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1. Connect 2 computer LAN ports using RJ-45 to RJ-45 LAN connecting cables
provided with system to Net Linc LAN trainer ports.

2. Switch on the NET-Sim LAN trainer and computers.

3. Run NET-Sim LAN trainer software on all computers, one should be server and
others should be client.

4. On the server computer LAN Controller is executed and LAN node is also
executed in the same system, both LAN Controller and LAN node will appear in

5. On the client computer LAN node is executed and LAN node will appear in

6. In the controller, select LAN topology option, the screen shows that no LAN node
has selected LAN topology and hence status red is indicated in controller window.

7. In node screen, select LAN topology option. In controller window, given

parameters can be changed.

8. The LAN Controller interacts with LAN node and displays the IP address of the
systems connected and the indication also changed to green.

9. In controller window, select the Frame size, Frame interval and Network topology
as ETHERNET and click change.

10. In node window, select the file to send and enter destination IP address and click

11. The file is sent and the performance is displayed as result. In C drive, in LAN
node directory, the result and trace can be stored as excel file in sender system.

12. In destination system, in C drive, in LAN node directory, the sent file is stored.
For next experiment, the files will be rewritten both in sender and in receiver.

13. If a file can be sent and another file can be received from other system, collision
and Backing off occurs. It can be viewed in the node window and trace.

14. Finally, the results are available for both systems.


1. Connect 2 computer LAN ports using RJ-45 to RJ-45 LAN connecting cables
provided with system to Net Linc LAN trainer ports.

2. Switch on the NET-Sim LAN trainer and computers.

3. Run NET-Sim LAN trainer software on all computers, one should be server and
others should be client.

4. On the server computer LAN Controller is executed and LAN node is also
executed in the same system, both Controller and LAN node will appear in

5. On the client computer LAN node is executed and LAN node will appear in

6. In the controller, select LAN topology option, the screen shows that no LAN node
has selected LAN topology and hence status red is indicated in controller window.

7. In node screen, select LAN topology option. In controller window, given

parameters can be changed.

8. The LAN Controller interacts with LAN node and displays the IP address of the
systems connected and the indication also changed to green.

9. In controller window, select the Frame size, Frame interval and Network topology
as TOKEN RING and click change.

10. If 3 systems are connected in Token ting, Token passes from one system to

11. In node window, select the file to send and enter destination IP address and click

12. In three systems, if one system is cut off, In controller window, pop-up window
appears and Activities stop.
13. Since the ring is broken, this pop-up window appears. There are 2 options. If the
answer is YES, the system in which the UTP cable was disconnected will be
isolated and with the other system, the ring is formed and the activities continue.
The status of the disconnected system will be red.

14. Later, suppose, if the system is to be reconnected, physically connect the UTP
cable. Still the status in the controller window will be red. Then change switch is
to be used in the controller window to reconnect the system ring. Then the token
will passed to connect system also.

15. If the answer is NO, the entire ring is broken. All the systems are disconnected
and the system will be red. To connect the system in the ring, there is
connect/disconnect switch in the Node window. After connect selection, the
change switch in controller window is to be used to get the effect.

16. The file is sent and the performance is displayed as result. In C drive, in LAN
node directory, the result and trace can be stored as excel file in sender system.

17. In destination system, in C drive, in LAN node directory, the sent file is stored.
For next experiment, the files will be rewritten both in sender and in receiver.

18. Finally, the results are available for both systems.

19. To conduct experiment in Token Bus topology, the topology in the controller is to
be changed to Token Bus and click change.

20. In three systems, if one system is cut off, the UTP cable which was disconnected
will be isolated and activities continues between other two systems.

21. Select the file to send and enter destination IP address and click send.

22. Finally, for sending, the result displayed.


1. Connect 2 computer LAN ports using RJ-45 to RJ-45 LAN connecting cables
provided with system to Net Linc LAN trainer ports.

2. Switch on the NET-Sim LAN trainer and computers.

3. Run NET-Sim LAN trainer software on all computers, one should be server and
others should be client.

4. On the server computer LAN Controller is executed and LAN node is also
executed in the same system, both Controller and LAN node will appear in

5. On the client computer LAN node is executed and LAN node will appear in

6. In the controller, select Data transfer protocol option, the screen shows that no
LAN node has selected Data transfer protocol and hence status red is indicated in
controller window.

7. In node screen, select Data transfer protocol option. In controller window, given
parameters can be changed.

8. The Controller interacts with LAN node and displays the IP address of the
systems connected and the indication also changed to green.

9. In controller window select, Loss rate and RTT can be selected. In Node window,
type of protocol, packet size, Retransmit time out and windows size.

10. In LAN node, click ARQ protocol and select STOP AND WAIT protocol.

11. Now STOP AND WAIT protocol selected.

12. In node window, select the file to send and enter destination IP address and click

13. Due to error, the packets are dropped and it is seen in Controller Window and to
that loss of packets, time out is seen in trace window in Node.
14. File sent and in the LAN Node directory in C drive, in the sender node, results
and traces are stored.

15. In the receiver node, the file is stored and the trace can also be stored.

16. Finally, for sending, the result displayed.


1. Connect 2 computer LAN ports using RJ-45 to RJ-45 LAN connecting cables
provided with system to Net Linc LAN trainer ports.

2. Switch on the NET-Sim LAN trainer and computers.

3. Run NET-Sim LAN trainer software on all computers, one should be server and
others should be client.

4. On the server computer LAN Controller is executed and LAN node is also
executed in the same system, both Controller and LAN node will appear in

5. On the client computer LAN node is executed and LAN node will appear in

6. In the LAN controller, select Data transfer protocol option, the screen shows that
no LAN node has selected Data transfer protocol and hence status red is indicated
in controller window.

7. In LAN node screen, select Data transfer protocol option. In controller window,
given parameters can be changed.

8. The LAN Controller interacts with LAN node and displays the IP address of the
systems connected and the indication also changed to green.

9. In LAN controller window select, Loss rate and RTT can be selected. In LAN
Node window, type of protocol, packet size, Retransmit time out and windows

10. In LAN node, click ARQ protocol and select GO BACK–N protocol.

11. Now GO BACK-N protocol selected.

12. In LAN node window, select the file to send and enter destination IP address and
click send.

13. Due to error, the packets are dropped and it is seen in LAN Controller Window
and to that loss of packets, time out is seen in trace window in Node.
14. File sent and in the LAN Node directory in C drive, in the sender node, results
and traces are stored.

15. In the receiver node, the file is stored and the trace can also be stored.

16. To conduct experiment in SELECTIVE REPEAT PROTOCOL, it is to be

selected in all nodes.

17. In any ARQ protocol experiment, file can be sent from one node and the file can
be received from another node. Both transmission packet losses.

18. The lost packets will get retransmit.

19. File sent and in the LAN node directory in C drive, in the sender node, results and
traces are stored.

20. In the receiver node, the file is stored and the trace can also be stored.

21. Finally, for sending, the result displayed.


1. Connect 2 computer LAN ports using RJ-45 to RJ-45 LAN connecting cables
provided with system to Net Linc LAN trainer ports.

2. Switch on the NET-Sim LAN trainer and computers.

3. Run NET-Sim LAN trainer software on all computers, one should be server and
others should be client.

4. On the server computer LAN Controller is executed and LAN node is also
executed in the same system, both Controller and LAN node will appear in

5. On the client computer LAN node is executed and LAN node will appear in

6. In the LAN controller, select Encryption and Decryption option, the screen shows
that no LAN node has selected Encryption and Decryption and hence status red is
indicated in controller window.

7. In LAN node screen, select Encryption and Decryption option

8. The LAN Controller interacts with LAN node and displays the IP address of the
systems connected and the indication also changed to green.

9. Here, Pretty good privacy is used. All the nodes publish their public keys in the
LAN Controller window.

10. In LAN node window, Destination IP, Text and shared key is to be entered.

11. Next, Get key is pressed in Node window. It takes from the controller and
displays the public key of the destination system.

12. The shared key in the source is encrypted using public key received. Using shared
key the text is encrypted.

13. Encrypted key and message are sent.

14. In the receiver, decrypting the key message using public key retrieves the shared
key. Then using that shared key, encrypted message is decrypted and displayed.

15. And in the receiver side, we are able to see the decrypted message and shared key.

1. Connect USB wireless access cards to computer USB ports.

2. Switch on the NET-Sim LAN trainer and computers.

3. Run Wireless Node software on all computers, one should be server and others
should be client.

4. You will find wireless LAN detection on your computer, assign IP address to the
detected wireless LAN and connect it.

5. Connections of wireless LAN will be indicated on your computers.

6. Select the file to send and type the destination wireless Node IP address and click

7. From one node, file can be sent and file can be received.

8. After completing the data transfer, the result displayed.


1. Run NET-Sim software from your computer.

2. You can study the working of link state routing algorithm through this simulator.

3. To implement this algorithm click on routing algorithm, in that click link state

4. Add the number of nodes you want to, maximum 8 nodes can be added.

5. Click configure button to define the links between pair of nodes and define its
cost, the value must be between 1-10.

6. If you want to change any cost, click reconfigure button.

7. Once all possible pairs have been defined, click submit button.

8. Depending on the configuration you will see all possible links defined by you are
implemented and drawn in the screen.

9. You can edit the configuration any time be clicking on the reconfigure button.

10. To simulate and find out the shortest path, select any node.

11. There are parent group and transitive group. Initially, in iteration 1, the source
node is in parent group and all the directly connected nodes are in transitive group
and router table is created.

12. Click next switch, second iteration is done.

13. In next iteration, the shortest distance neighbouring router is taken into parent
group and the node associated with the particular node are placed in the transitive
group and router table is created.

14. In this way, if there are n nodes available, then n number of iteration is required to
find the shortest distance.

15. Finally, the routing table gives the shortest distance for all the nodes from the
source node and also information to which node the packet should go next.

1. Run NET-Sim software from your computer.

2. You can study the working of link state routing algorithm through this simulator.

3. To implement this algorithm click on routing algorithm, in that click link state

4. Add the number of nodes you want to, maximum 8 nodes can be added.

5. Click configure button to define the links between pair of nodes and define its
cost, the value must be between 1-10.

6. If you want to change any cost, click reconfigure button.

7. Once all possible pairs have been defined, click submit button.

8. Depending on the configuration you will see all possible links defined by you are
implemented and drawn in the screen.

9. You can edit the configuration any time be clicking on the reconfigure button.

10. To simulate and find out the shortest path, select any node.

11. Initially, in iteration 1, the source router creates the router table with the distance
information of the neighbouring routers. It also gathers distance information of
the other routers connected to the neighbouring routers.

12. Click next switch, second iteration is done.

13. In the second iteration, it calculates the shortest distance to the unconnected nodes
from the information gathered in the first iteration and refines the routing table.

14. If there are n nodes, then n-1 iteration are required to get shortest distance for all
the nodes.

15. The routing table gives the shortest distance for all the routers from the source
router and also information to which router the packet should go next.

1. Run NET-Sim software from your computer.

2. You can study the working of FTP through this simulator.

3. To implement this algorithm click on Network sockets, in that click FTP.

4. The client id – IP address is entered.

5. Then the server address is entered and activated.

6. Then in client side, to connect the server, server address is entered and the
connect switch is used to connect the client to the server.

7. Now the socket is created and the connection is made and the log is given by

8. Then the user can send the request to the server by typing any web address and
press go button.

9. Now the request goes to the server and the server responds. It accesses the HTML
file and transfers it to the client.

10. Then the client displays the file in a window.

11. In the simulator directory in C drive, the TXT file is opened in notepad and the
content is altered and saved.

12. To implement this HTTP click on Network sockets, in that click HTTP.

13. The client id – IP address is entered.

14. Then the server address is entered and activated.

15. Then in client side, to connect the server, server address is entered and the
connect switch is used to connect the client to the server.

16. Now the socket is created and the connection is made and the log is given by

17. Then the user can send the request to the server by typing any web address and
press go button.
18. Now the request goes to the server and the server responds. It accesses the HTML
file and transfers it to the client.

19. Then the client converts the HTML file into the normal text and display in a

20. In the simulator directory in C drive, the HTML file is opened in notepad and the
content is altered and saved.

21. To implement this SMTP click on Network sockets, in that click SMTP.

22. The client id – IP address is entered.

23. Then the server address is entered and activated.

24. Then in client side, to connect the server, server address is entered and the
connect switch is used to connect the client to the server.

25. Now the control socket and data socket are created.

26. Then the user can send request to the server by typing an e-mail ID and press go.

27. The mail reaches the mail box of the user.

28. The user can check e-mail by press check mail button.

29. Then the user system interacts with the server and if there is any mail, it gives a
message that the user has got a mail.

30. The content of the e-mail is also displayed in the user window.

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