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Check your understanding of the input by answering the following questions:
1. What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning?
- The difference between "language acquisition" and language learning" is done
naturally, unciouslt, and painlessly, whereas "language learning" is done consciously and

2. What is the difference between first language and second language?

- First language is a language that one acquires from birth and a second language is
a non-native language usually learned at a later stage.

3. What happens after a language comes into contact with another?

- It is common for languages to influence each other when speakers of different
languages interact closely. Contact between speakers occurs in many others, but the long
term effect on the language are less visible.

1. Create your language biography by filling in the Language Biodata Form below.
How many languages do you Ilonggo, Filipino, and a little bit of English
speak? and Bisaya.
Identify these languages.

What is/are your first language/s or My mother tongue is Ilonggo.

mother tongue/s?

How did you acquire your fist It is the language that we use in our
language/s or mother tongue/s? house at the same time it is the most
comfortable language that we can use
What skills can you perform using My skill is that I will know what they are
your first language/s? talking about and I can understand well
using my first language.
What is/are your second Filipino

How did you learn your second I learn it form school and I can execute it
language/s? well when I am playing online games
since almost all of my gaming buddy are
from Luzon
What skills can you perform using I can communicate well and if they cannot
your second language/s? understand my first language I will use my
second language in communicating.
What are your language I can say that my language strengths is
strengths? that I can understand almost all language
in our area except ilocano and islam
Which language is your favorite Well for me it is the Filipino language
and since it is like a universal language and
why? almost all of the people is speaking it now.
2. After filling the table above, write a paragraph that tells your story of your

My Language Biography

Chekka H. Guevarra is my name, and I am 21 years old. I am fluent in three

languages: Hiligaynon, Filipino, and English. Hiligaynon is my first language or mother
tongue. I learned Hiligaynon because my family has lived in Tacurong City since my mother
gave birth to me. I grew up around people who spoke Hiliaynon. I understand my mother's
and my family's native language. They are both Hiligaynon native speakers. They used to
live in Tacurong City. That is why Hiligaynon is my mother tongue. Every day, my mother
and family communicate in Hiligaynon in our home. When they were talking, I could
understand what they were saying. I can also read, write, understand, and speak in both
Filipino and English, my second and third languages, which I learned from school and


In this lesson, I learned that as a human being, I should understand that language is an
essential componet of human connection. Although all species communicate in their own
ways, humans are the only one who have mastered cognitive language communication.
Language enable us to communicate our ideas, thoughts, and feelings to others. It has the
ability to both build and destroy societies.

To check your understanding of the lesson, answer the following questions:

1. How do you differentiate the types of communication in relation to communication mode?

-For me I can say that every type of communication has a distinct type of each
own, different types of communication has different usage. It has a relation to
communication mode since the communication mode is the medium/ channel through which
communicative intent is express.

2. How can visual communication enhance the message conveyed by a speaker? Cite a
situation when it is best to employ visual communication.
-Visual communication is the type of communication that uses visuals to
convey information and/or messages. Signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs,
charts, diagrams, pictograms, photos, drawings or illustrations, and even
various forms of electronic communication are examples of visuals. It is best to use in
teaching because the students can quickly remember it when they have a visual
representation of it.

3. What are the types of communication in relation to context? How do they differ from one
-The second context within the field of communication is interpersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication normally involves two people, and can range from intimate and
very personal to formal and impersonal. Both scenarios involve interpersonal
communication, but are different in levels of intimacy.
4. How can you listen to speaker’s opinions through electronic media without easily swayed
into accepting their opinions?
-Well I can listen to speaker’s opinion through electronic media and it is up for
me if I accept their opinion since it is the speaker’s own opinion, it is his point of view. If our
opinion has a similarities I will gladly accept the speaker’s opinion if not I will not judge it.

5. Of the four approaches employed in formal organization structure, which do you think is
the best? Cite situations which will call for the use of each approach. Give one advantage
of each.
-For me the best organizational structure may be a functional one if you decide to
divide your departments by functional area, such as marketing, accounting, finance, and
research development. The advantage of using a functional organization is efficiently.

6. Would you know any strategy or method by which you can reduce the complexity of
understanding another culture? Do you think it will work with your current set of foreign
- It's all to easy to stick with what you know rather than try to meet people
who aren't like you. Actively attempting to understand and embrace cultural differences, on
the other hand, can open up a whole new world of exciting new possibilities and

7. How do you differentiate formal communication from informal communication in relation

to purpose and style? Provide situations to illustrate the differences.
-In my own opinion the formal communication is like the original one since
the flow of the messages is between position in the organization. It is more organize. When
it comes to informal communication, it is a disorganized since it is an unofficial channel of
message and the messages from various levels of the organization are sent out.


1. Using the alternatives available to you, look for the mission-vision statements
and the core values that characterize a company or an institution. Evaluate them
using the table below

Mission Statement


1. The mission I agree since
statement the mission is
focuses on the what wil you do
present. with your
. company or
institution in the
2. The mission
Yes because it
is concise and is the base of
direct. our company or
3. The mission Yes since it is
statement like a goal of
states what the your company
organization or institution
4. The mission Because in the
statement mission you will
states how the state what you
organization do and how will
operates. you operate in
you future
company or
5. The mission
states for whom
the Yes since it is
organization also a way for
does them to attract
things. future

Vision Statement



1. The vision Yes it is like what

statement is your goal in
focuses on the the future and
future. where it will lead

2. The vision Yes because it

statement will drive the
shows an employee to
aspiration. work hard if they
have a clear
view of what
their future
might be
3. The vision The vision must
statement is be clear and
clear and concise so that it
concise iwll be easy to
understand and
figure out by the
employee and
Core Values


1. The core Yes since it is like
values can be the heart of ones
easily institution that
remembered. they need to put
in heart
2. The core It depends on
values are not the institution if
too many. they will have
many core
values and it
depends on the
employee if they
can put too
much in their
3. The core I agree because
values can be we need to put it
translated into to actions if we
action. say that we
know it and put
it into our heart.
It will be a good
practice to put it
into actions
4. The core Yes since almost
values are all of the
unique to the institution have
organization. they own core
values but there
is a universal
core values that
we learn when
we are attending
in school.
5. The core The core values
values are have a standard
connected to that are distinct
the to the
organization’s organizations
mission mission and
vision vision. You can
say that it has its
own body that
the two do not
2.Through an online platform or any means available to you, interview a certain head of
an organization and ask him/her the following questions:
a. What is the culture of your organization?
-I have interviewed a certain head of an organization and she said that
the culture of her organization is the same with the culture that we grew up
with although there some modification that would suit there organization.
b. Do you think cultures can be created? Modified? Changed?
-I think it cannot be created but rather modified since we modified it so
that it will fit with our daily life and we feel comfortable with modifying it.
3.Read the Phil.Star.com article titled “Buwan ng Wika: Filipino scholar analyzes SB19
Ken Suson, P-Pop as multilingual genre” based on Ruanni Tupaz’ investigation of
Pinoy Pop as multilingual genre. Write a reflection essay on the said article focusing on
language and communication.


There are so many dialects in our country that if you travel to another province, you will
come across another unfamiliar dialect. In my case, language and communication are
both a bridge and a barrier, because we can't communicate with people who don't know
or don't speak our language, and if they know how to speak our language, it can be a
bridge to a smoother conversation. To avoid widening the language gap, we should
develop our own universal language, so that no matter where we are in the Philippines,
language will not be a barrier because you both speak the universal language.

1. Illustrate the communication process through diagram.

2. Identify possible communication blocks in the following situations:

a. a written letter of complaint

-Response and feedback

b. interaction between a nurse and a patient

c. songs with figurative language

1. List various channels through which personnel of your university connect with
you. Which channel(s) do you find most effective? Why?
-The personnel of the university communicate with us through Gmail for
requirements messenger for announcement, google classroom for passing
requirements and google meet if we are doing classes. The channel that I find the
most effective is google classroom and google meet since it is the platform or
channel that we can interact and communicate with our teacher and it is a user
friendly platform so the teachers can learn it fast.

2. Through a slogan, state how the knowledge of the communication

process aids people in communicating effectively.


In this lesson, I learned that to be an effective and ethical communicator,

- In this lesson, I learned that to be an effective and ethical communicator, I should

be a good listener as well, because communication is two-way and understanding is an
important part of it. It is just as important to express one's ideas thoughts as it to digest
one's ideas.

Activity 1

1. Kindly watch the video “Wiring a Web for Global Good” by TED Global (see reference
for the link), then, study the speech. In a form of a reaction paper, answer the following
A. What global issues have emerged because of miscommunication?
-One of the reasons why global challenges have arisen is a failure to
communicate effectively. Poverty, climate change, the economy, and security are just a
few examples. Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our day. All of those
shifting weather patterns that wreak havoc on food production, which is one of the
causes of poverty, as well as increasing sea levels that increase the danger of flooding
and the magnitude of such consequences. One of the long-standing global challenges is
the dispute between countries that leads to war. Those conflicts that destroyed
infrastructures and the quiet lives that people would have led if they hadn't been
involved. All of the consequences would have been avoided if all of the countries
concerned had been able to communicate effectively.
B. How can effective communication and language use contribute to the creation of a
truly global society?
-Effective communication does not just include the way weuse the words
but also encompasses various other abilities such as non-verbal communication, ability
to talk militantly and the capacity to recognize your own emotions as well as of theother
person that you are interacting with. Knowing allof those traits will allow a given
individual to obtain apeaceful global society

Answer the following questions:

1. “Human beings draw close to one another by their common nature, but habits and
customs keep them apart.” (Confucius)Do you agree or disagree? Give concrete situations
to support your stand. Based on the concept learned in this lesson.
-For me I agree to the statement of confucius well habits and customs that we have
in life are greatly influenced by the religion we have. As a member of the Christian
community, we are not religiously forbidden to eat any particular kinds of food. The most
important aspect in life is "respect", respect the people around you and respect the views
they hold.


- In this helped me realized that cultural differences reduce that quality of

interaction and increase the likelihood of ambiguity and misunderstanding. We should be
culturally aware of their cultures and perspectives they hold. We can now easily
communicate with a cultural group by becoming aware of their various beliefs, attitudes,
and behaviors.
Activity 1. Answer the following questions:
1. In what situations are the local and global varieties of spoken language used?
-This could include examples of localization found in neighborhood posters. This
can happen in ordinary, informal, and regional language conversation between
neighbors. Local societies' magazines and websites, such as the Baguio Midland
Courier, provide an example of local specialized written usage. It necessitates the
use of specialist discourses. For instance, in the neighborhood, there is a computer
store that specializes in local use. While the global varieties of spoken language is
used to make the material more accessible, global everyday written excludes local
colloquialisms.accessible to a larger audience of readers This can be discovered in
newspapers and periodicals with foreign editions. Interactions between people
coming from all across the world may result in global everyday oral.when they talk
about everyday casual from various corners of the world a topic. Global specialized
writing reaches as many readers as possible around the world. As a result, local
colloquial terms are rarely used. When people from all around the world speak
about specialist topics, this is known as global specialized oral.
2. What registers are appropriate to such situations?
-The range of language options accessible for use in various scenarios is referred
to as language registers. It consists of six linguistic registers and is connected with the
degree of formality and informality of language. The context of communication influences
language register as well. For me we need to use different register in situation to fully
understand the one we are speaking and to communicate well without any barrier or

Activity 2
1. Read the letter to the editor in a day’s paper, listen to a radio broadcast and
watch people in conversation at a fast food chain. What registers are they using?
What features identify them as those registers? Why do you think the speakers
chose those registers?
-The letter in editor in a days paper is using a formal register since the formal
register is the commonly accepted format, radio broadcast also uses formal register
while the conversation at a fast food chain is using a consultative register because
consultative register is use when engaging in a mutually accepted structure of
communications. They use different kind of register to different platform so that the
civilians or listener can follow through.
Activity 3
Journal Writing: Why is it important to use appropriate varieties and
registers of language in certain communication contexts?
Depending on who we're interacting with, we use different registers. The registers
and types of language we use are all determined by who we are communicating with.
Language variants are an aspect of a community's identity, as are ethnicities, social
classes, gender, geography, age, and so on: So, if we'll be meeting with individuals of all
races, we should acquire at least basic pleasantries so that we can converse with them
in a way that makes them feel valued. It differs depending on the person's occupation,
social rank, and our relationship with the person. We converse with our professors in the
same way. We speak to them in a way that will not insult them. We employ a variety of
registers and kinds to demonstrate our deepest respect for the persons with whom we
speak. When it comes to the right usage of linguistic types and registers, everything
revolves around the word "respect." We can now simply predict how we will approach
and deal with a certain individual in a specific setting for a specific objective, using the
appropriate terminology and style. For example, you would not speak to your professor
in the same way that you would to a classmate. “Hey, guys! You responded to your
classmate, “Wazzup?”, but to your professor, “Good morning Sir, how's your day?”,
implying that there is suitable etiquette when dealing with a given individual based on his
or her social rank. In a nutshell, "the correct words to the right person at the right
moment for the right reason."
Activity 1. Answer the following questions:
1. Analyze the same advertisement presented earlier using the Key Concept
Questions as a guide.
2. Justify answers in different ways from the text.
-The advertisement that has been presented earlier shows the before and after of
the product if it is consistently used by the person.

3. Make personal, world and text connections.

-What I saw in the advertisement is that we have different interpretation of the
said picture, all we have to do is respect each others opinion to avoid disagreement of
one another
Activity 1
In what ways can the different forms of communication (intrapersonal, interpersonal,
small group, public and mass) be enhanced with the aid of technology?
- Communication means transfering messages from one to another through any medium. There are various
levels in communication like intrapersonal, interpersonal, group and mass communication. Mass communication
plays the vital role because it reaches very large number of audience. Basically mass communication haw two forms
one is interpersonal communication and another one is media communication.

From this lesson, I realized that technology has changed our lives influencing
major sectors of the society. The impact of technology in communication has influenced
both individuals and businesses. Technology is changing the way we communicate,
leaving us with no choice but to embrace this inevitability. It's time to embrace it.


1. What is the difference between an informative communication and a persuasive
communication? Which do you think is more challenging in terms of preparation and
-An informative speech is only aimed at presenting given information, to educate,
and train. The persuasive speech is aimed at convincing you to believe or do something
very specific. This means that informative speeches, with their smaller stakes, are easier
to deliver.

2. In a table, list essential preparations when communicating to inform, to persuade, and

to argue.

To inform To persuade To argue

-Lectures -Topics that will made -Ready for an solid

-Reports your listener agree argument
-Solid context of the -Do not get butt hurt in
problem an argument
1.Have a journal of your communication activities for an entire day, making special note
on all instances in which you tried to inform, persuade or argue with someone. Choose
one of those instances and prepare a brief analysis about it. In your analysis, answer the
following questions:
A. Who was the receiver of your message?
-My mother and my father
B. What was the specific purpose of your message?
-The specific purpose of my message is to ask what we are having for breakfast.
C. Was the message rehearsed or arose spontaneously?!
D. Were you successful in achieving your purpose?!
-Yes I am successful with my purpose.
E. If faced with the same situation again, what changes would you make to be a better
-I will try to be as polite as I can possibly be.

I. A. Using the table below, compare and contrast extemporaneous speaking to/from
impromptu speaking by writing their differences in their respective their similarities in the
middle column.

Impromptu Similarities Extemporaneous

-minimal or no time -They are done without a -Have a short or long

preparation script preparation

-content or organization -Both major type of -Have an outline to be the

may suffer speech guide

Do the same for read and memorized Speech.

Read Similarities Memorized

-Reading a fully scripted -Both type of speech -Requires a speaker to

speech commit everything to
-Speeches are long, -Excellent for short
details are important and messages but also use in
intricate, such as this, a long pieces.
they must be provided

B. Which mode of speech delivery has the least application? Why do you say so?
-For me, the speech that has least application is the impromptu since it has the least
preparation or no preparation at all. The content has a chance of suffering because of
the lack of time to prepare a speech.

C.Which mode of speech delivery has the most application? Why do you say so?
-In my opinion, the most application is extemporaneous since the speaker has a time
to prepare the speech and the topic is intact. The speaker will also have a guide in the
topic so that the whole speech can hit its objective which is the listener

Answer the following questions:

1.What is the most difficult part of being a teenager or a college student today?
-In this time of pandemic, a college students most difficult part is to comply all the
works that the teacher gives us. It is also online class and we still cannot adjust to this
new normal. I also miss going out with my friends, go on a bonding and talk about the
recent happenings in their lives.
2.How has the social media affected you?
-Well social media did help me fight my anxiety in this time of pandemic since it is
the place where I could use my time to avoid stress and anxiety that would build up. The
downside of the social media platform is that I focus too much on it, just scrolling
everyday with no goal in a day.

3. What is the kindest gesture you have experienced from a stranger?

-When I have accidentally hit by a car while crossing the streets in Gensan. They
help me to stand and calm me down so that I don’t panic given in my situation that I have
a bruise in my right foot.

4. Are there times when you feel people misjudge you? Cite an example.
-Yes because I am fat and I have a darker skin, people tend to judge me like a kind
of addict or a thief. All I do is laugh at the situation since I know that I am a good person
and I do not do bad things that will put other people in harm.

5. Was there an instance when you misjudge someone? Give details of that instance.
-Yes I have a classmate in grade 8, her face is so serious that I did not dare to
speak to her. I think she is a snobby person but as time goes by I learn her true colors,
she is a pure girl so friendly and easy to approach. Since then we have been friends and
until now we check each others up

Follow Up!
1. Has your attitude toward public speaking become more positive?
-When I do a public speaking, I am always nervous since other people tend to
judge even the smallest mistake you make but as time goes by I learn to just leave them
alone, I don’t mind them since they are not necessary for my growth in public speaking
and it gave me so much courage to do my best in every situation that I would speak in
front of many people.

2. In a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what rating do you give yourself? Why?
-I will say around 8, since I am not a perfect person and I have room for
improvement, I will always be hungry for more knowledge and techniques that could help
me grow as an individual in these kind of situation

3.In what area of public speaking do you feel you need the most improvement?
- I think in all area, it is better to improve my public speaking in all area so
that it will not be difficult for me to adjust in any situation.


1. When is writing a letter of inquiry more advantageous than conducting an interview?
-The letter of inquiry is more advantageous than interview in an event like the
respondent is far away from the interviewee. It is better to send an letter of inquiry so
that it will not consume much time to the part of the interviewer.
2. What can't a letter of inquiry achieve that the interview can?
-The interview can get all the information that they need on both sides but the
letter of inquiry can’t and it can cause a one sided opinion if it may occur.

3. What determines the appropriateness of attire in interviews?

-The attire should be appropriate when an interview is taking place so that it will
be comfortable for the interviewer and respondents and the respondents can answer
calmly in this situation.

4. What are the factors that determine the formality level of tone in emails, letters, and
-The factor that determine the formality level of the tone in emails, letters and
interview if they are concise, has a proper way of making it and has a certain topic that
need to be address.

5. Do the principles of seeking information apply to giving information? Why?

-For me no since you are just giving the information and you are done seeking
it, there are no finding the information involve, just pure giving.

6. When an interviewer shifts his tone from very formal to informal, or from English to
Filipino, should the interviewee shift also?
-For formality of the interview, I would to ask the interviewee to shift also but if
the interviewee is not capable of speaking that kind of language, I will not force it.

7. Regardless of formality level and medium, how should one communicate messages to
the target individuals?

-I should communicate normally so that the target individual would not be tense
and it can answer the questions normally.

8. Illustrate the modified block and semi-block format of letters.

-The writer's name, firm name, address, date, and closure are positioned a few
spaces to the right of center or on the right margin rather than along the left margin is a
modified block letter. The semi-block letter format is similar to the block format (i.e., left
alignment) except for paragraphs where indention is used, whereas in the block format,
paragraphs are aligned in the same way.

9. What are the optional parts of business letters? What is the content of each?
-The optional parts of business letters are the following. Subject or reference line,
Typist’s initial, and enclosure.

Subject or reference line - The subject line is the first text they see after the sender
name. It's critical to keep an email subject line that's informative, engaging, and succinct.

Typist’s initials - When a letter is typed under someone else's name, the author's initials
are written in caps at the bottom of the letter, followed by / mark, and the typist's lower
case initials. For example: A letter typed for Eva Polo by Benny Jara would be EV/bj.
Enclosure - When a letter is typed under someone else's name, the author's initials are
written in caps at the bottom of the letter, followed by / mark, and the typist's lower case

B. Prepare specific interview questions for your district representative concerning his 6-
year plan for the province/district, his vision, proposals etc.
1. What is the project all about?

2. What is the purpose of it of this project?

3.How can it help the citizen that is residing in the area?

4. Do you think the citizen need it?

5. What is the vision of this project?

D. One way of providing comprehensive information is by writing an incident report.

Below is a sample format of a security incident report. (Format varies according to
institution work place and type of information.)

Your task is to create a template for a customer incident report. Determine the type of
workplace and all the elements that apply. Print your template on a short bond paper.

Security Incident Report

Reported by: Chekka H. Guevarra Date of Report: May 16, 2021

Designation: Tacurong City Incident No: 1902

Incident Information

Incident Type: Car Accident Date of Accident: May 21,2021

Specific Location: Brgy. Buenaflor Time of Accident: 6:20P.M
Person Involved: 3

Description of the incident or Narration of the Incident

-The car will be doing a U-turn when suddenly an motorcyle hit the back of his car
and it cause major disturbance in the area.

Witness/es (if available)


Policed report filed? YES NO

Police Precinct: 6903_______

Receiving Police Officer: Joel Dy
Telephone Number: 09204646423__



1. Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the concept of patient notes.

-The format of organizing patients notes is called SOAP.

Subjective (assessment given by the family member or patienthimself)
Objective (assessment seen by you or reflected in laboratory orother medical
Assessment (diagnosis)
Plan (procedures to be done to address the diagnosis)

-It is the most reliable reference about a patients progress

-Patients note is a way to communicate with patient

2. Complete the statement below.

I realized that patient notes are important key of communication between the nurse and
the patients because ir is a way for the two people to communicate and it is also the
reliable reference about a patients progress since she/he has been admitted.
I,as a nurseresponsible in writing patient notes, should take care of the patients properly,
update them regularly and ask about the progress in their health. I will also do my best in
writing a patients note so that they will understand it easier than they imagine.

Lesson 2

1. Write an acronym poem about what a budding journalist should remember in writing a
L-et’s stick to facts
E-xplain well
A-djust the terms so that it will be easy to read
D-on’t use I or we

1. Tell-Tale
A. Draw a list of five words or phrases from the teacher's box. From the five words or
phrases, come up with a story.
Sample list of 5 words
1. Mat, bat, cat, fat, rat
2. 1 litre of tears, 1 pint of kindness, 1 bowl of friendship 1 cup of love 1 tablespoon of
3. Annoying orange, angry birds, singing pig, praying mantis, Alice Bungisngis

1 litre of tears, 1 pint of kindness, 1 bowl of friendship 1 cup of love 1 tablespoon of lust

The two good friends has there back with each other, through pain and happiness
they have been together. Since elementary they have been together that they know the
habit of each other, they have also good grades since they study together. One they fell
in love with the same girl, they argue in who will court the girl since they both have
feelings for the girl and they got in a fight by themselves. Time has passed by and they
do not talk like they use to be, they are not friends anymore because of their love to 1

B. Use quotation as your grabber and restatement of the lesson or moral of your story
as your closing.
The moral of the story is 1 cup of love and 1 tablespoon of lust can end up to 1
litre of tears, 1 pint of kindness and worse of all it can ruin 1 bowl of friendship that took
you many years to build.


1. Create a personal SWOT analysis.

Given the situation, plot the applicant's SWOT in a matrix. You can make any
organizer showing the relationship of the four elements.
Situation: Imagine someone called Tony wan status. Based on the information given.
Construct a SWOT analysis by providing information for each characteristic
Strength: Tony attended post graduate.
Weakness: He has no work experience.
Opportunity: He can be relocated to other places.
Threat: In his city, there are less job opportunities related to his field.

-Have a bachelors degree -No work experience
-Can work under pressure -Not reaching out for help and
just figuring out things

-Has a flexible working -Less job vacancies
2.Create your Personal SWOT Analysis
Directions: Imagine you are going to apply as a marketing director, accountant general
manager, financial analyst, or any position you wish in a corporate world
a. Assess yourself first by listing your potentials, capabilities, talents, skills or skills to
improve in a draft.
b. Edit and proofread your work. You may write the items in phrases.
Observe parallelism in writing the items.
c. Use the matrix below to plot your own SWOT.

-Can work under pressure -To shy to reach out that I
-Friendly towards workmates figured things on my own
-Can offer help anytime -Always focusing on one

-Willing to be relocated if -Less job vacancies
necessary -There are many graduates
-It has similarity to my last job that is much better to me

1. What are the two main categories of reports? Explain the difference.
The main categories of reports is a formal report and informal report. Formal report
is an official report that provides a collection of thorough information, research, and data
that is required for decision-making. It's formal, complicated, and used on a professional
level. It is frequently a written summary of a significant project. It could take the shape of
a new technology or initiative, the findings of a study or experiment, a review of recent
advancements, and so on while informal report are usually brief communications written
in a free-flowing, informal style. Internal reports/memorandums are often referred to as
informal reports. For instance, a report to your peers, a report to your small group or
team, and so on.

2. Using a graphic organizer illustrate the parts of a report.

2.Table of
Contents 3.Executive
1.Title Page Summary



Firming Up
Using a graphic organizer, illustrate how the content of application letter should be



1. Street address city, zip code, date

2. Recipient’s name and title, organization, address
3. Salutation with colon
4. Position Identified
5. Match between experience and job description
6. Availability
7. Gratitude
8. Closing
9. 3-4 lines space for signature, Senders name

Evaluate the following application letter. Underlined the lines which are in correct or in
effective. Using arrows and marginal notes write the corrections of the lines you

01 Mac Arthur Highway


The Director
AB investment
17 harrison Road, Baguio City

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am applying for the position of sales executive which you advertised in

the Philippine Star dated 25 June 2018. I would love to apply the
experiences I have gained from being a sales manager in WHO Enterprise
which produces excellent clothing lines.

I graduated recently in XYZ school with a diploma in Entrepreneurship.

During my fourth year, I worked with PAL as a sales representative for four
months, and in those months, I learned valuable lessons and acquired skills
for marketing strategies that are essentials in your company, which I know it
will break your record.
(Include on job experiences)

I have a good communication skills since I was often given opportunities to

deliver speeches way back, back in college and school events and
occasions. I know with these skills, I would be an asset to your company.
(Should have been in second stanza)

I am a sociable person, you know. That is why I have a good number of

friends. This is an advantage to make your sales successful. I attached my

I am looking forward to seeing you as soon as you call me for an interview.

Yours faithfully,

George T. Gonzales

1. Write an application letter for the job advertisement you used and the resume you
made a lesson 7.
Brgy. Calean,
Tacurong City,
Sultan Kudarat

October 09, 2018

Mr./Mrs. Manager
Hiring Manager
BDO Tacurong
Tacurong City, Sultan Kudarat

I would like to express my interest in applying for the position of Marketing

Associate as was recently made available in your company.
I believe that my degree in Bachelor of Science (BS) major in Accountancy at
Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) has prepared me for this position. As a student,
I was equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to help develop and drive
effective auditing strategies.
I am responsible, honest, efficient and have a long history of getting things done
whilst working under pressure and to deadlines. Possessing superb analytical skills, I am
able to interrogate data to find out if there is any fraud, violation of laws or irregular
management policies. Furthermore, I have comprehensive understanding of complex
accounting methods, and experience within an Internal or External audit environment. 

I will gladly share my thoughts with the group.If I have a chance to be interviewed
you can reach me at my e-mail address or phone number attached in my resume. I
would ideally like to meet you in person in order to discuss this position with you in more

Yours sincerely, 



2. Before submitting your application letter, evaluate it using the following:

Adaptation for specific company
Is the letter addressed to specific person (either the person specified in the ad or the
person with the power to create a job for you)?

Does the letter show your knowledge of the company and the position?
Does the letter specify the position you are looking for?

If you know the company is hiring, does the paragraph indicate that you are applying for
the job and list your major qualification (s)?

If, as far as you know, the company is not hiring, does the first paragraph catch the
readers’ interest and create a bridge to talking about yourself?

Does the last paragraph ask for an interview?


Specific supporting details

Do details show that you have the basic qualifications specified in the ad?

Do details show that you can go beyond the basis to contribute to the company?

Do details separate you from other applicants?


Style and mechanics

Is the writing smooth, tight and forceful?

Does the text avoid using I at the beginning of every paragraph?


Does the text use you-attitude and positive emphasis?


Is the letter free from typos and other errors?


Format and visual impact

Does the letter use a standard letter format?

Is the page visually attractive, with a good mix of paragraph lengths?

Explain the relevance of the topic to your career.

-The topic will be a great help for my career since the application is my portfolio, it
has my accomplishments, skills and degree indicated. There is also my experience from
my past work. From there it is up for the hiring manager if they will pick me or not. This
topic will be my guide to produce a beautiful piece of application letter that would be
beneficial to me and I can use it in my future if I will apply to some company.

Firming up
1. Discuss the purpose and parts of a memo.
-The purpose of memo is to inform or to tell the a a single person or a group of
people, such as faculty, office leaders, using the short official note that most frequently
contain routine information. The parts memo are the following
-Heading Segment
-Opening Segment
-Task Segment
-Summary Segment
-Discussion Segment
-Closing Segments
-Necessary Attachment

2. What parts of a letter should be included in a memo? Why?

-The part of letter that should be included in a memo is the announcement part
because it is the body of a memo and other information that contains what should be

3. Study the memos below and answer the following questions:

A. Who do you think sent the memo? Explain your answer.

-The one who sent the memo is Ana from the Literary Taver since it is said that if the
students need further information they will contact her.

B. What is the best subject for the memo?

-The best subject of the memo is the “The Literary Guild of Santa Catalina College
will offer a free workshop on Poetry reading and writing on April 12, 2018.” since it is
the one that is announced in the memo

C. Who is the recipient of the memo? Explain your answer.

-The recipient of the memo is The students enrolled in Literature, it is not required but
they encouraged that all students in Literature should attend in the workshop


From: Date:


1. The Literary Guild of Santa Catalina College will offer a free workshop on Poetry
reading and writing on April 12, 2018.
2. While not required, all students enrolled in Literature are encouraged to attend the

3. For further information, contact Ana in the Literary Taver by April 1.

4. For your guidance.


What is the importance of knowing what a memo is?

-It is important to know what is a memo is so that we
will not be confused of what letter is being send to us
and this will be also our guide to differentiate the
differences of other letters that is being issued
Firming up
1. Explain the significance of a Minutes to an organization.
-Meeting minutes, sometimes known as mom (for minutes of
meeting), are a written record of everything that occurs during a meeting.
They're used to tell individuals who weren't present about what transpired at
the meeting, as well as to maintain track of what was discussed during the
meeting so that you may review it and use it to inform future choices.

2. State the requirements of a note taker. Explain each requirement.

-The person who takes the meeting minutes is usually a member of the
organization or institution who takes notes throughout the conference,
assembly, session, or discussion. In government or legal meetings, an
outsider must be the note taker or recorder to avoid biases and maintain
impartiality. He or she, however, must have full knowledge of the adapted
parliamentary process to be able to effectively carry out the role.

3. Why should names of all attendees and absent members be included in

the Minutes?
-The note taker should include the name of all the attendees so that the
note taker can figure out who is absent in the meeting which also included
since they are a part of the same committee.
Firming up
Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the differences and similarities of quotes
phrases and summaries.

Taking the author's words and incorporating them

QOUTE into your own.

It requires expressing another author's idea using

PARAPHRASING your own language and writing style. You can use a
different grammatical structure than the original text.
Summary warrants the articulation of the important
ideas of the original text in a compendious form.


1. Read the following paragraph then write an acceptable paraphrase.

“Language anxiety experiences, as the findings show, may be

experienced cognitively, physiologically, psychologically, physically,
emotionally, psychosocially, or in combination. As a result, it may
sometimes be difficult to express through words the language anxiety
experience one wants to share. However, with the use of doodling, a non-
verbal tool, the key informants were able to clearly capture and share
their experiences. Doodling, therefore, may also be a potential tool in
generating other experiences brought about by a psychological
phenomenon or construct, although its application may not be
generalizable” (Siagto-Wakat, 2017).
Language anxiety can be experienced cognitively, physiologically,
mentally, physically, emotionally, psychosocially, or in combination, as the
findings reveal. As a result, expressing the language anxiety experience one
want to share can be difficult at times. The key informants, on the other hand,
were able to clearly capture and express their experiences using doodling, a
non-verbal medium. Doodling, thus, could be a useful technique for
generating new experiences as a result of a psychological phenomena or
concept, however its use may not be universal” (Siagto-Wakat, 2017).

After recalling the concepts of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing, I
realized that the 3 are necessary when constructing own research, essays etc
to avoid plagiarism. We can apply the 3 to pick up some ideas that the author
has and incorporating it on our own thought and also we need to credit the
authors idea to give a respect.
Firming up
Using a graphic organizer, illustrate how to write a research introduction.


Establish the gap of your study and

state the gap of the study, the
research purpose, the research
problem/s, and the significance of the
study in the introduction.

Institutions and publishing houses, on

the other hand, may not always
require the significance. Consider
your institution's or the style's
requirements while presenting your
research introduction. You must also
evaluate your philosophical viewpoint.

Identify the key terms in your title then

make a working outline using the key
terms in your title. Revise your outline
as needed.
1. Write your first draft of research introduction based on your outline.


For a developing country such as Philippines, education plays a

vital role in the progress of its citizens and the nation in

general. If Filipinos to be asked, which for them is the best way to

fight poverty, many will answer "acquiring education", without even

battling an eyelash. This paradigm of most about the essence of

education is the furthest stressed in the saying given by the late

Nelson Mandela. According to him "education is the most powerful

weapon we can use to change the world". If one would try to elaborate

on this statement, education is believed to be the best means to

alleviate oneself from poverty. The world is one with the people in

this belief (Liwayway G. Nucup 2017)

In the Philippines the term child labor applies to the

illegal employment of children below 15 years old or those below 18

years old in hazardous occupations (ILS 1994). Philippine law (RA

7658 amending RA 7610 of 1992) prohibits the employment of children

below 15 years old in public and private undertaking, except under

certain conditions.(Department Order No. 4).

The main purpose of this study is to identify the number of

children that is exposed to child labor ,why they engaged to child

labor, what is their experience in terms of working in an early age,

how does it affect to their personality for those children who engage
in work but do not go to school and to those children who both

working and goes to school.

In this lesson, I realized that there is many ways to produce a research
introduction, it is not just an introduction, we need to catch the curious minds
of the readers so that they will be interested to our study and they will not be
bored throughout the way.
Firming up. Using a graphic organizer, illustrate the concept of writing a
literary analysis.

1. The reader's curiosity

should be piqued from the
2. The thesis statement is
4. The bibliography lists
developed in the body.
entries that were
The thesis statement is
mentioned in the literary CONCEPTS OF supported by a subject
analysis text. WRITING A STORY sentence in each
paragraph of the body.

3. The thesis statement

should be echoed in the
conclusion. It shouldn't be
proposing fresh concepts
that haven't been fleshed
out in the body.

1. Read the short story "Footnote to Youth” by Jose Garcia Villa.
2. While reading write comments about the characters, plot etc. of the story
and about how you feel towards the story in general.
The story is amazing and has a good message. Dodong who rushed
through things had to regret his decisions when he was 17, the tatay and
nanay who is understanding and don’t want to hurt Dodongs feelings and it let
Dodong marry Teang at such a young age. But it happened to Dodong child,
they say history repeats itself and now an 8 year old son of Dodong named
Blas wants to marry. We often regret our decisions in life and we learn from it
because we have experienced it. All I can say is that we need to enjoy our
youth and not rushed into marriage because we will regret it in the end.

In this lesson, I learned that literary analysis requires deep understanding of
the things that is around us, it is not an easy task since we need many
information to formulate the literary analysis, it has necessary steps that we
need to follow in order to produced a good literary analysis.

Firming up
Through a Venn diagram. compare and contrast Political Analysis paper with
a Literary Analysis paper.


Focuses on literary work Explore variety of

political problems

Focuses on
developing an Analyze evidence in
It figures how the author argument order to do one or two
gets the main point things

In this lesson on Political Analysis paper, I was able to learn that it is
important to discover the current problems that is occurring in the country and
from this statement the higher ups can make a proposal on how to end or
combat this kind of problems that can affect the society.

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