NLT Papers: Math - Standard Set 1

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Math – Standard Set 1
The following paper set allows you to evaluate your mathematical learning
ability as well as broadening your understanding in various fields of
The set consists of 10 multiple-choice questions, each with five choices. Four of
the choices are possible answers, whereas the last choice shall be chosen if
and only if none of the first four choices are the answer to the question. In
other words, the fifth choice is denoted as “None of the above”.
Each question worth 3 marks if you answer correctly. If you answer incorrectly,
2 marks will be deducted. If you do not answer the problem, marks will neither
be given nor deducted. No workings are needed to answer each question.
Topics may include number theory, calculus, linear algebra, algebra,
combinatorics, statistics, discrete mathematics and other topics. Difficulty for
each question varies.
A time of two hours will be given to finish this paper.
Difficulty: ★
1. Consider a function f ( x ) ≠0 such that f ( x )=0 for only certain x values. If
f ( 1 ) =0
f ( 2 ) =0
f ( 3 )=0
f ( 2020 )=0

find the value of f ( 2021 ) ≠ 0,

a. 2019 !+2018
b. 2020 !+2019
c. 2020 !
d. 2019 !
e. None of the above
2. Consider a n to be a geometric sequence with n ∈ Z +¿¿ and 0< r< 1. Which
correctly describes the nature of this sequence?
a. a n may also be an arithmetic sequence
b. a n is unique
c. a n ≤ an +1
d. Sum of a n‘s converges as n → ∞
e. None of the above
3. If y=x 2 +3 x+ 1, find dy at (1 , 2)

a. 5
b. 7
c. 11
d. Impossible to determine
e. None of the above
1+ a+ √ b
4. Consider 1 . If k can be expressed in the form where a , b
1+ c
and c are coprime integers, find the value of a+ b+c
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
e. None of the above
5. Ramanujan invented a number where a=√ 1+ 2 √ 1+3 √ 1+ 4 √ 1+(…) can be
expressed in a simpler form. Find a simpler form of a
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6
e. None of the above
6. Consider a , b ∈ R +¿¿ , then which of the following relations are always true?
a. a+ b ≥ √ 2 ab
b. a+ b ≥ √ ab
c. a+ b< √ 2 ab
d. a+ b<2 √ ab
e. None of the above

7. Find the first digit of 2020 !

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. None of the above
8. Consider functions f (x) and g( x ) such that fg ( a )=2. Find the value of
f −1 g−1 ( a ) ≠ 0

a. 2
b. −2
c. 2

d. Impossible to determine
e. None of the above
9. Find
∫ 2 x dx
a. +c

b. +c
ln (2)

2 x+1
c. +c
ln (2)

d. x 2 ln (2)+ c
e. None of the above

10. Consider you are invited to a math game show called “Odds & Evens”. In
the show, there are 5 judges whom each will think of a number then write it on
a card. The cards are then given to John, the MC of the show. You will have to
guess what the 5 distinct numbers were (not limited to one possibility).
- The numbers have a range 1 ≤ x ≤20, where x represents integers.
- 3 of the 5 numbers are odd prime numbers
- 2 of the 5 numbers are multiples of 4
- Their sum is 49
The judges also allow us to ask 2 questions about the average of either 2 or 3
randomly picked cards from those 5 cards. You have asked 2 times.
Judge A says: “ The average of 2 unknown numbers from the 5 cards are 5.”
Judge B says: “ The average of 3 unknown numbers from the 5 cards are 9.”
If the number of possible solution(s) is/are k , solve for k .
a. 1
b. 3
d. 6
e. None of the above

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