Pcos Quiz

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Group Third

Basic bsc. Nursing

Third year
Questions :-

The female reproductive hormones are:

1) Cortisol

2) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

3) Estrogen and Progestrone

4) Androgen

PCOS is :

1) Cerebrovascular disorder

2) Musculoskeletal disorder

3) Hormonal disorder

4) cardiovascular disorder

PCOS was first described by :

1) Louis Pasteur

2) Stein and Levinthal

3) Pavlov

4) Hippocrates
The term PCOS was first described in :-

1) 1917

2) 1824

3) 2001

4) 1935

PCOS stands for:

1) Premenstrual Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

2) Prodromal Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

3) Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome

4) Poly Cystic Oocyte Syndrome

Age at which PCOS is commonly diagnosed is :

1) 18 to 44 years

2) Less than 13 years

3) More than 50 years

4) All of the above.

The cysts in PCOS are formed by :

1) Failure of atretic follicles to undergo apoptosis

2) Oocyte proliferation

3)Multiple corpus lutea

4) Cystic degeneration of ovarian cortex

Women suffering from PCOS are at an increased risk of developing:

1) Dyslipidemias

2) Diabetes

3) Endometrial cancer

4) All of the above

The major reason for women with PCOS to suffer from infertility is :

1) Excess insulin levels

2) Anovulatory menstrual cycles

3) Obesity

4) None of the above

The diagnostic criteria employed for the diagnosis of PCOS is termed as:

1) Nottingham criteria

2) Rotterdam criteria

3) Framingham criteria

4) Both (1) and (2)


In women with PCOD, there is imbalance of :


LSH and oxytocin

Insulin and androgens

Estrogen and progesterone

Androgens are also called :

Male hormones

Growth hormones

Sex hormones

Stress hormones

Which of the following option is the common risk factors of PCOD :

Hypothyroidism, breast cancer, cervix cancer

Obesity, hyperinsulinemia , family history of PCOD.

Fever, eclampsia, infertility.

Ovarian cancer, UTI, Addison disease

Puberty in girls begins at age of :

11 years

14 years

16 years

18 years

Which of the following can lead to PCOD :


Physical inactivity


Yoga and meditation

Insulin is responsible for :

Regulating glucose level in blood

Increasing glucose level in blood

Regulating sleep cycle

Regulating protein level in blood

Which of the following can be seen in women with PCOD :


Insulin resistance



PCOD is most common in :

Adolescent girls

Teenager boys

Postmenopausal women


All are type of PCOD except :

Insulin resistant PCOS

Post pill PCOS

Adrenal PCOS

Post natal PCOS

Sign and symptoms:-

1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the prominent cause of ______ for women in the US.

a) Obesity
b) Dyslipidemia

c) Insulin Resistance

d) Infertility

2. Clinical Menifestations of PCOS includes the following :

a) Insulin Resistance

b) Infertility

c) Obesity

d) All of the above

3. A symptom NOT related to PCOS is :

a) Insulin resistance

b) Amenorrhea

c) Infertility

d) low testosterone level

4. Symptoms of PCOS often improve with a ______ loss of initial body weight

a) 2 to 4 %

b) 4 to 6 %

c) 5 to 10%

d) 10 to 15%

5. What is the reason why most patients with PCOS are infertile ?

a) Chronic anovulation

b) Hyperandrogenism

c) Metabolic Syndrome

d) Hyperestrogenemia

6. Which of the following is a possible long term health risk for patients with PCOS due to
chronic anovulation and obesity?
a) Colon cancer

b) Endometrial cancer

c) Lung cancer

d) Cervical cancer

7. Which of the following is a reliable biomarker of Insulin Resistance

a) Hirsutism

b) Acanthosis nigricans

c) Menstrual irregularity

d) Polycystic ovaries

8. What is the central pathophysiology of PCOS ?

a) Insulin Resistance

b) Hyperandrogenism

c) Obesity and metabolic syndrome

d) Chronic anovulation

9. The cysts in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are formed by :

a) Failure of atretic follicles to undergo apoptosis

b) Oocyte proliferation

c) Multiple corpus lutea

d) Cystic degeneration of ovarian cortex

10. Which of the findings listed below that occur in PCOS are attributable to hyperandrogenism
(elevated testosterone level)

a) Weight loss in spite of increased appetite

b) Excess body and facial hair

c) Tall stature

d) None of the above


PCOS is most often diagnosed by the presence of


Ovulatory dysfunction

Polycystic ovaries

Any two of above

When is PCOS diagnosed

Between 15-44 years

Between 20-30

Between 20-40

Both a &b

How to test PCOS

Physical exam


Blood test

Al of above

How many follicles count it takes to diagnose PCOS




Normal antral follicle count is





Gold standard to visualize ovaries is

(a) Physical Examination

(b) Transvaginal ultrasound

(c ) External ultrasound of pelvis


Physical exam most probably will include

Signs of excess hair growth, insulin resistance and acne

Bluish discoloration of lower abdomen

Ascites, abdominal tenderness

Anorexia, weight loss

Which conditions are similar to PCOS and should be included in differential diagnosis of PCOS

Ovarian hyperthecosis

Patient with menstrual disturbances and signs of hyperandrogenism

Idiopathic hirsutism

All ofabove
Which hormones are imbalanced in PCOS



Both a& b

None of the above

Testrosterone level of females with pcos is

<= 150ng/dl

15-70 ng/dL

70-100 ng/dl

100-150 ng/dL


Prevention and treatment .

The food to avoid for PCOS women’s

High glycemic diet

Refined carbohydrate

Surgery food items

All the above

The recommended food items women’s with PCOS

High fiber vegetables and lean proteins

High glycemic food

High in refined carbohydrate


The first drug of choice for women with PCOS




Folic acid

The primary goal of the treatment of PCOS is

To increase insulin sensitivity

To induce weight loss if overweight

To reverse infertility

To prevent diabetes from developing

What is the surgery to treat PCOD

Laproscopic ovular drilling

Laproscopic ovum drilling

Laproscopic ovarian drilling

Laproscopic ovican drilling

What is the best way to avoid PCOD

Maintain correct body weight

Avoidance of unhealthy diet

Good exercise

All of the above

What is the measures to be taken as a part of our lifestyle to prevent PCOD

Regular checkups


Maintain correct body mass index

All of the above

Which of the factor should be controlled to prevent PCOD

Irregular menstruation



All of the above

Which of the following helps to treat acne

Avoiding dirt and pollution

Using anti acne ointments

A healthy diet

All of the above

What is the common treatment for PCOD


Healthy diet

Healthy lifestyle

All of the above

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