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i> ‘SEAFOOD INSPECTION LABORATORY Factors That Affect Growth of Harmful Microorganisms in food products gacte rig . A © swipe Left Cf) Per cy SEAFOOD SPECTION LABORATORY - Bacteria can survive Temperature relate) ~ - Danger Zone (Grow at ~ Bea their best) 20 - 45C >——= - Bacteria grow best in moisture rich food Moisture usta Te =1-10 10h AN = (Moisture) Content ao s - Bacteria need pH 3.5 - 8 to grow - Meat, Spinach, Milk have ideal pH for bacteria @ Swipe Left oe Re eeu) EAFOOD SPECTION LABORATORY - Bacteria need proteins & minerals to grow - Pahtogenic bacteria like to live protein-rich foods Nutrient Content - Bacteria can grow in oxygen rich (aerobic) & poor (anaerobic) - Uncovered foods allow bacteria to grow - In its ideal conditions (temperature, moisture, pH, nutrients and oxygen bacteria can multiply in 15-45 min © Swipe Left rf) ie - 2a eee aa Reese ke (Osearoop INSPECTION LABORATORY Do laboratory tests to ensure microbes aren't grow in your food product

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