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Nama : Arif Andri Panjaitan

NIM : 7193210004

1. Explain why information systems are so essential in business today.

Information systems are the basis for today's business operations. In many
industries the survival of enterprises is very difficult without the widespread use of information
technology. Information systems are important in helping companies run in the global
economy. Organizations strive to be more competitive and efficient by turning themselves into
digital companies that use digital technology in terms of business processes, customer relations,
suppliers, and employees. Businesses today use information systems to achieve the main goals
of the organization; operational excellence, new products, services and business models,
customer-supplier relationships, improve decision-making processes, excellence and survival
from day to day.

2. Define an information system from both a technical and a business perspective.

From a technical perspective, an information system collects, stores, and
disseminates information from the organization's environment and internal operations to
support organizational functions and decision making, communication, coordination,
monitoring, analysis, and representation. Information systems convert raw data into useful
information through three basic activities: input, process and output.
From a business perspective, information systems provide solutions to problems or
challenges faced by companies and provide real economic value for companies.

3. Identify and describe the three dimensions of information systems.

1. Organization. Information systems are an integral part of the organization. The key
elements of an organization are its people, structure, business processes, and
2. Management. The task of management is to try to understand the many situations
faced by the organization, make decisions, and formulate action plans to solve
organizational problems.
3. Technology. Information technology is one of the many tools managers use to deal
with change. Technology requires people to run and manage it, represents a
resource that can be shared across the organization and forms an information
technology infrastructure.

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