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Ecommerce stores are always open.

The sheer accessibility of ecommerce has transformed shopping for both consumers and businesses.
Now, customers can buy almost anything — anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Today’s consumers
expect this as a fundamental component of the online shopping experience.

As such, businesses must provide seamless ecommerce experiences across channels to meet customers’
shopping expectations. They also need the ability to fulfill purchases quickly, a process aided by the
sophisticated order management software built into some ecommerce platforms, which can also be
configured to extend the accessibility of ecommerce into physical stores.

Ecommerce has increased competition.

The open, extensive, and endlessly competitive landscape of ecommerce is great for consumers, 80% of
whom are more likely to shop where they have seamless and connected digital shopping experiences.
Ecommerce is the great commercial equalizer — any business of any size can succeed and scale online.

Many tools and platforms for providing these experiences are readily available to help any business
succeed in ecommerce. It is also easier than ever for brands to outsource ecommerce infrastructure to
an outside provider, eliminating the need to develop costly and inflexible in-house solutions.

Ecommerce data drives business decisions.

Ecommerce isn’t just great for consumers, of course. It also provides a whole new world of customer
data and insights for businesses, which can drive truly impactful marketing and product development
decisions. A solid ecommerce platform will automatically collect data from digital shoppers, allowing
businesses to know customers more intimately than ever before, with every click they make.

By coupling consumer insights with the power of artificial intelligence, brands can finally conquer
effective personalization and exceed customer expectations time and time again. Most consumers

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