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AS Linguistics SS19 - Marie Lang, Lars Körner - 06/06/19

American Dialects
• General American
○ comprises the majority of American accents which do not show marked eastern or southern accents
○ sometimes referred to as 'Network English'
-> the variety most acceptable on the television networks covering the whole USA
• New York Accent
• Vernacular English (also African American Vernacular English (AAVE)

vocabulary AmE
preservation of lexemes bug (small insect)
(BrE: not used anymore) deck (set of playing cards)
fall (autumn)
guess (informal: suppose)
lexemes from regional/social candy (sweets)
marked BrE ladybug (small beetle)
mean (unwell, indisposed)
rooster (domestic cock)
borrowing from other Indigenous pone (bread made of maize)
languages American potlatch (wild party or revel)
language moose, raccoon, skunk (also used in BrE)
Spanish loco (slang: crazy)
cafeteria, canyon, mosquito, ranch, tornado (also BrE)
French cent, prairie, rapids (also BrE)
Dutch cookie (sweet biscuit)
stoop (porch)
German fest (festival, special occasion)
liverwurst, wiener, frankfurter, (ham)burger

RP English (BrE) vs General American (AmE)

intonation BrE AmE
primary stress /-'-/ dic'tate /'--/ 'dictate; 'migrate 'rotate 'vibrate
/--'-/ ,maga'zine /'---/ 'magazine; 'margarine
/'--/ 'detail /-'-/ de'tail; ca'fé, cli'ché, fron'tier, ga'rage
/'---/ 'matinée /,--'-/ ,mati'née, fian'cée
AmE: less differences in AmE sounds monotonous BrE sounds presumptuous to native
pitch in neutral speech to native British speakers American speakers

morphology BrE AmE

affixation heli- from helicopter: helibus, heliport
para- from parachute: paradiver, parabomb
-(a)thon from marathon: danceathon, talkathon
-(e)teria from cafeteria: booketeria, snacketeria
different patterns: cooking-stove cook-stove
BrE: "verb + -ing + noun" dialling tone dial tone
AmE: "verb + noun" frying-pan fry-pan
rowing-boat rowboat
working day workday
suffixation -ville: Movieville
-wise: atomic-wise, military-wise
orthography BrE AmE
simplification and/or catalogue catalog
alignment of programme program
pronounciation and cheque check
spelling draught draft
doughnut donut
light lite
through thru

<-our> colour <-or> color

<-re> centre <-er> center
<-ence> defence <-ense> defense
<-ize> realise/realize <-ize> realize
<-ise> but: surprise but: surprise
<-l-> doubled after vowel <-l-> single <-l-> after vowel
travelled, travelling, traveller traveled, traveling, traveler
dates the 5th of June 2019 June 5, 2019
05/06/19 06/05/19
punctuation in Mr - Mrs - Dr Mr. - Mrs. - Dr.
abbreviations last letter of abbreviation = last letter of
word -> no period

grammar BrE AmE

past participle burnt burned
spilt spilled

to get to get
no differentiation possible: gotten (become, obtain)
I've gotten a job vs. I've got a job I've gotten bad news
She's gotten better
He's gotten home

got (have/have to)

Now you've got real problems
We've got to hurry
singular or plural verb for groups His team are working today. His team is working today.
(committee, team) (plural) (singular)
prepositions inside his mind inside of his mind
He lives round the corner. He lives around the corner.
in the street on the street
She hadn't seem him for weeks. She hadn't seem him in weeks.
to chat to sb to chat with sb
The house is on sale. The house is for sale.
protest against the war protest the war
to be at home to be home
to meet/visit sb to meet/visit with sb

Hansen et al. (1996: p.122 - 131)

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