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"The Akashic System"

This live channelling was Given in Syracuse, New York

Saturday September 11, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee
and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what
happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind
of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy
this enhanced message given in Syracuse in September, 2010.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The masters

had a phrase: "It is well with me, it is well with my soul." They would
say it even in times before death, in times that were frustrating, and
in times of difficulty. It is because they were focused on one thing
and one reality - that the love of God inside them creates love of self.
We have said this before. We have channelled it many times. We've
even told you that it's the secret to mastery. Get to the place where
you are content with that which is in you, which is God, and let all of
the other things around you slowly develop in appropriateness as you
learn what to do with your life. Do not decide in advance where
you're going to go or what you're going to do.

Shortly, we'll give a channelling that outlines the difference in energy

between the very ancient past, the relative past and the energy that
is in the shift. We'll give the attributes of how a Lightworker deals
with specifics and how things have changed. It's coming [given in
Buffalo, New York]. But that's not today.

Today I wish to give you the profundity of the Akashic system that is
Gaia and humanity. What I want to do is explain your relationship to
a system that seemingly is complex and esoteric, but that literally
defines your relationship with the earth. Every so often, I will give
this kind of channel, where absolutely nothing in the message is
anything you can prove. It's not science, but instead it's spiritual, and
this one is about you.

Is it possible that the whole purpose of Gaia is to support humanity?

Is it possible that Human Beings are not simply another mammal on
a planet moving around the sun? Is it possible that the energy
delivered from the vibratory rate of this planet is based upon what
humanity does and will actually affect the Universe? The answer's yes
to all. So if that is the case, what kind of a system is in place that
would allow such a thing to be? That's what we'll discuss now in this
short amount of time.
The Energy of the Planet and the Akash

Let us speak of Gaia and the Akash. You might have heard that Gaia
is an energy, which is of the planet Earth. Gaia is sentient
[conscious]; Gaia has innate intelligence; Gaia, therefore, has an
intelligent consciousness that "knows" about you. Gaia is able to
converse and speak much like Kryon does. If you have heard that,
you'd be right.

Gaia's energy speaks in so many ways, and one of them is seen by

looking at the Akash. If you asked Gaia what this is, it would be
defined as the "life force of the planet." This takes into consideration
everything that is alive, including those things you don't even think
are alive. So the concept of the Akash of Gaia is huge and is very
grand. But tonight, I wish to speak specifically of Gaia's system of the
Akash of the Human Being in relationship to the earth. We speak of
Gaia's cooperation in the Human spiritual experience, and that
essentially everything revolves around the Human, even the planet's

If we start at the beginning and give simple definitions, we will say

that there is a system to keep track of who is on the earth. Now you
may not think Spirit wouldn't need a system at all, and you'd be
right. But Gaia does, and there is a reason. For every single Human
soul that comes to this place called Earth makes a difference as a
unique energy that actually modifies the life force of Gaia. So when
that soul arrives, Gaia creates a record, and more. So here come the

The Cave of Creation

Many times I have reviewed a concept with you that I again present.
Deep within the earth, there is an interdimensional cavern that will
never be found. It has 3D properties that connect it with Earth
reality, but it is also multidimensional. This is difficult to explain to
you since you only perceive reality in a single-digit dimensionality. So
I can explain all I want, but my explanations fall short of your
understanding. It would be like I spoke to you in your language and
suddenly changed to one you had never heard, where the words were
jumbled, backwards, and all rearranged in a nonlinear way. Not only
would you not understand the message, but the very strange
language itself would be disturbing for you to hear. This is how
multidimensional things appear to you - chaotic. But I will at least
give the information as best I can so you will know the "what," if not
the "how."

The Cave of Creation is one of the only physical objects on the planet
that is a dimensional hybrid. That is to say it has three-dimensional
properties that absolutely you would see and understand if it were
visible, which it is not - for it can never be found or detected, and it
won't be. Within this mulitdimensional place is the record of who you
are. Again, it's called the Cave of Creation.

When you come to the planet, this is the first place you visit, even
before the birth canal. When you leave the planet, it's the last place
you visit before you come home. It, therefore, is the depository of
the record of humanity - all of the lives that humanity have lived and
the very core soul essence of who each of you are. Here is more
information on how it works. It is the Akashic Record.

Each soul in the Cave of Creation is unique. Let us take yours, for
instance. What is your spiritual name? It's not a name you can
pronounce, dear one, but rather an energy. That energetic name is
partly the name of God and is recorded in the Cave of Creation
metaphorically, as a stripe on a crystalline structure. The crystalline
structure, you might say, is that which remembers the vibration of
who you were. So when you come into the planet for the first time,
there is a crystalline structure waiting for you (since the potential of
your arrival is known). As you live on planet Earth, Gaia and the
entire system "knows" you are here. Then you pass over to the other
side of the veil. When you leave, you visit the cave again and
enhance that crystalline structure with an energy of everything you
have done. Then you leave the earth, but the crystalline structure
with your information remains.

Now, let us say you come back to Earth, and you're going to have
another life and another earthly name. Before you arrive within the
birth canal, another stripe is added to the crystalline structure. Note:
It is the same soul, but now has stripe number two. As it develops on
the planet, the cave knows you will return and activate or awaken the
stripe every time you return. So, therefore, you have a crystalline
structure for every soul, not every lifetime. Some of the souls
represented have a thousand stripes! So perhaps you might
understand that there are far fewer of these crystalline soul records
than you thought. One for every soul, not every life.

Now I want to tell you something: There are old souls in this room
and reading this. That's who you are. Even the one or the two here
that have come to this place not necessarily for the program, but to
be with somebody else, are old souls as well. You don't have to know
about spiritual things to be an old soul. Many walk this earth and
never awaken to who they are, for this is their free choice. But the
fact is that the Humans who often come to meetings of this kind are
the ones feeling the calling to be part of a shift of the planet, the end
of one age and the beginning of another. These are the ones whose
eyes are on the page now.

The Mysterious Functions of the Cave

So the Cave of Creation becomes the Gaia record of who is here and
who has been here. This, then, is the physical part. What I tell you
next is the interdimensional part that is confusing to the Human
Being. Listen: The cave is static in 3D and yet dynamic in multi-D;
that is to say, there are never any crystals added or taken away in
3D. That means that there's a crystalline structure for every potential
Human Being who will ever live on planet Earth. Now you might say,
"Oh, no, that doesn't make sense. It sounds like predestination. Spirit
knows everyone who is coming?" No we don't, but this is not
predestination. Instead, the cave is predisposed in a quantum way to
be complete every moment. A quantum energy deals with potentials,
and not empirical [absolute] attributes. Therefore, as things change
on the planet, the cave changes quantumly, but not physically. The
crystalline structure counts do not change. I can't explain that to you
except to say this is a quantum event. The cave is always complete.
It always has all of humanity in it. It is connected to the past, present
and future.

The very confusing thing for you is that this means you are actually
interacting with those who are not here yet. Again, I can't explain it
any better than that, and your three-dimensional mind is not ready to
go on that journey. But know this.

The cave is complete.

It's sacred.

It's sealed forever.

The soul crystals remember your lives and the energy of your lives.

The soul energies within the crystals interact with each other.

The lifetimes you live modify the energy of the cave and, therefore,

Gaia is there, since the cave resides interdimensionally within Gaia.

So, in summary, this cave becomes the record of souls, of their many
lifetimes and the energy that they create. Now listen to me, for this is
the focus of this message. Whatever you do on the planet, whatever
vibrational energy you create on the planet, is imbued into these
crystalline substances. The record of that life energy remains on the
planet with the accompanying vibration within that crystal - forever.
Mary and George

Let's say you are Mary tonight. I'll talk to you. Mary, when you cross
over, the cave is where you're going. It's a three-day Earth journey.
Mary, old soul, you've been there before. Oh, Mary, you've been
there before - and because of that, you go there in joy. You
remember it! You know where you're going, and you remember what
it means. You're going home. There is no sting in death, for although
there might be a temporary fog of interdimensional reconnection, you
remember the feeling of joy! This is the promise to you, Mary, that
we all take your hand and you feel it. Death of the Human Being is a
transitional energy, not a terminal one. There is no "end," but rather
a journey to an energy that you remember the moment you take
your last breath.

Let us say Mary is a healer. Let us say Mary has increased the
vibration of this planet by her very presence of walking on the earth.
Let us say that the earth remembers Mary's footsteps, because Gaia
knows who she is. Let us say that Mary is in touch with her Higher-
Self. Let us say Mary has created a mini-portal wherever she goes
because of this, and now she passes over.

There is a gathering of Humans... much sorrow. They are so sorry to

see her go because she was a marvelous presence, a wonderful
mother and loving Human Being. They cry and there are tears and
there is grieving. Well, here's the metaphysical truth: Mary goes to
the Cave of Creation and everything she ever was, and the portal she
created as a Human, is imbued into her soul crystalline structure.
That portal then remains because Mary was here! The marvelous
presence, the wonderful mother and the loving Human is not wasted!
It's imbued into Gaia itself, through the process of the Cave of
Creation, and that energy of remembrance never goes away. It never
goes away! It becomes part of the earth life-force consciousness from
then on.

Then she comes again as George.


Don't just laugh, because here's the real process and the beauty of
the system. Ready? When George comes in, he picks up Mary's
record! Then both George and Mary go to the next area of Akashic
teaching, the second of the four parts we are teaching today. The
system continues.

The Akash Within your DNA

Everything that is represented in the crystalline of the Cave of
Creation regarding your core soul crystal is transferred to your DNA
at birth. You transfer it in the Cave of Creation. That's why you go
there. It's becomes your personal Akashic Record, every lifetime
you've been, everything you've ever done is all in your DNA. As we
have mentioned before, this Akashic Record resides in every double
helix in a multidimensional way, and is represented by the billions of
chemicals in the 90% of DNA that science sees as junk! Science is
looking at it with 3D eyes and it seems vastly complex with no
symmetry or order. It is, indeed, multidimensional to the max! But
it's all there in a beautiful system. We have told you that before. But
perhaps you didn't get the full implications of what it means?

Think. George, you now have George and Mary in your DNA, but only
George's body is there. So, what is George going to do with Mary's
lifetime in his DNA? I'll give you the answer. Everything that Mary
learned is now available to George. Remember that Mary and George
are the same soul, just taking a different form on Gaia at the
moment. The beauty of the system is this: The Higher-Self is also the
same, since it represents core soul energy. Therefore, George doesn't
have to learn again what Mary learned! It's in his DNA. Even the
compassionate mother is there. Mary's spiritual journey is there, and
at a level that could care less about gender, the love of God is there,
created by the journey of a Human soul on planet Earth.

Listen to me. You came into this life and you sit in the chair hearing
and reading this - and you're learning spiritual things today. Maybe
you think there is a steep learning curve and so much to know?
Maybe all this is new, and you are overwhelmed with all this
information and the feelings that go with it? Let me tell you, old soul,
that you are simply awakening something you already knew. If you
give intent, old soul, you will remember it!

What if you are a very old soul on this planet? That means you're
going to have the wisdom of the ancients in your DNA right now. It
means that every page you read in a Kryon book, you can say, "I
remember this. It's right. There's nothing new here. But it's nice to
see it in writing."

[Kryon smile]

Let us now look at the first two attributes of the Akash of humanity.
(1) The Cave of Creation is a record of who comes and goes. The
energy thereof stays with the earth and helps the vibration of the
planet to change. Therefore, human lifetimes modify the vibration of
the planet. (2) The DNA of each Human contains the individual record
of the one soul and helps the next incarnation [Human expression on
Earth] to become more aware, if this is their choice.
Look at the first attribute in this lesson: It's Gaia related. The cave is
in Gaia. It is deep in the earth and it represents many crystalline
structures. "Known by the earth," you are. Loved by the earth, you
are. Those of you who deal with Earth-like things - nature, animals,
even the study of the rocks and land - can feel it. When you walk in
certain places, you can feel it! The intelligence, which is Gaia, speaks
to you. There is a confluence of energy that wraps around you that
says, "I know you. You belong here. It is appropriate that you step
upon the planet." Oh, Human Being, for what you do here will change
the Universe eventually. Can't you feel it? How many of you have
ever walked into a forest alone and felt the company of the trees?
That's real!


I speak of the precious animals all the time and how they're here to
service humanity and how they do it so completely. I've spoken about
how some of them are here to be eaten. Many don't like to hear this,
but understand that collectively the animals understand this. They
have to be part of the Human food chain, since humanity doesn't
have the ability to grow things fast enough and distribute that food.
So that's a service, you see? For those of you who are vegan, you
might say, "I never eat them!" That is a choice for your health. It's
appropriate and accurate, but doesn't hold true for the survival of the
Human race, for animals are needed for Human nourishment and
survival at the moment.

So let's divert for a moment and give you some valuable information
about Human consumption of animal life. Many Humans need to eat
them, but never understanding that the animal knew this when it
came in. Is this too spooky for you? This is known by those who know
of animal spirits and can see the sacrifice and appropriateness of this.
It was also very well known by the ancients. But here is the question,
dear Human: How do you treat them? With that kind of purpose on
the planet, how do you treat them before they become your food?
How did the ancients treat them? Now that's a hard question, isn't it?
Let me give you an attribute of truth. Did you know the better they're
treated, the more nutritious they'll be within your body? "Kryon,
please don't talk about that. We don't want to think about it." Dear
one, if not me, then who? Listen, if these animals are willing to come
and be so grand a part of the life-force of this planet and help it to
vibrate higher by keeping you alive so you can make choices, don't
they deserve respect and comfort while they are growing up? The end
result will be a far better contribution to your health. Let the
scientists lead the way and do some comparison studies to show that
the nutritional values increase dramatically when an animal is
honored during its short lifetime. The ancients knew this and honored
each animal before it became part of their life-force.

There is no Cave of Creation for the animals. They are here in

support of humanity. Some of them are here to love you and you
know that. We speak of the ones in your home. They're here to love
you - another great service to Humans. You look in their eyes and
they look back. They see the old soul within you, did you know that?
They know the system. But they don't live very long, do they?
Sometimes there is heartbreak when they leave. But the good news?
Yes, they can reincarnate! They have choice with you to continue the
love affair! I don't know how many dear ones in the room are aware
of that system and I want my partner to develop this more clearly so
those animal lovers will know this. When their dear loved animals die,
they can continue the love affair if they want to by looking in the
right place and finding the returning soul, picking it up and continuing
what they had. There's somebody in the room and reading that
needed to hear that. There is a system for their core souls to return!

So in a way, many animals have souls, too, but they're not in the
Cave of Creation. They don't have the profound system of planetary
change that you do, which is a consciousness that can increase itself
by free choice. The Human is the only being on Earth who can do
this, because the Human has divinity in the DNA. It was implanted
there, appropriately and with love, approximately 100,000 years ago
by that which is from another star system.

We have given you all this before. In all appropriateness, the Humans
on this planet received their spiritual seeds from the Pleiadians in a
beautiful way, in an appropriate way, in a divine way, in a perfect
way. There were no wars, no conspiracies, and these beautiful star
souls are still here. They're your brothers and your sisters and a piece
of them is in you. You're in a quantum state with them. I can't
explain that anymore either. But some of you can feel it. Some of you
can see it. It's beautiful, and it's not inappropriate, odd or scary.
Instead, it is the real creation story on the planet and can be found in
the indigenous writings all over the planet. Look for references to the
seven sisters and the stories about creation.

In your DNA surges all that you ever were, old soul, and we have told
you in many channellings how you can access this. This access is not
just as spiritual information, but as the ability to access some of the
Human attributes that you had in the past. The essence of the energy
of who you used to be is in your DNA. Therefore, this Akashic
information has the ability to communicate to the blueprint of your
stem cells. Remember, it's all within the same double-helix structure
that contains the protein-encoded section, your genes! Are you
understanding this? Your DNA is, therefore, a far larger system than
any medical authority has ever believed it to be. It is an
interdimensional system that has the ability to modify itself at any
time. It explains spontaneous remission. Spontaneous remission is
the Human Being who decides they're done with the disease, and who
then picks up the energy from a past life that never had the disease.
Many Humans have rid themselves of the most virulent diseases
known to man. They suddenly come up clean with no trace of it -
spontaneous remission. The dreaded disease simply goes away. I'll
tell you, dear one, that is not a miracle from above. That's a miracle
from within.

The Crystalline Grid - The Third of Four

Let me tell you number three. There is a grid of appropriateness that

is being activated in this energy today, like never before. It is an
esoteric grid, which means it is spiritual in nature and you cannot see
it. It has a name that should give away what it does. It is called the
Crystalline Grid. Crystalline is the name given to it so you'll
understand it is a storage attribute of Gaia and it stores life-force
information. It is similar to the Cave of Creation regarding the
purpose of the crystalline structure - information storage.

So let's refine the definition from the above for clarity. The Crystalline
Grid of Gaia [the planet] is a grid of the earth that is esoteric
[spiritual] and that stores the life-force energy of humanity, the
energy of you. Now this is different than the Cave of Creation. The
cave is a record of who you are and what you've done. The energy of
your contribution to Earth [whatever it is] goes into the cave,
becomes part of the earth, and stays there. The Crystalline Grid,
however, is above the earth; imagine it laying upon the earth. This
grid is on the exterior. You can't see it, but it's there.

Now, this Crystalline Grid also contains imprints of your energy, but is
location specific. The best example I can give you is this. When you
go to parts of Europe, you might feel what has happened there. There
are layers and layers of war. Some of you have a hard time
meditating there. It's difficult to clear the land, isn't it, because of
what's happened on the land? The Crystalline Grid contains
everything that ever happened and where it happened. You see? So it
is a location-specific Human energy storage grid. Is it part of Gaia?
Absolutely. It lays upon Gaia like a blanket of energy of Human

Did you ever notice that when you go to certain parts of the planet
where almost nothing happened significant in Human history, it's
clear and clean and you meditate better? I want to ask you
something. Do you think this has an effect on where the spiritualists
in this new energy come from? Take a look at where all of the
channellers have come from in the last 25 to 30 years. They have
come from the pristine lands that never had major wars [many from
the western portion of the USA]. Did you think of that? Take a look.
This is because it's easier for a Human Being to relate to a pristine
essence of Gaia. It creates a far stronger spiritual connection. Again,
here it is. The connection with Gaia is there - the connection with the
earth. Why the earth? Because Gaia is part of a measuring system, a
vibrational measuring system. There'll come a day when the earth is
measured for its vibrational attributes - attributes created by what
the Humans did. Collectively, the entire Human experience lays upon
and within this planet, and creates a vibratory rate that is measurable
by Spirit. That's the Crystalline Grid.

A while ago, we gave you some of the attributes of this Crystalline

Grid that you didn't expect. It's in a recent channelling [Berkeley
Springs, West Virginia]. You can read and understand even more of
the energy it contains. It even explains ghosts. The Crystalline Grid
contains a quantum imprint so strong in certain areas that even
though the Human Beings have left, the imprint of what they did
replays like a tape. Go find this information if you're interested.*
That's how profound the Human influence is upon Gaia.

A Summary

So here you are with this information. Interesting, isn't it? There are
three places where your Human energy exists at the same time. (1)
The Cave of Creation - it keeps a record of who you are as you come
and go, and imbues your lifetime of experience to the vibration of the
planet even after you have gone. It is the multidimensional system
that captures the Human experience for Gaia and it stays with Gaia.
(2) The DNA in the Human body helps you while you are alive in each
lifetime, for all that you ever were is information and energy that is
stored in the double helix. All thousand lifetimes are there if you've
lived a thousand of them. They are all accessible. You never have to
relearn anything spiritually since it's cumulative - that is, it stays with
you from lifetime to lifetime. All you have to do is open that spiritual
jar of intent to remember, and out will come the wisdom of the
ancients. This ought to tell you something. All of you are your own
ancestors. Did you think of that? (3) The Crystalline Grid - a spiritual
grid that lays over the planet's surface that remembers everything
that Humans do and where they do it. This grid is also being
reactivated as you approach 2012, for it is becoming more quantum
in that what you do in real time is being transferred to Gaia through
this grid in real time. This means that the energy of humanity is
affecting the vibrational level of the planet in actual time instead of
waiting to receive the energy after you pass to the Cave of Creation.
This also creates a feeling of time going faster for you.

Look at the ancestors for a moment, for they knew something. Look
at their wisdom. What is the first thing they did when they started a
spiritual ceremony? They honored their ancestors! They all know
intuitively that their ancestors are still with them. That is always first
in their order of honoring. Before they make decisions, they always
go to the ancestors and ask them for wisdom. The indigenous know
how to mine the Akash, they always have, because they realize the
circle of life contains accessible information. They know it's inside of
them. They also knew Gaia and considered the earth as a life-force
partner - a partner in their soul life. Oh, dear one, if you study the
ancients, you're going to find everything I've given you today. They
knew. Intuitively, they knew.

The Backup System is Alive

Lastly, here is something we have spoken of only two times before.

Years and years ago, we gave you some information that we now
complete. It may be hard for you to understand the following, but the
three systems I just gave you are mostly Gaia related. Even the
Human DNA is part of the Gaia system, since it represents a
biological evolvement of humanity on the planet, from the dust of the
earth. Yet there is a backup system for all of it, a redundancy that
isn't the kind of "backup" that you think of -- for your backup is
something that is linear, in case you lose the first one. This "backup"
system is one that assists the others all the time. The information of
those three combined Akashic systems are stored in a living mammal
on this planet. It has to be this way, for it is the final layer and it
connects you not only with Gaia, but it connects you with the rest of
the life on Earth in a most profound way. The system is stored in the
whales of Earth.

Let's talk about whales for a moment. You love them, don't you? By
the way, ask a biologist - a dolphin is a whale, just a smaller one. Did
you know that? You love the dolphins, don't you? Did you realize that
the whale is the only mammal on the planet protected by treaties
signed by almost all of the countries of Earth, even the countries
without an ocean? What a coincidence! There is an intuitive level of
all humanity, no matter what their system of government, no matter
where they are, which knows that you can't eliminate whales or you'll
change the life-force balance of Earth. They hold the records. It is the
cycle. The whales are in Gaia; they're under the water. They're
mammals like you. They contain the information. The Akashic cycle is
complete. The very water of the earth also glows with everything
you've done, who you are and who you might be.

Do you see the profundity of the system? Look at what it is about:

It's about you. All of it. Why would the earth be designed so
intelligently to keep track of you, to honor you, to know who you are
and the spiritual name you have? Why would that be unless you were
important, unless you were part of the master plan, unless you had
something to do with the Universe's future. Think about it. That's the
system. I won't be the only one to channel this information to you.
There are others who've never heard these words, who will tell you
the same thing. If you get a chance, you might even ask Gaia, and
she'll tell you the same thing.

Gaia exists for the sacred Human Beings who are on this planet in
lesson. I give you this in love today. I want you to think about
something. Everywhere you walk, you're known by the earth. What a
system! Why do I give this to you today? It's so that you continue to
feel loved and cared for. It's so you know there's a hand-holding
going on between Spirit and you and Gaia, if you want it. There are
so many things here for you if you want them. Old soul, you sit here
for a purpose. Maybe you needed to hear this today. Important you
are, precious you are, and a master you are. Now go claim it. Live a
long time. Be joyful in the process. Don't make up your mind what's
supposed to happen. The worst thing you can do is predispose what
God has for you based upon what you think is happening now.
Instead, relax, be joyful in all things, and fall in love with yourself.

Leave this place differently than you came.

I am Kryon, lover of humanity - for a good reason.

And so it is.


"The Secret to Mastery"

This live channelling was Given in Moscow, Russia

Saturday May 15, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee
and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what
happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind
of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy
this enhanced message given in Moscow in May, 2010.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. As my partner

says, linear time goes quickly and here we are at the end of a two-
day event. The entity called Kryon, however, is not linear. I really
represent an energy instead of an entity, and it's never the same.
There are attributes of it that you've come to expect, but it's never
the same. If you've noticed, this energy grows in intensity over time
as the Human [Lee] allows the portal of awareness to open bigger.
The largest part of this process is yours, for you won't receive any of
the energy unless you try to match what he is doing, within your own
awareness. He opens the doors as wide as he can and this gives an
allowance of information to come through a sacred, personal portal.
As my partner channels, the information passes through his Higher-
Self, and that is the meld that you see now. It is his style and is what
he allows, what he permits with his consciousness. You are asked to
do the same. This, then, generates still another energy, which is
called "the third language." We've mentioned this process many
times before. It's the language of catalytic energy.

It's important that you hear his voice. Did you realize that? Even if
you don't understand his language. [Lee is speaking English, and it is
being translated into Russian.] For within the audio are the actual
vibrations in the air and a catalytic language of spirit, which is energy
in the room. It is felt, and it rides on top of whatever it is you are
perceiving as the message here that is linear.

So that is what you feel now, dear ones, if you allow yourselves to
feel, tonight. The highly intellectual and the academic Humans who
are here may choose not to feel. They may choose not to involve any
emotion at all. And if that's the case, there's no judgment of that. But
in their process, they put a barrier between a beautiful thing and
themselves. How many of you can allow the portal to open and
absorb this simple message? Those who do will receive all the energy
that is given - and some of it may actually be a healing energy.

This is not going to be an endurance channel. Instead, it's going to be

a sweet punctuation mark on a beautiful two days together. What is it
you're going to take away from our time together? Memories?
Perhaps there could there be more? In a multidimensional state, you
can carry energies out the door with you that you didn't bring in.
They are appropriate, light, and can be life-changing as you consider
the ideas of who you really are.

In the process of channelling, my information teaches mastery. That

is what comes through me, given to my partner [Lee]. For 21 years,
we have been teaching this in various stages, in various ways, and
through many subjects. It's all about opening the door and seeing a
"larger you." The lecture today that my partner gave [earlier in the
day] is one where we gave concepts to show you that there is a
restraint on your thinking [a bias]. However, even with this bias,
many of you are ready to open this multidimensional door wider. So
in these few remaining moments, I'm going to give a simple
message. I'm going to call it this: "The Secret of Mastery."

Is it the "implant?"
What does this really mean to you? Who is a master to you? Is it
possible that you might change yourself to the degree where you
could say, "I have mastery?" What does that mean in your life? Well,
perhaps some of you have looked at the Kryon work for answers.
Twenty-one years ago, I gave you a concept of an energy that was
called an "implant." At that time, my partner told me that it was not a
good word to use, for many times humans believed this to be an evil
thing. It made many back up and look at it and examine it. "What is
it?" they would say. Some were afraid of it and many ran the other
way, never examining what it might represent. Some even burned
the Kryon books.

This is exactly the reaction we wanted, much to the dismay of my

partner. But it was appropriate because once a Human accepts it, it
starts a process of epiphany. After all these years, it is now defined
as the "implantation of permission to shift." Maybe some of you did
that? Perhaps you gave that spiritual permission and things started to
change? Many did. Maybe now you're one who did that and is sitting
here, and you now know, "This implant must be the secret to
mastery, for it started a massive change in me and here I sit today
with full knowledge of my spiritual quest. Kryon, is that the secret to
mastery?" No, that is just an intuitive step. The implant was a good
process to start with back then, for it involved that thing you hear so
many times, pure intent to shift and allowance of spiritual change.

Is it with the Higher-Self?

"Well, then perhaps it's the acknowledgement of the Higher-Self?

That must be it, Kryon. Am I right?" Some of you have opened the
door metaphorically to your heart, and you've aligned the three-
dimensional part of you with the multidimensional part of God. This is
a major shift and some of you are so different today than when you
started this esoteric journey. You are so different! You feel it and you
know it. You believe that perhaps you're actually touching pieces and
parts of the Higher-Self. You can feel it actually re-patterning things
in your life that you thought could never change, and you're right.
"So that must be it and that must be the secret of creating mastery -
connection to the Higher-Self. Right, Kryon?" That's not it, either, but
that's very important. It's one of the most important things you can
do. There are so many messages we have given on that, and so
many years we invited you to do exactly that.

Can you be bigger than you think? Can you open your heart tonight?

Let me ask you a question. In this culture, in this society [Moscow], it

would be a courageous thing this evening to be loved, would it not?
What if you were to drop your guarded heart long enough to feel
something here? What would happen to you? I'll make you a
promise; If you will open that guarded area of yours, just for a few
moments, and absorb what is coming, you can then close it right up
again if you don't like the energy. This is a safe place to be right now.
Can you do that?

Is it in the DNA?

What is the secret to mastery? Some have said, "Well, it must involve
the newest Akashic teaching, for in the last two years, Kryon, we
have heard what you've said about the Akashic record inside our
cellular structure. You even have a book about this!"

Indeed, this is an amazing dimensional tool where past lives are no

longer past. In this new energy, the Human Being can dip into the
seeming metaphoric soup of past life energies and bring up what they
need in everyday life. Today, a Human Being can go inside and pick
up the things that they need from the past. They can create a
quantum state with the lifetimes they have earned and lived and
have a multidimensional experience with time, spiritually going in and
getting the things they need. They've lived those energies, and they
still own them and deserve them. They can have peace over
anything. They can remove drama from their lives and even heal
their cellular structure. This is one of the most powerful tools we've
ever discussed with humanity. I only opened the door to the concept
of mining the Akash within the last two years. What a concept! Think
of the power there. Only masters could do that in the past.

"So Kryon, is that it? Is that what you're talking about? That's the
secret to mastery, isn't it?" No. It's a new concept for you, and a
good one, but it's not the secret, not really.

You see, that's why we call it a secret. Because when I tell you what
it is, you're going to think, "Well, that's just a little too easy - not
much of a secret." Well, if it was easily seen, then all of you would be
doing it, wouldn't you? It hides, and it's not that easy to accomplish.

Is it the new intition information?

"Perhaps it's what was being taught about the power of intuitive
thought? Kryon, you've talked about intuition as a new tool that is
becoming a map of co-creation abilities, almost like a
multidimensional antenna that you raise, letting you feel the
potentials of the future. Is that it?"

Intuition is the new action tool, allowing you to know when to turn
left and when to turn right and how to act at certain times based on
the energy before you. What a beautiful tool this is, for it honors a
proactive approach, replacing the non-active "let go and let God"
energy of the past, where you sat and waited for answers. Not all of
you have heard of all these tools, but I've been giving them to you
for a long time. Intuition is an actual map you can use on a daily
basis to make sense of life. It isn't something that tells the future,
but rather something that gives you immediate direction when you
reach the point where you need it. It represents the energy of the
entourage that is with you all the time, which is aware of all that is.
"Yes! That must be it, because the masters who walked the earth had
that ability! Kryon, is that it?"


"Well, then, Kryon, it must be the last one we can think of. It's got to
be all about what you taught about Layer Nine of DNA. That was
yesterday's channelling, and the newest information." [Moscow
Channelling #1]

That was, indeed, powerful information. Now you can join the three-
dimensional and multidimensional parts of the immune system and
create a healthy body. I explained that last night. "So, is that it,
Kryon? That's got to be it. There's nothing left."

No, dear one, that's not it either.

The Secret of Mastery

Human Beings tend to look at lists and stair steps, ladders and
processes. These things are all needed in 3D, for that's the way
Humans move from one point to another. That is the linearity of your
reality, so it is needed. It's also helpful for learning, and it makes
sense that you would list these things and ask if the secret is within
them. It isn't. Instead, the secret of mastery overlays every single
one of those attributes on the list, and it's not something you can
accomplish easily or memorize.

It's hard to define what it is, but I can try and give it to you. It's
called love of self. Can you love yourself? Can you fall in love with the
face in the mirror? Can you look at yourself as divine and beautiful?
Immediately, you let out a sigh and say, "Well, that's too easy. Of
course I can. I can do that." But you're not doing it, are you?

Let's pretend for a moment that your very essence is a little child. Let
us pretend for a moment that the most sensitive part of you, the soul
core, has the feelings of a child. What would you say to that child,
dear Human Being, dear adult? Well, let me tell you what I hear you
say to the child within yourself:
"You're ugly. You're not worthy. You're never going to make it! Things
might get better on Earth, but not very soon, and besides, you may
not even be around for it since you are not going to live that long.
Somebody more important than you is coming to do the work. You'll
never do it."

Would you say that to a child? Would you say that to an infant who
looks up at you with innocent eyes with their feelings exposed? You
are the boss, and there is nobody else to listen to. Would you say
that? The answer is no. No! Then why do you say it to yourself, dear
one? For that is what we hear. The innocent child is that core of you,
which is waiting for the secret of mastery. It's a beautiful core energy
of love and it constantly looks at your own body and consciousness
for answers. What does it hear?

Pretend you have a little child. Listen to these words.

"Oh, how beautiful you are! Look at the Creator inside there! I see it
in your face, oh, precious little one. Look at the seeds of God sparkle
in your heart! Wow! With that energy, you're really going to go
places. You're magnificent! There isn't anything you can't do."

What does the child do with that, dear one? The little one smiles,
swells up, and takes their power. They love it!

"Really? You see that? Oh, thank you!" Then the child walks out of
the room with the seeds planted to grow into a being who knows
about how to treat himself and others. The truth is then acted upon
and his power increases each day that he walks the earth. Without
the rocks of doubt in his path, he accelerates to a new level, helping
all around him and helping the earth itself.

What if you could do that with yourself? What if this was the dialogue
you gave yourself in love every day of your life? What would you call
that? That's called falling in love with yourself. Now, that's not easy,
is it? You're going to have to rearrange your thinking, aren't you?
What if someone comes up to you to ask, "How are you?" Talk to the

"I feel great because I am a magnificent master!" You might say that,
but you don't, do you? No.

Humans have learned that if they become negative, it gets attention.

"How are you today?"

"Not well." (Immediate attention.) Let's have a little drama stirred in:
"Because something happened."
"What was it?"
"It was this, it was that… bad things."

You see, I've been listening to how humans communicate. I live with
you. Did you know that? I am a piece of the creative energy that is
around you all of the time. I know who you are, I know who's here.
Listen to these words come out of your mouth as you speak them.
Quite often it's a bad habit, but it tells the cells how you feel, since
they are listening, too! It reinforces a negative energy. Is there joy
there? Often not. If there is not, then there is no love of self.

Who wants to talk to a complainer or one who is in drama all the

time? Would you seek this person out for help with your spiritual
quest? Yet many of you claim to have spirituality, but you walk with a
dark cloud around you all the time. How can this be?

All of the things I've mentioned today are just a ladder of processes.
You can have as much academic and intellectual information you can
carry, but if you have no joy, you are nothing but a book with words
that lays there unread.

Perhaps you'll eventually get a piece of paper that says you

graduated and that you understand everything that Kryon teaches?
But the angels around you will cry in sorrow, because you never
understood the little child inside. That's the secret of mastery -
understanding the emotion of self-love and the energy it creates.

I want you to envision for a moment your favorite master. Who was
this person? Perhaps it was Christ? Perhaps the mother of Christ?
More recently, perhaps it was the Prophet Mohammed? Perhaps it
was more ancient and the Buddha? Perhaps it's very recent. Perhaps
it's a guru like Paramahansa Yogananda? Perhaps it's one of those? It
doesn't matter, for they all taught the same basic message for their
culture - unity of humanity and the love of God inside. So visualize
them before you.

Look in their faces. What do you see? You see a Human Being at
peace with himself. What are the masters known for? Peace,
patience, lack of drama, love and understanding - all of these things.
Do you think this came with an intellectual pursuit? What have you
been told about their lives? Perhaps you were told that where their
footprints were, flowers grew. Their faces would shine like the sun
and little children would come around them. Even animals knew who
they were! All this because they were in love with the God inside.
That is the secret of mastery. If you have trouble with that, I'll give
you a vision.

Look past the face in the mirror and see the beauty of God in you.
While you look at yourself, love that. Slowly, you'll start loving
yourself. Do you dare be loved tonight like this? Do you dare open
your heart and feel these things? Why not? What are you afraid of?
Do you think it's going to hurt? Is it culturally inappropriate? Your
real family is here, invisible before you.

So that's the request of Kryon at this time, in this place. A piece of

the Creator is before you [the Kryon energy]. It's what you're hearing
and feeling in this third language. Some of you are feeling it even as
you read this and you are wondering what it is. Well, that's the way
truth presents itself when your door is open! Those with an open door
right now know this is real.

There's validation of the energy being presented here. Some of you

here who can see the colors on the stage around my partner know
that this cannot be faked or created artificially. Neither can the
epiphanies that are happening in the room or the healing that is
going on at the moment in one of the chairs here. Leave this place
different than you came. That's the love of self. That is what the
masters had that you cannot learn with steps or processes or with the
intellectual mind. You must become it.

And so it is.

"Energetic Consciousness"

This live channelling was Given in Berkeley Springs, West

Saturday July 17th, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee
and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what
happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind
of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy
this enhanced message given in West Virginia on July 17th,

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. The pendulum

of reality swings yet again into my corner and there is an element of
disbelief here. In a group of old souls, there is always this. They say
it's too easy – too easy to fake. So we say this to you before we
begin this discussion: It's about love that's what it's about. It always
has been and it always will be. It's not the love that you think, for
there is a force in the Universe even your astronomers have
recognized and seen and identified. They call it intelligent design.

They are correct, since the Universe itself is biased. It's biased in life
creation; it's biased in love. There is conscious purpose for
everything, and astronomers, scientists, physicists, they want to see
a complete and total neutrality within all things, yet they don't find it.
Isn't it funny that you have put your own idea of "the logic of the
scientific method" right onto what you expect to see in the Universe?
When you don't get it back from the study of the Universe, you don't
wonder if the method is wrong, you question the data! That's funny
to us!

We wish to discuss some of the things you are discovering, and also
some of the things that you already are seeing but have not labeled
correctly. The power that is starting to become yours requires the
understanding of energies around you that you have never identified
correctly. You wish to see many things as energy, when they are
specifically "energetic information." So this is one of the first
multidimensional channellings of a series that may last a long time
and be given over time, that begins to explain to you in a better
fashion the concepts that have been misunderstood or not explained
at all.

There is a huge distance between the nucleus of the atom and the
electron haze. If you could go with me to the smallest of the small,
you'd find an enormous amount of emptiness there... a puzzling
amount of it, actually. Physicists will tell you that most everything is
"made of nothing," since the majority of mass is made up of this
mysterious space in atomic structure. But it's only because science
just can't see what's "in the dark." This is a phrase we will use for the
3D mind trying to examine a multidimensional reality. The
multidimensional truth is this: Between that which is the nucleus of
the atom and the electron haze, there seems to be nothing, but it is
actually filled with energetic information, which science then calls
intelligent design.
This is difficult to explain, especially how this manifests itself to your
reality, but that is, indeed, the subject. So we'll start slow and easy.

Here is the Rose

There it is, my friends – a rose for you to imagine and examine. It's a
beautiful, red rose, but perhaps you don't like it? You don't like the
thorns, perhaps? Maybe you don't even like the color, perhaps?
Maybe you don't even want a rose? So you say to yourself, "I'd like it
much better if it was a daisy." But it's a rose. So you shrug and say,
"My reality is that I have a red rose with thorns." Now, in single,
dimensional digit thinking (3D), the scenario is static and
unchangeable. It is what it is. It's too bad you got a rose when you
wanted a daisy because it will always be a rose. If you could look at
the seed that the rose grows from and germinates from, it will always
be a rose. "Too bad," you might say. "It's forever a rose." So the
consensus of thinking and the actions around it are this: It will always
be a rose; therefore, I will never be able to change it. The concept of
changing the rose in any way, or of actually creating a daisy from the
rose, is not in your scope of thinking. You learned everything you
know in 3D.

Now consider for a moment a multidimensional scenario, one where

the master gardener visits the seed. Imagine for a moment that the
master gardener can tell that which is the seed to systemically alter
the information within the seed, to change what it is now to
something else. So the next time the cells start to divide, the thorns
drop off and the color changes. Or, perhaps, even maybe, a daisy
grows instead!

Now, if this actually happened, what would you call this? The answer
is, you would call it a miracle! Unbelievable! Impossible! We call it
basic, multidimensional physics, ready to be discovered and
understood. But your reaction is how you define things that look out
of the purview of your dimensional reality. I want you to start looking
at these things differently. I want you to start seeing energy that is
multidimensional as energetic information. A tremendous amount of
what you just call energy is only information. It leads us to the next
phase of this teaching.

A Discovery Has Been Made – A Report

For now, we give you a discovery on the planet that has been made
and is being used, and the discovery is this: You can change the
information within the cells of your body. That is to say, science has
discovered how to rewrite systemic portions of the DNA of the Human
body – to change its informational structure. Not to belabor an issue
[discussed many times by Kryon], but you must remember what the
scientists discovered about DNA. Only 5% of the 3 billion chemicals in
the DNA molecule are protein-encoded and gene producing. That is,
95% of the DNA chemistry seems to do nothing at all. So what you
have is a DNA structure, a DNA loop that has 3 billion chemicals in it
and 5% is the engine of the biological race car called the Human
Being (gene producing), while 95% is the driver (telling the car what
to do). Therefore, the largest part of DNA, which has been called
"junk DNA" in the past, is a consciousness of instructions. It's energy.
It's information, and it's huge!

What if you could change the information in those instructional DNA

parts? What would you say to them? Well, let me give you an
example of something that's already been done… a scientific

Rewriting the Information

Let us say that you're born with a deformed heart. Here is a heart
that is not operating properly. The valves don't fit. Let us go on to
say that that is who you are. You are a red rose with thorns. So, in
your reality, you're going to die sooner, not operate normally,
perhaps have to be on drugs when you're older, and you'll always
have a deformed heart. Now, I want you to use some logic of the
kind you have not used before and ask a biological question of
significance. Since all of the organs in your body rejuvenate many
times over your life, why is it that the heart remains deformed? Why
doesn't the Human body repair it over time? Certainly it does a good
job with skin injuries when healing itself (the skin is the largest organ
of the Human body, after all). Why does it continue to create a
deformed heart then, over and over, regenerating valves that don't
Here is the answer: Because the systemic information in every heart
cell remains static. That is, today, all the information in each DNA
molecule of the heart that is systemic (stem cells) contains the
blueprint for a deformed heart. Without something to change the
energy of the information within this systemic system, it will always
repeat what it has. A rose will always be a rose and the thorns will
always grow there.

So, what if you could literally change the information in the 95% of
your DNA? The majority of chemistry in your body is information,
driving the car of health and regeneration. It's the driver of the car of
chemistry and gene production. Is it possible to instruct it to go a
different way, steering the genes to another creative place? Yes.

Science is starting to learn how to address basic cellular information,

addressing the information energetically in DNA so that the stem cells
are given a pattern of perfectness instead of the deformity.* Then, as
the heart then starts to regenerate as all organs do, it slowly
becomes a functioning heart with valves that fit! Is this science
fiction? I'm telling you, it's being done now. For on the planet,
multidimensional inventions are starting to occur. There will be many
more. It will push the envelope of your believability and change
physics. You've seen this and you don't even know you've seen it.

Changing the Human Body's Reality

I'll ask you some other questions that you haven't really thought
about. We've brought these up before and now we can discuss them
more fully. Why can a starfish grow back an arm and you cannot? It's
because the basic programming DNA information in your body, in
your DNA, in the information portion, won't allow it. Does this make
sense to you? Can it be changed, or is that just too weird for you?
Will you accept the ability to change these things, or will you run
from them and call them ungodly, evil, and things you just "shouldn't

These very things came to pass with the first heart transplants on the
planet, and the reactions were predictable. It was out of the box of
your reality and, therefore, became a religious controversy. This one
will, too.

The race car driver, driving the information car of DNA, has instructed
the chemistry in your body that changing the rose into a daisy is to
be done only in the womb. Then the chemistry remains static and
never is adjusted by the body. So the instructions are always that
way every time a cell divides. So each time the deformed heart cell
creates a new, fresh heart cell, it is from the same deformed
blueprint. There'll come a day when you can change the instructions
and you'll be able to grow back a limb. All of the chemistry is there,
and it's not that hard. But the instructions at the DNA level say you
can't do it, therefore, you have never seen it done and, therefore,
you can't imagine it.

Changing Your Way of Thinking

The energy around you is changing and it's necessary for you to
change your perceptions of what is around you – what is yours to
manage and change and how you can actually call upon the creator
inside to recreate what you thought was unchangeable. Many will see
you as even stranger than they imagined you were, saying that you
can manifest seeming miracles, but you are just learning the way
things really work.

Imagine the race car driver in a splendid machine, but he is only able
to give it instructions to turn left. That's what a race car driver does,
you know? [left turns only] What happens to the driver when the race
track straightens out and he doesn't know how to do anything but
make left turns? You've got to change the information that he has
and let him learn how to finally take advantage of everything his car
can do. That is what is being done.

When the spinal cord is severed, there is chemistry that races to the
place of the severing so it won't grow back. Did you know that? There
is a hormonal protein structure that actually keeps it from growing
back. How does that serve humanity? Well, it doesn't. It's a product
of evolution, and evolution doesn't always produce the kind of result
you might think. It's also slow and sometimes stops, depending on
what the evolving species does. It's not perfect, and you can see this
everywhere in the Human body – things that don't make sense.

Nerves are designed to grow back, yet they don't. Did you know that
the nerves of the Human body even have addresses so they can find
themselves and grow back? Yet in a spinal cord injury, they don't. It's
because it is built into the race driver's information to the car not to
grow back a spinal cord severing! This is an oxymoron in a biological
structure that seems to be designed to survive, yet sometimes shows
you differently.

There'll come a day when you can reprogram the systemic systems of
your body with consciousness and invention. Stem cells exist
everywhere in the Human body, alive and well. They are what pattern
what happens. Chemically, they are responsible for a Human that is
predisposed to disease. That predisposition then will be carried to the
child and the imprint and the energy and the information of the 95%
will continue and continue and continue, unless it's reprogrammed.
Listen: It's not chemical! It's informational energy. It is
multidimensional energy.

There is new technology coming to reprogram pieces and parts of the

body at the stem cell level (systemic level). Do you know what this
means? There are young women in the room who may carry a
specific gene that their ancestors carried, one that will pass on the
predispositions of cancers and weaknesses. Listen: When you can
rewrite your genetic print, none who follow you will have it either. Do
you understand what I'm saying to you? Your children and your
children's children will only have the reprogramming that you do.
They will not have the original information. The cells in your body will
take the new systemic information and claim it as your blueprint and
pass it to your children.

Energy is like that. Informational energy is like that, and there's a lot
of it on the planet. There are systems on the planet that have been
misunderstood for a long time. Let me give you a couple. This is
controversial. You may not agree. You may not like it, but I'm going
to give it to you anyway.

Ghosts – Multidimensional Information or Trapped Souls?

Humans love things that go bump in the night. They love to be
frightened and they love to be scared. They love movies that scare
them and they love haunted places. Have you seen the upsurge in
the interest of haunted places lately? Much of your media is creating
new shows around them.

Now, let me tell you what they are and why they work the way they
do. Now we get into the power of the information of the Human
lifetime and the Akash. Human consciousness carries an imprint that
affects the planet and we have told you this from the beginning of our
teachings. Human consciousness is what is going to change the
planet. Human consciousness is information. It is information, not
just random energy, that you develop based upon what you think and
it's powerful. Human consciousness actually goes into what we have
called the Crystalline Grid of the planet, which is a multidimensional
grid. You can't see it, but it holds energy. It holds multidimensional

When we measure the planet for spiritual vibration, it is the

Crystalline Grid that is measured. The Crystalline Grid only has on it
what Humans have put there. It is an multidimensional record of
thought, of lifetimes and of happenings. Why is it that certain land
seems filled with old, layered energy of war and other land is clear
and clean? The reason is always the same – it's what happened on
the land that Humans created. Therefore, you already have the
concept of Human energy affecting places.

Here's what I'm going to tell you: In certain conditions and in certain
ways, a Human life or an interaction of multi-lives together in a
profound scenario will create an energetic informational imprint in a
place. It's information and energy that will replay itself over and over
and over like a recording tape in 3D. You see it as a haunted house!
So here is some of the things that will give you something to think
about: Did you notice that in a haunting, you have a scenario that
repeats itself over and over? Nothing new ever happens. The man
comes down the stairs, the man goes up the stairs. The woman in the
kitchen moves from the left to the right, sits in a chair, rocks for
awhile, moves away. If it involved dramatic things such as murder,
the man comes down the stairs with the ax, over and over and over
and over. It's a good movie, isn't it? And that's all it is! "Why does it
feel the way it feels, Kryon?" Because it's the result of a Human
consciousness imprint and you've got one, too. When you're there
overlapping with it, it gives you chills because it's real. It happened.
It can even interface with you!

Now, science has gotten involved also, as they should. They're

noticing something about true "haunted" areas. The imprint (the
haunting) carries scientific attributes that are measureable and –
ready – they're all multidimensional! Guess what changes they have
measured in these places? Magnetics, gravitation, light and even time
anomalies, because what it is, is a multidimensional event, imprinted
onto a place on the planet that plays over and plays over and plays
over. Multidimensional attributes also often carry temperature
change, always to the cold side. We even told you that if you are
going to develop a multidimensional lens, you will need to have a
super cryogenic attribute. Do you remember? This is an attribute of
things "out of 3D."

Can you capture it on your video recording devices? Yes. Because it

knows it's being observed. (Just like light knows it's being observed
in physics experiments.) Because it's part of an imprint that is
multidimensional. In a quantum sense, it knows. I can't explain this
to you, since your bias is that you assign knowing to specific
consciousness. That is to say, you feel something can only know if it's
intelligent and Human, or animal. This isn't either of those. It's a
knowing that is quantum. Much of your quantum physics lets you see
these very unusual attributes of light and magnetics where there is
no distance or time. It's present here, too.

Don't ponder this too much, for you won't like it. You absolutely want
and need for there to be an intelligent "soul" where you feel
something seemingly intelligent. How can it just be information? The
answer is beyond your experience, so you can't understand it. But
multidimensional information seems to have what you consider to be
"life consciousness," yet it isn't. Let me asks you this: When you
interface with your artificial intelligence machines (computers), and
they talk to you and call you by name, do you then panic and say
there is a "ghost in the machine?" No. It's only code… information.
Now, amplify that by a million-fold and you have multidimensional

How to Get Rid of a Ghost or Haunting

Oh, I have more to tell you. There are things that you wouldn't
believe that you can do to change this imprint. How would you like to
get rid of a haunting? Careful, you better not do it in a commercial
area, since the tourists won't like it! [Kryon humor] They depend on
the tape playing to sell tickets.

So, let's say it's in your house. You're going to have to present an
energy that is stronger than the imprint of the haunting. Got that?
You cannot order it away. It's not an entity, dear ones (told you it
would be controversial). No amount of huffing and puffing or calling
upon God will make it different. The imprint was created by
magnificent, powerful beings (called Human), sometimes seeming to
do ordinary things. There's a reason for that as well. I digress; you
really don't know the profundity of old soul energy. Have you ever
wondered why all the indigenous of the planet call upon their
ancestors and give them the honor that they do? Because there is a
knowing of the power that is there! Sometimes a person who seems
to be ordinary to you instead is a very old soul and carries much
information and energy to the grid. This is all about the Akashic
Record that is contained in the Human DNA.

Back to the subject, to rid yourself of an imprint (haunting). You've

got to present an energy that is stronger than the haunting. Now,
what could that be? As inappropriate as it is, I will tell you. Why don't
you bring lovers into that room? That will do it! That will do it
because that's a much stronger energy than the information in the
multidimensional "tape" that's playing. There are those who have
been in love here in this room. There are beautiful secrets here that I
know. Some of you know that I teach that the power and the energy
of Humans coming together in intimacy, which creates a third energy,
is far more powerful than the two creating it. It almost creates the
sound of angels singing, far greater than any physical act. And you
know it, Human Being. It is sacred. It's beautiful and stronger than
any haunting. Maybe you didn't want to hear that today? [Kryon
All right, perhaps you want another method? Then present the love of
God in that place with celebration and ceremony that will eventually
reduce the haunting to nothing, and will instead replace it with strong
love energy of creation. It takes the powerful emotion of love! And,
you might even call upon the ancestors for help. [bigger Kryon smile]

Even More Controversial

"But what about other things? Kryon, what about demon possession
and those kinds of things?" So I will tell you this: It's far different
than you think, because there are no demons. Humanity can conjure
up the most evil things imaginable, and it can do it very well. But you
knew that, too, didn't you? Because you're powerful, the pieces in
God in you, even in your mythology, are responsible for the devil
himself. A fallen angel became the devil? How can that even be? It
can't. God does not create evil; Humans to. Evil is the metaphor of
what a Human can do on the earth with the energy that they have.
Things are not always what they seem, Human Being. Demon
possession is the work of Human unbalance and supported by Human
mythology. Is it real? Yes. But it's Human created.

You see what you believe and create what you wish to have there.
Creating your own reality is one of the powerful attributes of the
Human Being, and they can do it in the negative as well as the
positive. You can even create the devil if you wish, with all the
trappings of smoke and fire. This is free will. But be aware that it all
will disappear when the light is turned on. This is a very difficult
subject to convince you of. Humans always want a devil to blame for
evil things.

Talking to the Dead: Different Than You Think

"What about talking to the dead? How would that work, Kryon? How
could you talk to famous people when, in the scheme of soul
incarnation, they've already come back as other people? If they've
already left and their soul is back as another, how can you talk to

The answer is this: They haven't left! Oh, the part that you think is
the Human soul has left, but the imprint of their lifetime information
and everything they knew – their consciousness, their wisdom, their
knowledge – goes right into the Crystalline Grid and stays there.
We've talked about this before. Can you contact famous people and
get information? Yes. Will it be accurate? Of course. Because you're
talking to the source information, which is accurate and represents
their life. The imprint remains. "You mean you're not actually talking
to them, you're talking to the imprint?" Let me give you something to
think about. I'm going to ask a question right now. It's going to be a
rhetorical one. Who are you? I have old souls in front of me and
reading this. There's a woman in the room who won't wear red, and
you know who you are. I'll tell you why. Because it got you killed!
Because that was the color of the plume on your helmet, warrior.
Because you were the captain and the enemy before you in that
battle knew if they would take you out, your whole regiment would be
in disarray and that's what happened. Wearing red not only killed
you, it killed everyone around you! You'll never wear red. You just
don't like the color. It's just not for you. You shun it, don't you, old
soul? Therefore, as you sit here, who are you? Are you the warrior
who got killed, or the woman in 2010 who won't wear red?

Indeed, it is a rhetorical question, because in my reality you are a

piece of God. I see you in all your incarnations. You see? You can't
wallow in the singularity of Human bias when you discuss these
things. You are more than you think and, metaphysically, this is the
way God sees you and the way you are just barely beginning to see
some of those around you.

So, getting back to the question, when you wish to conjure up one
who has lived before and ask them questions, who are you talking to?
Are you talking to the Akash of a soul? Are you speaking to that
which is alive or dead? I will tell you: None of those things are
accurate because it's far more magnificent than that! We have told
you before. Can you ask Aunt Martha where the treasure was buried?
Yes. And she'll know! Why? Because you're talking to Aunt Martha's
informational imprint and the information is the information,
preserved in a form that you absolutely feel is Aunt Martha!

However, can you ask Aunt Martha, "How are things on the other
side?" Go ahead, but the imprint has no idea! It will only give you the
platitudes that it was told during the life of the Human it represents.

She'll say, "Beautiful."

"What's it like over there?"
"No, give me some specifics."
"I love you."

She doesn't know! Aunt Martha's imprint knows what Aunt Martha
knew, since you are not talking to anything actually on the other side
of the veil. You think of it in singularity, but it's not. It's powerful, and
it's real, and it can be accessed and even dialoged with. It's
multidimensional and those with gifts can access the wisdom of the
ancients. Go back and ask them what they knew. Go back and ask
them how it felt. Go back and ask them where the treasure is buried.
You're going to see some of this soon, but be aware – those in the
places of power on this planet, wearing the costumes of spirituality
and the heads of state in religion, will call it evil and will call it a cult.
They do not understanding that you are moving into a
multidimensional state—appropriate, accurate, true, useable, correct,
helpful, and very much seen as something you should do. Asking the
ancients what they knew will bring you full circle to what you are now

Time is Complex
Let me give you a concept and this will be the last one. I've saved the
complicated one for last, but it's my favorite one. We haven't done
this before, my partner, so get it right. [an admonition for Lee to slow
down and not be concerned that the channelling is too long]

I want to show you how time works, but I can't. It's because the
reality of the complexities of multidimensionality preclude the Human
Being's ability to understand it. It's simply not teachable in your 3D
perception. So I will metaphorize it and give it to you in its simplest
form, which is only a fraction of its reality.

Time. We mentioned today that it is a singularity for you. For the

Human in 3D, there's only one time line. There's no multiple times,
but rather only one and it's the one you're on, in your reality. You see
it as a singular, straight train track into the future. It only goes one
speed and one direction for your life and that of the earth. It doesn't
move. The truth of it is it moves all the time. Another truth you don't
understand is that each of you can step off the track and create a
faster or slower one. You don't know that either.

How do we explain this? Let me singularize it and pretend you're all

on the same track for a moment. That's what you think anyway, so
that's easy. I want you to build a track in your mind, a train track
that is time. I want you to put a locomotive engine upon it that goes
in one direction very slowly, at one speed, and that's you and your
life. You are riding the train car you create.
Now I want you to create the vision of this train track going all the
way around the earth. Now, to your perception, because you can only
see to the horizon, the train track goes straight. The truth of the
matter is that this track you created goes all the way around the
earth, so (aha!) it's in a circle. That means you're also looking at the
same track as behind you. So this puts time in a circle, and so far you
can visualize that, although what comes next is confusing.
It's a conundrum for you that time is in a circle, since in three
dimensions, it's a straight line with a beginning and an end. By the
way, you have no idea about how either one is created; the beginning
and end are mysterious, but you still like to see it that way, for it
suits you. But suddenly in this model, it is in a circle around the
earth. So take a look at some of the attributes of time in a circle that
are confusing to you. Let us say your lifetime takes about 30 meters
on this track. Not very far, is it, but it lasts a lifetime? The train
moves very slow as it goes around the earth. So you never have to
really worry about meeting your past, do you? At 30 meters a
lifetime, you won't ever meet the past. But let's pretend for a
moment you could. What would happen if you drove that engine
around the earth? Eventually, you would be running over the same
energy of what used to be, wouldn't you?

In the same way of thinking, if you went around the earth several
times, eventually you also might be running over what might
become! Ah! Suddenly you have an attribute of time you haven't
thought about. If it's in a circle, it means that the future affects the
present! But in 3D, you think the future hasn't happened yet. But it
has in a quantum sense. Remember that a true quantum state does
not deal with empirical singular concepts. It deals, instead, with
constantly changing potentials.

Now I'm giving you information and I'm giving it to you this way
because there are scientists looking at it the same way I'm giving it
to you. Is it possible that the future could give you energy and
information now? Think of this train track for a moment and let's get
more complicated. It's got layers now. Every time the train goes
around the earth, it creates a past and a future. What if it was
humanity in that engine? Now you have the past, present and future
of everything that's ever happened on one train track in a circle.

Now, let's create a temporary situation where you could stop the
train, dig down into the tracks, and pick up something that either
hasn't happened yet or happened before. I didn't expect you to
understand it, dear one, only listen to it. Because that's what's
happening on the earth right now.
Let's add to the puzzle. Let's say this track has to go up some hills
and down some valleys. The hills and the valleys are always the same
with this time track. So as you go around and around, if you were
smart enough and had a system that understood this time track, you
might even create a map of the hills and valleys that your time
engine will climb or coast down. You might even call them time
fractals and you might be right. [Kryon smile] Every time you hit that
place in time, whether it was in the future or the past, you got the
same hill or valley.
What I want to tell you now is what's happening at this moment, dear
Human Being. I just gave you the simplest way I can give you of the
attributes of multidimensionality when it comes to time. You are
visiting potentials that in your mind have not happened, but in a
quantum sense have. You are receiving a vibrational increase on this
planet so that you can look at the track of time and select where you
want to go. You are looking at the potentials of the quantumness of a
vibrational shift and creating a culture that is going to go beyond
what you think it could. Because this information, it's going to fly in
the face of all prophecy. Because prophecy is based on one track that
does one thing over and over in 3D. But as soon as you start to
become multidimensional, information becomes energy and on that
track of time is information of the potentials of Earth.
Is it possible that the ancients knew this? Yes, they did. Is it possible
that those in a potential future know this? Yes, they do. Against all
your 3D perception, they do. It would seem like I just turned a page
because there's someone in here who wants to know what a crop
circle is, so I'll tell you. It's a good thing you ask, since it is a very
intuitive question. Many crop circles are energy stamps from the
future. How about that? Now you don't know anything more than you
did before, do you? It does not make sense, does it. But perhaps with
your train track example, you can at least see how it might work if
everything was different than you believe it is.

You are currently in an entangled state with a reality that's outside of

your dimensional perception. This is hard to teach when your reality
has you in a straight line. It's even harder for you to understand. But
it's easy to feel. Imagine the solution is upon you. Imagine those
things that you're planning already are completed. Imagine yourself
looking backwards and saying, "Now that wasn't too hard, was it?"
Imagine the most perplexing things you brought to the meeting
today, done and over with. Now, how do you feel about it?

Human Being, take a breath of quantum release and look at it like I

can. Then, indeed, you are becoming quantum. And, in the finest
sense, you've just created it. Congratulations. Now go from this place
in your three-dimensional way and walk through the steps that
you've already done.
That's my message. Information is energy in a multidimensional
state. All things are possible since all things are changeable. If you've
come here to this place or this page to see this, you are probably an
old soul. For those are the ones who are awakening right now. So, old
soul, you wouldn't have missed this, would you? I'm not talking about
this meeting. I'm talking about this life. How many times have you
lived waiting for this shift? What do you think the wisdom factor is in
your Akashic Record? If you've lived and lived, how many trips
around that track of time have you made? Do you understand that
you are the ancestors? Now, do you understand that everything that
ever was, and is, is in your Akash? It's available in your DNA. It's
about time you started seeing it in that way. My partner says, "Leave
differently than you came."
He got that from me.
Do it. And so it is.

"DNA's Healing Layer Nine"

This live channelling was Given in Moscow, Russia

Friday, May 14, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee
and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what
happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind
of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy
this enhanced message given in Moscow, Russia on May 14th

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are

some who say it happens too quickly, for a Human Being to cross the
veil as you just saw. They say it should take more time, as it used to
in an older energy. What you see now is a man who never quite
closes the door to his Higher-Self.

It's an agreement I have with him, so it's not a situation where he

has to sit and prepare, change his attitude, or call upon the angels.
I'm always with him and always ready. Some of you have seen it
even in the lectures he gives, for some of them are ones I give.
[Kryon smile] This is the meld we talk about. It's not just for
channellers. It's a meld where the multidimensional-self joins the
physical-self, and in that, there's communication given. This is the
process we teach that becomes an enhanced intuition for the Human.
It's a process that allows regular, ordinary Human Beings to become
masters. It's not that they know what's coming around the next
corner, but they have an intuitive sense of what to do next - outside
of 3D. They have an intuitive sense of what not to worry about. They
have an intuitive sense of the love of God.

Tonight's message is different. It's going to be about biology, and it's

going to fit in perfectly with that which we call quantum DNA. "Kryon,
why do you always talk about DNA?" many ask. "We want to hear
about spiritual things. We want to hear about angelic things. You
keep talking about chemistry." If that's what you think, you haven't
been listening very carefully.

There is a field around each of you that is completely and totally

multidimensional. That field is generated by about 100 trillion pieces
of chemistry called DNA. Science still does not know how they
communicate with each other, and science cannot see the
multidimensional properties within it. They don't see the quantum
attributes yet of DNA to the fullest.

DNA "knows" who you are. One hundred trillion double helix
molecules of DNA are all identical in your body. They form a field
around you that's approximately eight meters wide, and it has a
Hebrew name: The Merkabah. That's what it is. You see, DNA
represents the sacred element in you.

A Short Review

Let me do a brief review before I continue with the information we're

going to give you tonight. You think DNA is chemistry. It is, but only
about 3% of it is 3D chemistry. The rest is multidimensional
information, hiding in a seemingly random chemistry. Science sees
this in its own way, for it looks at the double helix where there are
three billion chemical parts in each DNA molecule. Each active loop of
DNA has three billion chemicals. But when science looks at that
chemistry, it only sees 3% of it that actually does anything. That 3%
is the linear system that creates all the genes in the Human body.

All the rest of the chemistry is not understood, representing more

than 90% of your entire DNA, for science is always looking for the
linearity. They want to examine the things they expect in their own
reality. Even after they saw that 90% as a seeming mystery, they
continued to concentrate only on the 3%, for it seemed to do all the
work. Human Being, if you have a linear consciousness, that's all
you're going to see - linear systems and linear behavior. That's what
we want to tell you about tonight.

The Only Way to Teach Multidimensional Things

In the study of DNA brought to you four years ago here [Moscow],
my partner brought you all of the 12 layers and the information they
represented. And at that point in time, he explained the teaching of
Kryon regarding DNA. Within that explanation, he gave you the
information that there's really not 12 layers at all. Instead, there are
12 energies that are interactive. So, if you're going to learn what is in
the DNA, it has to be broken down into a linear fashion for teaching
purposes - therefore, the 12 lessons.
What if I gave an entire channeling on love? How many parts and
pieces do you think are in love? Start to make a list. Look at all the
kinds of love there is, the different feelings, the different emotions,
the complexities - yet that's just to study it, isn't it? When you love
someone, you are not thinking about the parts or following a list!

When you talk about love, it's really a big subject. So, to study it is
one thing, to experience it is another. DNA can only be explained if
we linearize it, for Human Beings cannot examine something that is
beyond their dimensional capacity to understand. You've reached a
limit of logic and the concepts fall on deaf ears, on a deaf
consciousness, for there is no understanding. Things that are not in
your reality are inconceivable to you. So the entire study of a
multidimensional aspect has to be put in a straight line to study it.
That's why we give the metaphors for you and the examples, and
why we break down multidimensional attributes into 3D parts.

Within the 12 energies of DNA, there are several that are very
interesting to humanity. My partner is right now channelling the final
pages of the book about this subject. For more than five years, I've
been giving this information to him very, very slowly, so that he could
put it in linear form and make it understandable to you. So this night
we would like to take you on a journey into just one of the energies
of DNA. And that energy has the number nine around it.

In a linear teaching, we're going to call it DNA Layer Nine. At the

same time we say that, we're going to tell you there is no such thing
as DNA Layer Nine! It's only on the blackboard in the school we teach
today that Layer Nine appears. It's only in teaching that it becomes
linear. The numbers assigned to the layers are energies and are only
numerological hints, each one of them. When you get to read the
book my partner is preparing, you'll see this. There is no "one
through 12." They're all together in a soup of energetic information
that interacts one with each other.

We give an example of number nine because this particular weekend

is concentrated on the attributes we want to tell you about. Now, my
partner, I want you to go slow here. [instructions to Lee] Even
though I have given you these things in publications, there are some
new things to be revealed here as examples for learning.

The Shift is Here

Let us speak of the Human body and the one attribute that is the
most interesting to many - healing. So we're going to call Layer Nine,
the Healing Layer. And I'm going to do my best through my partner
to explain something that is unexplainable.
There's something going on in your body, something you were born
with. It's something very old and something ancient, and it is starting
to reawaken. A shift is going on within the planet. It's the shift the
Mayans spoke of, and it's a time fractal of potential for consciousness
awakening - the ability to vibrate higher in Human thought than you
ever have before. It creates the potential of an alliance with your
Higher-Self. Many of you are having thoughts that are quite high.
You're beginning to discover that which is in you that you never had
thought about before. So I'm going to enhance this tonight and tell
you about a beautiful two-part system.

The Strength of DNA

DNA works this way: There's a strong duality present. That is to say,
there is a part that is linear and a part that is multidimensional. The
linear part is easy and simple and occupies less than 5% of the
whole. The multidimensional part is most of DNA, complex and
difficult to teach about. Your Akashic Record is in there - that is, an
energetic informational package of the lifetimes you've ever lived are
in there. That which you were given by the Pleiadians is in there. The
Higher-Self is in there. All that you call spiritual is in there. DNA is
spiritually intelligent, but not unless you're vibrating at a high level
that will allow it to fully work. This is why most of humanity is only
aware of the 3% of DNA, not giving credibility to the other part at all.

Let us speak of that which is health and healing. Slowly, for more
than 20 years on this planet, you are receiving new tools to work with
this attribute of multidimensional DNA. Oh, the healers in the room,
they know it! They know what happens to a healer who stands in
front of a Human Being. The healer and patient are in the same
room, and both DNA fields are eight meters wide. The healer stands
in front of the one to be healed and the fields overlap. As they talk to
each other, there can be information transferred. In that transfer is
knowledge - knowledge of everything, reacting in a quantum,
timeless way. And those in this room know what this feels like,
because I know who is here. They are receiving intuition about what
their patient needs - from the DNA of the patient!

The healer can become one of the finest multidimensional doctors on

Earth because the overlapping, multidimensional parts are there that
are within the DNA and designed to be smart. That is why today's
medicine is reactive. That is to say, it's chemistry put into the body
and a 3D chemical reaction takes place. And that's as good as it gets.

Even at that, it's amazing what you've done with the chemistry
healing you have. But that's the way it's looked at. There's no
credibility for a smart body. In fact, allopathic medicine it's actually
dishonoring. It assumes the body doesn't know and needs to have
help. It looks like the body is sitting there unaware and stupid. And
who can blame them, really, for in 3D it indeed seems that way?

DNA - Designed to Work in Many Dimensions

Let me explain a little bit about Layer Nine and a little bit about the
two-part scenario of healing within the Human body and of the
incredible self-diagnostics available within the DNA.

First, let's look together at the linear side. Here you are, Human
Being. What if you had a virus right now? Does your body tell you?
What if you have an amazingly threatening cancerous growth
attaching itself to an organ? Does your body tell you? No. Don't you
find that disturbing? Isn't it odd that you have to go to a doctor to
find these things through tests? Doesn't this shout to you at a cellular
level, "Something is missing"? Indeed, there is, and what's missing is
the 90% quantum information in DNA that was designed to not only
know it, but take care of it. But it's not working.

DNA was designed to work in two parts, much like the chemistry has
been itemized in the Human genome. Less than 5% is linear, and the
majority is waiting to be activated. Think of it as 5% being the
genomic engine and 95% being the instructions for that engine to

Part one of the immune system is linear. That's the part you know
about and that's the part that medicine deals with, as you know it
today. The other 90+% can only be activated with multidimensional
energies - energies you have known about in the past but have lost.

Now this is ancient information. The ancients may have not known
specifically about DNA, but they knew there were esoteric principles
that could accomplish healing. What do you think are the meridians of
the body, and how many are there? Do they show up on X-rays? No.
Are they real? Yes. There are 12 of them. Each one represents the
simplest kind of multidimensional portal of the Human body to access
the "intelligence" of DNA. For thousands of years, humanity has
known this. Now, how do you use that today in your "modern
medicine"? The answer is that you don't, for modern medicine sees it
as an old tradition of ignorance.

What is acupuncture or other like systems that address these

meridians? These are energetic informational transfers to the
multidimensional smart parts of DNA. They help to let the body heal
itself with its own instruction sets to its own chemistry, instead of
blasting it with outside chemistry as though the body was ignorant
and needed help.

Let me give you one that you don't think about: Homeopathy. You
might say, "Well, that's actually chemical." Really? You think that a
tincture, an almost immeasurable amount of chemistry inserted into
the body's system, is reactionary? Medical research says homeopathy
is an "impossible reactionary system," and that a substance that
represents only a few parts per million can't have an effect on the
Human system. This is because it's only an "informational signal" to
multidimensional DNA. At its simplest form, it gives the body
information to help it understand what to do. It's an intent signal that
assumes the DNA is smart and only needs information, not chemistry,
to heal itself.

There is a tremendous healing energy within Layer Nine of your DNA

waiting for quantum instructions to systemically change its own
design. Because DNA works in multidimensional ways, it is not all
that logical to your understanding. Think of an actual quantum effect
in physics. Small particles behave very oddly indeed and not in 3D at
all. The simplest experiments with light (the double slot experiment)
show this. Light can be in two places at the same time. Light can
even be observed to change its state of being from a wave to a
particle simply by the act of having it observed by a Human Being.
What does that tell you about light? It's multidimensional and smarter
than you think. Well, so is your biology!

It's about time you heard about it. I will reveal to you the strongest
energies available to multidimensional DNA: Human consciousness.
You have a sacred consciousness in the DNA field that we have
mentioned before. Your consciousness can talk to the cellular
structure of your own body on a daily basis. It can strengthen your
immune system and chase away disease, for the energy of Human
consciousness is really only "information" energy. It sends
instructions for your body to shift.

I want to give you some examples. I want to show you these things
that are happening. In 1987, the Harmonic Convergence started the
fractal time wave you are now in. The shift of consciousness that has
been foretold through the ages is upon you, and here you are sitting
within it more than 20 years later. Almost everyone who would come
to a meeting like this, knows that this is, indeed, what is happening.
Look at yourself today. Now look 30 years ago [speaking of looking at
the Russian culture]. Something happened, didn't it? Somehow a very
old and consistent consciousness shifted and changed - and so did
your way of life. It's all part of the scenario we told you about in

Something else also happened, almost like a portal opened. And in

this opening, my partner [Lee] became aware. The engineer he was
and the 3D stubborn brain he had opened up, despite the logic of
more than 40 years that said that channelling was a ridiculous
scenario. Let me tell you how we accomplished it: We loved him into
it. [Kryon smile] He could not deny the energy and the proof of the
love of God inside that spoke to him at a DNA level.

At about the same time this was happening, many new processes
were coming in to being. The teacher Peggy stands before you on a
regular basis [Peggy Phoenix Dubro]. She was given a vision that
there was something around the Human body, a pattern. She was
told there was quantumness within it. It was multidimensional. She
started working with the patterning and the processing of the Human
Merkabah. The patterns looked like a lattice-work to her. Slowly over
time, she was given the various layers or phases of how to work with
this Cosmic Lattice. Her information became a multidimensional
instruction set for balancing DNA.

So energy work becomes one of the attributes that speaks to 90% of

DNA. This new energy really can be seen as "information to the DNA."
Can you somehow measure it, or the results of it? The answer is yes,
and recently it was actually validated scientifically in this very country
[Russia]. So energy work makes a difference in biology! Something
seemingly missing the logic of 3D is being now seen as having some
kind of valid information exchange with the Human body. There's so
much hiding here!

Layer Nine

DNA Layer Nine is the healing layer, but it has to work with DNA
Layer One, which is the chemical 3D double helix layer. It has to! For
you can be as multidimensional as you want, but if you're going to
heal yourself, you're going to see it in your own reality, aren't you?
The multidimensional part, the second part, must work with the 3D
part - the engine of the genes. Suddenly, you have a nine working
with a one. When you add them together, you get a 10. In
numerology, that reduces to a one. Look at this. The beginning and
the end (9 and 1), completion and renewal. Numerologically, you
have the beginning and the end. They work together as a completion
of old information and the beginning of the new.

There's a famous Lemurian among you disguised as a medical doctor

and DNA researcher. He awakened about the same time as the
teacher Peggy and my partner [Lee]. He sits before me tonight. I
know that he is just rediscovering what he already knew. He's
bringing you a multidimensional physics invention that speaks to the
multidimensional aspects of the DNA.
I want you to get this clear. There are several attributes of
communication possible to the 90% percent of DNA (the quantum
part). Human consciousness is the strongest and will become the
most effective when Humans can remove themselves from a 3D
construct. Many have, and do! Energy work is the next strongest, and
is becoming more popular on the planet. The ancient methods are
simple and have been with you many, many years. Then there is
basic physics. Listen to the way this works.

How can the physics of an invention affect multidimensional,

intelligent DNA? There's only one way: The very invention sees the
intent of the inventor. Here you have something so out of 3D it
seems eye-rolling. But quantum physics is like that. If light can
change its form by being observed by a Human, is it so odd that the
inventing consciousness of the Human brain might be affected by
purpose and intent? In this case, the answer is that it is the way of it!
Why was Tesla so brilliant in a nonlinear way? Because his brain was
tuned into a nonlinear intent. Did you know he discovered tunable
mass? [This is Kryon's description of anti-gravity.] You can make
objects lighter and heavier by tuning the mass. It's done with clever
designer magnetics. But he couldn't control it since there were no
computers yet. But his brain was tuned to multidimensional
frequencies and gave him the ability to "think out of the box."

The Human consciousness that gives you an interdimensional

invention is imbued into the very attribute of the invention itself. This
is hard to explain. Think of it as an energy stamp of the inventor's
intent upon the metal of the device. No matter how it's used, it
speaks to the DNA and the DNA reacts to the information.

Now, multidimensional states are not linear, so you have to throw

away all of the logic of everything you know in order to try and
understand how they operate. You have to throw away all the
mathematics you learned in physics, especially the ones that deal
with energy in general. The law of the inverse square, for instance, is
a totally 3D law. In a multidimensional state, however, a little goes a
long way. Sometimes an energy is given that actually seems to
multiply. The reason is because multidimensional energy is really an
information transfer.

Going Into Cellular Structure For a Look

In a linear chemical state, you throw the mass of chemistry against

other mass of chemistry to get a reaction that you want. In a
multidimensional state, you give subtle instructions. I want to take
you into the cellular structure for a moment. I want to show you the
handshake. Now go slow, my partner, because we've never taken you
this far into this attribute.
Imagine cellular structure - it's beautiful and has elegant patterning.
Now cellular structure, like DNA, is two parts. One part is linear and
one part is multidimensional. Look at it under the microscope and you
see only the linear… the chemical parts. You don't see the
multidimensional, invisible part. But the multidimensional is as real as
your 3D. It's as real as anything you have chemically. You could see
it, too, if you had a multidimensional microscope. It is not esoteric -
that is, invisible to Humans. It's real. There it is, a beautiful cellular
structure that is in many dimensions.

Now, watch how the cells work with each other in this super simple
diagram I'm giving to my partner. Look at the way they attach to
each other. They are intelligent. In fact, there are things here I have
not shown you. There's a series of holes and raised areas that push
out like dimples. One cell sees the other and if they match one with
another like keys in a lock, they align to one another and divide using
the systemic information they have to give them the information of
creation. They create the chemistry of life this way. They are getting
ready to divide, to regenerate. They see each other's polarity

The Way It Works

Dear one, there is a multidimensional attribute here called magnetism

and I just happen to be the magnetic master. Perhaps you thought all
this magnetic talk was about Earth? No. It's about DNA. The cells are
magnetic - not just magnetic, they are complexly magnetic. Each
one. Biology thrives in this way. One cell sees the magnetic pattern of
the other and like a key in a lock, they match up; they know what to
do. So let's give you a common scenario. Along comes a virus, a
smart one, a magnetic one! The virus is also biology and also
multidimensional. It has DNA, too. Never doubt that. It has agendas
and intelligence also. It has survival at its core, just like you do.
Watch: It attaches itself cleverly to the cell. How? It mimics the
magnetics of a healthy cell that belongs there! It's clever and smart.

The host cell is taken in by this handshake ruse and they come
together. Suddenly, the virus is "in." It's within the system and can
begin to thrive and quickly replicate. Now, here's the 3D reaction of
the body. Once the cells are together, the chemistry of the cell knows
it's been tricked. For once the virus is "in," it can't disguise itself any
longer. So the host cell sends for help. Here comes the army! The
huge white blood cells, designed to fight disease and kill the invader,
come rushing in. The white blood cells arrive en masse. They get
there and the virus is completely invisible to them! They can't see it,
because it mimics regular cellular structure via the magnetics that it
has been able to duplicate. The white blood cells don't know what to
do! They received the signal that something was wrong, but they
can't distinguish the enemy.

Now, there's something wrong with the above scenario and about the
way your body is designed to work. Let me give you the rest of the
story. Suddenly, in comes an interdimensional instruction set.
Perhaps that's you addressing the lattice - your own quantum field - a
system designed so that you can work with it in a step-by-step
process. Or, perhaps you're vibrating at a high enough level that you
don't need that. You can talk to your cells directly without any 3D
structure. That's good. It's what all the masters of the planet did. Or
perhaps there has been a multidimensional intervention, like an
invention, for instance, that gives instructions to intelligent DNA.
That's the part that's missing today that the ancients knew how to

Now, let us run the story again. There's the cell, all healthy, and
ready for the handshake of division. Here comes the virus, just as
before. But this time, there has been additional information given to
the DNA. The host cell can now see the virus! It has received
information that says, "When you see the virus coming, change your
magnetic pattern." The virus comes at the cell as before, but this
time there is no key in a lock. This time there is no handshake for
validating cellular division or a deception. The cell yells for the white
blood cells. Here they come again, but this time they will see the
virus since it has been unable to trick the host into combining with it.
It stands alone. They destroy it immediately.

Oh, but that's not all. You see, DNA is intelligent. It's quantum and,
therefore, it sends out a system-wide signal. Layer Nine steps
forward, the healing layer, and alters the magnetic properties of 100
trillion pieces and parts of the Human body; the entire DNA systemic
instruction set changes all at once. The virus doesn't have a chance.
The whole body knows. It's built in! Layer Nine is your own best
defense against the most aggressive diseases known to man, even
the "incurable" ones. An interdimensional force rewrote the program
that allowed the cells to defend themselves.

Cancer is aggressive and tricks the body into accepting it. The body
does not see it as an out of balance growth. It doesn't even send for
help. The truth is that Layer Nine is designed to see it and stop it. But
without any kind of new instruction sets to the existing DNA, nothing
works. It needs human consciousness to work with it. Have you heard
of spontaneous remission? Did you ever think I just gave you the
answer to it? It isn't a mystery. The Human Being rewrote the
instructions to the DNA!

How do you create a new cellular tissue pattern? You change its
magnetic structure. There are systemic instructions you can give your
cellular structure to build new tissue that was never there before. I've
told you this many times in the past and here it is again. There'll
come a day when you can grow back an arm and a leg. How? All you
have to do is to give DNA new systemic instructions. The old
instructions tell it to only accomplish this in the womb. Change the

Finally, you know the secrets that the ancients knew. Did they really
live for hundreds of years? Yes, many did. They knew about creating
outside of 3D. What would seem to be mythology and silly
superstition to modern medicine was interdimensional mechanics. It's
time to revisit the reality you live in. When physics says you have
more than 11 dimensions at the center of each atom, why then do
you decide that only four of them work? Why not accept the fact that
there is an energy in your body [Layer Nine] that works with your 3D
biology and is ready to work for you? At the moment, modern
medicine is ignoring it. It would rather blast you with chemistry,
some of which does major damage, then to work with a system of
systemic instructions.

The shift you are in is giving you the ability to again work with the
multidimensional parts of DNA. You did as ancients, and it was lost.
Now it's on the table again, and parts of your culture are on the brink
of bringing it to the rest of the world. You have 12 layers of DNA. I
just gave you one. Think of the beauty and the tools that are yours!

I understand there's a limit to what you can endure regarding the

time of a Kryon channelling. It's a linear concept. So we close.

Human Being, you're here on Earth doing the work. Oh, there's so
much happening and so much good news here. Maybe we've been a
little too scientific tonight, but this message was for this group. All of
these channellings are going to be published, but this message is for
this group. [The ones at the Moscow seminar] What can you do with
your cells? Look at the power I just described. All of the ancients
knew it, and the Lemurians knew it. Now you again know it.

Future generations are going to know all about this someday, all in
the name of new science they're going to discover multidimensional
devices that interface with Human consciousness. There are a lot of
Lemurians in the room, and each one of them knows that I have just
given the secret to the Temple of Rejuvenation. It's not that hard of a
concept. The Lemurians did not have computers. Lemurians did not
have any of the tools you now have in modern science. But they
knew all about Layer Nine because they had quantum healing
information that was intuitive. That's what's now being reawakened
within you.
You're bigger than you think. It's beautiful. There's mastery inside.
There's the love of God there!

And that's the message. And so it is.

"Perceptions of God"

This live channelling was Given in Portland, Maine

Sunday, June 6, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee
and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Often what
happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind
of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy
this enhanced message given in Portland, Maine, with the
additions that Kryon wanted read.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There would

be those who would wonder about the consciousness of God, and how
is it that such a high-vibrating attribute could ever be presented in
3D. After all, channelling is supposed to represent the consciousness
of God through a Human Being, so how can that be? And so we again
tell you that this is the puzzle of what you see happening now. Many
Humans come to this planet designed to be the spiritual translators of
such an event, and many are in the room now, and we know who
they are.

It goes well beyond those who would channel, such as my partner is

doing right now. It also extends to those who call themselves
"healers" in this room, for they have the same task as the channeller
or the teacher, and that is translating a perceptual, metaphorical
message into something that is 3D and practical. The healer often
stands before that person who comes before them for help, and their
intellect knows less than half the story. The discernment of their
Higher-Self and the energy that pours to them, which we call
channelling, gives them the rest of the picture. It tells them where to
touch and what energies to develop. It gives instructions whether to
be soft or energetic. This is channelling.

The teacher stands before the piece of paper that is empty and asks,
"What is next?" And on the paper starts to flow the information for
the next sermon - and that's channelling! The one who sits in the
chair to meditate and clears their mind accordingly does not give God
a laundry list of things that are wrong in their lives. Instead, the wise
one knows that God is always with them and knows all of the things
that have occurred in their lives before they sat in the chair. So we
say it again: Blessed is the one who is quiet and says, "Dear God, tell
me what it is I need to know." Without a bias, without a prejudgment
of what they think the answer might be, they are then ready to have
wisdom flow in. Their perception of God is that of a friend.

So, is that you today as you read this? Or have you decided in
advance what you will receive? It's quite difficult to clear your mind of
potentials, for the Human Being fills the mind automatically with
expectations. It's part of the survival scenario that you know so well,
and which has kept you fearful for centuries.

Dear one, if you have come to that point, that precipice where you
need answers so badly and you want to hear the numbers or the
words, don't be disappointed if all you get is a hug, for that is an
answer! The hug in spiritual terms means that practical answers are
on the way. You're going to get them and see them, and
synchronicity will bring them. The hug means, therefore, to relax.
Without this relaxation, you will make decisions that will get in the
way of a synchronicity that will occur. Therefore, the hug is an
answer, isn't it? It means that you're not alone. It means that there
actually are answers on the way.

This entire seminar, the entire day has been about perceptual
communications. From the information about the alignment of 2012
right down to what my partner calls a quantum perception has been
everything he has been told to teach. And through synchronicity, he
has been given the teaching points. This is the way it works: Whether
it's an author on stage or a mom with her kids, the answers come in
these ways. The mother loves their children so much and wants to
see them with wisdom that they don't necessarily have yet. She
doesn't want them to repeat the mistakes that are obvious. Let me
give some advice: Teach the children what you know about God.
That's the answer. Don't teach the child what was wrong with what
they did or what's wrong with what you did in the past. Don't teach
the child necessarily the lineage of mistakes you made. Instead, look
in the child's eyes and say, "I want to tell you what I found that is the
most important thing to me. It goes beyond any generation gap that
ever existed. I found God in me and you've got it in you, too." Let
them know they can find it any way they want to. But it's going to
keep them out of trouble, wise, and in the right place at the right
time. You couldn't give a child anything better than this.

Quantum Teaching
This is quantum teaching today, but the word quantum is used in a
popular way, rather than the scientific way. In our teaching, it means
that which appears to be nonsense, randomness, but which has
purpose and a system to it. You can't see the logic of it because it's
out of your dimensional perception. So I want this to be a message
today, the core message, one that gets published, about perception. I
want to show you how Human Beings perceive God in an old and a
new energy and how God perceives humanity. Pieces and parts of all
that has been taught now for 21 years we now put together so you
can read it yet again - all together, as a perceptual message.

Human Beings are changing their thinking. But it cannot change to

the point where you get out of what you would call the survival
instinct of three dimensions. For within the reality that you claim is all
there is is the box you put God in, and the God box gets in the way of
everything you do. Think about these things. All of these years, think
of what humans do with energy, the feeling of energy, and how you
react to it.

Energy is Something You Assign to Other Entities

When you feel something that is not part of your reality, it disturbs
you. You do one of two things with it. You either worship it or you
fear it. Very few Human Beings absorb it because it's frightening, is it
not? If it's not in the box of the reality that you would expect, you
react. If a miracle happens, what do you do? You say, "Thank you,
God!" All of the credit, therefore, goes to a divine power you cannot
see or understand and that is unexplainable. If something goes bump
in the night, it's the devil. It's evil. You see? Unusual energy gets a
reaction from you, instead of considering it something you might
have produced yourself.

Now, let me expand your box for a moment. What if all of those
things were normal that I just mentioned? What if they're part of
humanism instead of outside of humanism? What if instead of closing
your box to these things, you build a bigger box? If that suits you, do
it! Take the box and double its size and include energies you don't
understand in your box or reality. So here is the invitation: The next
time you get an unusual healing or something happens out of the
normal, something that you might even label as "spontaneous
remission," why don't you say, "Thank you, creator inside, for
allowing this to be manifested"? Why don't you say, "I am powerful"
and "I am a piece of God"? And all of these things I give thanks for.
In the name of who I am, a creative piece of the Universe learning to
expand my energy."

Now, suddenly, something goes bump in the night and you and
others around you automatically consider that it's frightening. But
perhaps it's only energy? Perhaps it's a part of a system of energy we
have discussed before, where dramatic moments are imprinted into
an area like an energy stamp. BANG - it stays there, like a tape that
replays itself over and over. It's energy, created by drama, but it
seems like it's alive, or an entity, doesn't it? You might experience it
and feel that way, but notice that it does the same thing over and
over. It's real energy and can be experienced and measured… but it's
not evil and it has no intelligence. It's simply repeating an energy
pattern and it's part of the Human experience system imprinted onto

So, what does it beg you to do? Clear it! We've told you this before
because your energy allowance has an attribute that light is more
powerful than dark. Light is active and dark is passive. Therefore, if
you have a dark room and you open the door, dark does not leak out!
Instead, you obtain a torch, and darkness vanishes, for it cannot
exist with light there, you see? Dark has no substance for it is defined
as the absence of light. Therefore, if you come upon an energy that
you feel is a stamp of inappropriateness for an area, turn on your
light and it will go away! It is as simple as that. You can address it.
You can say to the energy, "Drama energy be gone, for you have no
more purpose. Let there be light in this place." This does not make
you an exorcist! It makes you an energy worker. You are directing
energy, not an entity that is evil.

It's time to expand the box that you have placed reality within.
Perhaps it's time to eliminate it? The perception of the Human Being
creates what is called the magnificence of God and the power of evil.
Both are only perceptions of Human energy. Let me tell you what our
perception is - that all of you, each one, carries a magnificent
potential to control the energies for yourself around you for your life.
Don't be afraid of either one. If you come across something
inappropriate, clear it up. If you come across something magnificent,
claim it as your power. Then move forward to the next step. Do you
hear what I'm saying? You are evolving, and it's time to have a
perceptual shift, is it not? See energies as things that are part of your
space and under your control.

The Fear of God

Humanity has consistently put God in a box of fear. Humanity fears

God, does it not? It's because God appears immense and humans are
small. Let's talk about that Human perception. The Human wants to
paste Human attributes on divinity. It's all you have to compare to,
so therefore, you apply everything Human to the divine.

When you step across the veil, in your historical perception, Humans
want to find strife. You're going to find war. You're going to find
angels fighting angels. That's your mythology, isn't it? You're going to
find all of the attributes of humanity that you have pasted upon God
completely and totally. You're going to find punishment and reward,
revenge and jealousy.

Dear ones, do I really have to tell you that these things do not exist
on my side of the veil? I want to tell you what exists on my side of
the veil. It's a rainbow of magnificent energy that sings a message in
color and light. There's no strife here. The creator energy has no
strife. There's no punishment or reward here, since there is no
judgment. Judgment is the constraining of a Human's consciousness
that does not allow for unconditional love. There's only the energy of
a loving creator here. You're a part of the creator energy family. You
should know this, and you should also have the wisdom to know that
all of the things you paste upon God are your own Human attributes.
The kind of reality on the other side of the veil is vastly different than
the prison of reality that you have created for yourself in 3D. Yet it's
all you have, so that's how you think. It's time to pass this
perception, and to realize that creator energy is beyond your ability
to see and beyond your scope of understanding.

For centuries you haven't been able to think past that box of what
God must be like. So you create a Human-like God with wars in
heaven, angel strife, things that would explain the devil, fallen
angels, pearly gates, lists of dos and don'ts, and many rules still
based on cultures that are centuries old. You create golden streets
and even sexual pleasures as rewards for men (of course) - all
Human perspective, pasted upon God. I want to tell you that it's a lot
different than that. I want to remind you that there are those who
have seen it! Why don't you ask somebody who has had what you
would call a near-death experience?

When a Human almost dies, they get close to the veil, very close.
They are ever so close to the creator's energy and just barely
touched by it. When their heart was stopping and their breathing was
almost gone, before they were brought back to life with science, they
got to touch the hand of God for just an instant. What they saw was
magnificent! The energy before them was filled with love and light,
filled with family, filled with beauty. There was no strife there. There
was no punishment there or even the hint of it. And when they came
back from that experience, listen to what they told you. It changed
their lives, didn't it? Listen to each one talk about it, for they
continued to say, "There is nothing to fear and death is something
you experience as a normal transition." Blessed is the Human Being
who experiences both death and birth and has the wisdom to report,
"Oh, it's uncomfortable, but I'll get through it, because I've done it
before." The person who has experienced a near-death experience is
no longer afraid to die! What does that tell you? They have seen what
is there and they embrace it!

How many times do you think you have done it, old soul? All of you
are going to go through it again, every single one in this room is
going to experience it again - and you're coming back!


I've said it before. You have the mind of God on the other side of the
veil, not the mind of a Human Being. You see the Akash and know
who you are. You see the lineage, the purpose of who you are, and
you can't stay on my side of the veil when you're not complete, when
you're not finished. Here you are in the middle of this great shift, one
you have been waiting for! It's going to shift the planet so that when
you return you can finally accomplish the finale. Do you understand
what I'm saying? This is a transition. When you come back, you can
finally do something, old soul; it's imminent. Some of you are more
than 50,000 years old! You're not going to stay away. You're not
going to miss the end of the transition. There's a lot more here
perceived than you know.

God Becomes Mythology

In an old energy, Humans even took God to the limit, making many
Gods from one. They made one for the ocean, one for the sky, even
giving them children. Gods had anger, reward, carnal love and hate.
All the Greek gods had that. They had intricate stories of trickery,
deceit, deception, revenge - all assigned to God. Have you ever heard
of a vengeful God? That is a Human attribute, base upon the energy
of fear. There's nothing to fear at all. You're growing up and starting
to understand that the creator's actual energy is inside, the
communication to God is instantaneous, is yours to own, and you
don't even need an intermediary. You might have in an older energy.
That's why it occurred. But not now.


Let me tell you about worship, and even define worship for you.
Blessed is the Human Being who gets together with another Human
Being or group of Human Beings to celebrate their divinity. That's
worship. And what exactly are you worshipping? Is it a great, divine
power in the sky that you're going to kneel in front of, or are you
honoring that which is the God inside you? You know the answer, for
humanity is beginning to see it and beginning to change. I'm Kryon,
so I feel an interdimensional energy around you that you cannot. I
feel this box you're in starting to crack open. Do you know what's
happened in this room in these years since the 1980s? Do you know
what's happened in here? [The Unity Church sanctuary] Epiphanies,
joy, transmutation of sorrow and fear into peace, and tremendous
wisdom and understanding. Do you know how many Human Beings
have been healed in this room? It's almost endless. The lineage of the
space you sit in knows the truth of what I say. The very wood, the
carpet, cement and plastic reeks with a glorious message of change
to me. I see it all. It makes me weep with joy for those who found
the family in this room. And it doesn't just stop there, for spirit then
looks at those who built it, and the purpose and the intent of the
builders. It doesn't even stop there. It even goes back to honoring
those who created the name on the building - their purpose, their
vision, the synchronicity of their lives, a couple - not just the one, but
the two [The Fillmores]. Had they not proceeded in an old energy and
fought against many attitudes, the building would not be here and
the synchronicity of the healings would not have occurred. This is
what spirit sees. This is our perception.

What is our perception of you, dear Human Being? I will tell you that
there are those in the room who we see the same kind of lineage I
just described about the founders here. That is to say that there are
seeds being planted and synchronicity beginning that will create a
place of worship, a place of healing, within individual lives. And I
don't mean a building. I mean a family that gets healed. Do you know
who I'm talking to? I hope you do.

At this moment, I speak to those in the building and not the reader,
not the technical hearer. I speak to those bodies in the building, and I
am telling you there are those here who can leave different than they
came. They can leave with the seed planted within them that will
actually help those around them to affect others around others
around others. There is a pyramid of joy beginning here. It's the first
time I've used the term. That's what we see, and it's our perception -
a pyramid of joy.

Sometimes my partner is asked why he doesn't open his eyes when

he channels. The reason is that through him, we allow him to see
what we see - the culmination of your many lives, of your wisdom, of
what you've learned as the shamans who sit in the room pretending
to be ordinary. We see the potential of what you can do and what is
coming, but not if you don't believe it.

Do you understand the profundity of what I am saying? If you walk

out of the room unchanged, if you don't open your heart, there's no
punishment. The same number of angels walk out with you, dear
one, as the healer has. But what also goes out is lost potential. There
are those who have come for healing in the room, and so I'll just say
it. Do you want it or not? And if you do, don't decide that it's going to
be a spontaneous thing, then run out and get a blood test. What if
instead there is something implanted in you that gives you
information and wisdom to proceed and meet somebody else who
knows what to do to help extend your life? What about that? Don't
decide how it's going to work. Honor the process of synchronicity, of
the planting of spiritual seeds that leads you to other places you
would not necessarily have gone to. That's how healing works.

This also includes the healing in your work place and you know who
I'm talking to right now, for some have come with this very issue. I'll
tell you how situations can be healed and you don't really want to
believe it. It's going to start with you. You yell at God that there is a
horrible person who is making your office experience awful. It's their
fault, and they are unbalanced and just love to make you miserable.
So how could what you do make a difference? Get out of the box of
what you have been told about how these things happen! Listen:
When you relax with the problem before you and it no longer pushes
the buttons of drama, anger and frustration, watch what happens to
that person! They won't get the reaction they have received before.
They won't get the energy or the drama from you. Everything just
sits there without all the frustration. Buttons don't get pushed. Then
you know what happens next? They leave! They absolutely need your
dramatic reaction to exist. When you stop reacting, they'll find
something else to do. Do you understand the process I just gave
you? Let it begin in you. The solution has always been with you.


Every master who walked this earth had an attribute that everyone
noticed. People loved them. Animals loved them. Children loved
them. Nature loved them. They could walk by flowers and they'd
bloom. This is real! They had the energy of creation and all of nature
saw it, all of the children saw it, and the animals saw it. Even dense
adults, ones based in an older energy who didn't understand anything
spiritual, just wanted to sit next to them. Masters were "best friends."
They listened and had no agenda. They would laugh at life and things
around them, always including the Humans around them in the
frivolity, always creating joy wherever they went. Their lives were
infectious, and everyone wanted to sit and listen, to just "be" and
absorb what they had to offer. More than the miracles they
occasionally offered, it was the countenance of peace they offered - a
solace in the midst of distress or sadness. Just a moment with them
could take away the worst depression or dramatic energy.

A painting of the Christ hangs laughing in the hallway outside [in the
church]. Perhaps he doesn't represent your religion or your spiritual
lineage. Did you know that he doesn't care? Why, then, should you?
Most humans just wanted to be with him, wouldn't you - just for a
moment? Talk about anything you want! Can you imagine if he were
here? What would this magnificent master have to offer? I want to
tell you: He would offer you honor, love, companionship and peace.
He would never try to enlist you in his movement or ask you to join
anything. He would simply "care." Masters are like that, all of them.
You'd just want to sit next to them and feel the love and enjoy the
presence and know all is well. You know I'm right. So here's the
puzzle. How would you like that for yourself, to be so alive with that
which is inside, so intense, that all those around you simply want to
be with you? They don't want you to do anything; they just want to
be with you.

It is the new paradigm of the evolving Human Spirit that more and
more Humans will be like this. Politics won't drive them to yell at you,
nor will their belief in God in whatever form. They will feel safe to be
with and you will know they care. They won't bore you with
continuous tapes of what is wrong in their lives. Instead, they will lift
you up. Do you know what will eventually take place when more are
like this? The answer is peace on Earth. How could it not, when there
are no agendas and only caring for one another? Too fluffy, you say?
Too unrealistic? Time moves slowly, and it's already happening. In
the most unusual places on Earth, it is happening; where politics and
rhetoric drives the unrest in the centers of countries, it's happening.
Where they are planning bombs to kill children, it is happening. The
seeds grow slowly, but time is on the side of the master gardener.

Mothers, Pay Attention

Mom, I'll tell you something: If you make the shift, one perception is
that your children will leave you. You are worried that you may
appear too odd to them, too strange. There are those who will tell
others that you have joined a cult. Now, this is for somebody reading.
Don't be afraid of it! Because the children are going to see God in
you! They're not going to see weirdness in you. Don't give them a
Kryon book! Just be a great mom. They'll find their own books. Give
the children credit for sensing the beautiful energy of the creator
inside you. They may eventually face off with you and say, "Mom, we
don't know what you are into, but whatever it is, we like it. We like
the new mom!" It's happening everywhere. This shift in perception is
creating masters at work, in families, in politics, and even in the
prisons. It's not about religion. It's about compassion for humanity
and the benefits that it brings. It's about an evolving Human spirit on
planet Earth that no longer cares about doctrines or organizations.

That's the perception we have, that humanity is evolving. Often it's a

long-term planting of spiritual seeds that sometimes don't bloom until
you come back in another body. What about that? But unless you do
it right now - allow the seeds to be planted - the next life is going to
have the same problems you've got today. So why not create a set-
up that allows for you to change your Akash now, so that no matter
what happens in the future, no matter what the incarnation or
expression you have, you're going to come in ready to work with a
light turned on? Then you never have to go through what you've
gone through this time, ever. How does it sound? Well, that's what
the Human Being can do in this energy. And that's our perception
today of you.

It's not a fearful God that is in the sky. Instead, it's a magnificent
family partner with a hand out. Can you get over the perception that
God is big and you're not? Can you get over the perception that God's
in the sky and you're not? Can you instead encompass the perception
that says you are everywhere and that God is you? When you walk
out the door tonight, you're not alone. When you have a perplexing
problem or a frustration, can you learn to breathe, relax, and get the
answer you need? It may not be in 3D that you get the answer. It
may not be in the numbers or the words, but you'll know which
direction to turn because you'll feel it. Trust first impressions. They're
the ones that are subtle, and they're the ones that you're not used
to. This is the energy that you are learning to feel that is expanded
outside of the box that you're in. Don't analyze it, don't intellectualize
it. Listen to your heart. There is a balance between the intellectual
and the heart. It's needed to move into the areas that we speak of.
Don't throw away your logic. Enhance it with your heart.

There is a woman sitting here who used to hold a very big sword, and
she knows who she is. In battle, she was great. And now she holds
the sword differently. Today, it's the sword of truth, and she slays
drama. She slays all things inappropriate and the sword is even
bigger. You don't know who you are. Maybe it's time you listened to
what is inside? Your DNA knows. Inside your DNA, 90 percent of it is
involved in a spiritual quest. Ninety percent is quantum. Less than
five percent of DNA makes more than 20,000 Human genes, the 3D
part that science thought would be the blueprint of the Human. It
wasn't. The other 90 percent is. It's energy and information, the
beauty of the Higher-Self, the angel inside, the guides and the
amazing Akashic Record.

All of this mastery is in every single Human Being, and you are
beginning to activate it. It brings you to the chairs today, does it not?
It makes you wonder why you're here. I know why you're here. I
know what brought you here. You all have something in common.
You're all my family. Do you even remember what the Universe looks
like? You can hardly wait to experience it again - beautiful beyond
words, glorious with energies that you will remember when you
return, and complete with your soul.
Astronomers, pay attention, for you're looking at a benevolent
creator, and you can see it in that which is created in the Universe. It
is biased for life and not random. There is a system and physics is
even now starting to discover it. You even gave it a name - intelligent
design. There it is - proof, if you wish, that God is good. Do you have
a fearful God or do you have a family member? That's the question
we leave you with. Perception. How can you fear it if it's part of you?
Instead, change the perception.

When you do, you're going to find something that you didn't expect.
As you vibrate higher, all of the things that have been in a higher
vibration will start to show themselves. Formerly invisible to you in a
lower vibration, these energies will be observable and usable in a
higher one. The tools lay there, unused and ready. Manifestation is
yours. Longer life, the elimination of disease, the beginning of your
being able to change your own cellular structure, your cellular
makeup, able to do things that only stem cells can do, now with your
very conscious thought. It has always been there. But you're going to
have to vibrate higher to see and use it.

Perception. How do you perceive us? I hope today has changed it.
And you will see us the way we are - a family with our hands out,
ready to take you on a journey you didn't expect.

And so it is.


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