Name Family Name Uses

A plant with rough hairy leaves and a
height of 1.5-3 meters. It contains a
lot of plant compounds such as
sesquiterpenes that is identified as
blumeaenes and samboginone, and
antioxidant flavonoids such as
1. Sambong Ngai camphor Asteraceae blumeatin, quercetin, rhamnetin,
tamarixetin, and luteolin. It can be
used as Anti-edema, Anti-
urolithiasis (formation of stony
concretions) and diuretic (control
fluid balance in an animal's body by
reducing urination).
A plant that grows about 1-2 meters
tall with elliptical shaped leaflets. It
has flowers with oblong sepals.
2. Akapulko It can be used as an anti-fungal
or Cassia alata Fabaceae (tinea flava, ringworm, athletes
bayas-bayasan foot and scabies) by pounding the
fresh and matured leaves and
applying it as a soap to the affected
A kind of vine that bears tiny fruits
and is propagated through stem
cuttings. It can be used as Anti-
3. Niyog- Chinese Quisqualis indica helmintic (to expel parasitic
niyogan Honey Suckle L. worms) by taking the seeds raw (10
for adults, 4-7 for children), two
hours before the patient’s last meal of
the day.
A type of shrub with small, shiny
leaves. It contains a high fluoride
content, that work as a good mouth
wash and can help to prevent tooth
Forest tea or
4. Tsaang gubat Carmona retusa Boraginaceae decay. It can also be used for aiding
wild tea
diarrhea and stomach ache by
boiling the chopped leaves with one
glass of water for 15mins, strain and
5. Ampalaya Bitter gourd Momordica Cucurbitaceae A type of vine with tendrils that
or charantia grows up to 20cm long. Leaves are
Bitter melon heart shaped and fruits have ribbed
and wrinkled surface that has a bitter
taste. Bitter gourd has a high content
of vitamins, minerals and various
plant compounds. It can be used to
lower blood sugar levels and to aid
diabetes mellitus by chopping and
boiling young leaves and drinking it
3 times a day after meals.
A type of shrub with blue and bell
shaped flowers. Its efficacy and
safety as a herbal medicine have
been proven through scientific
research and clinical tests. This has
5 Leaved-
6. Lagundi Vitex negundo L. Lamiaceae been widely used as an aid for
chaste tree
Asthma, Cough, Fever, Dysentery,
Colds, Skin diseases and wounds,
rheumatism, insect bites, sprain
and an aromatic bath for sick
A type of weed with heart-shaped
leaves hat mostly grows in shady
7. Ulasimang
Silver bush parts of yard.
bato Peperomia
or Piperaceae It can be used to lower the uric acid
or pellucida
Shiny bush by drinking the strained boiled
leaves 3 times a day. This can also
be eaten as salad.
A type of herb that grows up to
60cm high. The leaves are flat and
linear, the bulbs consist of several
tubers. Garlics are a good source of
vitamin, minerals and various
8. Bawang Garlic Allium sativum Amaryllidaceae compounds. It can be used for
hypertension, toothache and to
lower cholesterol levels in blood. It
can be prepared by frying, roasting,
soaking in vinegar or blanched in
boiled water.
A tree that grows about 4-5 meters
with tiny white flowers with round
or oval fruits that are eaten raw.
Guava contains a great source of
9. Bayabas Guava Psidium guajava Myrtaceae
fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A and
various minerals. It can be used to
wash wounds, aid toothache and
An aromatic herb with small
elliptical and toothed margin leaves.
Peppermint is a good source of
various vitamins and minerals
including Protein, Thiamin, Niacin,
Vitamin B6, Phosphorus and Zinc,
Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin
10. Yerba Buena Peppermint Mentha cordifelia Lamiaceae
C, Riboflavin, Folate, Calcium, Iron,
Magnesium, Potassium, Copper and
Manganese. It can be used as an aid
for body aches, rheumatism,
arthritis, cough, cold, swollen
gums, fainting, nausea, pruritus
and insect bites.
English Name Scientific Name Family Name Uses
It is a type of vine plant that has flowers
which produces beans that is edible when
young, since it may contain poison called
rotenone along with its leaves and vines.
Turnips provides a low calorie, dietary fiber,
Pachyrrizus and water that may help to cleanse our
1. Singkamas Yam bean or Fabaceae
erosus organs to function well. It has a high nutrient
content of anti-oxidants, minerals and
vitamins, essential for preventing and
facilitating the healing of various diseases.
This helps to reduce the risk of obesity,
hypertension, and diabetes.
It is a vegetable known for its deep purple
color and a shape of either pear-shaped egg
or elongated cylindrical oblong resembles to
an egg. The stems are usually spiny with a
white to purple flowers. Eggplant has a
Solanum cream colored flesh with seeds that provides
2. Talong Eggplant Solanaceae
melongena a unique taste and texture, commonly used in
cooking. It is a high-fiber and low-calorie
food that has a high nutrient content
providing potential health benefits. This
helps on reducing the risk of heart disease,
blood sugar control and weight loss.
It is a type of legume cultured for its young
and edible pods that is usually used in Asian
cuisines. It is slender and generally in pale to
dark green color that grows from 12 to 30
Asparagus inches long. Yard long beans serves as an
Bean or Phaseolus energy food and low calorie vegetable
3. Sitaw Leguminosae
Yard Long vulgaris essential for weight loss. It contains good
Bean amounts of Vitamin A and C,
phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. It helps to
fight cancer, delays aging, lowers blood
pressure, and relieve inflammation of
arthritis and asthma.
4. Kundol Wax Gourd or Cucurbitaceae A type of vine that has a very large fruit that
Winter Melon Benincasa is covered in a fuzzy coating of fine hairs
hispida when young and loses it when matured
developing a waxy coating that helps to
prolong its shelf life. It has yellow flowers,
broad leaves and a sweet and thick white
flesh that may grow as large as 80 cm in
length. Winter melon is loaded with
nutrition, containing nearly 96% water,
amino acids, natural sugars, minerals,
organic acids and vitamins. It helps to
maintain blood pressure level, as a
diuretic, hypertension, losing weight,
treating snakebites and mercury poisoning
and is used as a part of traditional Chinese
It is a type of vine that is cultivated and eaten
as a vegetable when young. When it is fully
ripened, it became very fibrous, which is the
source of loofa scrubbing sponge is used in
bathrooms and kitchens. The plant has five
angled stems, dark green leaves, yellow
Angled Luffa
Luffa flowers and a green cylindrical fruit which
5. Patola or Chinese Fabaceae
acutangula grows about 24 inch and has taste that
resembles zucchinis. Patola is loaded with
various antioxidants, minerals, vitamins,
nutrients and lipids. It helps on lowering the
blood sugar, constipation, hypoglycemia,
enhancing immune system, weight loss,
and detoxifies the body.
It is a type of vine plant of the gourd family
which has a tendrils, large lobed leaves and a
large rounded orange to yellow fruit with a
Cucurbita thick rind, edible flesh, and many seeds.It is
6. Kalabasa Squash Cucurbitaceae
maxima essential to decrease the overall mortality of
a person by decreasing the risk of diseases. It
is beneficial for digestion, blood pressure,
enhances the energy and complexion.
It is an edible root vegetable that is usually
color red or white and a shape of either
round or spherical. The whole plant is edible,
Raphanus it could be eaten as raw or cooked. It is an
7. Labanos Radish Brassicaceae
sativus excellent source of vitamins and various
minerals. The plant is considered to be
anthelmintic, antifungal, antibacterial,
antiscorbutic, and diuretic.
It is a vegetable that has an edible bulb that
has a sharp odor and taste, which is
commonly used as a vegetable and flavor to
foods. Onions are a good source of vitamin,
minerals and various compounds. This
8. Sibuyas Onion Allium cepa Amaryllidaceae onions provide anti-carcinogenic, antiviral,
antibacterial, and antioxidant properties
that may help in reducing the swelling
(inflammation), lung tightness caused by
asthma, and levels of cholesterol and
sugar in the blood.
9. Kamatis Tomato Solanaceae It is a fruit that appears as color red, scarlet,
Lycopersicum yellow, green or purple and a shape or either
esculentum oval or pear-shaped. This is usually eaten
raw or as ingredient in countless dishes and
sauces. The leaf, and vine are also utilized on
medicines. Tomatoes is a great source of
vitamins, minerals and various plant
compounds. It also contain lycopene, p-
coumaric acid and cholorogenic acid, which
is claimed to be helpful in reducing cancer
risks. Including tomatoes in the diet can
reduce the risk of heart disease, maintain
healthy blood pressure, and provides a
good complexion.
This is type of herb that is beige in color and
has a knotted, rough appearance. It has a
green and ribbed narrow leaves and a small
white to yellow flowers. This is utilized as a
spice and traditional medicine in many
cultures, which is claimed to have a lot of
10. Luya Ginger Zingiberaceae medicinal value. Ginger contains vitamin C,
B3 and B6, iron, potassium, magnesium,
phosphorus, zinc, and folate. It is used as an
antibacterial, anti-inflammatory associated
with arthritis and rheumatisms, anti-
nausea, a digestive aid and for treating and
preventing sore throat.
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