Solar Energy Essay

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Use of solar energy

Nowadays, there is an increasing emphasis on ecological energy production from renewable

energy sources. Renewable energy sources are energy sources that come from nature and
can be renewable. The most commonly used energy is solar, wind and water. In contrast,
fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas are non-renewable, have higher CO2 emissions and are
more harmful to the environment. Renewable energy sources will not run out, while other
sources will be consumed, or will become too expensive.
Solar energy can be directly converted into heat or electricity, and these are actually useful
forms of energy. Electricity is the most useful form of energy for humanity today because it
can be easily converted into useful work. Solar energy is the "engine" for almost all
renewable energy sources. Solar energy is a renewable energy source because it cannot be
consumed like fossil fuels and a very clean energy source after installation because there are
no harmful emissions or pollution caused by the use of solar panels or solar cells. The basic
principles of direct use of solar energy are: Solar panels or collectors - solar energy is
converted into thermal energy. It is mostly used for water heating. Focusing solar energy -
use in large power plants. Solar cells - Converting solar energy directly into electricity. In the
Republic of Croatia, more and more importance is attached to renewable energy sources,
which is why various incentive programs are often introduced - both for individuals and legal
entities. The Republic of Croatia, as a member of the EU, has committed itself to accepting
the European climate and energy package and has undertaken to increase the use of energy
from renewable sources. Although due to the amount of sun Croatia is an ideal climate for
the use of solar energy, unfortunately the potential, most likely for bureaucratic reasons, has
not been used.
Renewable energy technologies are directly and indirectly powered by the sun. The sun is an
inexhaustible source of renewable energy. Solar energy is not polluting, and is also free. So
the goal should be to make the most of solar energy. In addition to the known examples of
using solar energy to heat space, water, swimming pools and to produce electricity for
lighting, solar energy can be applied in many other ways.

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