Lab 9

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Plasmodium species Characteristics/ morphological Features


a. Plasmodium falcifarum Young rings Black course 6-23 Crescent,
are small, and Average is 20- sausage-
delicate, often conspicuous in 24. elongate
with double gametocyte. shape.
b. Plasmodium vivax Irregular, Golden brown, 12-24 Rounded.
ameboid in inconspicuous. Average is 16.
has spread out
c. Plasmodium ovale Rounded, Dark brown, 6-12 Rounded.
compact conspicuous. Average is 8,
trophozoite “rosette”
with dense schizonts are
cytoplasm/ sometimes
band form seen.
troph are
rarely seen
d. Plasmodium malaria Rounded, Dark brown, 6-12 Rounded.
compact conspicuous. Average is 8,
trophozoite “rosette”
with dense schizonts are
cytoplasm/ sometimes
band form seen.
troph are
rarely seen


Protozoan Source of infection Mode of Transmission Diseases caused by

Parasites Protozoan parasite
a. Entamoeba Occurs by ingestion of Transmitted primarily Amebiasis
histolytica mature cysts (2) in through the fecal-oral
fecally contaminated route. Infective cysts
food, water, or hands. can be found in fecally
Excystation (3) occurs contaminated food and
in the small intestine water supplies and
and trophozoites (4) contaminated hands of
are released, which food handlers.
migrate to the large
b. Acanthamoeba Microscopic, free-living The mode of Granulomatous
ameba (single-celled transmission includes Encephalitis,
living organism) called inhalation of cysts and
Acanthamoeba. trophozoites carried by
Acanthamoeba causes the wind through the
Acanthamoeba respiratory tract,
keratitis when it infects improper contact lens-
the transparent outer care practices, or direct
covering of the eye skin contact by
called the cornea. traumatic injection or
entry through
preexisting wounds or
c. Entamoeba It is transmitted Entamoeba coli is one Amoebiasis
coli through fecal-oral of many non-
contact. Typically, pathogenic protozoa
mature cysts are found in humans. It is
ingested from transmitted through
contaminated water fecal-oral contact.
and food sources. The
highest prevalence
occurs in areas with
inadequate sanitation,
typically in rural areas.
d. Giardia lambia Contaminated water Transmission occurs Giardiasis
can be in swimming from person to person
pools, spas, and bodies and animal to person
of water, such as lakes. via hand-to-mouth
Sources of transfer of cysts from
contamination include infected faeces or
animal feces, diapers, faecally contaminated
and agricultural runoff. surfaces.
e. Trichomonas Trich is caused by a Transmission. Trichomoniasis
vaginalis one-celled protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis
organism called is typically transmitted
Trichomonas vaginalis. through vaginal, oral,
It travels from person or anal sex with an
to person through infected individual. It
genital contact during can also be passed
sex or from shared sex from a mother to her
toys. baby at birth, as
evidenced by the
discovery of the
parasite in the
newborn's lungs.
f. Balantidium coli While this type of Transmitted through Balantidiasis
infection is uncommon the fecal-oral route.
in the United States, Humans can become
humans and other infected by eating and
mammals can become drinking contaminated
infected with food and water that
Balantidium coli by has come into contact
ingesting infective cysts with infective animal or
from food and water human fecal matter.
that is contaminated by
g. Trypanosoma Microscopic parasites Majority of infections Sleeping sickness
species of the species are transmitted by the
Trypanosoma brucei. It tsetse flies, other
is transmitted by the modes of transmission
tsetse fly (Glossina are possible.
species), which is found
only in sub-Saharan
h. Leishmania The protozoan Transmitted by the bite Leishmaniasis
species Leishmania parasites of infected female
which are transmitted phlebotomine sand
by the bite of infected flies.
female phlebotomine
i. Plasmodium Infection is transmitted Malaria is transmitted Malaria
species to humans by the by the bite of an
female anopheline infective female
mosquito. The genus Anopheles mosquito.
Plasmodium includes > Transfusion of blood
170 different species from infected persons
that infect mammals, and use of
reptiles, birds, and contaminated needles
amphibians. and syringes are other
potential modes of

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