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ISSN (Online): 2455-3662

EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal

Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | April 2021|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.047 || ISI Value: 1.188



Dr.Ritushree Narayan
Assistant professor,
School of Computing & Information Technology.
Usha Martin University, Ranchi

This paper conducts an analysis of various software development methods. Presently we can control everything at the tip of
our fingers. Technology is reached beyond our imagination. This paper explains different models and its advantage and
disadvantages. Today there are varieties of software projects are available which requires security, GUI based and for critical
projects. These types of project are based on different type of software development methodologies. This paper helps for
choosing best software development method for any projects.
KEYWORDS: software development model, advantage, disadvantage, comparison.

INTRODUCTION 3. Helps in saving time.

Presently computer becomes an essential part of 4. It helps in effortless testing and analysis.
our life. It is used in various fields of life like, Disadvantages
agriculture, industry, health industry, education and 1. It depends on precise needs.
business. Some people use computers for playing 2. It does not help in maintaining the project.
game. Computer is also called time saving device its do 3. There is no any option to understand the
lots of work in minimum time. Computers also do work project outcome.
with more accuracy. all these events required software. 4. It’s not good for extended and ongoing
lots of software development methods are available to software projects.
develop software projects. It’s very difficult to identify
which software development method is suitable for a Prototype Method
certain software projects. All software method has its Prototype method is useful for large project. It is
own advantage and disadvantages. Software impossible to define the actual requirements before the
development methods are the base of any software actual coding finished. it is also very much useful for
project. It makes it successful or failure. innovative type projects.
Waterfall Model 1. Software functional process idea should be
In traditional software develop method waterfall clear.
model is a linear flow with a specified sequence .user 2. Software function failure risk will reduce.
can easily understand the steps .in this method going 3. This method also helps in information
back is not possible. in this method next step will be requirements collection and its analysis.
started after completion of the previous step. it is Disadvantages
suitable for small software development . 1. Management cost may be increase.
Advantage 2. Client inference is very high which affect
1. Useful and straightforward. processing.
2. Model is rigid but easy in handling. 3. Lots of frequent changes affect the working
process of software.

2021 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

Electronic copy available at:
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | April 2021|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.047 || ISI Value: 1.188

Iterative and Incremental Software 3.

It helps in taking feedback from user for
Development Methodology further enhancement.
Iterative and incremental software development Disadvantages
methodology based on commencement of only one step 1. Performance depends on team performance.
at a single time. on the basis of earlier models further 2. Takes an attempt at modularized framework
expansion of the module take place. Method is based limited on this approach.
on creating single step at a time. On the base of basic 3. This method requires skillful person to handle
models further extension of the module take place. after the complex problem.
creating the each iteration, tested and feedback report 4. This method is not suitable for small project.
will create. This function is repeated till the model is
completely functional. Dynamic System Development Model
Advantages Methodology
1. We can get continuous feedback after each It is an iterative and incremental development
iteration. methodology. This methodology is also allowing users
2. After each iteration testing and feedback is to involve in the development method. This
done so multiple times revision will be done. development method helps in completing the project
3. Sourced code is available after each iteration within given time and assigned budget.
for testing. Advantages
Disadvantage 1. In software development method users getting
1. All iteration has rigid structure. a command upon that.
2. Outcome is not clear. 2. A quick delivery of serviceability.
3. User can easily access offers given by
Spiral Methodology developers.
Spiral method is always give attention on Disadvantages
objective of the software development goal. it also 1. Implementation of this methodology is very
focuses on alternatives of software development costly.
method and its constraints. It divides in to four stages: 2. Not appropriate for small industry.
planning , risk analysis, development and evaluation of
project. Spiral Model
Advantages In this methodology developers starts from very
1. At the starting stage of the project source code smaller level and search for the possible problems and
is delivered. risks. This method mainly focuses on objective
2. Its second stage is risk analysis so it selection .It has four phases like planning, risk analysis,
minimizes the risk of software development. development and evaluation. These methodologies
3. In spiral method documentation part of follow each phase many times.
software development is very strong .each and Advantages
everything is properly documented. 1. Due to movement of repeatedly each phase
Disadvantages many times risk and problems will be reduced.
1. Software project cost will be generated by risk 2. This method is best and suitable for big and
handling. complex project.
2. It’s completely dependent on risk analysis. 3. In later stages it allows for additional
Rapid Application Development 4. Very much suitable for high risk projects
This term development rapid application development Disadvantages
method is use to giving fast output .this method is 1. This methodology is very expensive in software
giving wonderful development with the help of development.
different development methods. It is designed to take 2. If risk analysis phase is fail it may destroy
the highest gain from the software. This development complete project.
method is helps in the increment of software program 3. Its not suitable for minimum risk project
workability. models.
Advantages 4. Due to again and again checking of each phase
1. It makes the complete development process the process may be continued and never
simple. ends.
2. This method helps user in taking review.

2021 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

Electronic copy available at:
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | April 2021|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.047 || ISI Value: 1.188

Extreme Programming Methodology Scrum Methodology

This methodology split the process into small It is an agile methodology or framework. In this
process which makes it more manageable this method methodology or framework software development is
they two programmer works on a same computer at the starts with simple known things. After that we can track
same time one is writing code other is supervising .In the progress and manipulate it according to our
regular time intervals they change their roles to requirements. Transparency inspection and adaptation
minimize the errors. This method provides collective are three basic pillars of scrum. Product owner, scrum
ownership code policy that means any developer can master and scrum development teams are the roles of
change any coding even if that was not written by him. scrum team. Scrum team plans a sprint session where
Project owner who decides the task priorities. task is necessary to complete within the given time
Advantages period. They also create sprint backlog and plans of
1. This method pays attention on customer sprint and implement it.
participation. Advantages
2. This method creates logical plans and 1. Scrum helps in software development quickly
programme. and efficiently.
3. Software programmers are wholeheartedly 2. Mega projects are divided into small sprints to
dedicated to the project. manage it properly.
4. This method is produces quality software by its 3. Errors are debugged during the sprint review,
modernistic method. so final code will be error free. Due to this
Disadvantages development of project will fast.
1. Software effectiveness depends on the people 4. Efforts of each team members are observe in
involved in the project. scrum meetings.
2. Frequently meetings are required for raising Disadvantages
development costs. 1. Scrum project has not defined end date so
3. Developmental change is necessary for more project development takes longer time period.
development. 2. Scrum framework works properly with
4. Future outcomes and possibilities are experienced people’s team.
unknown. 3. Huge number of meetings sometimes
frustrates team members.
V-Model Methodology 4. Quality maintenance is very tough due to step
V-model (verification and validation) wise testing.
methodology is an expansion of waterfall model. By
pairing of each developmental phase with similar phase Clean Room Methodology
of testing. Feedback is received in the acceptance Project development methodology based on
testing phase after completion of complete process mathematical function theory. Software testing method
.This method is useful for small and medium size is based on applied statistical method. Incremental
projects. software method is used for design and analysis by
Advantages using box structure. A Box which wrapped the system
1. Systematic development and organized with some level of abstraction. When a box is
progress is the basic quality of this method. completed verification will be starts. Testing of
2. This method is suitable for small and medium software depends upon its usage and random tests to
size projects. conform probabilities.
3. Testing process is run parallel with the starting Advantages
phase so it helps to find out the ambiguities 1. Basic knowledge of mathematics and logical
from the starting phase. for defining notation accurately.
4. Each phase has well defined objectives and 2. Black, state and clear box are the steps used
goals to managing the phase. by box structure to refine the requirements of
Disadvantages the code.
1. This method is not suitable for large projects. 3. Errors are debug before the system testing
2. Not suitable when requirements do not fit. phase.
3. In the middle stage not any working software 4. Software using criteria is defined by the usage
will be produced. models.
4. In this method risk analysis is not possible so Disadvantages
risk and uncertainty are present there. 1. Requires statistical skill and knowledge.

2021 EPRA IJMR | | Journal DOI URL:

Electronic copy available at:
ISSN (Online): 2455-3662
EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR) - Peer Reviewed Journal
Volume: 7 | Issue: 4 | April 2021|| Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra2013 || SJIF Impact Factor 2021: 8.047 || ISI Value: 1.188

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