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Ecosystem Services 19 (2016) 1–5

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Abiotic flows should be inherent part of ecosystem services

E.S. van der Meulen a,n, L.C. Braat b, J.M. Brils a
Deltares, P.O. Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
1931XH, 494, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Although ecosystems comprise both biotic and abiotic structures and processes, the role of abiotic output
Received 19 October 2015 receives less attention and is addressed inconsistently in ecosystem services (ES) classification systems.
Received in revised form The authors explore the nature and position of abiotic ecosystem output from: 1) a theoretical per-
24 March 2016
spective on ecosystems, ecosystems services and natural capital; 2) a practical perspective on applying
Accepted 25 March 2016
the ES concept in environmental policy, spatial planning and ecosystem management. From a theoretical
Available online 4 April 2016
point of view, excluding abiotic flows in ES frameworks such as CICES is inconsistent with the principles
Keywords: of the ES concept. Consequently, abiotic flows with (high) societal relevance may in practice be neglected
Abiotic or selectively addressed; many of them are related to sediment and the subsurface part of ecosystems.
This impedes the integration strength of the ES concept. Given the large contributions to the economy
and the societal costs of non-sustainable use of abiotic flows, it also impedes holistic, consistent and
Ecosystem services transparent information provision to decision makers. The authors urge to include abiotic flows as in-
Classification herent part in ecosystem services classification systems such as CICES. This makes the application of the
ES concept more holistic and consistent and will optimize it's integration power for practical planning
and decision making.
& 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction instance the authors reacted to criticism with a satellite table, and
stated that ‘the long term goal should be a combined classification
An ecosystem is an interacting complex of biota and their that integrates outputs across ecosystems and from other natural
abiotic environment. Ecosystem services (ES) are the goods and resources’.
services that humans derive from ecosystems, actively or pas- The concept of Natural Capital (NC) relates ecosystem struc-
sively. Although ecosystems comprise biotic and abiotic elements, tures and processes to ES and NC accounting is making its way to
the focus in ES assessment frameworks and classifications is countries' economic accounting systems (Obst et al., 2015). In
biased towards ES for which biota dominate as service providing descriptions of the NC concept, abiotic assets (structures) and
agents. The role of abiotic structures and processes gets less at- flows have already been incorporated (see e.g. Petersen and Go-
tention and is addressed inconsistently in classification systems. cheva, 2015; Brouwer et al., 2013). There is debate about the in-
The classifications of ES used in the Millennium Ecosystem As- clusion and position of energy sources (assets) and flows, such as
sessment (MA, 2005) and in The Economics of Ecosystems and the sun and solar radiation respectively. The relevant point here is
that abiotic aspects of ecosystems are recognized as being part of
Biodiversity (TEEB, 2010) projects have not explicitly addressed
the wider concept of NC and are linked to ES and thus considered
the position of services which are produced from abiotic structures
potentially relevant for human welfare and wellbeing.
and processes in ecosystems. Brouwer et al. (2013) also observe
In this paper we explore the nature, position and contribution
that most existing ecosystem assessments focused only on biotic
of abiotic structures and processes in ES applications. We discuss
ES. The Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services
both depletable and non-depletable abiotic flows. Non-depletable
(CICES; Haines-Young and Potchin, 2013) at first did not specify
sun based energy flows (sunlight, wind, rain), moon based (tidal
the position of abiotic ecosystem outputs. However, in second energy) and geothermal energy are not produced by what is de-
fined in ecological textbooks as ecosystems (see e.g. Odum, 1971),
Corresponding author. but their contributions to human society are to some extent
E-mail address: (E.S. van der Meulen). modified by the ecological structure in the biosphere and by
2212-0416/& 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
2 E.S. van der Meulen et al. / Ecosystem Services 19 (2016) 1–5

humans, e.g. via land use. and soil formation. This involves interactions between micro-or-
We propose to include abiotic flows (goods and services) in ganisms and geo-chemical materials and processes. The regulating
future versions of ES classification systems. We focus on the CICES ES of water purification is included in the CICES classification as
classification system since this is a commonly used international ‘bioremediation by microorganisms’, as ‘filtration by ecosystems’
reference. We discuss the nature and position of abiotic ecosystem and ‘maintenance of physical, chemical, biological (in this case,
output from two perspectives: 1) a theoretical perspective on water-) conditions’. These services are provided by biota in inter-
ecosystems, ES and consistency in the concepts of ES and NC and action with their abiotic environment but also by abiotic processes
related classification systems; 2) the practical perspective of ap- such as filtration. Also in the section of cultural services, soils are
plying the ES concept in environmental policy, spatial planning mentioned as example medium for intellectual and representative
and ecosystem management. interactions (a.o. scientific research, heritage). The relevance of
sediment is acknowledged under the division ‘mediation of flows’;
the example provided in the CICES-class ‘buffering and attenuation
2. Nature and position of abiotic flows in ecosystems from a of mass flows’ is ‘transport and storage of sediment by rivers,
theoretical perspective lakes, sea’. Some examples provided in the CICES-list emphasize
the role of complete ecosystems, such as the functions of wetlands
Ecosystems are a dynamic complex of plant, animal, and mi- or dunes for flood protection.
cro-organism communities together with the non-living en- Abiotic flows that are not addressed in the main list of ES in
vironment, interacting as a functional unit (see e.g. Odum, 1971). the CICES classification, but included in the satellite table are for
Abiotic (physico-chemical matter and energy flow) processes example abiotic nutritional substances (such as salt), metallic
have always been implicitly part of the ecosystem, as no biotic and non-metallic materials (e.g. ores, building materials),
process in ecosystems can take place without energy from sun, renewable and non-renewable energy sources and cultural set-
moon or earth and without interaction between biota and their tings. The carrier services of ecosystems are not explicitly in-
abiotic environment. For example: photosynthesis of organic cluded in the CICES- classification. Although under the section of
molecules requires sunlight energy, water, carbon dioxide and cultural services, ‘physical use of land-/seascapes in different
various soil or sediment chemicals which act as plant nutrients. environmental settings’ refers to recreational boating, and the
The combined forces of sun, wind and rain produce biomass via satellite table with abiotic outputs also includes a section ‘phy-
the photosynthetic processes and also, often modulated by biotic sical and intellectual interactions with land-/seascapes’, non-re-
structures and processes, flows of useful abiotic materials such as creational (e.g. commercial) shipping has no explicit position in
sand, clay and gravel derived from sediment. Sediment is an the system.
essential, integral and dynamic part of river basins and provides Many abiotic resources are depletable on a ‘human time scale’
very important ES to society; see examples below (Brils et al., (i.e. 1–50 years), even if they are renewable at geological time
2014). scales (i.e. millennia). Abiotic outputs such as mineral resources
The ES concept is in essence an anthropocentric concept, i.e. it are the result of both biotic and abiotic processes, many of which
pertains to the benefits of ecosystems for humans. From that point take place on such geological time scales. These aspects, and the
of view, it is logical to include the abiotic structures and processes, fact that some processes, especially in the subsurface or under
which are used by, and are useful to humans, in the debate. For water, are taking place out of human view, may result in a general
millennia, mankind has utilized sediment as a source of con- lack of awareness from both the general public and policy makers.
struction material and land and water act as carrier of human
activities. The carrier concept was already included in early clas-
sifications of ES in the 1970s, when services were still called 3. The role of abiotic flows in societal decision making re-
functions of the natural environment for society (Braat et al., garding ecosystem management
1979). Carrier services include for example the role of rivers for
transportation and the capacity of the geological substrate for Next to the theoretical, scientific argument to pay attention to
carrying buildings. This role of land and water in human econo- the role of abiotic aspects in ES provision, there is also the socio-
mies has historically been recognized, as is evident from legal and economic argument to assess their relative contribution to eco-
economic debates about public and private land (and water). The nomic, cultural and social benefits and values in society. It is re-
subsurface part of our environment provides storage capacity (e.g. levant because in some cases there are competing interests be-
water, waste) and information (preservation of signs that mark tween using abiotic resources in alternative ways, e.g. sediments
cultural and natural developments) besides the already mentioned for construction, for river management or for agriculture. Regional
raw materials in the form of sand, clay, gravel and (fresh) water. water managers see integration of policy domains as one of the
The combination of natural characteristics and processes and main contributions of the ES concept to their work. Based on re-
technology leads to ‘new’ ES being used by people such as in the sults of ES concept pilot applications it is expected that the con-
application of aquifer thermal energy storage. Finally, there is a cept supports collaboration between stakeholders (e.g. in the case
whole different category of abiotic sources to economies via the of river restoration). This integration cannot be complete if abiotic
contribution of volcanic eruptions bringing new loads of useful flows and related stakeholders are neglected or only selectively
chemicals to the world's ecosystems and humans to work with. Of addressed.
course, these additional services generally also involve additional In the case of NC accounting, many abiotic aspects of eco-
economic and social costs, which need to be included in the de- systems are included in ES. To prevent double counting, pro-
cision processes. As Costanza (2008) also explained, processes can cesses that enable services but that are not used directly by hu-
also be ES or not, depending on the context of the ES assessment. mans (called supporting services in the MA and ecosystem
This also applies to abiotic processes. functions in TEEB), are not valued separately. Some abiotic re-
Some abiotic aspects were already explicitly recognized in ES sources and processes, however, are directly being used and
classifications, e.g. in the ‘provisioning service’ (drinking, irrigation should be accounted as ES. Fig. 1 shows the sun, moon and earth
or industrial) water production from surface or groundwater. They based energy sources. These energy flows can be modified by
were also explicit in ecosystem functions (formerly, in the MA terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems with their geological substrate
classification, called ‘supporting services’), such as nutrient cycling and soils. The #1 arrows represent the energy flows and stocks
E.S. van der Meulen et al. / Ecosystem Services 19 (2016) 1–5 3

often obstruct the natural, dynamic sediment equilibrium in many

river-delta-sea systems, worldwide (see e.g. Owens, 2007; Walling,
2009). Dikes protecting inland areas for flooding also block sedi-
ment supply and upstream dam building and gravel extraction
result in a decreased downstream supply. As a consequence, some
sites are overloaded with sediment, while others are dramatic
short of sediment. The shortage of sediment leads to river bed
degradation and bank erosion, resulting in loss of agricultural
land and undermining and subsequently collapsing of bridges,
dikes, roads and buildings. In the coastal zone the shortage of
sediment leads to the diminishing of mangrove forests and ero-
sion of beaches and dunes. This increases the vulnerability of the
“hinterland” to flooding and decreases biodiversity and beach
recreation possibilities. Hence, sediment shortage dramatically
impacts ecology, economy as well as public safety, worldwide. It
has become a big societal challenge to restore the sediment
equilibrium, i.e. to get sediment from overloaded sites (such as
reservoirs) to sites that are short of sediment. According to the
Fig. 1. The position and contribution of abiotic structures and processes to human European Sediment Network (SedNet, 2015), it may now be the
society (see text for further clarification). first action to map the sites with too much and too little

from the atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic systems that can be 4.1. The Western Scheldt: balancing stakes for shipping, agriculture,
captured (harvested) by humans as ES. Some of the atmospheric sand extraction, flood safety, water quality regulation and cultural
system flows are modulated by the terrestrial and aquatic eco- services
systems (e.g. purified and cooled air) and are therefore also la-
beled ES. The #2 arrows represent the ‘management activity of The Western Scheldt is a part of the estuary of the river Scheldt
humans’ to modify, protect or restore ecosystems. The services and located in the Netherlands. The Scheldt is used as an im-
are related to demand, which is derived from human needs and portant shipping lane between the North Sea and, through the
wants. If the services satisfy (explicit or implicit) demand, they estuary in the Netherlands, the Port of Antwerp in Belgium. The
are considered to generate benefits, which may be explicitly or estuary is also used for sand extraction and on both sides land
implicitly valued. The #3 arrows represent the energy flows that includes polders that are mostly used for agricultural production.
can be passively received by human society or captured directly The estuary provides cultural services, e.g. by providing recreation
by humans, without modification by ecosystems. These flows are possibilities and appreciation of flora and fauna (such as bird
not ES but the use of these flows may impact the ability of their watching) and the landscapes. These cultural services are driven
use in the ecosystem, e.g. by preventing solar energy to reach by the interplay of abiotic, biotic and human processes and
vegetation. structures (Jacobs et al., sine anno).
The economic value of these abiotic flows can be determined in Dredging operations are performed in order to keep the ship-
the same way as the value of biotic flows, i.e. by direct and indirect ping lane navigable. Dredging and subsequent disposal of dredged
economic valuation approaches. In a direct valuation approach, the material have become the dominant human interference in the
value of e.g. sediments is assessed when they enter economic Western Scheldt (Taal et al., 2013). The channels have become
markets, such as in construction. The indirect economic value can smaller and deeper, resulting in erosion of the mud flats, salt
be derived from e.g. the value of land with different subsidence marshes and sandbars. This contributed to increased peak flows
rates, value of mitigated water treatment costs as a result of the and reduced minimum discharges. Dredging results in removal of
filtering effect of soil on groundwater or profit from thermal en- river bars and this causes tidal waves to enter the river system
ergy storage in the subsurface. more easily, leading to increased water levels, especially upstream
Based on our practical experiences, the main added value of the in Belgium (interview with Patrick de Meire; in De Blust and Ha-
ES concept is that it provides a systematic and holistic framework zeleger, 2008).
that can result in a more transparent and more comprehensive The estuary includes areas of high conservation value that are
insight in costs and benefits of management decisions for different legally protected under the European (EU) Natura 2000-frame-
stakeholders and at different temporal and spatial scales. A more work and the EU Birds and Habitats Directive. The expansion of
holistic insight in direct and indirect market and non-market va- shipping ways leads to a loss of estuary habitats, which is not al-
lues may be more valuable than a one-figure outcome of a cost- lowed under the Birds and Habitats Directive. However, these EU
benefit calculation. Incorporating abiotic flows that meet the de- policies allow for human interventions if a nature compensation
finition of ES allow the related stakeholders to participate and thus measure is proposed and accepted. Thus the Dutch and Belgian
to take better informed decisions. governments agreed to inundate a polder to compensate for the
loss of habitats. This aims to create an area of brackish marshes
(De Blust and Hazeleger, 2008). The inundation can also com-
4. Examples of the role of abiotic flows in ecosystem pensate for lost ES, as it contributes to regulation of the tidal dy-
management namics and thereby support flood safety. Furthermore, the mar-
shes that will establish after the inundation contribute to water
We present three cases to illustrate the importance to society of quality regulation (De Blust and Hazeleger, 2008).
abiotic flows and their management. The examples demonstrate The situation in the Scheldt estuary demonstrates the promi-
that especially sediment resources and dynamics play a key role in nent role of sediment dynamics in the provision of ES such as flood
the provision of abiotic flows of ecosystems. Human interventions safety and water quality regulation.
4 E.S. van der Meulen et al. / Ecosystem Services 19 (2016) 1–5

4.2. Benefits of an alternative nature-based flood defense in the abiotic outputs are neglected from ES assessments, the different
Eems-Dollart estuary stakes related to the subsurface system remain disconnected and
no integral decisions can be made, i.e. decisions that also include
The Eems-Dollart estuary is located at the border of Germany the relevance of ES related to food production, nature protection,
and the Netherlands, where the river Eems discharges into the energy and water resources management.
Wadden Sea. An exploration study for nature-based flood de-
fenses, as an alternative for traditional enforcement of the sea dike
along the Wadden Sea in the Netherlands, showed that a so called 5. Conclusions and recommendations
‘parallel flood defense zone’ can provide economically and ecolo-
gically interesting benefits (Kwakernaak and Lenselink, 2015). The We propose to include ‘abiotic flows’ in future versions of ES
parallel flood defense zone consists of two parallel dikes with an classification systems with the aim to make them integral part of
intermediate zone that is under tidal influence (Van Loon- ES assessments and management strategies. If abiotic flows are not
Steensma and Schelfhout, 2013; Van Loon et al., 2015).This creates utilized directly and consciously by humans, we suggest to label
opportunities for ecological improvements and the use of ES. them as abiotic assets. This distinction is important to comply with
The creation of the parallel defense zone results in a more the basic principles of the ES concept, which is an anthropocentric
natural land-water interface with a salt-gradient beneficial for concept, and the methodical requirement to rule out double
migratory fish. The brackish environment also provides high tide counting in valuation studies. If abiotic flows are fully integrated in
habitat for birds for breeding, feeding and protection. The new ES classification, such as in the main table of CICES, and some
flood defense area may also include space for diverse freshwater abiotic flows with high societal relevance are mentioned explicitly
and brackish vegetation. Possible activities with high economic in the example column of the CICES-list, the application of the ES
value include production of shellfish and salt-tolerant crops but concept will become more consistent and it optimizes the in-
also exploitation of a so called ‘silt-motor’. The production of tegration power of the concept for environmental policy, spatial
shellfish and salt-tolerant crops will yield approximately € 6.500– planning, and ecosystem management.
32.000 ha/yr and € 3.500–6.500 ha/yr respectively. This is higher
than the yield of current, traditional agricultural production on
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